In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 183 - Ch183. Vengeance 2

Chapter 183 - Ch183. Vengeance 2

Finally, after a few months of relentless effort, Yugito received her pass from Ringo. It was not easy. Far from it. Many times she wanted to snarl and curse the woman when she bruised black and blue went to sleep. Pain became a constant companion and Yugito really understood that the woman she thought to be the quietest and most 'normal' out of Rei's wives was actually craziest of them all when it came to training. Yugito was only glad she had a natural grace, nimbleness, and sense of balance of a cat otherwise... she shuddered at how much harder the training would be for her.

But now that she finally passed... she could, at last, have her vengeance.

Yugito clad in her kunoichi attire stood on the top of one of Kumogakure's towers, breathing the chilly night air as she reminisced about her time in the village while looking around the clouds-covered towers in the mountains... her birthplace.

Kumogakure was a really nostalgic sight for her. As someone who grew up half on the streets, Yugito knew quite a lot about the layout of the village. But after spending so much time with Mei and her family, Yugito no longer felt that Kumogakure was her home. It took but a few lessons from Konan to understand. She was a kunoichi of Kumo. She was a jinchuuriki of Kumo. Naturally, she was indoctrinated to be loyal to Kumo.

Looking back, Yugito doubted she would follow Mei if her friend didn't surprise her in her moment of weakness. But as it was, Mei approached her when she felt especially down, and here she ended up. On the roof of a tower where one of the councilors responsible for her misery lived.

The man... wasn't going to survive tonight.

Yugito sneaked inside the tower through the window, opting to enter from the top rather than the bottom where most guards were concentrated. She nimbly and soundlessly strode through the dark halls, melding her presence into every shadow to make her small body even less spottable to others.

The first patrol was easy to bypass. She only had to use the teachings of Ringo which said... if you can't go through or around without being spotted, you have to go from above. Yugito carefully walked on the ceiling to get past the team of two ninjas who patrolled the halls. They were not anything extraordinary by any stretch. Simple chunins but still annoying to dodge in narrow hallways of the tower without being spotted.

The second patrol group was also easy if a bit riskier. Yugito hid behind a corner and waited for them to pass, ready to strike if they turned in her direction and saw her. Fortunately for them, they didn't.

It was the third time she saw guards that became a slight problem. Two guys who stood in front of the door leading towards her target. Really... there was no dodging those.

"Always be smart about proceeding forward, silence is the key, huh?" Yugito muttered the third rule of assassination Ringo taught her and her eyes shrewdly gleamed.

Using the cover of the night, Yugito used chakra sting to entwine around a leg of one guard. Chakra strings were one of the most practiced things in Ringo's training montage because of how 'easy' and dead useful they were in many practical uses. Sadly, one had to have incredible chakra control to make them almost invisible and Yugito was a jinchuuriki...

Yeah, she was extremely glad she chose nighttime for her little operation. Her control still s.u.c.k.e.d enough to make creating invisible strings impossible.

Her string prepared, she then sneaked on the ceiling to get above the guards. After she was in the position, it was entirely too easy to drop in front of them while slashing the throat of the guard who didn't have the string around his ankle while the one that did was pulled up, screaming bloody murder only for no sound to leave his throat because of a silencing seal Yugito slapped on his shoulder mid-drop. Yugito's hand caught the body of the man whose throat she slit and placed it onto the ground before finishing off the man who hanged upside down on the chakra string by his ankle.

Two corpse storage scrolls and two shadow clones that henged into the guards later, and Yugito was ready to enter the room. After all, it wouldn't do for someone to stumble into these parts of the tower and discover the door unguarded. That would ring too many unnecessary alarms.

Putting a silencing seal on the door, Yugito slowly and soundlessly opened them, sneaking inside. One very delightful part of being Nibi's jinchuuriki was her ability to naturally see at night so the darkness in the room didn't bother Yugito one bit. She frowned, however, as her s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e nose caught the smell of s.e.x in the room, and then she saw the man whose life she swore to end. He simply lied there under the sheets, soundly sleeping without any alert with three women dr.a.p.ed over him, also asleep.

'And this is why Rei made sure to drill into my head all those alert seals.' Yugito inwardly hummed.

The vulnerable man in front of her was one of the most skilled jonins of Kumo. Or at least,... has been. Life in luxury and attending to political matters clearly considerably dulled his instincts. The man was still fit and muscled but...

'No matter who or how powerful your target is, they are as vulnerable as any backward farmer while sleeping. Choose the moment of your strike wisely. Assassination rule number five.' Yugito remembered and couldn't help but agree.

From there, it wasn't hard to use chakra strings to move silencing tags on the walls and then some knock-out tags onto the bodies of the women while also putting chakra restraining tags onto the man himself. This clearly woke the councilor up as he started thrashing around with his arms and legs bound, trying to scream for guards. His panic was simply music for Yugito's ears.

Yugito amusedly watched as the man tried to get off his bindings only to fall down from the bed and stifle a painful groan before moving like a worm on the ground. He still didn't notice her standing in the corner which made Yugito's sadistic streak just that much more satisfied. The man had no idea what was going on and his mind was in chaos. Eh... Yugito would let him stem in it for a bit. There was no need to hurry so much anyway.

It took but five minutes for the man to finally calm down. Seeing as his restraints wouldn't fall off no matter how he thrashed, he tried a different method.

"Hello? Anyone there?" He asked with a shaky voice. As a political superpower in Kumogakure, he knew he had many enemies but this was his tower. His home. The place where he was most guarded. He could do anything inside and nobody would even notice. To think he would be attacked here... the man was now really, really scared.

Yugito slowly nodded as she stepped out of the shadows. She didn't have THAT much time. There were still four more unwilling participants to her tor-, ahem, as Tsunade would call it, hands-on anatomy classes.

"Y-You!?" The councilor shrieked, dread creeping into his gaze. Political opponents could be negotiated with. Assassins could be paid off. But the woman in front of him? He knew he did her wrong. Horribly wrong but he never even in his worst nightmares would imagine seeing the previous jinchuuriki again!

The moment he saw her cold gaze, he knew he was f.u.c.k.e.d beyond measure.

"I... N-No. I didn't want to hurt you!" The man started in panic, pleadingly staring at Yugito whose lips twitched upwards at these words. "I-"

"I don't want to hurt you either." Yugito interrupted him with an uplifting voice. Causing the panic of the man to slightly decrease. "I simply want you to suffer." She added indifferently as if she was describing the weather, causing the eyes of the councilor to shrink.

It would be only in the morning that Kumogakure would learn how bloody the previous silent night was, getting only a single message in return.

A message saying,

'Yozora is displeased.'

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