In the apocalypse of natural disasters, she has a universal APP

Chapter 3 Grow a golden finger

Wei Jiao opened her mouth wide. Judging from her experience in reading novels over the years, if she understood correctly, this so-called "warehouse" is actually a portable space!

There is a suspected system on the Internet, and there is an exclusive space on the Internet?

Her eyes flickered, and she quickly scanned this short sentence, and immediately locked on a few keywords: unlimited capacity, storage, and retrieval. She took a big breath, sat up on her knees, put her slipped glasses back on her face, held her phone and looked down anxiously:

[When you want to store items in the warehouse, you can:

1. Touch the item to directly store or copy it into the warehouse.

2. Perform virtual exchange through the APP in "APP Connection" to deposit into the warehouse.

3. Use the "describe deposit" function to perform virtual exchange to deposit into the warehouse. 】

...What, what, what do you mean! ?

She was confused about the last two items, but the first one was clearly written - anything you touch can be saved!

She took a sharp breath, choked with cold air, and squeezed out a funny short sound in her throat, but there was no way to worry about that. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and she looked around eagerly trying to find a test object, but her hands couldn't. As if he was conscious, he acted before his confused mind and grabbed the thin quilt covering his body.

Wei Jiao swallowed hard, looked at her phone, then at the quilt she was holding, and said tentatively: ""

The soft air-conditioner disappeared in an instant, and the cold air from the air-conditioner was no longer blocked, pouring down her pockets. It collided with the sudden surge of hot blood in her body, making her shiver violently and get goosebumps all over her body.

To say that her trust before was illusory and groundless, once she discovered that space was real, she immediately accepted this supernatural existence without any doubts, and that she had indeed grown a golden finger. fact.

Unable to find time to express her ecstasy, she opened the third interface with trembling fingers. In the center of the originally empty screen was her disappearing air-conditioning quilt, showing the shape that it was still draped on her body the moment it was put in.

"Tianniang..." She couldn't help but sighed. She was covered in dense goosebumps and stared at the screen, thinking about taking out the quilt. In an instant, the quilt on the screen disappeared. It was draped over her shoulders again.

It’s really a space! Wei Jiao jumped three feet high on the bed wrapped in quilt, her whole body shaking with excitement. She slumped down with her feet weak, then straightened up and sat down on her knees. She respectfully cut back to the first page of the instruction manual, and at a glance she saw the one, two, and three items she had just read.

【1. Touch the item to directly store or copy it into the warehouse. 】

She couldn't help but scream, copy? What does it mean? Is it the "copy" that she is familiar with? The one that changes from one to two and two to four? She hurriedly clicked on the warehouse interface, grabbed the quilt around her body with one hand, and thought in her mind: Copy!

The warehouse was empty and unchanged, but the second question mark icon was a little different. Wei Jiao looked over and found a red dot popping up in the upper right corner. From the perspective of mobile APP functional design, this generally means that there are unread messages.

Today’s Golden Finger is quite keeping pace with the times.

She cut it back. Sure enough, content appeared on the originally blank interface, and a gray dialog box popped up on the left side of the screen, which read: [[Reminder] You do not have enough points to copy this item].

The word "reminder" is different from the following content. It is red and very eye-catching. Wei Jiao clicked her tongue, what is this number? She wrapped the quilt tightly and quickly switched back to the first page to read down.

[Every item has "points", and the operation of the warehouse requires point maintenance. The storage and decomposition of items will consume and gain points. Please obtain enough points to maintain the operation of the warehouse!

The following introduces information related to points:]

Fortunately, the information about the points came next, and Wei Jiao relaxed a little. She glanced down and saw a series of numbers at the beginning of the line. She immediately knew that this was important content, and she quickly cheered up and read it carefully.

【1. When storing items in the warehouse

1.1. By touching the stored item, you can store it directly without consuming points. Copying and storing the item itself consumes points. 】

She nodded while looking at it. This one happened to be the one she had tried by mistake just now. Putting the quilt directly into the space went smoothly, but trying to copy it failed because she didn't have enough points.

【1.2. Storage through "APP connection" consumes twice the points of the item itself.

1.3. Save through "Description Deposit", which consumes three times the points of the item itself. 】

She swiped the screen up and down for comparison. As expected, these two items corresponded to the previous items 2 and 3. The "APP connection" and "Description save" mentioned there were two unfamiliar functions.

Wei Jiao wanted to read the entire manual first and not dwell on things she didn't understand right now, so she just took a quick note and read on.

【2. Taking out items from the warehouse does not consume points.

3. By decomposing items in the warehouse, you can obtain twice the points of the item itself. 】

Wei Jiao's eyes lit up, and she immediately figured out the trick: direct access consumes no points, copying consumes twice the points, and decomposing gets twice the points, so isn't it obvious how she gets the points -

As long as she deposits things into the space and then decomposes them to get a "start-up capital", she can use this first pot of gold to carry out the cycle of "copy-decompose-re-copy-re-decompose", and the points will continue to flow in this cycle. The earth was born.

She immediately felt itchy and her eyes were eager to look around to see if there was anything that could be broken down to help her on the road to wealth.

She looked at the screen, then at the warehouse icon, gritted her teeth and swiped quickly. She realized that she was about to finish reading, so she calmed down a little and continued reading patiently.

【4. About copying

4.1. Copies obtained through copying can continue to be copied, and the points consumed are doubled.

4.2. Copying operations within the warehouse consumes twice the points required for external copying into the warehouse.

5. Points use: copying, virtual purchase, description deposit, unlocking functions, updating guide, etc.

The number of points is related to the value of the item itself, and the determination of the specific value is determined by the internal rules of this guide.

The fourth interface: Personal Center

You can see all information at a glance on this interface, and service functions can also be accessed and viewed on this interface.

The above is the information description of this guide. After reading this interface, if you have any questions, you can ask them in the "Q&A" interface.

There are still one hundred days before the end of the world comes, so please hurry up and prepare for the end of the world! 】

Wei Jiao wanted to read through the contents quickly, but when she saw the end, the blood rushing to her head quickly cooled down, and the worries in her heart were no longer suppressed, and came up layer by layer.

The guide said: There are still one hundred days before the end of the world. Please hurry up and prepare for the end of the world!

Wei Jiao thought, yes, there are only one hundred days left, and after one hundred days, it will be the real apocalypse!

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