In the Years When I Was a Father

Chapter 154 - Merry dad with cannon fodder (8)

Although Qi Xinglin unilaterally competed with Chu Yi, and even cited it as Chu Yi’s fault, but if she really asked her to speak out, she felt weird again, so Qi Xinglin seemed silent for a while.

Qi Sheng was not anxious to see her not answering.

He provoked this topic, in addition to trying to unlock the silly girl, but also curious about what magical brain circuit a cannon fodder would have.

He gave the little girl ten minutes to organize her language. When she found that she still could n’t speak, she deliberately stimulated her: “If you really do n’t want to say it, then I ’ll find someone to investigate. Then, in case I have other ideas Don’t blame me. “

When Qi Xinglin was anxious, she stared at Qi Sheng with a face of grievance and anger: “You are a big radish, you are really interested in seeing a woman, bad guy!”

Qi Sheng laughed: “Your dad has been doing this for decades. It is rare to see you take the initiative to introduce love to me | people, to be honest I am really curious.”

Qi Xinglin was half angry with his words, remembering Chu Yi even more angry.

“She’s ugly and dying, she’s still doing blame all day, bad and annoying!”

Qi Sheng raised his eyebrows: “Daughter girl, according to the picture I just saw, is that what you meant in reverse?”

Qi Xinglin was furious: “No, it was bad.”

Qi Sheng laughed: “Then why is she broken, she counts you like the last Sun Qi?”

Although Qi Xinglin wanted to discredit Chu Yi, she could not say anything against her, and framed her to count herself.

She didn’t want to say her careful thoughts, so she became silent again.

So Qi Sheng continued to threaten: “If you don’t tell me the truth today, I’ll investigate myself? You also know that your dad and I want to check personally is quite easy.”

Qi Xinglin regretted telling her dad about Xiao Ge today. Why did she mention Xiao Ge and Chu Yi? It’s all Xiao Ge’s fault, go back and see that she doesn’t pack him!

Qi Xinglin reluctantly said: “She robs me in every way, and confuses her classmates to only be good to her!”

Qi Sheng issued a question in a timely manner: “… how do you judge this?”

Qi Xinglin looked straight and confident: “Feel!” After she said that this explanation was not persuasive, she added: “This is the sixth sense of girls, father, you don’t understand.”

Qi Sheng: “Oh.”

This is the sixth sense of cannon fodder.

Qi Sheng asked in depth: “So how did she grab your limelight? For example?”

Qi Xinglin was stunned. She could n’t remember what Chu Yi grabbed her, but she felt that she could n’t say it at this time. , I’m so hard filming and some people black me to scold me. Why does she go all the way to attract netizens? It really looks annoying! “

In order to increase the persuasive power, Qi Xinglin still moved Xiao Ge out: “I used to want to be a friend with Xiao Ge. He used to hide from me deliberately, but he had a normal attitude towards Chu Yi. Dad, do you say if you are angry ? “

Qi Sheng was baffled: “What’s so angry, is Xiao Ge indifferent to everyone except Chu Yi’s normal attitude?”

Qi Xinglin was stunned again by this question. She suddenly remembered that it seemed that Xiao Ge had an attitude towards other people besides hiding from her at school, so Qi Xinglin was angry again, you Xiao Ge, I will go back tomorrow and find again You settle accounts!

Qi Sheng questioned a lot, and finally concluded that the little girl had no intimate friends at the university and was also popular. She wanted to be close to Xiao Ge, the Fengyun school character, and was deliberately alienated, so she was jealous of Chu Yi.

In addition, she originally wanted to grab Chu Yi’s limelight by entering the entertainment circle, but she didn’t grab the limelight. She was not only scolded, but Chu Yi’s reputation and reputation were more and more, and the more she paid attention to a person, the more I want to compete with her in the end.

The above is Qi Xinglin’s careful thinking and brain circuit.

Qi Sheng smiled: “Silly girl, why do you have to compare with them? Neither of you is a class.”

Although Qi Sheng does not have three, six, nine, etc. in his heart, in this world, even in the countless worlds he traverses, the human stratum is always clearly divided.

In addition to having ulterior motives, how many people would like to be friends with people who are too far apart?

As far as shopping and playing are concerned, how many ordinary people will not be out of balance after accompanying Qi Xinglin’s people in this circle for a period of time?

Rather than discomfort or strangeness, many people subconsciously do not like to communicate across several classes.

