In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


I'm back. I returned to play Rimworld after not touching it for months. The FGO Memorial video came out just at the right time too and that was awesome. hope you guys have a good week too. The writing schedule returned to normal. anyway, enjoy.


The morning after the golden beam shines are met with chaos within the empire. The sudden abundance of magic creates numerous small rifts in which daemons can enter. Hierophants, the light wizards are sent to the every corner of the empire to close them. The witch hunters and inquisitors already began their work as soon as the beam vanish at night. Hunting witches and hidden covens who let their guards down on the equally auspicious and terrifying event. Mutants born from both beasts and men skyrockets overnight. Immediately slaughtered and burned. Even the babies, lest the witch hunters came and drag the parents to the pyre too. Unprepared villages gone before dawn. Destroyed by the amassing beastmen horde and other creatures that hides within the dark corners of the empire. The trees of Drakwald grown. More towering and haunting than ever before. Mustering call announced from every province to prepare on what is to come. The cause of this chaos however are currently sleeping and snuggling between the werewolves. One of the werewolf’s dick still knotted inside her.


Now what to do? I thought as I snuggle on the werewolves fur. Our base of operation is pretty much secured for now. Souls will be delivered to me on its own as visiting beastmen herd will no doubt perform sacrifice on my herdstone. We could theoretically stays here and build up until End Times come but banking everything on just one base is a bad idea. Then again I need to ascertain the date to know how much time left until then. The more reason to try infiltrate the Empire while leveling Facsimile at the same time.


I also need allies. Allying with the Greater Daemons or the Daemon Princes is of course no go since who knows when they will betray me. Temporary alliance with Khornate daemons might be achievable. But I doubt Tzeentch will allow it to last long. The only possibility that come to mind is Cathay. Since they are far enough from here, they might be receptive enough if I help them against Tzeentch.


The only problem is reaching there though. If taking the safest route. First need to pass the Border Princes Confederation to the south which also infested by the Skavens. Pass the mountains belong to the dwarves. Then crossing the greenskin darklands and the ogre kingdom mountains after that. The fastest route if we can pass unbothered is through Sylvania as there is also a mountain pass across the world’s edge mountains between their border with Ostermark. But that would risk even further attention from the vampires and Mannfred Von Carstein. Regardless, both route will take a few months. Might even almost a year.


For now it is better to build our base and breed.

Herd population: 1669

Perhaps when I have more than 2000 beastmen which is soon reached, I can split and create another herd to leave for Cathay in advance. I will think of a way to link both herd so I can move between both and assist them. After giving birth to a litter of werewolves pup, I exit my camp and check my herd.


Now everyone already buffed by the new regeneration, immaculate body, and illusory feathers. The sight of gold furs accentuated with shimmering flow of the feathers are enough to hurt the average human perception. But someone that sat on a golden chair might like the color palette. The newly captured beastwomen are also slowly turned one by one by Mal. Then there are also influxes of small groups of beastmen. Each group only a dozen or two at most. They are a stark contrast as even their largest Caprigors barely on the same height and stature of our Ungors. Now that I realize, I have practically made my herd into almost space marine equivalent of the beastmen. Which I am also sure pretty much achievable after my blood concept evolve. Another thing to look forward too.

Returning back to my tent, I shoo away the still sleeping werewolves to make place. I paid the 20 souls required to make my soul forge. The souls screamed in agony as they melted into one. An 8 pointed star shaped anvil formed in front of me. A runic smithing hammer on top of it.


Picking up the hammer and touching the anvil, insights on what is required flows into my mind. Materials, what kind of enchantment to bestow, and how many souls sacrificed to make it. Material is the most important part. As it determines the end result. Using unsuitable or weak material will immediately broke if a strong enchantment is bestowed or forcing too many souls into it. Destroying the materials and the souls spent in the process. There are no further guide on what I can do. So it will mostly be trial and error.


I burst into a laugh as an idea formed in mind. 3 rings for Alarielle, Tyrion, and Teclis in Ulthuan. 7 rings for the dwarven kings. 9 rings for each electoral counts excluding Reikland. Then one for me. But I don’t know if that is achievable here. Not to mention the amount of souls I need to spend making them and I don't know how much time I have to work on that. I shelved the idea for now. Then I put the soul forge within my sanctuary. I will try to make one when I get the 1st soul through my herdstone as the trial and error will no doubt burn through the souls I get from the Four. In the meantime, I will be gathering ideas on what I need to make. A soulbound weapon and armor is a first must if I want to retry the survival mode to farm points. I need to make some for Valariel too since I don’t know if she will be pulled into the survival mode when I try it again later just to be safe.


With nothing much left to do, I went to find Kal and Lak. Notifying them on my plan for outing to test my mimicry.



Some distance away from Grimminhagen. Markus and ten of his hunters intercepted another small beastmen herd of twenty. Bertrand cleave the last beastmen with his newly acquired enchanted greatsword. As he sheathed his greatsword, Bertrand rubs his right hand again. Making sure it is still there.


“Still not used to it?” Markus asked as he collects his arrows

“Yea, still jarring. Just a few days ago there’s only a stump.”

“Better get used to it fast. That light last night will attract more. I need you to be ready”

“Sure-sure.” Bertrand sat and drink from his flask

“Didn’t you have that bow the emperor gave you? Why not use it?” He ask as Markus used only use a mundane bow the entire time

“Well, it felt weird to me. The arrow almost always pierce the heart”

“Weird how? Isn’t that a good thing?” He asks, confused by the remark.

“Almost always Bertrand. Almost. Meaning that the bow can fail. The arrow also veered to the heart even when I aimed somewhere else. I can force it if I concentrate enough. But it feels like I am reigning a horse and forcing it to move.”

“Suppose it’s weird if you put it that way.” Magic is always weird. He couldn’t understand it. Then Bertrand rubs his right arm again.

“Besides, my skill would rust if I rely on that bow too much.” Markus pulled the last of his arrows

“So when will we move out?”

“We will not. I get the feeling our quarry will come to us instead.” Markus turned east to Talabecland direction. The last reported sighting of Taurox.


“Now stop idling and help pile the bodies so we can burn them.”


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