In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe

Chapter 211:

Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: Rxel

Chapter 211

As expected.

The reaction to their second child was heating up.


-I thought you were asking me to do something, but you were just bad at directions

-It’s not easy to get lost on the main road…

-But that kid managed to do it ㅋ

-So cute…

There was a favorable response to Bijoo, who unintentionally made a laughing point.


Bijoo opened his eyes wide and was happy.

“Hyung, this is the first time I’ve gotten attention for my personal dark history. Awesome.”

“Exactly. How did this happen?”

They looked at each other with surprised expressions.

After a brief silence.

Woojoo said seriously, “Shall we congratulate you first?”


They cheered like a band of misfits who had won a battle.

They all danced with their shoulders and looked at the internet reaction more. The hottest one was the female community.

-So cuteㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-What’s his name?

-Cute-looking kids do cute things too

-0_0 This expression of looking around is so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Dazed and confused

From today, someone’s comment that he was their favorite made them all smile.

“I’m jealous. I should have gotten lost a little too.”

“You look like you know the way too well. You can’t do that. Only cute-looking kids like Bijoo can be bad at directions.”

“No. My sisters said I was cute too.”

“…Oh dear. I can’t hear the TV. Junhyun, turn up the volume.”

Woojoo stroked the youngest’s head, who was pouting his lips, and turned his eyes to the TV.

Exactly 34 times of ‘Bijoo!’ and 12 times of ‘Bijoo, hurry up!’ combined to make a total of 46 times quickly passed by.

They gathered together with the Patisserie Korea crew and checked the results.

-Wow… Did you use up all those mountain-like flyers? So fast?

Chef Park Jaewoo, who had an amazed face, passed by and there was a similar reaction in the studio.

-You did it that fast?

-It took us half a day to spread those promotional materials. How did you do it at that speed?

-Wow. Are they friends who came after handing out flyers?

The patissier in the studio, Min Sejin, answered.

-The New Black friends handed out the flyers really fast. Yoo Changhyun saw it and joked, ‘Did you come after doing flyers part-time?’

On the main screen, they showed a scene of them smiling kindly and handing out flyers.

Ah. Woojoo was happy.

It was worth it to grab every passing person and say ‘Please come’, ‘Our dessert is delicious’ while promoting that day.

-You all worked hard!

Then, a scene of them saying goodbye to each other came out.

The Patisserie crew went to prepare for the cafe business, and the part-timer New Black went to the Taiwan schedule.

As if to show the passage of time, the camera installed on the Yungkang Street captured the change of the sky.

The caption with the ticking sound of the clock.

[Local time AM 06:00]

As the light turned on in the dark cafe, the cast members started to show up.

The Patisserie crew, who wore outerwear because of the dawn weather, and New Black, who came in with a face that held back a yawn.

Yoo Changhyun asked.

-Did anything happen yesterday?

-No, we just went to see the night market after the schedule was over.

They started to chat and get ready for the cafe.

While preparing separately in the kitchen, the hall was organized under the leadership of Rihyuk and Bijoo.

The comments praised the neat setting and the sensible interior that each of them showed.

-But how many customers came?

The studio asked.

As time passed, the audio from outside was heard.

They deliberately didn’t show how many customers had gathered.

Naturally, the viewers couldn’t help but think, ‘What? I hear the sound outside, how many came?’

Gradually increasing the curiosity.

Finally, the entertainer Yoo Changhyun went out of the cafe door, saying he was curious.

The cameraman outside captured the scene.

The wooden door opened with a clang in the quiet alley, and a celebrity’s face popped out.

[!!!] The caption and the face stained with shock.

-What is it, what is it

-What the hell

-Why are you guys the only ones who know and are surprised, let us know too

When the live viewers were feeling frustrated, Yoo Changhyun closed the door and told the others inside what was going on.

And then…

Woojoo and his siblings stuck out five heads through the open door gap, like a scene from a comic.

Some of the customers in line made a scream-like sound.

When they were surprised with a ‘…?’ face.

From here and there, the audio of ‘Woo Jenmin!’ in Chinese started to catch on. At the same time, the full shot of the line that stretched from the beginning to the end was captured.

The studio and the comment section were amazed by the endless line.

They asked the patissier.

-How many people are gathered there? At that time?

-It was over three hundred at that time.

-Thr… three hundred?

-We started with about thirty people… No, that wasn’t enough, so we had to do some more soliciting.

