In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Just found out that another Elven Kingdom exist within the Laurelorn forest. Apparently they are called Eonir

Grimhair's POV

The air is thick with the smell of incense and perfume. So thick that it masks the smells of sex and cum even though the sound of wet slapping fills the entire huge tent. Dozens of Eonir elves, bodies filled and painted with dried semen. Their expression of pure bliss as the fucking and narcotics break their minds. Another elf thrown to the pile, body jolting with orgasm as a Slaangor picked another one and continue fucking again. Grimhair has been doing this nonstop for a while. Even rejecting his fellow Slaangor demand for their turn. But a torturous death and threats have silenced them.

All this started by a revelation. A Keeper of Secret appears in his dream, revealing the existence of a golden daemon. He decided from that point on that he will claim the Golden One for himself. Even the warherd excursion to the Eonir lands are due to his obsession. He advised the fool of a chieftain to lead the warherd to Laurelorn, hoping for the elves to kill him so that he can took the leadership while he is free to claim all the elven women. A temporary substitute before the real one.

However the frustration keeps mounting up since they enter this forest. Not only does the Golden One herd not pursue them after they strike them first, when the bait fails, so does his perfect ambush plan. Then the chieftain decided to punish him for it. Half of his harem is taken away. Either for eating or breeding. He fucked his current bride more painfully just remembering it. He had saved most of the elves but still many were taken.

If only the chieftain is a Tzaangor and not a Khorngor then perhaps their push to the Eonir territory progresses much more smoothly. Or perhaps he didn’t just decide that the other warherd is weak because they didn’t give chase. But he is patient, sooner or later, The Golden One herd will be forced to move. Spurred by their hunger. He has promised other Slaangors that they are free to do whatever they please with the Golden One herd. The Keeper of Secret also has given him one last gift. Everything has already been prepared.



Valariel's POV

I called upon my children who will be participating with the raid first. Informing them that I can bless them before the raid. Unsurprisingly most of them want to be a little more stronger or agile with more of the former. But I was genuinely surprised when Kal wanted to be smarter instead.

“I want to make great plans like mother.” He stated his reason. Which is quite cute and unexpected coming from a beastmen. I gave him some headpats while working my magic on them. I also gave wings to those who didn't have them. Which fortunately not much. The image of a flying beastmen army are quite cool but I remember that they have guns.

Then I let them organize the raid by themselves. They decide for a 60 beastmen raid party. All of my Bovigors children, male and female, are joining. Though Druig decided to guard the camp since too many Bovigors are leaving. The raiding party leaves just as the last light of the sun disappears.



Kal's POV

Did I get smarter? I don’t really feel anything though. But mother hasn’t been wrong so far so I trust her. I looked to the others and once they were in position I roared the charge. Gripping my two axes as I cleaved the nearest Ungor. The enemy herd is many but they don’t have proper weapons. I let an Ungor swing his sword which breaks when hitting me before I decapitate him. It doesn’t even tickle. After killing a few more beastmen and seeing that We have killed plenty, I barked the retreat sound. If they are like me, they should give chase.

Then a loud roar deafened me even though I had made some distance. Then a big Khorngor led the chase. Still smaller than Druig though. Followed by ten more Khorngor and at least 50 beastmen. I think. I can’t count. Will ask mother to teach me later. I lead them deeper inside the forest. Then after a certain point I felt a surge of power and immediately turned back. A group of Bovigors hidden by Lak's magic charged at their backside, cutting away their retreat. Me and the other beastmen that look like retreating haphazardly now charge back. I saw the biggest Khorngor attention turned to the back and he let out another deafening roar in anger. Already close to him, I leapt and brought down my axes with all my might to his back. Surprised that it didn’t kill him, in fact it looks like he is just getting more mad. I put some distance when he started flailing around. Our eyes met and he roared again. Swinging my axe again to shut him up, he let my blow hit as he swung his oversized axe. I tried to dodge back but he managed to create a gash on my chest. Then he starts swinging his axe maniacally. While it gives a window of attack, from the previous exchange however, it now looks more like taunt. He will let my attack hit him if it means he can hit me back. Then I remembered mother's fight with the shiny knight. I ducked from the Khorngor wide swing and bash one of his legs to the side with both of my axes. Already out of balance with the oversized axe, he falls over. I stomp on the arm holding the axe and decapitates the Khorngor.

