In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Back in the Tower of Hoeth, in Ulthuan. Stru’Kas falls to the ground. The realm tear above began to close as the one keeping it open dies. Stru’Kas charred corpse began to vibrate and shimmer before exploding. Hundreds of spell books and other artifacts began to appear and pile up as the corpse fade out of existence. With Stru’Kas death, every spell books he have eaten and artifacts he have gathered are left behind. This means that when he eventually respawned in the warp, Stru’Kas will be the only Lord of Change that cannot cast a single spell as he cannot learn magic in normal way. He will have to beg for help and he will owe many things to other Lord of Change or even to Tzeentch himself. A game Tzeentch likes to play with his own daemons.


Teclis finally fall and sat on the ground in exhaustion. The rest of the lesser daemons are finally dispatched as the survivors from the Hierophant floor have reunited with those from the Druids floor and help cleanse the remaining daemons within the tower. The rest that still able to stand help to put out the fires. Miriel saved in time while Rivandil lost an arm though it is regrown as the Druids arrived to help. But for those who are blinded when gazing at the warp. It is unknown if they can fully recover. They, along with those that saw nightmare and visions are then quarantined as they might shows signs of corruption.


Teclis dug around the pile of spellbooks as soon as he able to stand. He saw Valariel when he let loose his Fiery Convocation spell. Burning her along with the Lord of Change. Gritting through his exhaustion and weary mind, he shuffle the pile. Shoving the pile away one by one. The amount of books and artifacts will took at least a few weeks just to categorize them let alone securing the chaos artifacts and spell books. The other wizards did try to talk Teclis to rest but he heed none of them. Some choose to help him instead.


As the pile finally shuffled through, all that is left is ash. Teclis let out a long sigh. He has promised many things to Valariel. Saving her, breaking her free from the daemon, and even a promise to himself to keep his niece safe. And now he have failed all of them. He sat on the pile. Guilt and sadness take over his mind. Resting his head on his hands, Teclis let out another long sigh as weariness finally catch up. Rest slowly take him as he wished what could have been.


I left Sanctuary after some time. Valariel is still coping. She just need time I think. But then I realized the extent of my desensitization. I could still felt emotion. My fear of the Chaos Gods and concern for Valariel is a prove of that. But everything come and go really fast. I distinctly remember feeling afraid when the last wave of Bloodletters screamed and charged to me during the survival mode. But it is gone in an instant and my initial shock when gangraped by the Bloodletters also gone quickly as I start enjoying the time. I can’t even felt outraged by this realization. As if some fundamental parts of me are gone when I become a daemon. Then I grunt as I start giving birth. This time I gave birth to three lesser daemons and two Bovigors. The joy I felt seeing my newborns are also gone quickly. Beastwomen came inside the tent and bring my babies to be nursed elsewhere.


Abandoning this futile endeavor, I made my decision on picking Divinity concept. I will play with Causality when I have more power and can afford mistakes. Immediately I felt my power surged. Again I grow taller. A third set of horn grows behind my ears and spiral downwards. Then notifications starts to appear.


Divinity achieved

Requirement for Ascension quest to become a Greater Daemon is reduced from 10000 to 5000

Herd population: 1314/5000 (32 Bovigors, 987 Caprigors, 221 Ungors, 74 Werewolves)


New Buildings


Unlock the access of Beast-Paths for faster travel time

Will attract more beastmen to the herd

Will be treated as sacred by the beastmen as a whole and even defended by other beastmen herds

Can be made into a permanent primary gateway by sacrificing 100 souls

The souls of the lives sacrificed on this herdstone will belong to you

As this herdstone will belong to you, unlocks teleportation to this herdstone with a month cooldown


Support building

Enchantments engraved on the totem will stay active by feeding on the surrounding winds of magic

Effect power dependent on the material quality of the totem and the one engraving the enchantments

Requires regular maintenance by wizards or bray-shamans


Require souls to be made, souls as fuel, and souls as material

Required to make the most complex or powerful artifacts, weapons, and armor

Allow the creation of artifact that can work as a primary and secondary gateways

Can be summoned and unsummoned at will (will be stored and could also be placed within Sanctuary)


Knowledge on how to build those buildings appear on my mind. Not to mention the requirement from my Ascension is directly halved. I need to build a Herdstone as soon as possible. We can build one right here as we are deep enough within Drakwald. I just need a stone big enough for one. Exiting my tent, I saw the herd already starts packing.

“No. Stop.” The herd stopped and looked at my direction “We will be staying here for a while.”

They start putting down their stuffs again while Kal divide the work order between the beastmen. The crafters start to unpack their tanning racks and rerise the makeshift stone forge. I raised my eyebrows seeing Robadel, the halfling cook leads some of my lesser daemons and beastwomen somewhere while armed.

“Kal, Druig, Mal. Come here.” I called the three of them as soon as Kal finished dividing the works

“Where did that halfling go? And why do some follow him?”

“Gathering some plants.” Kal answered. “The cooking is tasty but he said he can’t cook human meat. The daemons helped by making the plants to grow with their magic.”

Now that’s an interesting development. Then I ask what else I have missed during my absence. Apparently the halfling cook also help leading the way south. Never thought Robadel will prove himself to be useful enough that some willingly follow him. Other than that, the only interesting part is a greenskin fort a day’s journey back. Returning to the topic.

“Allright then. Kal, Druig, I need both of you to find a huge stone and bring it here. We will build a Herdstone here” Hearing this, Mal’s three eyes lit up

“How big?” Kal asked

Then I start to think. There is no minimum size required in my knowledge other than it must be big. I also start to get confused on my scale of things. Not only I have grown taller and Druig also have grown significantly that I cannot make accurate comparison. Is he 3 meters tall already? My height only reached his shoulder. Kal barely reached my chest but his horn also grows larger that it makes him looks taller.

“At least 3 times bigger than Druig.” I decided with the most convenient comparison

“Gather a search party for the stone. Do not worry about leaving personally to help the search. I am here now to help defend the herd.”


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