In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[108] A Supreme Wisp of Hope

Chapter 108: A Supreme Wisp of Hope

It was the month of June and the [Colosseum Pirate Tournament], as Doffy named it, was ready to take off. Everything was ready, prepared to go live tomorrow.

Today, the important guests and participants were arriving. A lot of the participants had come a week prior, deciding to check the beauty of the Country of Romance. Dressrosa’s natural beauty made it a great tourist spot, so they spent their last week here.

All-Star King, with a small crew of Beast Pirates, had come a few days ago. It was the same day as Charlotte Smoothie and a small crew of Big Mom Pirates. There was a slight skirmish between the two crews, but Doffy was prepared for such incidents – he had to be if he wanted to stay alive. So that problem was taken care of.

A lot of the strong participants, such as Chinjao the Drill and his grandkids, a giant from Elbalf - Hajrudin, and the Pirate Prince - Cavendish, have already appeared here. They were enjoying their stay, basking in the luxury of Dressrosa.

In fact, Doffy was notified about the presence of the “Blind Samurai”, a wandering monk-like man, who was also present in the country. Though his sources said it's unlikely that this man would join the tournament.

Sadly, the one Doffy was waiting for was yet to arrive. Sitting inside the large indoor pool, as his servants washed his body, Doffy couldn't help but frown, thinking why Tsunade Senju was yet to come.

He had received confirmation from her that she would come, and she even said that Boa Hancock – the woman whose powers were much more dangerous for Doffy – would come too. Yet, they were nowhere to be seen.


Suddenly, a soft voice called. Doffy found none other than his sweet Viola, entering the bath through the main door. She wore a fuchsia dress, unlike all the naked girls here, and hid her expression under a veil of indifference as she leaned over to his ears.

"Tsunade Senju entered the country two hours ago, and we have also spotted Boa Hancock's ship near the vicinity."


Doflamingo couldn't help but grin, even as a servant began to gently scrub between his legs. He chuckled.

"What about Hashirama Senju? Any sign of him at all?"

"No, we haven't seen him. Highly doubtful that he would come, as our spy in Fishman Island hasn't spotted him crossing over."


Doflamingo found that pitiful. It would have been much better to take care of both of the siblings at once. But oh well, as that boy was too weak to even cross the sea, he would have to wait.

Shaking his head in pity, Doffy glanced at Viola, checking out her curves. He licked his lips slowly, meeting eyes with her, as he felt something rise between his legs. Well, it had already risen from before, thanks to the hands of his cheeky servant girl, but it grew a bit more after seeing her.

Yet, meeting her gaze, stone solid, he just chuckled and shrugged.

"All right, all right. Go and play a dancer. If you find anything interesting, let me know. Try to keep an eye on Boa Hancock for a bit, I am curious to know if she has any plans for this thing."

Boa Hancock was a dangerous card in this whole game. She had a power much similar to Sugar, something that can one-shot him no matter what. However, that just meant breaking her and making her his sea-stone-collared slave, as she was fated to be, was just that more exciting. Just thinking about her on his feet, naked and used, sent a chill of thrill down his spine.

Viola gave him a look, and even though she tried to hide it, he noticed the disgust she felt. He chuckled, waving her off, as she didn't even pretend to bow and left.

This tournament would be fun, no matter the result.

* * *


Hashirama was cleaning his sword while he hummed, being stared at by quite a few girls. Despite spending a few days together traveling, the women were still interested in whatever he did. Luckily, he was sure they would gain some common sense after spending time in Dressrosa.

Dressrosa was right in the corner, it would take less than ten minutes to reach.

"I didn't know you had a sword," Boa Sandersonia said, her huge tongue hanging from her lips as she hissed and observed his work. She was sitting by his side, closely observing.

"I have another. Wanna see?" Hashirama replied casually, bursting into laughter as she innocently said yes.

His crewmates gave him a dry look; they were too used to such things to be shocked anymore.

Turning his head at them, continuing the polishing, even as he accidentally cut his hand, which immediately healed, he checked the girls out.

