In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 246 - Ch246. Tsunade, back in the Fire Country

Chapter 246 - Ch246. Tsunade, back in the Fire Country

Author Note:

For those who won't get it, this is somewhat of a flashback or Tsunade's point of view of what was happening on her side while Rei and Konan were busy with the Sunagakure.??


While Rei and Konan focused on Sunagakure, Tsunade holed herself up in the Fire Daimyo's library, studying various laws and putting together doc.u.ment after doc.u.ment that would help her own plan. She was no stranger to intense studying and memorization. After all, medic-nins were one of the most knowledgeable people in the shinobi ranks and she was the best of them. To treat an injury, one first had to know the cause and that, unfortunately, meant the medic-nin needed extensive knowledge of Jutsu and its effects, of genetics, of illnesses, of practically everything that could cause harm.

That said, it was only one month since she left the Village on the Other Side but after the last month practically swimming in law books, Tsunade had had enough for a lifetime. Not even the castle guards or the Twelve Guardian Ninja of the Fire Daimyo dared to approach her, recognizing her crankiness the second she stepped into the room with her massive scowl and wild, irritated gait. Thankfully, she had enough presence of mind to wear her special genjutsu. If the Konoha ninjas in the Twelve Guardians recognized her, Tsunade was almost sure she would have had to crack some skulls by now.

Tsunade dropped into her designated place, right next to the most favorite concubine of the Fire Daimyo who still occasionally threw her suspicious and guarded glances. Tsunade long ago learned to ignore the polite fake who thought she would stoop so low as to try her hand at seducing the Daimyo. The same man to whom she refused to be married to in her youth. Not that Tsunade could in any way refute the suspicion or provide some kind of proof. She couldn't just start proclaiming she was the wife of the hidden Daimyo of the Spring Country, now, could she?

She was, after all, in disguise of Nadetsu Juusen, the president of the Biri-Biri company who was currently on vacation in the Fire Capital and took a shine to the Daimyo's library. It was quite hilarious too... eating right next to Sarutobi Asuma while the boy tried to flirt with her, not recognizing her even after a month of deflecting his advances.

'Poor Kurenai.' Tsunade could just shake her head. She was the head medic during the third shinobi war and that meant something. Ninjas trusted medics. They talked to them and said things they would not tell others. Especially when both the patient and the medic were kunoichi. The little academy student Kurenai Yuhi was very forthcoming with the information about her crush on the youngest of the Sarutobi boys. Tsunade already decided to approach the woman and offer her a chance at learning 'How-to-Medic-nin' from her. The girl had incredible chakra control and if Tsunade wasn't so sure she would have had to leave after the third war, she would have taken the girl into her care there and then. Then again, at that time, nothing was ever so simple. Tsunade wasn't even sure if or where her new home would be during these uncertain days. She only knew she wanted to be with Rei and that Rei was about to defect from Kiri.

'Look at me... getting all nostalgic and stuff.' She inwardly rebuked herself, trying to cover the small gentle smile that bloomed on her face by taking a sip from her hot chocolate milk. 'Fifty years of age, huh? I guess I finally left my puberty by the Senju and Uzumaki standards.' Tsunade giggled, attracting the attention of the people dining with her.

"Oh~, someone is in a good mood today." Asuma quipped, causing the Fire Daimyo to lift his eyebrow at Tsunade who simply shrugged.

"I finished with my research." She nonchalantly announced, causing the Daimyo to smile warmly at his childhood friend.

"That's good to know, 'Nade. Will you be leaving soon, then? You should inform me about these things sooner. I need to throw you a goodbye party!" He giddily exclaimed. Honestly, the man was very grateful to Rei for the deals between his nation and the Spring Country. The economy was steadily improving, the previously tarnished diplomatic ties started to repair, the still leery allies started to lose their tension caused by the f.u.c.k-up called Jiraiya's wedding... and it all was the influence of the trade agreements with the Spring Country.

Really, Tsunade did him an incredible favor by bringing her husband for a visit. The Fire Daimyo knew Tsunade's goal and had no problem with it. Then again, he would not give her active support either. Not that he deluded himself she needed him. She could simply go and take what she wanted, taking names and kicking balls. He would know. He could still feel the kick to the balls she delivered to him when they were kids after she got to know about their impending betrothal. The Fire Daimyo shuddered, thanking heaven Tsunade didn't have her super strength technique back then...

"You are already leaving, Lady Nadetsu?" Asuma butted into the conversation with wide eyes, earning himself a few incredulous looks. The man was one of the Fire Daimyo's guardians and his place behind the table was only a courtesy to his father. Him interrupting the conversation between the Daimyo and his guest was one massive breach of etiquette. Then again, he still was the son of the Hokage and as such, the Daimyo had begged Tsunade to bear with him after the first time he tried to flirt with her. Otherwise, she would have long ago sent the young monkey back to Konoha via an intimate meeting of his ching with her fist, getting a lift by the kinetic force taxi agency.

