In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[70] The Return

Chapter 70: The Return

As the sun finally rose in the eastern sky, the three sitting in the tangerine garden realized a problem.

“You know, the local Marines are kinda really corrupt?"

"Yeah, did you not see that in your dreams?"


The local Marines were working with Arlong until now. Obviously, now that Arlong was gone, if these fishmen were handed to them, the marines would most likely put them behind bars.

The issue wasn't that the local marines wouldn't punish fishmen, but that they themselves would be left unpunished. Being corrupt in this job was a crime on its own.

"...I am hoping you know some good Marines? Because the local fuckers really are corrupted.”

Nami added once more, making him chew on his lips and then blink. 

Hashirama ran inside the house and returned with a Den Den Mushi snail.

“I know someone upright around here. I’ll have to ask for his number from one of my sister’s subordinates, though.”

“Your sister?”

“She’s a Vice-Admiral.”

Nojiko was curious about who his sister was, so she asked. But when he answered in a nonchalant voice, both girls choked on air.

They knew the term, "Vice-Admiral", and its meaning. Being daughters to an ex-Marine who worked in the Grandline, they had somewhat of an idea as to what it entailed.

The girls weren’t sure why he wasn’t calling his sister, but they didn’t ask questions. Maybe she was on an important mission or something. He must have his reasons. 

Nami couldn't hold back her curiosity from asking another related question.

"Wait, if your sister is a marine, why are you a pirate?"

Hashirama finished dialing the snail as it started to ring when Nami asked the question.

"Hm? Ah."

Hashirama turned to Nami hearing her question and shrugged.

"Good question.”

“Please answer it.”

Nojiko added the please and asked again, noting that he didn’t want to answer. But she wanted to know, to make sure that everything truly was all right. He already had the label of a kidnapper to his name, she needed to be sure he didn’t have other histories.

Hashirama was about to wave the topic off, but he paused and sighed. With a complicated expression, he shrugged.

“It's a sibling fight, don't worry. My childhood friend, Princess of Alabasta, and I set sail to the sea without the King and Queen’s consent. Then I became a Pirate after getting the bounty.”

“My sister is mad at me since she wished for me to join the marines, and I am mad at her because we had a deal that she will set sail with me once I do. She was to abandon her job.”

“Marines in general aren’t really good people, even the Admirals. You can tell from the small fry marine you had experience with. I don’t want to become a part of an association like that, but she doesn’t listen. That’s basically the story.”

"...I see. That surprisingly makes a lot of sense."

Nojiko exchanged glances with Nami. They didn’t know what they were expecting, but he had reasons. While they were sure Marines had good people, since Bellemere was a marine, they also knew the bad side. So they could understand why a strong person like him would want to set sail as a Pirate.

After all, just like being a Marine didn’t mean the person was nice by default, the same applied to Pirates. Hashirama didn’t seem like a bad guy, far from that, despite his questionable morals from when he chatted with Arlong.

He was not serious at all when there were no fights involved. But was that a bad thing? After thinking for a second, Nojiko and Nami recalled it was a good thing instead.

Pere Pere Pere Pere!

The snail was ringing in the background and the call was suddenly picked up.

– ["Hello?"]

"Hey, luv."

Hashirama cleared his throat and focused on the call, his tone a little flirty.

– ["...Hashirama Senju. For what are you calling Hina?"]

*  *  *

Hina. The marine was introduced as a Captain in the anime, but this time around, she was a Rear Admiral.

It was because she was one of the marines stationed under Tsunade. She didn't sail in the same ship and had a ship on her own, but as a subordinate of a Vice Admiral, she had to go on hard missions. Those encounters have made her stronger than originally.

Hashirama knew her from Tsunade. In one of her missions, which was more like a picnic for her, Tsunade called Hashirama and stayed on the line for long sessions. In those missions, she got him introduced to a few of her close friends. Hina happened to be on that list.

– ["...Hashirama Senju. For what are you calling Hina?"]

Naturally, she knew him since then. He had often called her when he couldn't reach Tsunade's number, so he was a bit closer to her than Tsunade knew. Close enough to flirt, anyway.

Hashirama was about to say, 'Can't I call my sweet police anytime I want?' but then he realized two girls were beside him. 

``It's not very smart to flirt with other girls while your primary flirt targets are nearby.`` his Master had said.

He went a little easier with his words.

