In order to find a job, the black technology was announced at the beginning

Chapter 249 X-Wing Fighter

Chapter 249 X-Wing Fighter

When everyone entered the room, most of the things they talked about were issues related to the universe and resources.

After explaining the situation of the Blue Devils, everyone fell silent.

The Blue Devils promised to pay for the losses, but what happens after the compensation?
The people present would not foolishly think that the Blue Devils would let it go, but this matter would not be so simple.

Whether it is the resources for compensation or the captives of the Blue Devils, these must be resolved, and the way to solve the problem is the problem of one's own strength!
In short, it is a sentence, when one's own fist is big enough, one has no fear of anything at all!
Jiang Yuanping listened to Commander Ninth's description, after the Blue Devils and other fleets, before expressing his opinion, Finance Minister Yang was the first to turn dark.

Intuition told him that this is another
"They have at least eight fleets!" said the ninth commander.

The crowd was silent.

Even if the Blue Devils only have eight fleets, according to the description, even if one fleet is wiped out, the Blue Devils still need nearly a thousand warships.

Moreover, the Blue Devils will definitely have other reserve warships. Once it enters an all-out war, these reserves will also go into battle. In addition, don't the Blue Devils have production machines?
Therefore, a small detail of the Blue Devils fleet has already allowed people to roughly figure out their strength.

Jiang Yuanping said: "It's difficult."

Even if they don't care about anything, the Blue Devils will find the earth in the future, and the two sides will fight in the future.

Jiang Yuanping said again: "Three Star Destroyers can destroy a fleet, that is to say, we need thirty ships to be able to fight in future wars."

Ye Chen explained: "It takes more, and there is an element of luck in the battle."


Everyone was taken aback.

For a long time, they believed that in the confrontation with the Blue Devils fleet, their side should be invincible, and it is not impossible to even crush and beat the whole process.

After all, it's Ye Chen's research, so it's not justified if he doesn't perform well.

But in the end, now it is said that the victory was just a fluke?

The Ninth Commander said: "In the report I summarized, there is indeed an element of luck."

"How is this possible?"

All were shocked.

Even Ye Chen's research is dead?

"The numbers are completely unequal. In the face of many attacks, the energy shield cannot be deployed at all. Secondly, even if the Blue Demons come out with a thousand warships, let's take out [-] warships. If the opponent focuses their fire."

The ninth commander did not continue to descend, and there was absolutely no need to talk about it.

If the Blue Devils really focus on attacking, after a few rounds, thirty Star Destroyers will be gone.

"The three-year deadline, I think fifty warships is already the limit, is it enough?"

Jiang Yuanping was silent for a long while before expressing his opinion.

Even if the Yanlong Kingdom tightens their belts, they can only have fifty Star Destroyers in three years, which is unrealistic.

As for overseas OEM?

This is somewhat inappropriate. After all, the current shipyard is fully managed by artificial intelligence, and the personnel do not know much about its technology.

"You can give it a try."

The Ninth Commander didn't dare to guarantee it.

After all, if fifty Star Destroyers go to war with the Blue Devils of one planet, they are afraid that the Blue Devils will vigorously produce warships, and it is difficult to know whether the Blue Devils have only one planet.

Speaking of the fifty Star Destroyers, everyone's eyes turned to Iron Cock Minister Yang.

Minister Yang's face darkened. At this moment, there is a sentence about MMP that I don't know if I should say it or not.

"This matter, it's very difficult." Minister Yang smiled wryly and turned into a chrysanthemum.

The atmosphere became depressed.


The limit of the shipyard is easy to solve, but what about the problem of resources?

After a long while, Jiang Yuanping said: "At this time, even if you have to get a loan, you have to bite the bullet, let's sell some ships, sell all the scientific research ships and the ships built by Skynet, and only leave Fuxing-class transport ship."

There is no way not to do this.

And everyone also understands that those ships are not of much use at all, it is better to shine one last time to pave the way for the Star Destroyer.

The transport ship is different. This is a large transport ship that will be used in a wide range of uses in the future.

After the plan was finalized, without waiting for any response from Minister Yang, Jiang Yuanping said with a smile: "Everything has been finalized, let's go and see those blue devil prisoners."

Everyone tacitly glanced at the sad-faced Minister Yang, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, go to see the blue devil captive."