Asuma really found Nadetsu Juusen enchanting. She had dark skin, was petite with a nice curvaceous body, had a pretty face, melodious voice, and exotic hair color. She was a beautiful woman and her beauty was only enhanced by the fact she was the president of the biggest and ric.h.e.s.t international company in the entire Elemental Nations. Asuma wasn't really proud of being the son of the Hokage. It wasn't his achievement. Not really. Despite that, he was a ninja and knew how to make use of his special advantage. Yet... Hokage's son or not, Nadetsu didn't even try being polite with him. Now, Asuma had his manly pride and refused to back down.

Even he had no idea when exactly did his passing interest change to something more, something genuine. Unfortunately for him, now it seemed his pride would not be sated.

Asuma wasn't some bratty child, however. He noticed the looks aimed at him from the favored mistress of the Daimyo and his children. Not that he cared. As long as the Daimyo is not reprimanding him, the others couldn't do much. "May I inquire where you will be going, Lady Nadetsu?" He asked.

Tsunade's first knee-jerk reaction was to tell him where he could stick his question. Then, however, she got a better idea, "Ah. I wanted to visit Konoha because I honestly admire Tsunade Senju. You are from Konoha, Asuma-san, right? What do you think about Tsunade? What kind of person is she?" Tsunade calmly asked, making the Daimyo stifle his guffaw.

Asuma frowned and scrunched his eyebrows, "Oh... her?" He remarked and his dislike almost poured from him, "You shouldn't admire that woman, Lady Nadetsu," He started in a tone as if he was giving her some kind of profound advice, to which Tsunade could only amusedly lift her eyebrow at the man.

"Oh, and why is that? I heard she is the best doctor in the world. That's something admirable, don't you think?"

"I am not disputing that. She really is the best." Asuma nodded before leaning towards Nadetsu as if he was about to disclose some kind of secret, "But she is also a very traitorous person."

"Oh, my! You don't say!" Tsunade mock-gasped in surprise while Daimyo gaped at Asuma. 'Well, just wait until my plan is finished, brat! I will show you traitorous! It was your father who let my clan be hunted like animals without alerting anyone!' She inwardly seethed.

"Yes. The second the third war ended, she left the village! Nobody can find her. My father tried for years to locate her." Asuma sighed in exasperation, "He puts so much attention to that bitch who is who knows where!" He grumbled. "She had a responsibility to the village, Lady Nadetsu. I am sure you understand. You too can't just ditch the company and go do whatever you wish whenever you wish."

'That's exactly what I did though.' Tsunade inwardly deadpanned.

"Tsunade was our medic. Everything she knows, she has Konoha to thank for. My father to thank for." Asuma dramatically shook his head, "And yet she simply doesn't appreciate all the effort put into her."

'What do they teach kids in Konoha nowadays?' Tsunade mused while her eyebrow twitched, 'All of my medical knowledge is from my own research or the Senju library. Sure, the old monkey was a good teacher when he finally got to teaching me something. That said, he was far too preoccupied with Orochimaru and later Jiraiya who, according to him, didn't have a clan to support them. And now his spawn now wants me to kowtow to the old man for basically neglecting me?' Tsunade's lips started turning into a frown.

"At least, she trained her apprentice, Shizune. That woman is a very good medic too. She is a gentle and very good person." Asuma said, stopping all of Tsunade's disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at the mention of her old apprentice. Something in how he said it didn't mesh well with Tsunade.

"Do you know Miss Shizune well, Mr. Asuma?"

"Ah... well, we dated a bit back in the day." Asuma shrugged, "She is a fine woman but I don't think she is the one for me. She was more of a fling, to be honest. I am far too free-spirited and need somebody more... exotic, maybe even feisty, who could rein me in." He winked at Tsunade who stared at him with an unamused look.

The last time Anko contacted her, Shizune was basically swooning about her Sarutobi boyfriend. It was a very peculiar situation and Tsunade was very excited to hear about it considering last Tsunade knew, Kurenai wanted to sink her fangs into the youngest Sarutobi boy too. She really wanted to see how that would go. But… As far as Tsunade knew, Shizune and Asuma did not break up... yet. She could withstand a light flirting from Asuma's side. Men had their urges, plus it was none of her business. For all Tsuande knew, Shizune might even allow him to sleep around. This, however...

"So, are you visiting Konoha, Miss Nadetsu?" The Fire Daimyo quickly interrupted as he saw Tsunade's eyes darkening.

Tsunade looked at him and pursed her lips in disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, almost forming a sneer before she distractedly answered, "Ah, I think I will have to go... home. I just found out it's up for serious uprooting and springtime cleaning."

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