When Qi Xinglin University did not enter the prestigious universities according to Qi Sheng’s arrangement, nor did she study abroad with a few good sisters, but instead entered a completely strange environment.

After leaving the familiar network, I want to regain recognition and like to say that simple is also difficult to say, but at the very least, it is difficult for someone to dare to make friends with her like Qi Xinglin’s arrogant little princess.

Seeing the little girl did n’t understand, Qi Sheng explained: “Why do you have to play with Chu Yibi, do you think it is fair for you two to play? Take this filming for example, you think you can just become Liu by yourself Lead heroine? “

“Take Chu Yi in your mouth, even if she is a little popular right now, but you really want to be regarded by Liu Dao as a director. Without excellent acting and masterpieces, you can’t get tickets to the starring role. And you But it was just asking your mother to cry twice and easily get the result they could work hard for. “

Qi Xinglin was confused, and she asked in confusion: “Daddy, what do you say about these? Although what you said is also true, the current situation is that Chu Yi has not only succeeded in acting on television, but also praised a variety show , Look at me again, my pocket money is gone, and no one on the Internet has praised me! “

It seems that his daughter-in-law is really miserable, but the reason for the consequences now is actually very easy to find.

“You can’t just see that she has succeeded, why don’t you compare the effort you put in with others? I don’t know about others, but you … what do you really work for since childhood?”

The question was very straightforward. Qi Xinglin couldn’t answer it for a while. She was a little embarrassed and dissatisfied: “Dad, why have you been hitting me all the time? I have also worked hard, even a little bit!”

Qi Sheng laughed: “I have no intention of cracking down on you, I just want to tell you that with the conditions of our family, you can get everything that others want without any effort, and your starting line is at the end of others since you were born. Now, with such good conditions, why do you say you want to go back and envy others? “

For other ambitious children, Qi Sheng will not instill this kind of unhealthy hedonistic thoughts, but who made Qi Xinglin’s temperament basically determined, unless there are any major changes, it will be difficult for this girl to grow up stand up.

Qi Sheng did not have the idea of ​​cultivating talents, so on the whole, it would be better to let the little girl sober and continue her life as a relaxed and comfortable little princess.

Although Dad said something reasonable, Qi Xinglin was still a little dissatisfied: “I didn’t get everything I wanted. At least Xiao Ge hasn’t said that he likes me. Netizens haven’t praised me yet.”

“Daughter girl, if you are too greedy, be careful that there is nothing in the end.”

Qi Sheng felt that it was enough to say this today, and he did n’t expect to be able to break the human temperament in one day, so he got up and stretched out: “Okay, you go upstairs to wash your face. Be careful that your eyes will be swollen tomorrow. . “

Qi Xinglin still wanted to say something. When she wasn’t pretty, she immediately forgot everything. She rushed upstairs quickly, thinking when she entered the bathroom. She must ask Xiao Ge tomorrow to ask clearly!

However, until the next day, Qi Xinglin found that Xiao Ge actually asked for leave today!

“Director, where did Xiao Ge go?”

Liu Dao stared at the screen to see the other actors who were acting in front of him, without thinking: “Go to the audition.”

Qi Xinglin turned around and left, and Liu Dao saw her without asking or elaborating.

Before the start of the film, Liu Dao was the first determined male lead Xiao Ge. No one expected that Qi Xinglin suddenly came behind him. Normally, it should be completed in three months. Xiao Ge was dragged down to nearly five. In May, although General Qi compensated Xiao Ge with money, Liu Dao still felt a little guilty for him.

In the past five months, many actors who played against Qi Xinglin were unbearable, and Xiao Ge, who had the most opponents, never expressed dissatisfaction and complaint.

Liu Dao couldn’t be more upset, plus he already appreciated Xiao Ge’s acting skills. This time, his friend, internationally renowned director Xu Ying, was preparing a drama, so Liu Dao recommended him.

Liu Dao said this a few days ago. Today is the day when Xiao Ge went to audition.

Qi Xinglin’s lines prepared yesterday did not play a role, choked up in the stomach, no matter how hard it felt.

She was a little praying that the filming would be finished soon, and a little bit reluctant to part with Xiao Ge, so she was bored again and started to tweet on Weibo.

During that time, the draft program that Chu Yi participated in was very popular. Every day, whether it was players or mentors, there were many hot searches. Qi Xinglin saw that Chu Yi ’s name was still irritable, and simply turned off her mobile phone.