Immediately, everyone supported Jiang Yuanping and left, only Ye Chen and Minister Yang remained on the scene.

One of the two is worried about money, and the other is overworked about technology.

Ye Chen shook his head, the second battle with the Blue Devils was unavoidable, all he could do was provide technical support to increase the odds of victory.

The way to increase the chances of winning is that the construction of star destroyers is already saturated, so there are only space fighters.

The space fighter is small in size and quick in action, and it can also play a key role in the victory of the war. It's just that Ye Chen doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​the space fighter yet, so he keeps redesigning the blueprint again and again.

"Ye Chen, wait a minute." Minister Yang, who was frowning, spoke first.

Ye Chen subconsciously thought that this iron cock was going to settle accounts with him.

"What do you mean by that ghostly expression? I just want to ask you something." Minister Yang frowned.

"Oh, then tell me."

"It's a question of resources."

Ye Chen blushed, it really was this matter.

"The matter of building warships cannot be changed. Even if we don't want to fight, the Blue Devils will force us to fight. I'm just a little curious. What are the chances of winning?"

"Eighty percent."

Ye Chen thought for a while, and if there is no accident, [-]% of the cases are quick battles. After a long time, the chances of winning will continue to decline, because once the Blue Devils' war machines are turned on, the opponent's speed of building warships will be far away. Higher than Yanlong Kingdom.

It's not that Yanlong Kingdom doesn't have resources, Proxima Centauri is a planet that hasn't been over-exploited, but it's just a drop in the bucket to go to Proxima Centauri to mine resources at this stage.

Sirius D in the Canis Major galaxy is also possible, and it is no problem to get resources from there, but it needs a stage, and stages often take time, and Yanlong Kingdom cannot afford to wait for time.

On the other hand, the Blue Devils are different. The resources of a planet or even several planets will be used by them.

This is the current gap between the two civilizations!
Minister Yang said: "Basically, if the Blue Devils' planet is directly occupied, wouldn't the resources there be ready for us to pull back?"

Ye Chen was speechless for a moment.

The level of civilization of the Blue Devils is also uncertain, and it is thanks to this old guy to figure out how to occupy a planet.

Minister Yang said disdainfully: "Don't you believe it, if the war is won, directly invade the planet of the Blue Demons and destroy all their military facilities in the shortest possible time, won't this prevent the danger? will greatly increase the success rate.”

Ye Chen nodded, thinking that what he said was reasonable, and also thought that since this old thing can be figured out, others may not be able to figure it out.

It is very possible that Jiang Yuanping and the others did not say it because the current stage has not yet reached the stage of invasion.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Ye Chen said: "If it is true as you said, the problem of resources for the next ten years will be solved!"

Minister Yang smacked his lips and said, "Ten years! This time is a bit short."

Ye Chen was a little amused, and said: "Uncle Yang, how long do you want? More and more warships will be built in the future. How can it be done once and for all? This is unrealistic."

After that, he said again: "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Ye Chen's departure this time is destined to focus all his attention on the space fighter.

He had to research the space fighter as soon as possible.

It's just that few people understand the difficulties and hardships.

Jiang Yuanping also heard about Ye Chen's recent living conditions. When he learned that Ye Chen was busy forgetting time again, he couldn't make a decision for a while.

Ye Chen was preparing for the next battle, but his body...
Zhou Mishi suggested: "Should we force him to rest for a few days?"

Jiang Yuanping sighed, and said: "Forget it, I don't want it anymore. Forcing him to rest will only be counterproductive, so let him do it."

In the days to come, Jiang Yuanping will pay attention to the progress of the shipyard almost every day, and also pay attention to Ye Chen's situation.

After paying attention for a long time, Jiang Yuanping got used to it and became numb, as if everything was running according to the established track.

But on this day, Ye Chen broke this rule.

Because there was a 'beep' in his head.

Ye Chen is most familiar with this sound, it is the notification sound of the system, it means that the system task has been completed.

He clicked on the system without hesitation.

[Host: Ye Chen]

[Task: The construction of the Empire-class Star Destroyer has been approved and completed]

"It's really sleepy giving a pillow." Ye Chen grinned from ear to ear.

After completing this mission, you will get a lot of technology points. Even if the updated mission is not a space fighter, you can use the technology points rewarded by the system to exchange for the design of the space fighter in the system mall.

