In the Years When I Was a Father

Chapter 141 - Prodigal boss\\\'s father (5)

At the end of An’an’s first grade, Qi Sheng’s first batch of liquor could basically be opened for tasting. This time, Qi Sheng didn’t even need to go to Song boss’s shop to sell himself.

On the first day of the altar, Qi Sheng, Boss Song and the eldest son of Boss Song who had to come with him tasted it. Fortunately, Qi Sheng, his craftsmanship is still relatively clear. Those who saw it started yelling.

“Qi Sheng, I really have you. This strength is definitely more delicious than your Lao Tzu!”

“Brother Qi, you are awesome. This is the best drink I have ever had!”

The two clamored at Qi Sheng for a while. They kept talking on their lips and did not rest their hands. They drank enough.

Qi Sheng didn’t stop them either. Fortunately, boss Song had a sober head at the end of his drink. He asked: “How many altars are there in this batch of wine?”

Qi Sheng stretched out his palms with five fingers and opened them slightly. Boss Song glanced at it and realized: “The five altars are too few, you have so many altars!”

Liquor Qi Sheng has brewed a total of 20 altars, but he only intends to make five altars for a year.

“Boss Song, you know that the more the wine is, the more fragrant the wine will be. After a year, I can give you a couple of years in the altar.”

Boss Song knows this reason, but he is still a little too small. These jars are larger than rice wine jars, but he estimates that the top of the five jars will contain about 200 bottles, which is not enough for him. of!

Unfortunately, he couldn’t be the master of Qi Sheng at all. He still calculated how to allocate it. He heard Qi Sheng say: “In the future, I will only produce two batches of rice wine and glutinous rice wine each month. . “

Boss Song has not yet felt that the amount of white wine is too small, and now he heard Qi Sheng directly reduce so much rice wine and directly fried.

“Qi Sheng, you, you … not only are you missing a batch, but the amount of each batch is actually too small! You are too much!”

“You have half a month to rest for half a month is enough, why are you starting to be lazy again!”

Qi Sheng smiled humbly, but he tried his face seriously: “Boss Song, where do you say, I have to take time to teach An An to learn from An An, I am very busy.”

Boss Song did not roll his eyes at the face very much. Who do you believe on this reason? People are safe and clever. They do n’t need you to teach, let ’s say you have gone to school for a few years, and I ’ll give it to you!

Boss Song knows Qi Sheng ’s inertia and can only helplessly say: “Either one batch is normal or the batch is not reduced by a small amount. Now An’an has started to go to school, you do n’t make much money to save him.

Qi Sheng laughed: “The money is enough to feed our father and son, An An has no opinion.”

Yes, still unable to persuade boss Song to choke in his throat, he looked at Qi Sheng who was really lazy, thought secretly in his heart, no, he had to mobilize the neighbors around to say a daughter-in-law to this stink boy, nobody Take care of him, look at him!

I do n’t know if Qi Sheng, who offended boss Song accidentally, agreed on the price of each bottle of liquor, and watched them pull the wine jar away, and lay back on the rocking chair in the yard with a lollipop to start the sun. When An An returned from school, The scene I saw was his dad in a leisurely and complacent yard.

An An sighed again, put the schoolbag back in the bedroom, and began to take the grass spikes to Qi Sheng’s nose, knowing that his son’s returning Qi Sheng would be teased by him, and suddenly stretched out a hand and still secretly making a prank. The son was surrounded.

“Hahaha, Dad, you are sober!”

“I didn’t wake up and knew it was your kid.”

“Dad, shall we go to dinner?”

“OK, let’s go.”

In addition to the occasional burning of water, the Qi family kitchen has no chance to open fire. Qi Sheng is too lazy to cook. He pulls his son to the restaurant every day. The father and the son can eat comfortably. The neighbors in the vicinity can’t see it.

The people around them watched their father and son running outside to spend money for dinner every day, and they all agreed silently that Qi Sheng still lacked a woman to control him!

Therefore, in Qi Sheng, he was unaware that his lazy image was rejected by the villagers of Fangyuan Sanli Road.

Everyone began to pay attention to finding an object for him, so after seeing his son go to school, Qi Sheng was planning to take the book and lie under the grapevine in the yard to read, and was surprised by the knock on the door outside.

Qi Sheng couldn’t figure out who would come to him at this time, and he was still wondering when he opened the door and saw the aunt Liu at the Hutongkou.

“Aunt Liu, why are you here?”

Aunt Liu didn’t reply, she looked Qi Sheng up and down, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she was, she bluntly pushed away Qi Sheng and entered the courtyard. Come on, Auntie has something good for you. “

Qi Sheng frowned and couldn’t think of any good things this man could do with him. He walked over and sat on the other side curiously, watching Aunt Liu’s excited face somehow.

Fortunately, Aunt Liu is not a person who likes to sell guanzi. She smiled and raised her eyebrows to signal Qi Sheng: “I told you my wife, you said it is good!” Tao: “The girl is the daughter-in-law of the old Chen Han family in the nearby street. Her work is diligent and she looks pretty. She also went to high school and now works as a teller in a department store. This is a good condition. Will you see when to see you?”

Qi Sheng didn’t expect someone to come to him and say pro-wife, when did he plan to marry his wife? How good he is now as a kid. At home, when the boss can occasionally bully the soft and cute son, he brews wine when he is bored. He usually reads books and drinks tea to listen to a little song. It is not easy to be complacent. The person controls him.

