In the apocalypse of natural disasters, she has a universal APP

Chapter 25 Remembering the past

The car had been parked here for a while. Seeing the cars parked on the roadside driving away one by one, Wei Jiao simply turned off the steering wheel and drove forward directly with the traffic. She made a big circle from the intersection in front and then turned. The main road when coming up.

She didn't plan to take this shortcut. The road she turned in was not very wide, and she didn't know how many cars were parked inside or how many people there were at the snack street. After all, there were two or three serious restaurants over there, and there might be some. A few students eat their lunch directly there.

There are many people and cars. On a day like the college entrance examination, there is no need to squeeze in. Firstly, I am afraid of not being able to find a parking space. Secondly, I am afraid of causing chaos. Not to mention collisions, even if there is congestion, at this time, it is for the candidates. Feeling troubled.

She turned along the road to the exit at the snack street, found a place to stop on the side of the road, and walked in facing the still surging crowd.

She walked close to the roadside, watching the faces drifting by, some smiling, some with their heads lowered, some joking with others, some dealing with parents, some wearing headphones and showing no expression, flying around on bicycles. vague...

She sighed and walked sideways around a girl who turned around after being called by her name. The child who called the girl from behind looked in high spirits, trotted over to hold hands, and whispered in Wei Jiao's ears, "Choose last." What did you choose?"

Wei Jiao smiled unconsciously. She walked through the shiny white school uniform and reached the end.

Several large restaurants that seemed to be relatively high-end were here. Wei Jiao took a look through the large floor-to-ceiling windows. Sure enough, one of them was almost full. She had no intention of eating in such a restaurant with bright and clean windows. She just looked at it. After one glance, he turned around and walked back.

This section was crowded with small shops. The words on the billboards were all long and thin. They had noodles, stir-fried vegetables, spicy hotpot, and everything. She paused, considered it, and walked into a store. Potato flour shop.

This shop is really not big. The cramped place is divided into two rooms, inside and outside. The inside is the kitchen, and there are four sets of tables and chairs crowded together outside. On a day like the college entrance examination, naturally no one would visit such a small and inconspicuous store.

Wei Jiao sat down against the wall with peace of mind. The fat woman behind the counter looked at her carefully and asked with a smile: "What do you want to eat?"

Wei Jiao scratched her head. She seemed to have become a baby again when she returned to the area near the high school. She symbolically looked at the menu posted on the wall and said, "Hello, I'd like a ribs."

The fat woman said oh, got up and went into the kitchen: "It's still the same old taste. Do you want to add fish tofu?"

Wei Jiao was startled and stammered when she opened her mouth: "Huh?...Huh? Do you remember me...?"

You can't blame her, she graduated ten years ago! He also boasts that he has never done anything impressive - at least it will not impress the owner of a small potato noodle shop. This... what is going on?

The woman's back was busy, and her voice floated out: "Remember, your classmates didn't come over after hearing you say it was delicious, but they were so crowded that you didn't even get to eat it?"

Wei Jiao let out a sigh, and her memories became swayingly clear.

Back then, the school started evening self-study in the second half of the senior year, and meals were served in the cafeteria. But at that time, it seemed like it was a trend not to eat in school. Everyone didn't even eat at noon, and only ate what they brought.

I was even more active in the evening. There was no strict rule that we had to eat in school anyway, so we all slipped out to look for food, and then we exchanged food tips together when we came back.

But on a very random day, Wei Jiao casually interjected and said that there was a potato noodle shop that was good. However, that night, Wei Jiao, who didn't know what to eat and wandered into the potato noodle shop, was surrounded by classmates all over the room. The classmates were shocked.

Just, I didn’t expect it to be so appealing?

How Wei Jiao discovered the delicious food in this restaurant goes back even further.

In the first half of the third year of high school, the school had not yet started formal evening self-study. Their class teacher made an informal one by himself. He applied for a small room in the school's comprehensive activity building as a self-study room, and selected some students in the class who had the best grades in the middle school. Students who are in the upper reaches and can work hard can participate.

As one of the study committee members at the time, Wei Jiao was also asked by the class teacher to join. One was in charge of keys and was responsible for opening and locking doors; the other was also a kind of supervisor, able to observe discipline; in addition, she had good grades and could also help with lectures. Question or something.

At that time, their little evening self-study class was like a small independent world. After everyone finished their homework, they took a rest, studied by themselves, and chatted.

They are all sixteen or seventeen-year-old children, and they are so obedient to rules and disciplines. It is not uncommon for them to be caught by the class teacher who comes to check when they are not restrained while playing. Everyone is scolded, and later quietly gets the most criticism. Wei Jiao, the class cadre who had miserably "neglected his duties", stuffed snacks into his hands, looked at each other, smiled and passed away.

During such a period of time, one of their pleasures was ordering takeout.

Wei Jiao remembered that at that time, she didn’t use the takeout app, but called directly. Each time she would choose a few people to go to the small gate of the school, and trade with the people who came to deliver food through the iron fence.

After handing over the money with one hand, the other hands worked together to get the food through the cracks, then took it back and divided it among everyone, then hid out of the room and quickly ran to some corners where the air was more circulated and the odor was better. Get rid of.

This potato flour is an unexpected surprise after an unintentional attempt.

When she went to college after high school, she really ate a lot of potato noodles. There were two at the door of the dormitory building, not to mention the snack street next to the school.

Maybe it was because she saw it too often. Every time she didn't know what to eat, she would always give in and sigh: "Hey, forget it, just eat potato flour."

Don't get me wrong, she loves potato flour very much, and she loves all the slippery flours, but the taste of these ones she has tasted is really...

Order a bowl of potato flour. The cabbage and bean curd skin cooked in boiling water will take up half of the bowl. Add some seasoning. Cover it with the white flower flour cooked in the same big pot, and then pour a spoonful of the soup in the pot. It will be firm. The plain plastic packaging box is full.

The lid of the box crunched tightly and fell heavily into the hand. When we arrived at the dormitory, we pried it open again and there was another meal. The clear soup looked watery, and the same thing happened when I ate it. There was a faint smell of pot water. I changed the restaurant, but it was the same everywhere.

None of it was as delicious as she remembered from this small shop.

Wei Jiao was slightly lost in thought as she waited for her pork ribs and potato noodles.

What about this family? Is it really delicious? Or was it because the memory filter was selected by default that she could never forget it like this?

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