As he said, the caption said ‘Total 337 people!’ and ‘Patisserie Korea Tour Record!’.

The studio people opened their mouths wide.

The comment section was similar.

-Three hundred??? That’s a lot

-What… Is it because Min Sejin is the winner?

-Did Patisserie Korea do that well in Taiwan…?

-I don’t buy it

-I think they’re idol fans. New Black fans, right?

As if to answer that, the interviews of the Taiwanese citizens in line started to catch on.

[I came here because I was curious after seeing Woo Jenmin yesterday.]

[Actually, I got a promotion yesterday… But I was curious and wanted to see it when I saw Woo Jenmin.]

[Woo Jenmin.]

As they said, they repeated the gesture of saying ‘Woo Jenmin’ like ‘I love you, Celebrity Communication’.

The production team’s question was heard.

[Who is Woo Jenmin?]

Finally, it came.

Woojoo’s siblings clasped their hands and sparkled their eyes, and Woojoo sipped his drink with a resigned face.

‘Woo Jenmin?’ The production team’s question came out, and someone on the scene took out their phone and showed them the meme from the Taiwanese internet community.

[!!!] Woojoo’s photo that was close-up with the caption.

From then on, they started to show the whole story of the incident.

The process of how a person named ‘Woo Jenmin’ became a hot topic on the TTS morning news, a terrestrial broadcast in Taiwan.

From the news clip to the scene of Woojoo covering his face with both hands and suffering in the cafe.

Of course, comments were exploding everywhere.




-Unimaginable identity ㄴㅇㄱ

From the live chat.

-[ㅍㅌㅋ]ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’m going crazy

-I burst out laughing with my friends

-These guys know how to do entertainment

-ㅋAckㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThat’s why he was mistaken for a Taiwanese, right??

-Cute brackets ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The Taiwanese broadcaster must have thought they were locals

To the reactions of the communities.

Especially, their Soufflés, who were enjoying all these reactions with popcorn, were the happiest.

-JenminㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠNoona has no regrets now

-Congratulations on winning the first place in the national black history contest of ★Gunsan Elementary School Seon Woojoo★

-Look!! Sound the trumpet!!

-[Breaking News] Our kid is the number one in the national black history ranking

-Let’s go to the bigger water and aim for the world

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Are you guys crazy

Their Soufflés, who were sincere in teasing Woojoo, clapped their hands and laughed.

“Hyung, there are articles coming out too. The title is…”

“I know it all without you telling me. It’s okay.”

Woojoo pushed away Bijoo’s smartphone, which was trying to show him the articles with a warm smile.

The title was obvious.

‘[Shock] New Black Woojoo, the story of being mistaken for a Taiwanese…?’ And the content was filled with nothing nutritious.

“Wow… Look at the speed of the comments and posts. The reaction jumped up as soon as Woo Jenmin came out.”


“Yeah. Look at this, Hyung. Every time I refresh, the first page changes completely.”

It must have been the highlight scene of the day.

It was probably the most hilarious and attention-grabbing scene at the party.

The reaction was very hot.

Woojoo could imagine the face of the PD who would be pleased to receive the ratings tomorrow.

“…Yeah. It’s good if the reaction is good.”

Woojoo decided to think that he had saved the show with this one body.

As the vibration rang, our Mrs. Kim Deoksoon commented [ㅋ], and Woojoo felt a little choked up.

Me [Deoksoon]

Me [Are you happy?]

Me [I’m fine if Deoksoon is happy…]

As he was typing gloomily, his grandmother’s reply came.

Grandma [But you did well on the news]

Me [Yeah…?]

He did look good in that interview.

As he slapped his cheek and sent a reply to his grandmother, Rihyuk asked Woojoo with a dumb face, “What’s the good news?”


“No, the joys and sorrows of humanity are passing over your face, and you don’t know what to do because you’re happy now.”

“Well, my grandmother said…” Woojoo said seriously to Rihyuk, who was suspicious. “I looked handsome there.”


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just wondering where this conversation went wrong.”

Woojoo poked his back with his toe, and he gave him a pitiful look.


He was furious as he rubbed his clothes with dirty socks, and Woojoo hid behind Bijoo.

There were a lot of people watching everywhere, and Woojoo’s phone vibrated like a crazy dance machine.

In the midst of the chaos, the situation on TV was going as they knew.