Lying in the lounge, Qi Xinglin was still thinking, whether Xiao Ge liked her or not, and she had not yet figured out what the result was, so she received a message from the good sisters.

[Lin Lin, today’s famous club, let’s drink together! 】

Qi Xinglin now feels nothing, so she replied: “Don’t go.”

The person over there quickly returned to her: “Aren’t you still filming? Hahaha, what are you crazy about now? Are you really going to be an actor?”

Qi Xinglin thought about it, she did n’t like to be an actor, she did n’t enjoy the pleasure of being an actor, she rushed to film at the time, but now because of all the things that happened during this time, she wanted to get rid of it quickly, and now the only thing that makes her Xiao Ge is reluctant.

So Qi Xinglin replied: “I have something to do today, you guys play.”

Did n’t dad say she did n’t really work hard for one thing? Huh, she will stick to the end today, she must stop Xiao Ge to ask clearly!

So he came back at more than five o’clock in the afternoon. After returning, he chatted with Liu Dao for nearly two hours. Xiao Ge was planning to go back to the lounge to get something. He found Qi Xinglin had been waiting for him at the door.

Qi Xinglin saw him immediately stepped forward: “Shall we talk seriously today?”

Originally Xiao Ge wanted to refuse, but looking at the serious face of the girl, the ghost nodded.

The crew is always inconvenient. Today, Qi Xinglin was thoughtful in order to be able to talk seriously. They went to a high-end restaurant under the name of the nearby Qi family one by one. After entering the private room, Qi Xinglin took off her sunglasses and complained and looked at Xiao. song.

Xiao Ge sighed in his heart, but there was nothing unusual on the surface. He asked: “What are you talking about?”

Qi Xinglin was annoyed by what he didn’t know. She was angry: “You know what I want to say!”

Xiao Ge didn’t speak, he hadn’t figured out how to deal with the relationship between the two, but Qi Xinglin couldn’t wait and asked directly: “Do you like me, right? I feel it!”

Xiao Ge laughed: “No, you feel wrong.”

Qi Xinglin did not believe: “No, there is a feeling …”

Stimulated by Xiao Ge’s refusal, he didn’t know what to do. Qi Xinglin, who usually had no heart and no heart, cried again today.

“Your men are big hoofs. One is worse than the other. My dad is very bad. You are also very bad. You all bully me!”

When Xiao Ge saw Qi Xinglin crying for the first time, she was a little flustered for a moment. Although he didn’t know how Qi was always bad, he felt a little guilty.

He took a piece of paper and handed it to Qi Xinglin, saying: “Don’t cry, you have something to say.”

“Say what … oh … you’re deliberately hiding from me!”

It might be that Xiao Ge hid people too many times in the past few days, so Qi Xinglin’s long-squeezed grievance released her brain. She forgot the image, stared at Xiao Ge while crying, and accused him with her eyes.

Xiao Ge was overwhelmed by Qi Xinglin like this, and originally intended to forget the throbbing thought after the filming was also forgotten by him.

“We are not suitable. I have a job and will be very busy. I don’t have much time to accompany you.”

Qi Xinglin saw him finally speaking, dissatisfied and said: “Excuse me, I don’t have to work, I can accompany you!”

Xiao Ge: “It is possible in any environment where I filmed, like the conditions in the film and television city, but many live shootings are either going to the mountains or the countryside. Can you accept it for two to three months or even half a year?”

“What can’t you do? I’ll go find you when I miss you.”

Xiao Ge knew that the little girl had never thought about what the two would face together, but looking at the face of the usually proud young lady who was wronged and crying, he felt a little bit distressed again.

In the end he chose a compromise: “We will get along as a friend for half a year, if–“

“No, get along as a boyfriend and girlfriend!”

“I know what you are going to say, I agree to everything else, but I must do what I say!”

Xiao Ge finally smiled and nodded. The two finally clarified their relationship. Qi Xinglin stopped crying and got the desired result. She looked at Xiao Ge proudly and said proudly: “I know you like me!” “

The two spoke again, and Qi Xinglin left happily, and when she returned home, she saw Qi Sheng sitting in front of him with a blank face.

“Dad, you don’t have to worry about the big things in my life, I have successfully married myself!”

Qi Sheng who is watching the news 😕 ? ?

The author has something to say: this time the daughter is a growing-up type, so sometimes she will be self-indulgent, but she is not bad in nature, just needs to be guided.

I have paved so much in front of me, the two of them will not look awkward together, of course, there is still a way to go for their true friendship.

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