In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 7: Three series of evolved people

Chapter 7 Three-line Evolved People

 After installing the windows, the room becomes tighter and sleep is particularly comfortable.

 After a good night's sleep, Xia Qing dreamed that an advanced evolved cow ran into her territory and refused to leave. Xia Qing put a plow stick on it and could plow fifty acres of land in one day.

 When she woke up, Xia Qing couldn't help laughing. It would be great if she really had a cow. Cows eat grass without burning oil. Nowadays, diesel and gasoline are very expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary people.

 After washing with spring water and eating a piece of ration for breakfast, Xia Qing carried three drinking water buckets and went to get water.

Yesterday, she drank, cooked, and washed, using a 20-liter bucket of spring water. The two extra buckets were found from a half-smashed kitchen cabinet of a household in Qianbian Village yesterday. The lids of the buckets were unscrewed. It's tight and can still be used after washing.

After killing three venomous snakes along the way, Xia Qing came to the cave and found that the stone blocking the entrance of the cave had been removed.

She held the machete tightly and listened carefully. She also observed carefully with her eyes. She was relieved after confirming that there were no large animals except for her, a few sparrows, and a few snakes within a radius of fifty meters.

The reason why he can observe the situation within fifty meters of his surroundings is because Xia Qing is actually a third-line evolved person.

In addition to her strength, her vision and hearing have also evolved. Although he did not go to the laboratory to test the ratings, Xia Qing judged that his auditory and visual evolution were not lower than level four by comparing similar evolved people. Also, her power is not level four as reported, but level six.

 So, Xia Qing is not a junior evolved person, but a third-line advanced evolved person.

Multi-line evolved people are very rare. Among the two million people in the entire Huisan base, there are only twelve two-line evolved people, and there are only two third-line evolved people, and these two three-line evolved people have not disclosed their identities and evolutionary directions. , Xia Qing only knew that one of them worked in the military department, and the other went to the research institute at Huiyi General Base.

 Then, there was no more news about these two people. There were rumors in the safe area that they had been sliced ​​for study and had died long ago.

After Xia Qing evolved into the third system, Xia’s father was afraid that she would be arrested for research, so he only reported the least noticeable power evolution to her.

Three-line evolutionary abilities are what Xia Qing relies on to avoid danger time and time again. It is also the confidence that gives her the courage to go out of the safe zone to farm alone.

  Yesterday, at the hole where Xia Qing put the bucket, there were clear tracks left by three animals, one was a bird, one was a weasel, and the other was a sheep or deer.

Xia Qing can find the spring, how could the animals in the mountains not know about it. After the water in the reservoir at the foot of the mountain was polluted, it was only logical for the smart animals to come here to drink the spring water.

Forget the birds, the weasels are the natural enemies of mice, so you have to keep them, the sheep or deer...she is the natural enemies of these two, keep them!

Xia Qing looked around with bright eyes, and soon made a new discovery: a few white hairs hanging on a branch two meters away.

The length, the curly shape, the toughness, plus the footprints, there is no doubt that it is a sheep. Xia Qing wished he could do nothing today and just wait for the sheep in the cave.

 She has not eaten mutton for many years.

Xia Qing is not surprised that there is no spring water in the hole cleared by Xia Qing at the spring in the stone cave. It has all flowed away along the cracks in the stone. If the cave could store water or the spring water could flow out, this place would have been discovered and circled by the search team long ago.

 She put the bucket into the pit to collect the spring water, and then tested the meat quality of three venomous snakes. She was surprised to find that one snake meat had a green light.

This made Xia Qing overjoyed and wanted to guard the drinking sheep even more.

But this snake was enough for today. Xia Qing took advantage of the time to collect water to select and test the wild vegetables she knew.

 It wasn’t until the three buckets of water were filled that she found seven small wild vegetables. Although it was only enough for one bite, Xia Qing was already very satisfied with the harvest.