Their skilled ordering and the chefs and pastry chefs working hard in the kitchen were caught.

And suddenly.


With a scream, the pastry chef grabbed her wrist. She had injured her wrist while preparing the dessert.

The staff and cast gathered for a countermeasure meeting.

The serious atmosphere on the scene intensified, and everyone in the studio said, ‘What should we do…’ and the fans of Min Sejin, the pastry chef, screamed in the comment section.


-Can we try it?

Bijoo and Woojoo stepped up.


The viewers who were watching in real time showed a bewildered reaction.


-No… I appreciate the intention, but I don’t think this is something that can be done with intention.

-This seems like a stretch.

-But she hurt her wrist right now. They have to do something.

-Yeah, that’s true… But I’m nervous.

Hundreds of guests lined up.

The busy hall.

It wasn’t easy to stop filming in the meantime, so the choice of the New Black members was understandable.

They decided to move their bodies as the pastry chef instructed, and their courage was admirable.

However, they were anxious about the outcome.




-Am I seeing something wrong?

-He’s good?

-He’s good

On the screen, Woojoo kneaded the dough and slammed it on the floor.

At first, he was a little clumsy, but as time passed, his movements became surprisingly stable.

Anyone could see that he had some experience with bread.

The studio had a similar reaction.


One by one, they all had stunned expressions. Then they turned their heads to Min Sejin.

Woojoo smiled and spoke in the studio, unlike himself on the main screen, who had the same expression as the other pastry chefs.

-Woojoo said he practiced a lot by binge-watching Patisserie Korea. He said it was his first time doing it for real.


-Amazing, right? I felt the same way.

Immediately, snorts of disbelief erupted from everywhere.

As Woojoo was followed by Bijoo, who was making delicate decorations, one of the pastry chefs said.

-They could be a duo in season 2, don’t you think?

Everyone laughed at that.

Of course, baking was not something that could be done by mere actions. It required background knowledge and long experience. But their movements on the scene were superb.

The two members followed the instructions of the pastry chef perfectly, as if they were her left and right arms.

Their smooth teamwork made someone suspect that it was rigged.

-Is this a scripted scenario? How can they do so well when they were suddenly thrown in?

-Yeah, I agree.

-It’s a setup.

But soon, those opinions were crushed.

–ㅋㅋwhat nonsense are you talking about?

-Do you think they would risk faking a wrist injury, trying to manipulate the production team, and ruining the daily cafe sales just to get a guest spot?

-If that’s acting, Min Sejin should go to Hollywood.

-I understand the ones who are crying foul. I’m watching it with my parents and they’re both nervous.

-…But am I the only one curious? How does it taste?

As the viewers’ attention was focused, Yoo Changhyun and the production team came to taste the bread.


-It’s delicious?

-It’s good…

At that, Min Sejin sighed and the two members smiled happily.

As the people who were watching live felt relieved and empathized with the patissiere’s feelings.

There were people who were bewildered by all this. They were none other than the fans of New Black.

-Coals, answer me. Do you all know how to bake?

-They must have learned some baking.

-Did that Jenmin guy get a bread certificate?

The idol community was also flooded with questions from those who were following Patisserie Korea live, but the Soufflés couldn’t answer rashly.

‘We don’t know…’

Only Jenmin knew from the memes, but they never expected the baking king Seon Woojoo to pop up.

-Woojoo is really amazing.

-It’s not just Woojoo, they’re all like that. Look at Bijoo. How amazing is it that he gets lost on the way?

-One of the things I can’t understand about Woojoo is that we can’t understand Woojoo. By. Albert Einstein

-Our kid is approved by Einstein.

-Einstein was a Soufflé. I’m going to drink only milk there from now on.

–ㅋㅋwho’s the one who made the quote? Come out.

The fans who weren’t surprised by anything about New Black were also momentarily stunned.

-It’s like digging potatoes, not fangirling. If you pull one thing, it comes out with a bunch.

Everyone agreed with someone’s words.

But the surprise was only for a moment.

The Soufflés on the internet were busy preparing new sales posts while making gifs of the members’ expressions and actions.

Meanwhile, on TV, the flow continued naturally.

After securing the stock quantity, Woojoo and Bijoo started to go back and forth between the kitchen and the hall.

-Excuse me!

-Add a donut to number 7!

In the kitchen, Chef Park Jaewoo and Patissiere Min Sejin were sweating and working hard on the main menu.

