In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[100] Painful, But Still, A Deal Fulfilled

Chapter 100: Painful, But Still, A Deal Fulfilled

While Hashirama and Hancock were dealing with their misunderstandings, something peculiar was happening in Amazon Lily.

Gloriosa, the oldest member of the Kuja Pirates, and also the Snake Empress from three generations prior to Hancock herself, was in a room that was occupied by five statues. Four of them were of women of different ages, and the last one was of a duck.

Naturally, they were the petrified members of the Senju Pirates, excluding the captain himself. In hindsight, there was nothing interesting to see, other than the princess there was nobody else worth noting. However, it was precisely Princess Nefertari Vivi that had all of Gloriosa’s attention.

Silently, she was observing the girl’s face. It had been a while since she had been staring at the petrified young lady. Finally, Gloriosa moved her head to the side and looked at one of the walls of the room.

In the room, many portraits of women were hung. Those were the pictures of all the Snake Empresses of Amazon Lily to date. There weren’t even ten hung pictures, actually. Since Amazon Lily had only been established eight-hundred years ago.

On the top of all the pictures, one large picture stood. Given how it was the beginning of the pictures, one may assume it’s the first Snake Empress, and their assumption would be deemed correct.

“My… how uncanny.”

It was the picture of a blue-haired woman, smiling as she wore a crown on her head. Her parted blue hair mirrored Vivi Nefertari's own, and even her facial features were very close. Suspiciously so, almost as if they were related.

Then again, they surely were.

“For Empress Lily’s descendant to visit Amazon Lily all of a sudden…”

Nefertari Lily, one of the 20 rulers that formed the World Government, and the only one who didn’t join it. Eight hundred years ago, after the formation of WG, she sailed for her country, but she never reached Alabasta. People didn’t know what happened to her, and even Amazonians of this era didn’t know much, but they knew one thing. Somehow that woman had found herself on an island in Calm Belt, perhaps to hide from a certain force, and there she formed the country of Amazon Lily, naming it after her own name.

Gloriosa sighed and shook her head, turning away and walking out of the room.

“I hope this is a good omen and not a bad one. Since Hancock, that brat, turned her into stone…”

Sighing in worry and concern, the old woman walked away from the room. She wasn’t in the least worried about Hancock going missing — after all, if anything she trusted in that girl, it would be powers. Hancock should be enough to go against a little boy. Even if that boy was quite something, admittedly.

* * *

Gloriosa’s faith wasn’t exactly misplaced, but her assumption about Hashirama just didn’t catch everything he stood for. After all, she hadn’t seen his main powers in action. If not, she may have accurately predicted the current state that Hancock was in.

“You are…”

“If you say ‘you are joking’ I am going to slap you. I literally showed you my powers in person, stupid woman.”

Boa Hancock who was still in her prior state, tied and raised in the air, tried to say something for the first time in a few minutes. But she shut up when he replied, looking at her in impatience, Hancock flinched back.

Ever since she had become the Empress… No, ever since she had eaten her devil fruit, causing her natural beauty to become a weapon, she had never felt unsafe. She always felt in control, no matter where she was, or who she was comforting. She said what was in her mind and she acted as she pleased.

Now, for the first time since then, Hancock felt obliged to choose her words carefully. She did not want to offend, if he wasn’t enough already after all that conspired, because she needed him to do that thing he did with the ostrich.

Not that she could just remove the authoritative tone from her voice suddenly, it wasn’t even a conscious thing for her anymore, she talked like this subconsciously. Still, she chose her words carefully at least.

“Deal. You do that for me, and I will let you and your crew free, unharmed. As the Snake Empress, as Boa Hancock, you have my word.”


Hashirama clasped his hands and then twisted the grip a little. With that single motion, the tree branches loosened, causing Hancock to drop to her feet. The clones around them stood back up but didn’t disperse just in case.

Hashirama didn’t think she would attack him anymore, but it was better to be cautious than naught. He could read people better than others, and the current Boa Hancock was too easy to read, she was filled with hope and nervousness, and he could predict her movement.

“Come, lay down here. On your stomach, of course.”

He pointed at the makeshift bed where she was sleeping earlier. Boa Hancock hadn’t paid any attention to it before, but her eyes inevitably focused on it now. She noticed how comfortable it was made.

