In order to find a job, the black technology was announced at the beginning

Chapter 254 The embarrassment of both sides of the battle

Chapter 254 The embarrassment of both sides of the battle

At this time, the supreme commander of the Blue Devils realized the seriousness of the problem.

They seemed to be ambushed.

Although the remnants of those human beings are only fifty warships in total, this kind of behavior is extremely uncomfortable.

And don't look at the small number of their warships, but the warships that can't stand them have excellent performance.

"Damn it, these remnants of the Azure Alliance are really a bunch of clowns who only use this kind of almost rogue style of play."

The Supreme Commander of the Blue Devils was outraged.

I can't wait to wipe out all the remnants of the Azure Alliance, so that I can vent my anger in my heart.

"Fight, since it can't be pulled again, let's fight, I still don't believe it, we will be afraid of so many warships, just dozens of warships, even if I hit them, all dozens of warships will be sunk."

The Supreme Commander of the Blue Devils gave the order.

A subordinate immediately reminded in a hurry: "Aren't we going to use tactics?"

"At this point, there are no tactics to speak of." Although the Blue Devils Supreme Commander was angry, he did not lose his mind.

Right now, those battleships are going straight to their own camp, no matter how much they pull, the fleet on the other end will rush over.

Therefore, the pull tactic is useless.

Not long after the Blue Devils Supreme Commander issued an order, the Blue Devils' fleet group no longer fought in groups, but fought with their own fleets.

Before the 'Jiu Jiu Jiu' fought at close range, the battle between the two sides was extremely fierce.

In the confrontation again and again, warships were shot down one after another.

Right now, both sides are completely red-eyed.

Ye Chen's Tenth Combined Fleet is still on the assault, and the Ninth Combined Fleet is also on the assault, although the Blue Devils' fleets are fighting on their own.

But after all, they have entered the era of interstellar navigation for a while, so their respective fleets have formed defensive formations and cooperated with other fleets. They all have good experience in single-round combat literacy and combat awareness.

Not long after, the ninth and twelfth joint fleets attacked the Blue Devils' fleet from two directions.

The distance between the two sides keeps getting closer.

"The opponent seems to have formed a defensive formation!" Ye Chen reminded.

Officer Sun was very calm and said, "Don't panic! Send the X-wing fighter to cut!"

Ahead is the Blue Devils fleet group, they formed a defensive formation, it is difficult to break through from the front, otherwise the ships may collide.

However, the X-wing fighter with a smaller size not only has perfect maneuverability, but also has a very strong attack power. In the case of close range, it can completely tear apart the opponent's defense.

"whoosh whoosh"

One after another, the X-wing fighter jets flew out from the belly cabin of the Star Destroyer and headed straight for the Blue Devils' fleet. At close range, with their super high maneuverability, the Blue Devils' attacks could not be effective at all.

"Chirp chirp chirp" a series of energy attacks were launched from the X-wing fighter.

The fifty X-wing fighters may not be as powerful as the Star Destroyer in terms of attack power, but their agile maneuverability is something that the Star Destroyer does not possess.

Their speed was so fast that the Blue Devils couldn't lock them in. After entering the Blue Devils' fleet, there would undoubtedly be a bloodbath.

This is the stage for the X-Wing.

They can easily shuttle through the Blue Devils' fleet, fly close to the battleship, and launch attacks again and again.

After flying away, without exception, all the battleships along the way were more or less attacked, causing explosions one after another.

It was obviously a short period of time, and it was clear that the Tenth Combined Fleet was still shooting at the Blue Devils' fleet. However, the fifty X-wing fighters belonging to the Tenth Combined Fleet had made a lot of contributions, and made the Blue Devils' fleet The group was in a hurry.

Seeing this, Commander Ninth immediately issued an order: "Quickly, drop the X-wing fighter."

As a result, their forty X-wing fighters also entered the battle sequence, and in a very short time, they also entered the Blue Devils' fleet first, launching a new round of cutting battle intentions.

Battleships were traumatized, and news continued to reach the ears of the Supreme Commander of the Blue Devils.

He was horrified.

I had thought about [-] possible battles before, but I never thought about it, and I still didn't expect such a situation.

Those remnants of the Azure Alliance actually still have weapons like space fighters that make warships a headache!

