In the Years When I Was a Father

Chapter 139 - The villain\\\'s father, villain boss (3)

Qi Sheng received two precious monuments and received them directly in his space. He found a clean wine bottle and carried his son to the backyard. Qi Sheng smelled the old jars of wine, at least there were at least Twenty years of cellaring time.

Qi Sheng was greedy for a while, and first scooped out some usual after-dinner wine.

An An was curiously smelling it while Qi Sheng was packing wine. The unique fragrance made him greedy: “Dad, is this delicious?”

“Delicious, but you are still too young to drink.”

An An Wenyan straightly wrinkled his nose, but he can not drink!

Qi Sheng looked at the poor son and thought that he was full of mouthfuls. The son could only stare at him, so he coaxed him: “In a few days, Dad will order you a bottle of yogurt every day, and it will be better than this!”

An An had tasted yogurt, or at Mrs. Wang ’s house, but the number of times is pitiful, and children like this sweet and sour taste. An An is no exception. He longed for yogurt for a long time, and suddenly heard that his father would give He bought yoghurt, and the smell of wine he smelled at the moment was no longer appealing to him.

“Daddy, are you serious?”

“Of course it is true. When I brew the wine, the first money I sell will start to order for you.”

“When did you start brewing?” An An now is full of yoghurt in his head, and he can’t wait for Dad to brew the wine now.

Qi Sheng looked at his son’s greedy look and wanted to laugh. He had planned to start construction in two days, but in order to meet his son’s expectations as soon as possible, Qi Sheng decided to start preparing tools and materials today.

There are enough jars in their house, and the tools for making wine can be used together. One or two Qi Sheng plans to buy them now, and by the way, prepare the materials for making wine at a time.

An An heard that he was going out, and immediately wanted to follow him. Qi Sheng agreed to take him with him wherever he went. Naturally, he would not refuse. The father and the son locked the door and went out. Li Jianwei, who persuaded him to sell the house, was crouching at the intersection of his home.

Qi Sheng pretended not to see it, and led An An to walk by. Why did Li Jian take this opportunity so easily? Besides, in order to make Qi Sheng willing to sell the house, he also found two masters who played dice yesterday. With a thousand yuan in middle commission, Li Jianwei really paid for it this time. It cost 50 yuan to just ask the two of them. Whoever thought that they hadn’t succeeded, asked him to reimburse the money they lost yesterday!

The people who are in the casino all the year round are not annoying. Li Jianwei can only pay the money to them. This time he suffered heavy losses. If Qi Sheng still does not sell the house, who will he cry for?

Li Jianwei was so angry that Qi Sheng’s teeth were mixed. The idea of ​​selling a house was so strong before. Why didn’t he suddenly sell it? !

“Qi Sheng, what are you going to do? I heard you got lucky yesterday?”

Qi Sheng stopped and waved his hand: “It’s okay, mainly because of good luck. This is also thanks to Xu Huadong. I still have something in front of me. Let’s go first.”

Li Jian stopped people in a hurry: “Don’t hurry, what can you do? We haven’t had a drink together for many days. Brothers please you today?”

Qi Sheng raised his eyebrows at him and smiled, “Lao Li, today the sun came out of the west. You’re still going to take the initiative to ask someone to drink? You said, what the **** is going on with me, won’t you still worry about my home?” House? “

After talking, Qi Sheng asked curiously: “How honestly do you give you, how hard is it?”

Li Jianwei rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, and he flicked Qi Sheng: “Not much, just one hundred yuan, which earns a few months of rations.”

“It’s not much, okay, no wonder you’re so haunting me!” Qi Sheng wouldn’t believe his ghost words, he followed Li Jianwei’s words: “Brother, if I really want to sell, I’ll let you earn this middle It ’s a pity, but it ’s a pity that I ’m not going to sell it anymore, you should find other sellers as soon as possible. ”

Li Jianwei rolled his eyes when he heard this. If there were other people selling this film, he would still spend so much effort entangled with Qi Sheng. People who have this kind of courtyard house have good family conditions, and others wo n’t. Like Qi Sheng, he does n’t understand business all day long, not to mention the value of this old house. Many people are unwilling to sell their ancestral homes. He has been such a broker for so long, and it is rare to encounter such a generous buyer. The sale was made.

“Brother, let me tell you the truth. After you regretted not selling yesterday, I told the buyer the truth. I heard you thought you were dissatisfied with the price. It was useless for me to talk. They took the initiative to build on the original basis. Add 30,000 yuan and 80,000 yuan to buy your old house. It ’s a good thing. Although the brothers are doing this business to earn commissions, they are also for your own good. There is no such shop after this village! “

Li Jianwei stated the buyer’s base price. He thought that this price would definitely make Qi Sheng feel emotional. Unexpectedly, this prodigal man who saw money and opened his eyes was abnormal again today!

