In the apocalypse of natural disasters, she has a universal APP

Chapter 21 The golden finger cured my difficulty in falling asleep

A little full after eating, she walked back and forth in the house to eat while immersing her consciousness in the space to check today's stocking harvest.

The biggest gain today is of course the successful renting of a house. Since the problem was solved in the morning, the buildings that have been taken into the space are the buildings around the place where she will live in the future: a shopping mall, a home furnishing store, a hospital, and other flower shops and pharmacies. Hotels and convenience stores are a mess.

In fact, her behavior in the past few days has formed a habit. During the day, she went out to look at houses and copied it in the surrounding area; she went out to eat three meals a day and stocked up on takeaways that were not available in Golden Finger; when she came home at night, she lay in bed trying to get sleepy. I organized the space by the way, so I can finish today's work today and don't leave it until later.

After all, sorting it out is not particularly easy. If it's a specialty store, it's okay, but a comprehensive store is more troublesome. She has to separate and classify them in detail, like supermarkets and convenience stores.

And she often has various doubts during the classification process: Is this division too general? Can these be combined? What district should this be considered?

It was painful and joyful for her to tidy up the space every night, but it was more than that. After these few days, Wei Jiao vaguely discovered that using the space seemed to be a bit energy-consuming——

She dared to say that she knew her physical condition very well. She was the type who had some difficulty falling asleep. However, since she got the golden finger, when using functions, especially when organizing the space, she was clearly doing something that was focused, not boring, and Things that can provide her with positive emotional feedback are always getting more and more tiring.

Although she didn't fall asleep in the middle, every time she finished finishing, she felt a surging sense of accomplishment in her heart, but her body was exhausted and she fell asleep quickly.

Of course, this didn't feel bad. She could feel that the energy lost was not much, and she would make up for it after a short sleep. hundred days before the end of the world, Golden Finger cured my difficulty in falling asleep.

As the space moved around, the copied store area was gradually dismantled and disappeared. A lot of supplies were added to the divided areas.

Her consciousness wandered around the home furnishing store. This was a comprehensive large-scale home furnishing store. From model room display, large furniture sales, to a cup and a towel, everything about home decoration design was available here, and there were even Dedicated dining area.

Wei Jiao first stocked up the food, and then moved away the items for sale. Looking at the exquisite model rooms for people to experience, she didn't want to dismantle them, so she simply placed them in the space and emptied the warehouse.

After all, she will be able to enter the space in the future, and her nerves for playing decoration games are about to start. She will keep the model room for making a prototype. It is impossible to use it for herself. After all, I don’t know how many people have experienced it in person, but It can be used as a reference. It will be interesting to use the stockpile to build the same one yourself!

After finally clearing out all the parts to be sorted out, Wei Jiao's eyelids were heavy, her mind was thinking about the map she had drawn, and she slowly fell asleep.

Although she did not have the task of looking at the house, she did not let herself sleep in anymore. She worked hard before the end of the world and could enjoy happiness after the end of the world.

She got up early, washed up, struggled for a while about how to eat breakfast, and finally decided to go out to eat. After all, she could stock up on everything.

She took out her mobile phone and opened the map APP. All the points she marked on the computer yesterday were synchronized to the mobile phone. From a distance, the red spots looked quite scary.

She pulled the location to her home, slightly enlarged the map and began to think about it.

The entrance to the community where she lives is a big road, facing east and west. She is more familiar with going east. Since she was a child, she basically leaves from this side whether she is going to school or going out to play. Going west is much smaller, and she Marked to the furthest point is a small shopping plaza.

She weighed it a bit and decided to go to the west first to deal with the smaller number. This would at least clear part of the map. Moreover, there happened to be a hotel area on the way. She could go there to look for food. It would be fine when she came back. Take the road to the east and continue to stock up.

She planned on the map, determined today's journey and set off directly.

The west side was empty, and after driving for a while, they arrived at a gas station. Wei Jiao took a look at it and simply stopped along the way to fill up with gas.

There was a fast food restaurant next to the gas station, and it was the special time for breakfast. However, she hesitated and didn't go in. There was no need. After all, the golden finger could order the same thing.

She added oil, ordered all the breakfast items in the fast food restaurant with her gold finger, and moved them to the brand's exclusive area.

She didn't know if Goldfinger had a time limit. After all, you couldn't order breakfast on a normal takeout app at other times. She knew there was no distance limit in Goldfinger, but she hadn't really noticed whether there was a time limit.

After refueling and driving a short distance, the bus became more and more popular. People came and went in a hurry. People at the bus station looked very sleepy, staring blankly at their cellphones with their eyes downcast.

Wei Jiao parked the car and entered a meat pie shop. It was a small store with not much space. She ordered the signature beef patties and added a portion of freshly squeezed soy milk to relieve the greasiness.

The meat pie is a large round pie cut into six parts. It is brought to the table piping hot and you take a bite towards the tip of the pie. The beef filling bursts with gravy and squeezes into your mouth. The pie crust is thin and slightly hard, and it has a strong sense of presence when chewing. Gradually, the aroma of noodles comes out, which slightly masks the greasiness of the meat filling; the freshly squeezed soy milk is thick and smooth in the mouth, fragrant, slightly hot but not annoying.

After a full breakfast, Wei Jiao walked out of the store with her heavy and warm stomach. When she turned around, she saw a bun stall at the corner. The big steamer was steaming with white steam, and inside was a big, round white noodle. steamed stuffed bun.

She paused and regretted a little. Why did she stop there just now? She would have seen it if she drove the car a little further!

So she turned around and walked over. She got one of each kind of stuffing, packed it up in a plastic bag, and took it away. The buns were very good, she squeezed them gently with her hands, and they were soft. She could also see a little green chive leaves on a few buns, which were looming in the white plastic bag that was steamed by the heat. .

When she got back to the car, she put the buns back into space and took out a bottle of orange juice to take a few sips. The meat pie was really a bit greasy. She gulped down half a bottle of slightly bitter orange juice, smacked her lips, and pulled out another mint candy.

When she took it out and looked at it, she realized that the package said "powerful mint candy". She didn't care, squeezed out a piece and peeled off the candy wrapper. There were some small blue particles in the translucent white square candy, and threw it into her mouth. , after holding it in my mouth for a while, I was inhaled by the strong mint, and I could only move it from left to right in my mouth, while driving back on the road.

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