Xia Qing washed the wild vegetables with spring water and picked a larger stone to block the entrance of the cave. Xia Qing put the things home and then went to tidy up the field with a shovel.

 With four acres of land cleared, all the seeds from the base can be planted. Xia Qingzhong chose a land only 100 meters away from the flood control wall of the reservoir. Irrigation here is convenient, and there is no fear of being flooded by the river even if the flood control wall exists. The first step in leveling the land is to turn over the soil and remove large rocks, tree roots, grass roots and visible pests. Xia Qing pressed the straw hat on her head and started working.

You won’t know if you don’t read it, but you will be shocked if you read it.

Many young shoots have sprouted from the land that was originally covered with a thick layer of plant ash. Xia Qing couldn't tell what kind of sprouts they were. After the test found that they were all red lights, they were all treated as weeds.

  Without the assistance of machinery or cattle, farming purely by manpower shows the advantages of power evolvers. Xia Qing used four shovels in the morning and cleared two acres of land.

 At this rate, four acres of land can be cleared today, and Xia Qing feels full of accomplishment.

 “Xia Qing sister, Xia Qing sister.”

Hearing Zhong Tao’s loudspeaker, Xia Qing wiped the sweat from his face with a towel, went home and picked up the edible venomous snake, and then hurried to the road sign.

Seeing Xia Qing coming, Zhong Tao jumped out of the car and waved to her. He followed the rules and stood outside without stepping into Xia Qing's territory, "Old girl!"

Xia Qing stepped forward with a smile, "Brother Tao is here to inspect?"

Zhong Tao looked at the much cleaner and fresher Evolver Xia Qing, and asked with a smile, "Yes, I walked around a few fields nearby yesterday, and today I walked around here at the bottom of the mountain. How are you, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xia Qing handed over the straw bag containing the snake. "I was lucky. I caught a snake while cleaning the hillside this morning. Brother Tao took it back to add some food."

Zhong Tao waved his hands hurriedly, "That's not possible. Snake meat is a good thing. You can keep it for yourself."

Xia Qing stepped forward resolutely and said, "I don't eat snake meat."

Seeing that she was really not polite, Zhong Tao took the straw bag and handed it to Zheng Kui who was smoking a cigarette. He said with concern, "I remember that this mountain was cleaned very carefully. Are there many snakes? How about I report it to you?" Send someone over to clean it up again?”

"Not much, no need to send someone." Xia Qing refused directly, and then handed the note with his mobile phone number to Zhong Tao, "This is my mobile phone number, what is Brother Tao's mobile phone number?"

 Zhong Tao, as the team leader, is equipped with a satellite phone. He gave his mobile phone number and asked in a low voice, "Do you have a satellite phone?"

Seeing Xia Qing nod, he immediately grinned and said, "This is much more convenient. If you need anything, I'll give you a call. There are two more things I need to tell you clearly. One is to listen carefully every night at 7 The base announces at eight o'clock, and the second thing is that the army will send troops to regularly patrol the isolation zone and buffer forest area on the mountain. They will greet you when they come over, and they will only enter your land after you agree. "

Xia Qing asked, "Are they patrolling the troops who live in the regiment headquarters?"

"Yes. Huh?" Zhong Tao accidentally revealed a secret that shouldn't be told. Feeling guilty, he looked around and asked Xia Qing in a low voice, "Old girl, how do you know there are people in the regiment?"

Xia Qing shook his head seriously, "I guessed. I don't know anything."

Zhong Tao scratched his head and smiled, "It doesn't matter if you know this, just don't talk about it outside. How about I tell the people in the patrol team your phone number, so that they can come and contact you?"

"Sure." In the ten years since the natural disaster, the military has made huge sacrifices to protect the people and is the most trustworthy of all groups. Xia Qing added, "Don't tell people in the safe zone that I have a phone number."

"Understood." Zhong Tao was about to leave when he saw a man running towards him from the east. He immediately picked up a gun and blocked Xia Qing behind him. "Stop, if you get closer, I'll shoot!"

 (End of this chapter)

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