“80,000? Then I don’t sell it. I want so much money for what to do. Besides, with so much money in my hands, I’m scared!”

Li Jianwei was angered by Qi Sheng’s little family, and he patiently persuaded him to continue to persuade: “Who can still find too much money? Think about it, with this money, what can you do? I am not as good as you. , There is an ancestral mansion, if I were to sell it, I heard that the development in the south is better now, and when I save enough money, I will go there to do business. The business there is a lot of money, not more than you guard this The ancestral house is a hundred times stronger! “

Qi Sheng was still unmoved, and even disgusted: “I didn’t go to the south, so far, I heard that it would take several days to take the train alone, and the people who had tossed back and forth must not be exhausted! Let me worry about doing business. Ah, I’m too lazy to do it. “

“Who says you have to take the train, you are so rich, you can go by plane too, the plane will arrive in a few hours!”

Qi Sheng heard his words and shook his head: “I won’t go, so I have to toss about everything. One word: Still tired!”

Li Jianwei was almost mad at Qi Sheng’s infidelity. He didn’t expect that Qi Sheng was not only lazy but also so lazy!

“I heard that the south is much more developed than ours, and there are fashionable girls in the bar and dance hall!” Li Jianwei raised his eyebrows: “You are not interested in the flower world over there? Our men, don’t go out and see more, maybe you You can also find a beautiful and fashionable wife there! “

Qi Sheng did n’t think that he was even disgusted: “Forget it, the more beautiful women spend more money, the more money Lao Tzu does n’t have enough to spend, and they can make them! You ’re pretty good, just like you ’ve been there . “

After talking about Qi Sheng holding his son and leaving directly, he was too lazy to deal with Li Jianwei. This man is also a treacherous businessman who hasn’t formed yet. He doesn’t sell this person at all, so some dirty tricks count him, but he is now They are almost desperate, and they are not the prodigal son of the original person, and they can still be fooled by him.

The whole guy didn’t speak at all. Qi Sheng planned to go to the store first. The little guy with his neck around the road looked at him curiously and asked, “Dad, is there really something uncle Li said to the south? What is a bar?” The dance hall? “

The son ’s curiosity was too strong, so Qi Sheng explained: “The bar is the place to drink. Do you want my dad to go outside and drink?”

The child in his arms immediately heard him say this and immediately turned his little head into a rattle: “No! What is Dad’s dance hall?”

“Singing and dancing hall, it’s a group of monsters and ghosts crying and crying there.” Qi Sheng explained when he didn’t understand his son. “It’s men and women singing and dancing together and drinking and making trouble. If Dad goes, maybe they will be caught by the little girl. , Son, do you want dad to find you a stepmother? “

In a word, let the little guy shake his head straight, do n’t look at An’an ’s young age, but still know what his stepmother is doing, so at this moment An An ’s heart remembered that the south is not a good place, and Uncle Li is not a good person, and actually encouraged his father to go there Kind of place!

Qi Sheng took his son to go around in several nearby stores. In addition to the sorghum, rice and glutinous rice that were specially selected, Qi Sheng also complemented the missing pieces in the brewing tool, and he did not buy other things. . Winemaking doesn’t take a few days, especially the delicious white wine, without a year of cellaring, the taste can’t go up.

Therefore, Qi Sheng intends to brew different wine types. The cycle of rice wine and glutinous rice wine is short, and the elderly and women can drink it. As the current source of living expenses, it is ok to decide. Liquor is the big head of Qi Sheng brewing, but the cycle is too long, so Qi Sheng didn’t buy too much sorghum at one time. He planned to brew liquor in large quantities when he no longer worried about money.

After confirming the price, he bought two catties, because he couldn’t carry it because of the heavy weight, he could only ask the person in the grain store to help him get home, and he led his son to go home with his tools.

The owner of the grain shop also knew Qi Sheng. In the past, Grandpa Qi often bought grain from his house to make wine himself. Unfortunately, the old man left early, he could no longer taste the exclusively brewed liquor. Today, he suddenly heard that Qi Sheng wanted to make wine. He was also shocked, this bastard, 80% of them are fooling around again!

There are also many people who see Qi Sheng buying so much food, but many people do not believe that Qi Sheng will make wine, and they feel that buying so much food at one time would be completely spoiled.

There are many people who are not optimistic about Qi Sheng, until a few days later Qi Sheng came to the shop with the rice wine and glutinous rice wine installed.