"How do they have space fighters?"

The blue devil's supreme commander couldn't believe it. He looked out of the window, vaguely, and could vaguely see out of the window. There was a faint light constantly flashing from the middle of the fleet group, and he swam away at an extremely fast speed.

He knew that those were space fighters. With their smaller hulls, they could carry out raids in all directions, but they were still difficult to capture. Once such fighters entered their side, it would almost be a nightmare.

The only way to restrain it is to also dispatch space fighters, but the Blue Devils' space fighters are still at the theoretical stage.

Therefore, when the supreme commander of the Blue Devils saw the remnants of the Azure Alliance show off their space fighters, they already realized that the situation was not good.

"Could it be that the remnants of the Azure Alliance have risen?"

In addition, it is difficult for the Supreme Commander of the Blue Devils to find any reason to convince himself.

The technology of space fighters is rare even in the powerful civilizations deep in the universe. It is only in the hands of a few civilizations. It is reported that the information of these fighters was obtained by stealing the database of the Azure Alliance.

A subordinate asked: "Your Excellency, what should we do?"

The supreme commander of the Blue Devils said, "Retreat."

He didn't hesitate.

Because knowing that hesitation will only suffer greater losses, just a few space fighters are enough to make the fleet in a hurry and there is no way to do it.

Those space fighters can shuttle freely by virtue of their smaller bodies, but the battleships can't, and any attack will be a slap in the face.

If one is not good, it would be embarrassing if the enemy didn't hit it, but instead hit your own warship.

If this goes on for a long time, it will inevitably ebb and flow,

Secondly, the remnant warships of the Azure Alliance have not yet entered, and I am afraid that the fleet will be severely damaged by then.

Therefore, the Supreme Commander of the Blue Devils already believes that it is unnecessary for this battle to develop into this way, and it is necessary to withdraw as soon as possible.

"Retreat, retreat, give orders to each warship, all retreat, and cross cover." The supreme commander of the Blue Devils did not hesitate at all.

He knew the horror of space fighters, but he also knew the disadvantages of space fighters. They could not sail for long distances. At a sufficient distance, space fighters would become useless.

Soon, the Blue Devils' fleet adjusted their formation and began to retreat.

The sudden scene directly made Ye Chen's scalp tingle: "No, the blue devil's fleet is coming at us."

In sight, the densely packed battleships no longer adopted a defensive formation, but rushed towards them collectively, completely ignoring the harassment of X-wing fighters.

"What's the situation?" Not only Officer Sun, but also Commander Ninth were equally astonished.

The Blue Devils' fleet is charging?

After doing this, their minds were a little at a loss.

It feels weird everywhere.

The Blue Devils' fleet occupies a large space, as if it is like a rising metal ocean, trying to sweep everything. In terms of momentum alone, even the ninth and twelfth combined fleets are in front of it. To be overshadowed is like the difference between a giant elephant and an ant.

Under such a battle, Ye Chen's fleet is not able to resist at all, they can only avoid the edge temporarily.

However, as soon as the fleet dispersed, the Blue Devils' fleet rushed forward, and while carrying out various energy attacks, they sailed in a further direction until they disappeared into the dark universe without a trace.

Everyone on Ye Chen's side didn't react.

"what's the situation?"

"Thunder, little rain?"

"Where's the Blue Devils' fleet, could it be that there is some conspiracy that hasn't been used?"

People are completely bewildered.

With the momentum of the Blue Devils fleet just now, they rushed straight forward, and all of them were a little scared, thinking that the Blue Devils were fighting with the belief that they must die.

But in the blink of an eye, the fleet of the Blue Devils disappeared into the depths of the universe.

Even if Ye Chen and the others rack their brains, they still can't figure out what the blue devil fleet group means.

Not long after the X-wing fighters returned, Ye Chen couldn't help guessing: "The Blue Devils must have retreated, right?"

"Perhaps." Chief Sun was also a little uncertain.

To say that the battle has not yet entered the white-hot stage, even if it is a retreat, it is too early.

The Ninth Commander sent a communication: "It is also possible to conceal the trajectory."

Moreover, the Ninth Combined Fleet is also slowly approaching. At the moment, it is safer to gather together, and some accidents are bound to happen.

"It's possible." Chief Sun agreed with this statement.