So Qi Sheng refused: “Aunt Liu, why did you suddenly kiss me, I promised An An, he will not find him a stepmother before he becomes an adult.”

Aunt Liu thought Qi Sheng was embarrassed, so she persuaded: “Hey, you can’t say that, An An is still young, and now she needs a woman who knows how to take care of him. You, a rough man, don’t understand what children need ! “

Qi Sheng smiled: “I don’t know my son yet. I am enough to raise him alone, and I am not arrogant.”

Aunt Liu was very happy: “That’s right, An An is sensible. Then the new wife will give you a son and he can take care of it. If you are such a big yard, there will be two or three talented people.”

Qi Sheng still shook his head: “Aunt Liu, thank you for your kindness, but I really didn’t plan to find the target.” After he said it, he started to send Aunt Liu away, no matter how upset the old lady was.

Waiting for the person to be sent away, Qi Sheng exhaled and closed the door and had a headache. Why did these idle aunts hit him with his idea?

He didn’t know that this was just the first crop. Qi Sheng hadn’t been idle in the next few days. Various enthusiastic aunts came to knock at his house, scaring Qi Sheng even dare not come out of the house for two days. Let the people in the small restaurant give it to him.

An An was also scared by this battle, he was a little depressed: “Dad, will you marry the new aunt?”

“No, don’t think about it. Dad said he won’t find you a stepmother.”

An An nodded, but his mood was not much better. He went to the grandma Wang ’s house next door yesterday to find Xiao Zhou Zhou to play. He was also taught by grandma Wang to persuade his father to find him a new mother. How good it is to live with my dad now, no one robs him at all!

“But everyone says that if you don’t find a wife, you will be looked down upon …”

Qi Sheng looked at the low son, and the angry group of people outside dared to say anything in front of the child. He took the little boy over and asked him: “Do you think those people will look down on Dad?”

“Isn’t it?” An An finished looking at Qi Sheng’s eyes for a moment, but he didn’t understand it, but then he thought that there are so many people who come to his father to buy wine every day. Dad always sends them out without selling them separately. Those people think about drinking dad’s wine every day. It seems that no one looks down on dad.

The reaction came to An An angry: “Dad, did they deliberately lie to me?”

Qi Sheng laughed: “Those people just use words to coax you, just ignore them, who can force me to nod if I don’t agree?”

Finally, he calmed his son’s emotions, and Qi Sheng began to come up with another idea: “You will have a summer vacation in a few days, and dad will take you to the countryside to play?”

An An also went there once during the winter vacation, and heard that he could go out and have fun immediately. The father and the son had a good discussion. Qi Sheng didn’t even prepare the next batch of wine. He packed and packed things. left.

So boss Song and the ladies who came to pull wine and talk about the media, silently looked at the locked door and had a headache. Qi Sheng, this stupid boy, when he left, when would they be able to drink wine!

Qi Sheng didn’t care about the grievances of his neighbors. He took his son to spend a lot of money outside, let alone the feeling of freedom. When he returned from the country, An An was about to start school in ten days. The homework hasn’t started yet, so Qi Sheng still doesn’t go out on the grounds of staying at home to accompany his son to do summer vacation homework.

I do n’t know if the image of Qi Sheng was too hurried last time to let the ladies know what he meant, or that the people who had been drinking for more than a month finally knew that Qi Sheng was not troublesome. In short, when Qi Sheng came back from the outside, no longer No one had a blind date before him.

Qi Sheng, who was victorious in the battle, laughed silently in his heart. The father and son slept sturdily for a few days when they first came back. The father and son who were late in cancer were even lazy to eat.

So at every meal, boss Li of the small restaurant will prepare meals in advance and hurriedly deliver food to Qi Sheng’s family. Mr. Li, who has realized the food delivery business several decades in advance, wept silently. Qi Sheng, a mixed boy, is also uneasy He is comfortable, he has to come to the door even for dinner!

Depressed, Boss Li could n’t refuse. Who asked him to secretly collect a bottle of liquor sent by Qi Sheng, thinking of the taste of the wine, Boss Li finally got a better mentality, but every time he saw Qi Sheng At that time, he was still a bit untenable.

“Old Li, can’t you innovate the dishes of your family?”

“What is innovation?”

“Just studying a few more recipes, An An and I are getting tired of eating these every day.”

Boss Li did not expect Qi Sheng to be so shameless, he just delivered the food to his door, and he wanted to order! Boss Li looked at Qi Sheng ’s humorous face and wanted to smash the delivery box directly against his face. Lao Tzu opened a small private restaurant. Now because you are on time than the employees of the national factory, you have to find something. You “take leave”, you still have a face to ask here!

Boss Li’s elder, Qi Sheng pushed the prepared glutinous rice wine to him in time: “I heard that sister-in-law likes to drink glutinous rice wine? This is what I have been aging for a year. Take it back and let her taste it?”

Boss Li, who was just about to lose his temper, just looked at the glutinous rice wine on the table and added a lower lip. He looked at Qi Sheng ’s smiling face and silently looked at the tempting glutinous rice wine, and finally decided to give this bottle of wine With a face, boss Li smiled back to him: “Then I will go back to discuss with your sister-in-law and give you different dishes tomorrow.”

Qi Sheng nodded with a smile, and sent Boss Li away. Qi Sheng was proud of his son and asked for credit: “How is it, Dad is great?”

An An always worried that his father will be beaten: “…”

Dad is so good!

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