“Boss Song, you try it.”

Mr. Song is in his forties this year. When he was young, he also drank the wine made by Qi Sheng ’s father, but he has not seen Qi Sheng wine. Besides, a big man is not very interested in rice wine with a low degree. So he waved his hand and said: “Don’t you take me away, you don’t know what wine I like to drink!”

Qi Sheng was not in a hurry to see that he refused. He unscrewed the two wine bottle caps and put it in front of boss Song: “Smell it?”

The scent of wine made me swallow the words that boss Song just wanted to refuse. The charming scent of wine made him really curious, so he took out the glass and poured a small one. He sipped his mouth and sipped it, he just tasted it It was rice wine. When he was curious and took out glutinous rice wine for tasting, Qi Sheng had not spoken during this period. He even sat on the small bench in the shop.

Boss Song smiled at his confident expression: “Yes, Qi Sheng, there are really two brushes. I already knew that you can make wine like this, what wine do I still go outside! You give your uncle a bottom, these two wines How much have you brewed? “

“Two altars of rice wine, one altar of glutinous rice wine, I’m too lazy to sell them alone, let me put you all?”

“Okay, you set the price, how much do you plan to sell for a bottle?”

Qi Sheng thought about the price at home. A jar of wine can hold about thirty bottles of this kind of small bottle. In addition to the cost of buying raw materials, he planned to make at least fifty cents for a bottle of rice wine. As for glutinous rice wine, because the production of glutinous rice is less now, He plans to earn at least 80 cents for a bottle, which in turn calculates the cost price and the distribution price that may be distributed to Boss Song. Qi Sheng decided to sell rice wine for one dollar and glutinous rice wine for two dollars.

Boss Song started to frown at the price. Qi Sheng’s wine tasted better than any other he tasted, but is the price too high?

Boss Song looked at Qi Sheng, who was slightly proud, and finally did not persuade him to lower the price. Instead, he said: “Also, I will try to sell it first. We sold two or eight cents of the money, do you think it is?”

Qi Sheng nodded in agreement that the share was still within his budget, and he knew that Song boss Lu Ziguang, selling it should not be a problem, the two negotiated the price, and Qi Sheng bought a package of peanuts before turning back home.

In the evening, Qi Sheng took his son to dinner and poured peanuts on a plate. He spent the old wine in the old man’s cellar after dinner. An An just like the milk that Qi Sheng bought for him along the way, just like Qi Sheng. Peanuts, a small bite of milk, and finally a small intoxicated expression.

Qi Sheng was amused by his small appearance, such a lovely son, now so young, he had to hug it in his arms and relieve it.

The father and son were in trouble again, and boss Song was at the door at this time.

“Qi Sheng, I will sell all your wine in the afternoon. Can you give me another batch tomorrow?”

Qi Sheng was surprised: “Boss Song, you are fast enough, I thought I could sell it for at least five or six days!”

Boss Song did n’t immediately answer Qi Sheng ’s words. He smelled the smell of old wine as soon as he entered the house. At this moment, his mouth was greedy, and he sat down on the other side politely, picked up the jug and poured himself a glass.

He didn’t drink it immediately, but smelled it on the tip of his nose, feeling the rich aroma of wine: “You can really enjoy it, and you won’t take out such a good wine to share with us.”

Qi Sheng laughed: “The old man hid it a little bit. I don’t want to sell it so fast. You haven’t said it yet.”

“It’s also a coincidence. In the afternoon, the bosses of several other areas came to me to talk about things. I saw the wine in my shop and tasted it for a while. This didn’t make them want to leave.” After asking Mr. Song, he asked : “You should be able to give me another batch tomorrow. Aunt Shen in the front street bought a bottle in the afternoon, and just came to ask me again, but I told everyone that I will have it tomorrow.”

Qi Sheng did not expect boss Song to be so aggressive in selling something. He was embarrassed: “I’m afraid it won’t work. I haven’t prepared any raw materials yet. So, I’ll give it to you ten days later.”

After listening to this, Mr. Song frowned directly. He wondered: “Although I haven’t brewed any wine, I have heard of it, how long does this rice wine and glutinous rice wine take? With the time you need to prepare ingredients, at most five days is enough Alright! “

Qi Sheng: “It’s enough, but I don’t have to rest for a few days, how can I work every day!”

Boss Song thought he brewed such a delicious wine because of the long period of exclusive secret recipes. He did not expect Qi Sheng to be the reason for this. He fell out of his breath for a while and thought that the **** was finally going forward. The co-author is now three days Two days of fishing and drying the net!

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: 298931352; 50524651;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

1 bottle of frost;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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