In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 31: The First Encounter of Iron and Shield

"I've never seen such an annoying guy before. I dare say if he were on the battlefield, his superior would have shot him countless times!"

Steve paced back and forth in the middle of Schiller's Psychological Clinic living room, hands on hips, fists waving as he passionately voiced his opinions. He appeared like an enraged lion, his military demeanor on full display.

Steve continued, "I should really give him a bear hug and see if that damn iron shell of his is as fragile as glass!"

Now, to understand why Steve was so angry, let's go back to last night...

Last night, Peter had finished his final exams and was itching to wander around New York. He had been cooped up studying for weeks and missed the feeling of gliding through the cool breeze above the city.

But recently, his relationship with Gwen had been heating up rapidly. After the exams, Gwen had invited him to a party, thinking Peter was too reclusive and needed more interaction with classmates. So, she insisted on dragging him along to the post-exam celebration.

Peter wanted to be a superhero, but his feelings for Gwen were too strong to resist. Reluctantly, he agreed to Gwen's invitation, and they happily headed off to the party.

It was predictable that the little Spider would come out to roam after the exams, and Peter wasn't the only one who thought so. The genius Tony Stark was also on the lookout for Spider-Man.

Stark had a legitimate reason to find Spider-Man. Peter had developed his own spider web shooter, which had caught Stark's attention for its scientific research potential. He planned to talk to Peter about interning at Stark Industries during his break and, incidentally, making a Spider-Man suit for him.

Although Stark was known for his arrogance, he had some discretion. He knew he couldn't fly into Peter's school in his steel combat suit; that would be too conspicuous. So, he waited for Peter to finish his exams and meet him in the skies over New York City.

His plan seemed sound, but unfortunately, Peter had chosen his budding romance with Gwen over his superhero career. Iron Man hovered over New York City for a while, but there was no sign of the figure swinging between high-rise buildings.

Although he didn't encounter Spider-Man, another person looking for him accidentally crossed paths with Iron Man.

Captain America could jump between high-rise buildings even without the help of a spider web. He was different from Peter, a young kid with powers. Captain America's strength had been honed through rigorous training, and he had unparalleled control over his body.

Before he could find the kid described by Schiller, he saw a flashy red and gold Mech armor flying towards him.

Steve stopped on the rooftop of a high-rise building, and the Mech armor floated in the air. A voice came from the other side, "Look, another little hero. Isn't there already a spider kid swinging around New York? What's your code name, Aryan Superman?"

Steve retorted, "I thought modern people would have a little more manners. So, who are you? The steel warrior in a turtle shell?"

"Surprised you don't know Iron Man? Are you from the Stone Age or something? Don't tell me you were dazzled by the glory of my cool Mech armor, hahaha."

Iron Man was indeed quite famous in New York. Despite Stark's often straightforward approach to saving people, his Mech armor was undeniably cool. Countless onlookers had captured Iron Man's heroic deeds, and there was even a fan group that had created a dedicated website, giving him a significant following across America.

"I am a bit old-fashioned," Steve replied.

"But at least you should know some courtesy. Shouldn't you introduce yourself before speaking?" Stark didn't mind revealing his true identity because he could tell that the person in front of him also had special abilities. After all, ordinary people couldn't jump several meters in one leap.

Since they were colleagues of sorts, there was no need to hide, so he said, "As you can see, I'm Stark, the owner of Stark Industries. Who else could develop such an impressive Mech armor?"

Steve's expression suddenly changed, and he asked, "You're Stark?... Your last name is Stark?"

"Then, what's your relationship with Howard Stark?"

The Mech armor in front of him descended, and Stark replied, "Don't mention that name to me. What's it to you, weirdo? What relationship do I have with him?"

"You have no relationship with him, yet you inherited Stark Industries..." Steve's expression grew even stranger.

Before Stark could continue taunting him, a powerful force struck him, sending him flying. Indeed, Captain America wasn't the same as the young Spider. In the comics, he had shattered Stark's Mech armor more than once. Stark's current Mech armor hadn't undergone several upgrades yet, and Iron Man was far from his peak. But Captain America, he always remained at his peak.

Sparks erupted inside the Mark 5, and JARVIS urgently sounded alarms. Stark was in shock. He tried to maneuver the Mech armor to break free, but he had never encountered such a monstrous opponent before. Steve's strength even made the advanced metal alloy shell seem as brittle as a cookie.