Fighting is no child's play.

So, they have been on guard for a long time under this starry sky.

In a blink of an eye, 24 hours passed with a high degree of concentration, and many people's spirits began to slump, but they were still holding on, lest the Blue Devils' fleet would suddenly break out.

"hold on."

Another dozen hours passed, and some crew members had already dozed off.

At this moment, Mr. Sun was on high alert, and knew that the Blue Devils' fleet had really retreated. What kind of conspiracy was just his own guesswork.

"We seem to have won the battle." Chief Sun looked puzzled.

It's a little strange to win the battle.

Not long after the fierce confrontation started, the Blue Devils' fleet retreated.

Immediately afterwards, his heart suddenly became excited.

What could be more exciting than beating your opponents on the battlefield?

The Ninth Commander suggested: "Let's rest here for ten hours first, and then calculate the battle damage."


Chief Sun agrees with this suggestion, it is important for people to rest first.

After the consultation, both fleets entered the rest period, and Ye Chen was able to return to his room to rest.

Before he knew it, Ye Chen fell asleep, and his body's defenses gradually relaxed.

When he woke up again, Commander Sun and the Ninth Commander were whispering some important things in his room.

Officer Sun turned his head and saw the person on the bed sitting up, he smiled and said, "Are you awake?"

Shen Xian nodded, took it for himself and was held in his hand by the hot water, and asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

Officer Sun said, "About 32 hours."

Ye Chen frowned and said, "It's been so long, why didn't you wake me up?"

The Ninth Commander laughed and said, "We all know you are the most tired, so we didn't call you."

Ye Chen looked out the window, the fleet started the warp drive and was on an interstellar voyage.

"This is?"

"Go home."

"What about the battle?"

"It's over, and the battle damage has also come out. The Ninth United Fleet lost four Star Destroyers, and the Transport Fleet lost nine Fuxing-class transport ships, and various personnel sacrificed about [-]."

Hear the description of the Ninth Chief.

Ye Chen was silent.

About 7 people were sacrificed before and after this battle!
He couldn't describe his mood at this moment.

Officer Sun said with a smile: "In the end, we won the battle. There are no immortals in the battle. Compared with us, I think the losses of the Blue Devils are greater. According to the summary of the fighters, the Blue Devils have 190 six warships sunk. There are more battleships, among which the X-wing fighters have contributed the most!"

Ye Chen thought this was normal.

Battles are different in different fields, just like in naval battles, destroyers are afraid of cruisers, cruisers are afraid of battleships, and battleships are afraid of submarines.

Each weapon has its unique function.

The X-wing fighters can enter the Blue Devils' fleet, and almost any attack can cause the Blue Devils' fleet to suffer considerable losses, otherwise the Blue Devils have nothing to do.

Of course, if the X-wing fighters are launched too early, it is possible that the Blue Devils' warships can wipe out all the space fighters in one attack.

Officer Sun cursed and said: "The only thing that makes people angry is that this battle was fought. The Blue Devils retreated, and we dare not chase them."

Ye Chen can understand.

Both sides have their own losses, and after a battle, no one can do anything, and the combat intentions of both sides have come to naught.

He withdrew his thoughts and asked, "What were you thinking about just now?"

The Ninth Commander said: "Total personnel issues, the sacrifice of 7 people, this is not a small blow to the country."

Ye Chen asked: "Then, what happened in total?"

"Replenish personnel and minimize losses."

"How to add, conscription? Or use force to force other forces on the earth?"

Chief Sun spread his hands and couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "Isn't there something that didn't come out of the sum?"

The Ninth Commander said: "People from other forces don't even think about it, and we dare not use it, and humans from other planets don't feel at ease if they use it, after all, they are not our own people."

Ye Chen asked: "So?"

The Ninth Commander couldn't help giving Ye Chen a sideways glance, and said, "No reason, didn't I say it before, nothing came out of the total."

Ye Chen roughly understood what they said.

The loss of personnel in the battle is too large, and the battleship will be sunk if it is sunk, or it will be rebuilt if it is a big deal.

But what about personnel?
Tens of thousands of people sacrificed at every turn, even with a population of more than one billion in Yanlong Kingdom, it would be unbearable in the long run.

(End of this chapter)

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