He hadn’t just thrown her on top of mere ground, he had put thoughts on it. So that she could rest in relaxation…

“Are you deaf?”

“A-ah, I am not.”

Hancock replied awkwardly and broke out of her daze. She quickly walked over to the bed and hesitated. Her hesitancy lasted for a second before she laid down on her stomach, her large breasts pushing down on the soft bed. She wasn’t worried that he would try anything, otherwise, he would have already done so when she was tied. Now she had a chance to resist too, unlike before.

Though it would be a lie to say she was comfortable. Far from it, she felt his gaze on her back. She was well aware that the thing she was wearing, a makeshift bikini made of leaves, didn’t cover her back as much as it covered her chest. It was just a thin line that connected in her back, so the red mark on her back was clear.

“Good, it’s in clear sight.”

Hashirama said with a nod, approaching her as began to sit down on her back. She was about to tell him to sit on the side and do it, but her body shivered as he sat down on her lower waist.

It was worth mentioning that what he was wearing was akin to a skirt, more than a pant. So it didn’t have anything covering below, so when he sat down, his private parts dropped on her back.

Hancock felt disgusting. She felt her bones go chill in the sensation.

A clone-rama walked from the side, standing by the main as if a nurse. Hashirama looked at it and motioned his head, as it nodded and used its wood release to create a sharp wooden knife.

“On a related note, a scar is tissues that are already healed. So there is nothing for me to ‘heal’ here on your back, unlike the ostrich. Using my power will have no effect on your back.”

He said that while putting a palm on her back; it lit up in green light, but there was no effect on her wound, as he said. Hancock grew confused, a spark of rage taking over her. If that was the case, then what-

“However, if I cut your back… if I peel your skin off in this part, and then heal it, it will look like brand new skin. Remember, this will be painful. I didn’t bother telling you this, because I am sure you don’t mind a little pain in response to losing the scar.”

Boa Hancock paused. She stayed motionless in her spot for a moment before sighing and nodding. She didn’t say anything and allowed him to continue.

“Good that you’re ready for pain. However, it won’t be as painful as you think. Nowhere near as painful as this mark gave you when it was put on you. Otherwise, it’d ruin half the purpose of my actions and remind you of that pain you’re trying to forget. I have this thing called anesthesia, it will relieve pain.”

The clone-rama beside him was making something with his bare hand, pouring a green liquid into a wooden bowl. By the time Hashirama finished his explanation, the clone finished and brought the bowl near Hancock’s mouth.

It was an awkward position for drinking anything, to be fair. She was laid on her stomach, after all. Noticing her gaze, the clone blinked and then a wooden pipe came out of his fingers. He put the pipe on the bowl and gestured for her to use it to drink.

Hancock hesitated a lot about drinking this. Because it may be something to get her drunk. She wasn’t ignorant of the drugs that men sometimes used on women to… Well, she had seen his power in work, but that didn’t mean she could trust him to actually do it to her too. He also didn’t tell her the mark couldn’t be healed on its own because apparently a scar was already healed tissues.

It’s as if he wanted her to drink it.

“No. Never mind. If it’s just pain, I can endure a lot. Go ahead and show me your knife work, I don’t need to drink anything.”

“If you say so.”

Hancock was expecting him to argue, trying to force her to eat it, but all she heard him say was a small line before she felt a sharp pain in her back.


She took a sharp breath in. It hurt. It hurt quite a bit as she felt his knife, wooden yet so sharp, move around her back in a precise manner. 

The thin line of her lead bikini cut, and fell to either side. His knife was cutting a square on her back, instead of cutting around the mark, because that way she would feel more pain. Even though his current way would make a larger cut, and therefore a larger peel of her skin.


For the next few minutes, she heard him make no sounds. It went against the basic impression she had of him. He was a loud, arrogant man, but now he was silent and precise, careful not to make her get too hurt.

In the first minute, his square finished, and then he began cutting from one corner of it to another. Like cutting a thin slice of steak, if she had to put it in perspective.

It was painful, it burned… but it did not burn as much as back then. Compared to that, this was bearable. Back then, she was a child, now she's an adult, someone strong.

Though sometimes Hancock was grateful that she was a child back then. If she was an adult, or at least just a few years older than she was, she may have faced a more terrible fate. Such as rape.