Steve grabbed him by the waist, pinning Stark to the ground. Then, he began pounding the Mech armor's faceplate with his fists, shattering it. JARVIS was frantically sounding alarms, and Stark yelled in anger, "Initiate an electric shock!"

JARVIS replied, "An electric shock will render the Mech armor unusable."

"I said, initiate the electric shock!"

With a deafening roar, Mark 5 lit up with a brilliant electric surge. Steve was blasted away, and Stark was forcibly ejected from the Mech armor, crashing to the ground.

Both of them turned ashen, their hair standing on end from the shock.

"You damn thief!" Steve exclaimed.

Stark retorted, "You lunatic! Why did you suddenly attack me? I don't even know you!"

"But I'm friends with old Stark!"

Steve quickly got up, clutching Stark's collar, and demanded, "How did you get your hands on Stark Industries? Where is Howard's descendant? What have you done to him?"

Suddenly, JARVIS interjected through Stark's headphones, "Based on Mr. Schiller's provided micro-expression analysis logic, there might be a massive misunderstanding here."

Stark angrily shut off his headphones, saying, "Do we really need to read micro-expressions in this situation?!"

He looked at Steve defiantly, despite being held by the collar. "I suspect you don't understand English. When did I say I had no relationship with Howard?"

Steve maintained an exasperated eye contact, treating Stark as if he were a forgetful elderly patient. "Damn it! I heard you, but that's not what I meant!"

With a reluctant acknowledgment, Stark turned his gaze aside. "He's my father, but my genius creations have nothing to do with him."

Steve threw Stark to the ground, causing him to cry out in pain. Steve held his arm and said, "You're nothing like Howard. Your father was a brave warrior, and you? Do you even realize how annoying you are?"

Indeed, Stark's arrogance was deeply ingrained, making him appear unpleasant to anyone who encountered him.

Stark sat up and exclaimed, "Are you some sort of delusional patient? How could you possibly know my father? Is this a past-life thing?"

Steve couldn't be bothered to explain. After coming out tonight and failing to find his target, he ran into Howard's descendant, who looked completely different from his old friend. This left Steve feeling frustrated.

Suddenly, Steve heard a rush of wind, but lost in thought, he reacted slowly. A Mech armor flew directly at him, grabbing him and tossing him downstairs.

Captain America couldn't be killed from such a height, and Steve rolled on the ground before spotting Stark on the rooftop, mocking him. Then, the new Mech armor armed itself onto him, the face mask rising as Stark said, "Looks like you might indeed be a friend of my father's, as my friends wouldn't react as slowly as you."

With that, he flew away.

Steve pounded the ground in frustration.

And so, the scene of Steve berating Stark unfolded in Schiller's Psychological Clinic.

If Stark were just a stranger, Steve wouldn't be so angry, but he had fought alongside Howard. The thought of his old friend's son turning out this way made Steve both angry and somewhat ashamed, feeling that he hadn't fulfilled his educational responsibility.

After Steve left, Coulson called Schiller.

"Dr. Schiller, I have to acknowledge that my earlier praise may have been a formality, but now it definitely isn't."

"Captain suddenly became spirited. As soon as he returned, he went to the training room and beat up a dozen trainers. Director Nick talked to him about preparing a special operations team, and he immediately agreed, even requesting a special training room from the agency."

"My God, Captain America, he's been reborn!"

Schiller chuckled and said, "Controlling one's positive emotions doesn't necessarily stem from a sense of responsibility or ideal aspirations. It could also be anger."

Coulson, somewhat puzzled, asked, "Captain seems a bit angry. What happened? Did he run into some trouble?"

"He did run into a bit of trouble, but it's not something you can deal with."

With that, Schiller hung up the telephone. His doorbell rang, and Peter, in a school uniform jacket and carrying a backpack, opened the clinic's door. He waved at Schiller and said, "Hey, doctor, you won't believe the amazing party I just attended..."

Schiller sized him up, and it was clear that Peter had been drinking. He probably just came from the party, reeking of alcohol, and didn't dare go home, so he ended up here. Schiller said, "You should really thank Stark; he took a beating for you..."

Little Spider-Man looked bewildered. "What?"

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