He rubbed his face with both hands violently, raised his spirits and 'received'

[Drip, has obtained 1000 technology points, currently has 1030 technology points]

【Mission has been updated】

[Task: Build an X-wing space fighter]

The system panel is constantly updated with content.

After a while, the system task update was completed, and Ye Chen glanced at the updated content on the system panel.

Unconcealable ecstasy immediately appeared on his face!
It's a space fighter!

Although I don't know the specific performance of this X-wing space fighter, but based on the law of system production, I think this kind of space fighter will not be too bad.

With this task, Ye Chen no longer needs to rack his brains to independently develop illusory space fighters.

"Get it, get it!"

Ye Chen was extremely excited at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of knowledge including all the information about the X-wing fighter was secreted into his brain.

Ye Chen felt that his brain was like a bottomless pit, continuously absorbing these sudden messages as if they would never reject them.

This process is not very slow. After all, the name of the X-wing fighter is destined not to be a large-scale project. In a very short period of time, all the information is transmitted.

Ye Chen opened his eyes, and now he has completely mastered all the technologies of the X-wing fighter.

【X-Wing Fighter】

[Yingkang GBk-585 hyperspace engine]

[Length 12.5 meters]

[One pilot, one astromechanic robot]

[Weapons: X-wings have a laser cannon on each wing, which can carry six high-explosive proton torpedoes]

【Main Technology: òóЯЮЪЫ】

There are many more messages to follow, but Ye Chen didn't replay all of them in his mind, but only replayed some important messages.

Right now, since there are X-wing fighters, Ye Chen believes that the most urgent thing is to build a batch of X-wing fighters as quickly as possible.

"I'm busy again this time." Ye Chen said with a smile, his expression never felt so relaxed.

Next, for Ye Chen, it is to sort out all the design drawings in the form of files, and then transmit them to the artificial intelligence terminal of the shipyard.

At that time, AI Xiaobai will naturally follow the requirements to control the mechanical arm to build the X-wing fighter while building the Star Destroyer.

During the days when Ye Chen was sorting out the X-wing fighters, his actions were also known to Jiang Yuanping.

"What, he has developed a fighter jet that can fly in space?" Jiang Yuanping turned pale with shock, and looked at Secretary Zhou in awe.

Secretary Zhou nodded and said: "Yes, according to Dean Li's description, he is sorting out the information of space fighters, saying that it is to increase the odds of winning in the next battle."

"Okay, okay, it's a pity, I don't have a daughter, otherwise, even if it's medicine, I have to cook raw rice for it!"

The joy on Jiang Yuanping's face was hard to fade away.

He was very optimistic about Ye Chen from the very beginning, not only his knowledge, but also his character. In fact, Ye Chen never let down Jiang Yuanping's escort behind him.

Because of this, Jiang Yuanping felt a little pity.

With such a talent, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a prophet of mankind, but unfortunately, he racked his brains and couldn't think of any reward for Ye Chen.

If you have a daughter, you can use your daughter as a reward for Ye Chen's hard work!

Secretary Zhou couldn't help giving Jiang Yuanping a sideways glance when he heard what the other party said.

You don't have a daughter, but you have a granddaughter who just started elementary school.

"Forget it. With Ye Chen's character, even if he sends a few beauties by force, he might not be tempted with his character. So what we're thinking about now is finding a pilot."

After all, Jiang Yuanping is the chief. After the joke, his face returned to normal, and he immediately thought of the follow-up issue of the space fighter.

Space fighter pilots are different from ordinary fighter pilots. If a fighter plane has an accident in the atmosphere, there is still a way to escape, but there is often only one ending for an accident in the universe.

Thinking about space fighter pilots is almost like recruiting The Expendables.

This matter cannot be sloppy.

Secretary Zhou immediately went to handle the matter of the pilot of the space fighter, while Jiang Yuanping directly contacted Ye Chen, mainly asking him a series of questions about the space fighter.

Facing Jiang Yuanping's question, Ye Chen was silent for a while.

Jiang Yuanping couldn't help asking: "Why don't you speak anymore, I'm waiting for your answer."

Ye Chen smiled wryly and replied: "Chief, the blueprints for this space fighter have not been sorted out yet. Now you ask me how many I can build and how many pilots I can train in three years. I can't answer these questions."

(End of this chapter)

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