In the apocalypse of natural disasters, she has a universal APP

Chapter 29 Good things are coming

It was another new day. Wei Jiao got up from the bed, sat blankly for a while, then got out of bed and checked the computer first.

Xin Lai worked hard on the computer at home all night and achieved good results. Wei Jiao nodded with satisfaction and rummaged through the space for a long time to find a 20T desktop mobile hard drive.

This was the first time she had seen such a desktop model. It was big, heavy in her hand, and had an independent power cord.

She connected the computer, transferred the downloaded resources, deleted them from the network disk, then transferred a new batch of resources to the network disk, and continued downloading.

According to the broadband at home, a full network disk can be downloaded all day long, so there is no need to worry about the computer being idle when no one is at home.

After coming back from the shower, the video files had been transferred. Wei Jiao carefully put the hard drive away, left it on the computer to continue downloading, and went out to start today's stocking up trip.

According to yesterday's plan, she will finish sweeping another road to the west today, pass by her junior high school, and then go further to the north. When she returns home, she will be able to cross the road she swept yesterday.

Then she went home to deal with the download and pack some clothes and daily necessities because she planned to spend the night out.

Yes, she was inspired by yesterday's trip to high school. After finishing high school and junior high school today, she will seize the time to stock up on college tomorrow.

The essence of stocking up around the university is that there are no roadside carts for takeout. If you want to stock up on these mobile food shops, you must rush before the university vacation.

When she thought about this yesterday, she was stunned for a moment. It had been too long since she graduated, and her memory was not very good. Her first reaction was that she didn't remember when the university vacation was.

In fact, I didn’t even think of the second reaction, I relied on the third reaction to deduce it. I didn’t know it was a holiday, but I knew school was starting! School starts in September and there is more than a month of vacation, so now June is over in time, just in time to catch up with the excitement.

The stocking spots around the university on the map did not radiate very far. Wei Jiao thought for a moment. If she got up early and drove there, it would be really tiring and hurried. Moreover, the snack street of the university had completely different styles at different times, morning, noon and evening. They all had different snacks, and no matter how she thought about it, she felt that it would be inefficient to spend the whole day there.

It would be better to rush there the afternoon before, just in time for dinner, collect the evening specials directly, stay in the hotel there for one night, collect breakfast directly when you get up, and then go to the surrounding stocking points, just in time to go back at noon. Collect a bunch of them, and you can stock up on the road and go home in the afternoon, creating a road between red and green.

So she implemented this plan. She had booked a room at the Express Hotel next to the school last night and was now driving on the road to her middle school campus.

In the morning, she ate at a pancake stall on the roadside. She remembered that it was at this exact location. Twenty years ago, someone drove a small truck to sell pancakes. However, her memory was fuzzy and she was not sure if it was the same person. She only remembered that she was eating it. Best pancakes ever.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that she is not keen on going out, so she does not have much experience in eating. In her rather monotonous "eat" map, the university where she needs to find food by herself is the hardest hit area.

——Oh, she has no grudges against the food area around the university, where she has tasted countless delicacies, but at the same time, there are always some assassins who will surprise her taste buds.

This is true for potato flour and now it is also true for pancakes.

There are many pancake stalls around the university. She remembers that two pancake stalls appeared on the left and right at one intersection. What's even more amazing is that of these two pancake stalls, the batter at one was sour and the sauce at the other failed to season, which made Wei Jiao feel uncomfortable every time. Trying to eat pancakes is a physical dilemma.

Do you want to eat this sour pancake or this salty pancake?

And now, she brought the freshly baked pancakes with eggs and thin crispy but delicious pancakes to her mouth, endured the burning and hissing, took a bite, and instantly cried out, "Master Pancake God, this is what I want to eat." Pancakes" tears.

The black sesame seeds are lovable, and the egg liquid is wrapped in the outer layer smoothly and tenderly, providing a soft touch to the lips when biting down; the teeth penetrate the dough, bite the crispy slices, and separate a corner from the pancake, revealing the layers. inside.

After chewing, the aroma of flour burst out from the dough, the sauce was moderately salty, and the occasional bite of mustard grains and crisps was the king of texture. It was crunchy, crackling, and so fragrant that she immediately took a second bite regardless of how hot it was. One bite from the left and one bite from the right, a big pancake was quickly eaten.

Wei Jiao leaned back on the car seat contentedly, pulled a piece of paper to wipe her mouth, and then picked in the space. She took out a bottle of peach oolong tea drink, which was still ice cold. She drank it in one breath, which diluted the taste of the pancakes. Quite a few, as usual, a mint to freshen her breath, and she drove on the road.

There are no twists and turns in front of this road, and the main storage points are concentrated on one side of the road. Two crossroads, the second past is the middle school.

Before the first intersection, there is a row of small shops on the roadside, almost all of which are stalls, selling some dry goods, preserved fruits, and teppanyaki skewers. There is a relatively lively area sandwiched between the two intersections, with supermarkets and shopping malls. Hotels, clothing stores and stationery stores.

Go through the second intersection from the middle school and walk to the first one. There is a bus stop here. Students who take this route home like to visit this area. It is convenient and interesting.

It is also convenient and interesting for Wei Jiao to stock up on goods. She only needs to park her car on the side of the road at the first intersection, move her legs quickly, and cross the road to copy the shops on both sides into the space.

There happened to be a popsicle wholesale shop at the intersection. She went in and picked out two more baskets, which was enough. Declining the insulated bag provided by the shop owner, she opened the car door with a large bag of popsicles and put them directly into the space under cover. She also left a lemon ice stick to open and continued to copy while holding it.

There were no surprises in the rest of the journey, and everything went smoothly according to plan.

I ate bibimbap outside at noon. In addition to the supermarkets, restaurants and shopping malls that I have already stocked many times, I also stocked up on car stores and tire stores. In addition, I also took over a hospital, pushing my proficiency level steadily to 90. , which made Wei Jiao extremely excited while driving home.

If all goes well, we will finally achieve our goal of updating the guide tomorrow! No, if she works harder, maybe she can do it today!

The plan must not be messed up. She controlled her breathing and calmed down, and drove home based on the principle of safety first on thousands of roads.

She didn't set aside time to tidy up the space today because she had to drive to the university soon. She was afraid of driving tiredly, so she simply postponed the tidying up to the evening before going to bed.

After entering the house, he checked the computer first. The download was still going on smoothly. Wei Jiao touched the computer a little guiltily. Fortunately, the machine had good performance and it would be fine if it was left on... right? She connected the mobile hard disk again and started transferring data, and then transferred a new batch of resources to the network disk.

Taking advantage of the time to transfer data, she packed up her inner and outer clothing and cleaning supplies and put them into a pile. Then she put away the hard drive, checked the download status, then went out again and drove to the university on the other side of the city.

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