I picked his head up and roared in triumph. Only to see my Bovigor sister jump high and do a stomp landing on another Khorngor. Felt a little tinge of jealousy on how easy she made it. Tying my trophy, I quickly rejoin the fight. The rest of the Khorngors are swiftly dispatched then I noticed that blows that should have been painful or fatal are not really effective. Another testament of his mother's blessings. The fight was quickly finished with the Khorngors dead.

Once the fighting is finished, he ponders if the plan he does is smart or not. All I did was follow what mother had done. Then as if logic clicks in. No, no, no. Mother is smart, I follow mother so I am smart too. Soon Lak finished healing the gash on his chest and no scar remains. As she went to heal others that were wounded by the Khorngors, I went to check the spoils. The weapons are worthless, and my siblings are currently piling the dead bodies for food. Then I noticed that no one died. With this realization another smart idea pops up in my mind. I would take over the other warherd as a present for mother. I laughed at my own genius idea and gathered my siblings again.


This is disappointing. I thought as I found that most of these herds were Ungors. There’s not even a Bovigor. Not only that, they immediately surrender when we appear. Then I glared at the strangely clothed Slanngors. No doubt the surrender was because of them. After the surrender, they started giving gifts as if already expecting us to win. Then I called on lak, Terac, Nartac. The two others are the names of my oldest Bovigor sisters.

“Those Slaangors. I don’t trust them. Kill them if they are doing anything strange.”

Lak nodded at my words though Terac and Nartac looked confused.

“Why don’t we kill them now?” I was stunned by the question. Now feeling stupid that I don’t think of killing them now.

“Good idea.” Then we started killing the Slaangor.

They all brayed loudly when slaughtered. As if it is wrong that we kill them. But they have surrendered and we can do whatever we want.

“I have a gift for the Golden One!” The last Slaangor shouted as he grovel pathetically on the ground.

“For my mother?”

“Yes-yes-yes. A gift. A great gift.”

“Then give it to me, I will pass it over”

“I can’t” I gestured at my sibling to kill him.

“It’s from a daemon.” we paused at that. And sensing our hesitation, he continues. “I have to give it myself. It will be gone if it’s touched by others.”

Feeling uncertain, I looked at the others who in turn looked back to me. I still don’t trust him. This one smells and feels weird in an unknown way.

“Bound him. I will deliver him to mother myself” I don’t know if this is the right decision. But mother will know.

“Pack up. We going home.”



Boris Todbringer's POV

Three days ago. An hour after the ambush that killed the grail knight. 

“Well, the peasant did not lie. Looted clean” Bertrand reports to me. I saw that there’s only dried blood and broken pieces of weapons scattered around the ambush site. The useful weapons and armors are looted while the dead bodies are chopped for food. Already I felt my blind eye twitching remembering the beastmen.

I felt the growing headache returning. First an elven noble, a Bretonnian lady, and now a grail knight. Now ambassadors from Ulthuan and Bretonnia will demand this to be taken care of else the Empire will be seen as weak. Not to mention Khazrak and now a report of a golden daemon to add into the pile.


“Yes my lord.”

“I’m giving you command of a thousand men. Chase after this daemon to Laurelorn.”

“The Gausser and the Eonir wouldn’t like that my lord.”

“Yeah? They can put their complaints to Altdorf” This raised a chuckle from the group.

“Want to give you two, but moving too many away will give Khazrak ideas. However, you are allowed to recruit volunteers. I’m sure plenty of devotees of Ulric will answer.”

“Yes my lord.”


Then they ride grimly back to Middenheim. They have a war to prepare.

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