In the hall, the idol members were running around as if they were sprinting.

And their appearance left a deep impression on the people who were watching them on their smartphones and TVs.

Woojoo and Bijoo, who were concentrating on making bread with all their strength, without even noticing the flour on their faces.

The sharp-looking member whose shirt was soaked with sweat from running between the tables.

The youngest, who was smiling brightly and wittily taking orders from the customers, despite his tired face.

The member who was moving around gracefully and filling in the gaps.

The focus was on the dessert made by the pastry chef, as well as the customers’ reactions and Minsejin.

But every scene showed the sincere side of New Black members.

As the reporters were preparing to post articles like ‘New Black, showing their presence as part-timers on ‘Patisserie Korea Tour’.

-You all worked hard!

On the scene, they all gathered and settled accounts.

The production staff and the cast were calculating the sales for the day after finishing the minor details.

And then…

-Wow… We made this much?

-They said we have the highest sales among the overseas tours right now. Is that true?

-…Should we just keep touring like this?

Everyone was smiling and laughing happily.

The episode in Taiwan ended with a calm BGM, and the main screen switched back to the studio.

Meanwhile, the broadcast was coming to an end, but the online reactions were just beginning.

The internet was buzzing as soon as the broadcast ended.

-‘Trendy rookies’ New Black, transform into part-time workers on ‘Patisserie Korea’

-‘Patisserie Korea’ New Black’s great performance, Chef Park Jaewoo “The best part-timers”

-‘Ace part-timers’ The discovery of rookie idols New Black

The main scene was the Taiwanese people praising the desserts, but they also got a lot of attention.


The articles had just been posted, but there were already over 300 comments.

The responses on SNS and communities were also pretty good.

The posts about Patisserie Korea were still active, even though the broadcast had ended a while ago.

“Hyung, look at this.”

Junghyun showed Woojoo some of the Best posts on a community.

『 As a cafe owner, I was impressed by New Black today 』

[As you know, the visual is really important for cafe part-timers…

It’s not a brain teaser, but sometimes when you hire good-looking or pretty college students, the sales go up a lot;;

It doesn’t matter if they can’t work. Even if you just stand them like statues, the sales for that time slot are several times higher.

In that sense, those New Black guys are like imaginary creatures.

Their visuals alone would make the sales 10 times higher with their faces… And they also work really well. Especially Jenmin was the best.

He looked really smart.

He separated the order of the tasks that had to be done quickly, organized the other part-timers, and looked for things to do…

You might think that’s not a big deal, but it’s really hard.

If you look at the details, this is what it is.]

The post continued with an analysis of how a self-employed person would see a part-timer’s strengths.

There were dozens of comments that agreed.

-I agree. I’m self-employed too, and I would be willing to give them a share of the cafe if they did that much for me with that face.

-At first, I thought they looked like parasites, but I liked them.

-Me too, I liked them when I saw themㅋㅋ

-Jenmin is more friendly because he’s a veteran.

Those comments were everywhere, regardless of the community or SNS.

-Last time when the actor came out, I was frustrated because he was just showing off to the customers and couldn’t work, but I felt relieved.

-(Relieved image)

-They did really well today. All the part-timers so far were like flower vases… But they did their work properly and I liked them.

-I liked them when I saw them today.

-The part-timers must have been more impressed when they saw them… Wow, I never thought I would see such a smart thing from an idolㅋㅋㅋ

Their kids were making a fuss as they read the comments.

“Hyung, you’re popular!”

“Cool, Jenmin is better than ten Rihyuk’s.”


“Wow. Hyung, you’re so popular. It feels like I’m seeing you on a lucky day.”

Woojoo couldn’t help but smile as he saw the younger ones making racing car noises.

At first, he was depressed because he thought it was a dark history, but the part-time part in the second half got a better response.

Of course, Jenmin’s meme was still being posted everywhere…

But since it was a popular program among the public, both the internet and reality were reacting.


Woojoo’s phone was ringing non-stop. He didn’t have time to switch it to silent mode, and it kept ringing.

It was because there were people who contacted him after seeing him on the broadcast.

It wasn’t just him, but the other younger ones too, so they all turned off their phones for a while.

They only talked to the company people who were excited on the public phone.

They spent time checking the reactions of the people to them today while surfing the web with the members.


And the next day.

There was a thumbnail with Woojoo’s face on the popular video list on YouTube.

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