They were wearing a variety of clothes, modernity sweeping out of them. Karoo too had a new pair of goggles and a water flask. Honestly, they looked hot – beautiful too. Even amidst these beautiful Kuja Pirates, they stood out sharply.

Footsteps filled the deck all of a sudden, and turning Hashirama found Hancock walking from the indoors. She was followed by Marigold, both walking gracefully with their faces proud until their eyes met Hashirama.

Hancock fastened her steps and crouched down near him, “We are about to dock soon. How do you plan to leave? News will travel fast if they notice a man coming out of our ship, and while I don’t mind that – it may blow your cover.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that one.”

Hashirama was done cleaning Blackcliff Slasher. Casually lifting the heavy sword, he put it on his back, on a sword holder he was already wearing.

“I have the perfect way to fool their eyes.”

He clasped his hands, under the careful observation of all the girls, as he channeled his chakra. In the past, he had used this technique to fool his age, to become a gray-haired old man, but this time he was going to cast a greater illusion. One of his wood-clones had used it to turn into Robin back in the day.

Chakra rushed out of his body, bursting into white smoke. When it cleared, all of the girls stood silently, their eyes wide.

With hair wavy, falling down her waist, a girl stood while wearing a revealing red leather outfit, hugging her entire body starting below her cleavage. With a long sword on her back and curves that matched Robin, enjoyed their reaction with a smirk on her lips that had a beauty mark to the side.


“This is enough to bypass people’s eyes.” Said the girl, her voice soft, like a melody, as she smiled at Hancock. “Don’t you agree?”

Everyone stared as Hancock’s eyes rolled, and she fell to the floor, blood dripping out of her nose.


About ten minutes later, Hashirama and his crew exited the ship, parting ways with the Kujas for now as they went their own way.

* * *

Nearly triple the size of  New York City, the Kingdom of Dressrosa was not that large for a country. But, it was a big city with a lot to explore.

Hashirama and friends wanted to check out a lot of things, but time was limited, so they just ran around and began to check out the most interesting things of all.

Hashirama returned to his original form just a minute after exiting the ship, as he was catching too many gross eyes. He had entered a crowd as a woman, and came out as a man, bulging muscles filling his black t-shirt and pants. His outfit looked quite rundown, but it suited him.

His hair bun was back, with locks of hair falling by his chin, his eyes calm yet sharp as this was a place filled with criminals.

It was a good idea to keep his guard up, as a bald man with a lean build bumped into him, apologizing and about to leave. If he didn't have his guard up, he'd have missed his wallet going missing.


Hashirama held the dude by his wrist, as the guy paused. His senses alerted him as he gazed back, his prior politeness gone.

"Return it. I'll beat you up otherwise."

This little incident didn't garner much attention, even as the girls who were walking ahead of him stopped to look. It was almost a common occurrence, so other people didn't pay much attention.

"I have a deal too. Release me and pretend you just dropped your wallet. Otherwise, it won't end well for you, considering you are with such fine ladies… I am not on my own here, you see."

"Ugh, there you go. You just had to point at my girls, now I can't let you off easy – my pride will be hurt otherwise."

"Shira! Finish it quickly, we are late."

Vivi called in an irritated tone, even as Hashirama and the baldy had a stare-down. Sighing, Hashirama decided to end it.

Stopping his breath, he released a burst of his willpower. Not a hyper-strong one, because he knew how to control it now – thanks to Hancock teaching him in the last month. The burst avoided the others for the most part, still blowing a strong wind in their direction, but it was just enough to make the baldy's eyes roll back, for his knees to give in, and for him to drop to his face.

Hashirama reached out a hand towards the body, and a branch sprung out of its pocket, with his wallet wrapped around it. Another branch curled around the man’s finger and squeezed: just hard enough to break his wrist. He took the wallet and walked back to his girls, ignoring the highly altered gazes of all who were in the vicinity.

This was the New World of Grandline. All who came here knew what that was. Sweat trickled down the necks of the baldy's team who were hiding within the crowd, as they watched the Conqueror casually walk away.

Unknown to Hashirama and everyone else here, Viola, the once princess of Dressrosa hidden in the crowd, had just found a wisp of hope in her heart.




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