Rape wasn't uncommon there, and she was certainly beautiful enough to become prey for that. She only survived because she was a child… though not all children survived that fate either, such as her two sisters.

The Celestial Dragon that took an interest in Hancock wasn't attracted to children, but that couldn't be said for the other Nobles. Some of them bullied and used their slaves uncaring of their age, and Hancock's two sisters happened to fall prey to such fucking bastards.

That was one of the main reasons that she hated men. She also hated men because the Noble that had taken her in wasn't so pure either. He openly talked about the things he wanted to do to her when she would be of age, admitting how he was openly grooming her.

A lot of things played into a large domino, and in the end, she became what she was right now. Men were disgusting creatures, genetically lustful. It was perhaps fate itself, or maybe the devil of this world, that she ate a devil fruit that helped her use men's innate lust against themselves. 

It always worked. Nobody was immune to it. She knew Haki could block her power if one had strong enough Haki, but she herself had strong Haki too to counter that. So until now, it had never failed her.

Well, until she met this man who was sitting on top of her. For a moment, her mind focused on his manhood that was on her lower back. Despite the pain, she tried to focus on it. She didn't know why she did it, but the result surprised her.


While moaning in pain she realized he was soft. She knew how a man's manhood functioned. She was aware no man would be soft, sitting on top of her like this. Even if her back was bloody now.

That meant that he was just that focused to heal her. He was just that committed.


Suddenly, Hancock was surprised. A sense of relief and… something else filled her. She was confused about where it came from, it felt as if it was pouring out of her heart, but then she felt it was from her back. Yes, right, how could something like that come out of her heart?

It was coming from her back, and she was sure it was all bloody by now. She looked to the side to find the skin on her back was thrown to the side. Her naked flesh was visible. It was supposed to hurt since the strong wind was blowing on the beach, it was all supposed to burn. But the clones had erected a barrier around them already, so she felt fine.

She felt more than fine, she was feeling extreme relief. The pain from her back was cast away by a gentle green light, and a sense of euphoric pleasure was present in the spot instead. It wasn't all flowery, but it was getting there.


Hancock felt weird. Between her legs, she could feel something wet. Embarrassing, had she peed herself?

The process continued for more minutes. She lost track, her mind was blank, she was gasping for air, her face red, and a weird involuntary smile on her face.

All of a sudden, it all ended. Hancock felt her senses return, as she blinked, and as she noticed Hashirama standing up from her.

She didn't ask him anything, she just turned her head back to look at him. 

There was a small smile on his face. He looked at his red hands as a clone brought a large bowl of water where he cleaned all the blood.

Hancock couldn't find the courage to say anything. She didn't have to anyway since another clone brought a hand mirror and handed it over to Hashirama.

"Oh, would you look at this? The sea is filled with treasures. One of my clones found this on the beach. Here, take a look."

 Hancock hesitated as he held the mirror behind her. She slowly stood up, with one of her hands covering her chest. Yet, she was scared to look in the mirror.

She gulped.

Slowly, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she looked back at the mirror.

There, another Boa Hancock stared back at her. The two Hancocks then focused on their backs. Their… normal backs, wrapped in their rich lustrous skin.

Hancock stayed in that position for a long while, and Hashirama didn't move away. He let her take a good long look.

Until finally, two lines of tears trailed down his cheeks. She stared at the mirror, and then for the first time in decades, she let out a heartfelt loud laugh.

Hashirama couldn't help but smile seeing her laugh like that. People normally felt happy when someone laughed cheerfully from the bottom of their hearts.

Hancock turned around and yanked him by his hands. He couldn't react as he was pulled into her embrace, his face digging into her chest.

"Thank you."

She cried.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you…!"

She cried, and cried, as Hashirama felt awkward by the sudden change in her affection.

Not that he could complain, with large milky breasts choking his breath. It was fun, as she laughed, cried, and hugged him like the most precious thing in the universe.




Author’s Note: We are finally in chapter 100, crazy! It’s another milestone in my name, and on that note, The Cursed Gamer has reached Volume 4 as well. So for anyone who was planning to skip the Fate arc, waiting for the DxD Arc, it’s now available

If you want to read the next 20 chapters right away, visit my Patreon.


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