In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[62] Angelic Housewife Material?

Chapter 62: Angelic Housewife Material?

When Nami was a mere child, she was found by Bellemere, a female marine, who adopted her.

That woman also adopted another child, Nojiko, who became Nami's sister.

Nami was the wilder of the two girls. She also had bigger dreams and ambitions. While Nojiko dreamed of her life like a normal girl, Nami was having none of it. She wanted to draw the entire world on a map.

Sadly, the appearance of Arlong all those years ago made her dreams just that. Dreams that could never come true. By now she had almost forgotten about that, too.

Now, she just wanted to pay Arlong the money he demanded from her. Just 12-million more berries, and she will be free — along with the entirety of Cocoyashi Island.

"It's okay to keep it docked here. That rope isn't too strong, but since the sea is calm near this island, that should be enough."

Nami explained to Hashirama, who gave her a lazy nod. He didn't really care since he could make a new boat any time.

After a long journey, they were finally here at Cocoyashi Village.

"Now, please follow me closely. Don't stray from the path I walk on. It can be dangerous if you wander around and get seen by the fishmen."

"How close do you want me to be with you?"


"Huh, was that too cheesy? I'll tone it down next time."

Hashirama smiled and Nami sighed.

"Follow me."

Nami stomped on her feet and began to walk. She needed to warn Nojiko that she was dating a guy who was flirting with her sister.


The island wasn't quite lively. It felt rather dry, almost like a ghost town. There were people, but they all went silent when they saw Nami. No, they wore a scowl when they saw her.

Some began to whisper seeing that a young man was behind her. A few scoffed at that, whispering that this was what she was left to do—to bring a man to her house. Now she has done that too.

"Stupid girl. If she was dating she should keep it outside the island. Now when Arlong heard about this, what if he causes trouble?"

Hashirama heard a soft and hushed voice say. From the volume of the voice, he doubted if Nami had heard it.

Turning to the side, he noted it was the old man with stitch marks all over his body. Although Hashirama recognized the middle-aged man, he couldn't remember his name.

Hashirama looked forward again, at where Nami was walking.

"Please don't mind their words. I have a bad rep around here, so they talk on my back. I'm sorry."

Nami kept walking without looking at any of the people. Her expression was stoic and her eyes were sharp as she ignored the gossiping. She made a turn in the street and entered a path leading to a house in the far.


The village didn't hate Nami. The bad talk was all a front to fool her.

Years ago, when the scarred middle-aged man – Genzo – who was the village sheriff- learned that Nami had joined Arlong's crew, he was disgusted with Nami.

He ordered her to never set foot in the village again, and the villagers agreed.

But he later became suspicious of why Nami joined Arlong and made Nojiko tell him about her plan to buy Cocoyashi Village. In order to prevent her from feeling that the villagers were counting on her and that she could not escape if she wanted, he resolved never to reveal that he knew her motives.

To this day, even though eight years have passed, the villagers have been keeping up their act, while internally feeling guilty and grateful to the girl who worked to save them.

The only person who openly knew about Nami's sacrifice was his sister.

That blue-haired hottie, wearing jeans, a sleeveless shirt, and a yellow apron, filled the ‘random countryside girl who is more gorgeous than most’ role quite well.

[Image Here]


She was in the garden in front of a house, crouching, as she paused when she noticed Nami walk in.

"...Hey, Nami! You're finally back?! You idiot, it's been months! Where have you been?"

"Yes, it's just been months! Yet now you have a boyfriend? What's up with that?!"

Nojiko jumped and hugged Nami, and Nami hugged back without any hesitation despite the dirt on the other girl's clothes. They clearly were close siblings, and seeing that earned Nami some points in Hashirama's head.

However, their greetings were kind of weird. Nojiko pushed Nami back and looked into her eyes.

"What the hell are you on about?"

Nami pointed at Hashirama who was behind her. Nojiko blinked when she noticed they weren't alone.

"This guy, isn't he your boyfriend?! You sent her to save me."

"W-what? No, no. How could a guy like him be my boyfriend? This is the first time I am meeting him. But hi, I am Nojiko!"

"Hi, I am Hashirama Senju."

Hashirama waved at the hot girl with a smile, as Nami grew louder.

"Wait, stop being so casual about it! You, mister! You lied to me! You said you are my sister's friend! You said you knew her!"

"Well, now I do. And a stranger is just a friend you haven't met. Nojiko and I have always been friends, in that sense." Hashirama explained.

"Yo-you said my sister sent you!"

Nami, who had too many brain cells to argue back to that, provided a new argument. Hashirama waved it off.

"If this beautiful lady who happens to be your sister knew that you were in danger, I am certain she would have sent me to save you. That counts, right?"

"T-this guy! You're a scam! You are a con artist. You tricked me!"

Nami picked up a weapon, just as Nojiko held her back.

"Hey, Nami, calm down! First, tell me what happened. Didn't you just say he saved you? Scammer or not, if he saved you, you shouldn't try to attack him. Put that shovel down!"

Hashirama shrugged as if nothing was wrong, while Nojiko held back Nami, who had picked up a murder weapon.

'I remember Master said all the blue-haired girls whose name starts with a [N] are angels. Err, should I score Nami's sister instead?'

While it was cute seeing Nami trying to act so composed and respectful earlier, it was much cuter seeing her break out of her shell. But Hashirama knew he had to stop the situation from escalating before it attracted unwanted public attention.

Thankfully, he had a perfect idea to make the mood less aggressive and later get a chance to explain (lie) to them.

He decided to use his powers.

They were standing in the middle of a tangerine garden. Looking around, the trees weren't doing so well. There were barely any fruits. That must be why a babe like Nojiko was doing a dirt job.

Hashirama clasped his hands.

The trees shook, and their leaves fluttered to cause the wind to rise.

With a thought, he channeled his chakra into the ground and shoved them at the trees.

The next scene happened in a split second. The tangerine trees trembled and then fruits popped up on every branch. Hundreds, no, thousands of tangerines field the garden, and the girls fell silent.


Hashirama looked at Nami.

"Will that suffice as an apology for lying? Trust me when I say I had no bad intention when I saved you."

Nami stopped in her spot and threw the murder weapon away. Thinking again, didn't she fall asleep in the boat? He could have taken advantage of her if he really was a con artist. He must have his reasons for lying to her.

In the meantime, Nojiko gasped while covering her mouth.

"Oh my, he is an angel. Stupid Nami, what were you thinking when you thought of attacking him?"

“I am sure you are the angel out of the three of us, sweetsome.”

Nojiko giggled at that. “Mhm, really? You are good with words, makes me wanna cook you a meal. Now come on, let’s go inside.”

Just like that, the issue was resolved and the tanned beauty called Hashirama to her home: cooking for him like a perfect housewife.




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