In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 199 - Ch199. A letter for Hiruzen

Chapter 199 - Ch199. A letter for Hiruzen

Anko watched the Hokage with bated breath as his eyebrows furrowed in worry at the first sign of the Senju clan insignia on the letter. Outwardly, she was as cool as cuc.u.mber, completely impassive with a mild but restrained curiosity showing in her eyes. Exactly as an obedient ninja should look in front of his Hokage whom he handed a secret missive. Inwardly though? Inwardly, Anko was almost jumping from the sheer anticipation of Hiruzen's reaction. She was also very worried too. Tsunade warned Anko that she would have quite a few problems in the immediate future. Thankfully, she also gave her the necessary tools to mitigate most of it.

While Anko was inwardly gloating, Hiruzen was looking at the insignia with hidden indignation, not liking where this was going. Tsunade he knew would never send him a letter marked like. This was not a letter from Tsunade Senju but the clan head of the Senju clan. That really didn't put Hiruzen at ease.

Nevertheless, inside of him a small hope that it would be just a declaration of her marriage and notice of her impending visit to Konoha sparked in his c.h.e.s.t as he opened the letter and started reading.


Hiruzen Sarutobi,

In my capacity as the Head of the Senju Clan, I, Tsunade Senju, notify you that one, Anko Mitarashi, is from hence on a ward of the Senju Clan. As such, I demand in my capacity as the Head of the Senju Clan, Anko's immediate discharge from the Red List.


Reading that, Hiruzen's stomach sank. He gave a tentative glance at Anko, noticing her dispassionate visage, and inwardly sighed, realizing she most likely already knew. As if acting clueless could fool him. He started reading again.


Sarutobi... you WILL cease all attempts at manipulation, understood? You also will NOT assign any ANBU to watch her. I won't stand for such treatment of one of mine!


At this part, Hiruzen winced. He already planned to have ANBU on Anko 24/7. She was Orochimaru's student and now had the zealous backing of the Senju clan. She just became one very dangerous girl. There was no way he could leave her unsupervised. Who knows what kind of mayhem she would have caused!

Unfortunately for him, Hiruzen was aware that the second his ANBU were spotted by Anko, and he was sure they would have been spotted, she would inform Tsunade and Tsunade would cause problems. Problems he did not need in the current political situation with Uchihas rearing their ugly heads.


If you are worried about the Snake Summoning Contract, know that I made damn sure to find out which of Anko's snakes are loyal to her and which are not. Right now, none of her summons are disloyal to her. I PERSONALLY made sure of that.


'Uh-oh, Tsunade is basically telling me there were some disloyal snakes in Anko's employ before she went through them.' Hiruzen understood the hidden message.


My husband, on the other hand, made sure to erase the Cursed Seal on Anko's left shoulder. No longer do you and your old flunkies on the council have to fear Anko suddenly turning traitor because of that. Meaning... I don't want to hear even one word about her not being trustworthy! Just try to manipulate the council in this direction, Hiruzen, I dare you! I will raise hell!


And just like that, all plans of discrediting the new ward of the Senju clan crashed in front of Hiruzen's eyes. So far, Hiruzen wasn't worried. Sure Anko gained some political clout. She also gained a reason to distrust him. And she would most likely ever-so-slightly slip his manipulations. But he always had the option of citing her Cursed Seal to get her in line. Now though?

Hiruzen's eyes snapped at Anko's left shoulder, making her instantly aware of which part of the letter he was currently at. She really couldn't help but give him a genuine smile and enjoy as he winced. Tsunade told her that even Danzo would most likely lay off her case now that there was no possibly mind-controlling seal on her.

That day, Rei truly became one of Anko's heroes and her loyalty became ironclad, if not very well hidden fanatical one. After all, he pulled a piece of Orochimaru's soul out of her! Anko was still shuddering at that thought.

Hiruzen, with his plans regarding Anko now completely ruined, continued to read, somewhat miffed but still mostly okay. After all, Anko was still not all that important in the grand scheme of things. Sure, she could make some waves in the village now but he decided to let Tsunade have her way. It would be infinitely worse if the waves came from the Head of the Senju clan rather than an unimportant ward of the said clan.

On another, more important, note, I am fine with you overseeing the lands of Konoha in my stead.


Reading that sentence, Hiruzen stilled, his face becoming white as snow.

'She knows.' He thought in untold horror. 'Shiiiiiit!'


That said, I will make use of my right to demand changes if I deem them right and I WILL expect you to respect my wishes. The lands on which Konoha is standing are MINE! There won't be ANY argument if I decide to change something. It is my RIGHT.

Such are my demands in accordance with my rights as the Head of the Senju Clan, and the laws of Konoha. If you, for any reason, decide to impede my birthright any further, I will make sure to complain to the Daimyo. Don't misunderstand, Hiruzen Sarutobi. I am perfectly aware of what that would mean for Konoha, and the Sarutobi clan, and I already made sure the Daimyo is fully willing to go along with that.

P. S.: Make sure you remember that, old man. I had a nice long chat with Toyotomi about these things and I must say I am not amused. In fact, I am furious. Don't give me a reason to lash out because I am not trusting myself from keeping calm enough to not cause a disaster for you.

Tsunade Senju, the Head of the Senju Clan, the founding clan of Konoha.

Hiruzen gazed at the letter with unblinking, empty eyes, not knowing if he should be glad or worried. On one hand, Tsunade gave him permission to oversee the lands of Konoha, meaning she was not really interested in them. On another, he was regaled to a glorified manager for her. Arguably, he was always that but now he had somebody looking over his shoulder.

The real problem was the threat Tsunade used and that she didn't mention only him but also the Sarutobi clan. Hiruzen could already see it. A dispute between him, the Hokage who got the village through two shinobi wars, and the Senju clan backed by the Daimyo. It would simply cause a civil war as people would start taking sides. For one, Hiruzen had no illusions about whose side would Danzo join. And there were many clans who didn't exactly trust him. Heck, even Uchihas would most likely join the Senju Clan if it came to that. Hiruzen had to accept that his pupil decided to have her way or start a civil war.

'Why would she be so sure it would lead to a civil war, though?' Hiruzen asked himself. Suddenly, his eyes widened as a realization hit him. He hastily read through the last two paragraphs. His heart almost stopped when he finally understood, 'She knows about her right to become a Daimyo of Konoha if the council is corrupted!'

Panic gripped him. He knew well just how corrupt the current council was. As unsettling thoughts swirled through his head, Hiruzen suddenly heard Anko clear her throat.

"You are dismissed, Chunin Mitarashi." He distractedly said, not paying her much attention.

Anko nodded and turned on her heel, leaving the room. 'Hah, All according to Lady Tsunade's plan. The old man is far too preoccupied with the realization that Tsunade, someone who is not even in the village, can cause mayhem, and completely disregarded me, someone who IS inside the village and on the payroll of Tsunade. Heh, time to do my job, I guess.' She inwardly shook her head in bemus.e.m.e.nt and went on her merry way to finish the first stage of Tsunade's plan.

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