"Oh my, what's with that tone? Are you hating on me just because I'm a pirate right now?"

– ["That's not it. Hina thinks you're just being childish, sailing in the sea without knowing the danger that awaits you. What makes Hina mad is that you made Tsunade sad. Her eyes were saved the last time I saw her. She is searching for you, by the way."]

Hashirama felt a little heart hearing the state his sister was in. But he kept his expression placid and continued talking.

"Makes sense, makes sense. Anyhow, I called to ask for a number. You were in the same year as Captain Smoker, yeah? I need his number; can you give me?"

– ["...."]

There was silence from the other side before a soft sigh fell.

– ["You're in the East Blue? Well, Hina has been tracking your number anyway, this helps narrow things down. I have his number; why do you need it?"]

Hashirama didn't react to her earlier words, he was expecting her to track his number. He called knowing that.

"Yeah, there were these Fishmen who were causing trouble here. The local marines are corrupt, so I need to hand them over to a trustworthy guy. I think the guardian marine of the Easy Blue is trustworthy enough."

– ["He should be trustworthy, yes. I have his number, wait,"]

Hina easily complied with his request, as his reasoning was understandable. And she also wanted to delay the call to fully locate his call.

The Den Den Snail in his ship was of higher quality, so it was harder to track. But this random one that was owned by a village girl? Not so much.

Hina's voice soon returned and then she shared Smoker's number. Nami was the one to crouch down and note the number on the soil of the ground.

– ["Yes, that's it. Also, Hina has tracked your number already. Hina is sorry, but Hina will have to notify Tsunade of this. She has been searching for you madly without no lead."]

"Oh wow, you'll do that? You break my heart, even though I trusted you."

Hashirama didn't sound like someone heartbroken, though. No, he wore a grin instead. This was fun. This was the thrill that being a pirate ensured. He wished his sister good luck to come here before he would be gone.

– ["Yes, Hina apologizes. Hina does wish to meet you in person, by the way. Hina awaits that day when she'll get to meet the bold boy that you are. Goodbye."]


After the nonchalant goodbye, the grin on Hashirama's face widened as he held back a chuckle.

Quickly, he dialed the number from the ground and a call was picked up right away.

– ["Who? Captain Smoker speaking."]

"It's wanted criminal Hashirama Senju. I am on Conomi Island. A few fishmen who've been ruling this area for nearly a decade, did you know about that?"

– ["What? Who are-"]

Smoker was about to ask something, but then the sound of another snail ringing from his side sounded out. Smoker went to answer the call and the three on this side could hear a few 'Yes, I understand.' lines.

Soon, Smoker came back.

– ["I will be there. You wait for me, we need to talk."]

"Yeah, come. I'll wait."

Hashirama agreed and then cut the call. He smelled the hurry that Smoker was under, and could tell he would be here in just a few hours.

Knowing what to do next, Hashirama looked at Nami and Nojiko and waved with two of his fingers.

"See you soon."

Hashirama's body then dispersed into smoke. 

"Wait, what-"

The two girls gasped, and right before they could react, the tangerine trees moved and a man walked into the area.

Another Hashirama, wearing a more casual outfit, consisting of a white shirt and black pants, entered the area.

"Ah, there you are." 

Hashirama hopped over and grabbed Nami by her waist. The girl blinked; he pulled her to a carry.


"Nojiko, give this to Smoker."

Hashirama raised his palm, and a wooden sculpture came out of it. It was a sculpture of Hashirama's hand, forming a middle finger.

"Tell him to give this to my sister."

Nojiko accepted it in the heat of the situation, as Hashirama continued.

"The money Nami was digging up, I would suggest you use it to improve the lives of the islanders. You guys need that. Now let's hope we meet again someday."

Both girls were alarmed, what was he trying to do?

“Hashirama, put her down?”


"Wait, where are you taking-"

Nami tried to yell when he turned and started running, but his speed increased at a deadly pace and her voice was cut off.

What was he doing!?

She at least had to say a proper goodbye to the islanders!

Nami screamed in a high-pitched voice, while Hashirama made a turn in his run and found a duck waiting for him. He hopped on top of the pet duck, as Karoo ran at the seashore at the speed of a bullet.

Then, the Senju Pirates left. Nojiko, the islanders, and Smoker who will come later, all were left bewildered, as the ship sailed towards the Grandline again.




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