In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


I sat watching the battle preparation and casting regeneration on my horn when the werewolf scouts returned. The leading werewolf turns back, “A human town is burning. Then there is a sudden rain for a while that puts the fire out. Both the fire and rain stop as soon as we reach there. There’s also an overwhelming musk of minotaurs. Lots of them.” The Norscan werewolf chieftess finishes her report.

I frowned. Was there any news of a beastmen herd arriving when she is still in Middenheim? Not as far as she remembers. Or I just don’t really pay attention. Then again, most of her time in Middenheim is either looking for the Changeling and the masque or in prison. Not much time in taverns or public spaces to hear rumors. Fuck! Should’ve asked Howard about the latest news. He seems the type that likes to talk and would answer anything. My fault for hyperfocusing on just one matter. Wonders how Rhya, Taal, and Kostner progress on uncovering the Changeling’s plan.

I shake my head, refocus, and start thinking. A beastmen with lots of minotaur and an entire town burning? Is Taurox and his Slaughterhorn tribe coming to visit? At least that’s the only Beastmen tribe that have minotaurs or Bovigors as a majority. No, that can’t be the case. Judging from the situation and the things I know about Taurox, Taurox will either attack Middenheim or my own herdstone. Is this one of Khorne’s upcoming trials? Or did Tzeentch plan something again?


I scanned the surrounding totems that should enhance the fighting power and endurance of my herd. Then to the artifact horn I just made that should have affected my herd too. Then I squint as I try to remember how powerful my herd is now compared to before. Most of my Caprigor is now almost as big as normal minotaurs right? Since they all have their bodies enhanced with the many mutations I have bestowed. But I can’t really tell because I have become larger too and therefore can’t make accurate estimation by comparison. One thing for sure is that Kostner is just above half her height when I reveal my form back in Middenheim sewers. Still can’t let my guard down though, as Taurox’s minotaurs will also be blessed by Khorne

Then about my herd composition for the upcoming battle. Within Drakwald’s dense forest, war mammoths will not be really useful. Their momentum will be significantly lowered as they must charge through trees. The war mammoth’s charge should still be powerful enough against normal humans. But against minotaurs, sending the war mammoth to charge might only send them to their deaths.

The Tuskgor riders and the werewolves will still be useful in attacking the minotaur’s flank. Most of the herd have wings too, so flying up to the minotaur’s back to surround them like when we did against the humans and Eonir elves back then is also doable. But I still felt something was amiss. Taurox suddenly arriving here is already weird enough as it is. Should I reserve half of my forces just in case? Maybe other major beastmen tribes will also aim to conquer my herdstone too.


Then a wolf howl can be heard in the distance.

“They are coming this way.” Said the chieftess

I immediately rise. Making my way towards Kal, Lak, and Druig. We have a battle to plan. But then I paused and started to think again. Then I turned around.

“You, send more scouts to the west, north, and south. In addition, Invisible, Silence.” I cast my spell on her and the scouts. Like a veil draped over them, they instantly disappear and let out no sound.

“Now go. Do not howl when you see more beastmen herd coming this way. Return back to report immediately on how many you see. The feathers I have granted you should also help sustain my spell.” I finished my command. I will not be surprised by more enemies suddenly arriving in battle again. The only confirmation that they have left is the moving of the ground under their feet. 

Then I return to look for Lak and Mal instead. Kal and Druig can make the battle plan themselves. I’m sure they have learned enough and know what to do. What I need is now a contingency in case there’s more enemy coming.


Back in Middenheim. At Kostner’s sewer hideout


“How many?” Kostner asks. A map of Middenheim is laid out on a makeshift table.

“At least 3 that I have identified so far.” Answered Taal. “One is a knight following the Grand Master…”

“Rein Volkhard.” Kostner said as he placed a silver shilling on the knights quarter within Altmark-Altquarter district.

“He has a wolf that is constantly accompanying him, it did look at the knight I mentioned suspiciously but also confused. Seems like the knight targeting the Grand Master have prepared something to deal with the wolf.  The next is the deputy of Al-Ulric.”

“Denfather Leibnitz. A candidate to become Al-Ulric.” Another silver shilling was placed on the temple of Ulric in Ulricsmund district.

“He constantly shadows the Al-Ulric Emil Valgeir, much like his Teutogen guards. The last one is a bit muddled. Boris is always followed by his retinues. Many also have magic items. Don’t know which one to be certain. The smell of the magic is all mixed up.” Taal concludes and Kostner put the last silver on the Graf’s repose


“Good. At least we have potential targets. All that is left is how to get them.”

“What you mean? Let’s just go and kill them already.”

“Taal.” Rhya chimes in with disapproval

“You said that you can trace the scents of magic on magical items and artifacts. Why didn't you use this ability until now?” Kostner hazard a question

“Because the elves and their vortex!” Taal explains but is also visibly offended. As the vortex sucks out the world’s magic, traces of magic from items usually did not last long. Part of the reason why the trio decided to rely on this is because most wizards stationed in Middenheim are still out on their own missions.

“Right. But can you detect the smell of corruption or malignancies from the potential targets?”

“Mental? No. Physical corruption however is very easy, but can still be hidden with magic items though.”


“I can identify which one has chaos artifacts from Boris’ retinues. But in person, not through crow’s senses like before.” Taal answered before Kostner could ask.


Kostner folds his hand and hums as he thinks. All that is left is to divide which will deal with which. He looks at Taal who immediately makes eye contact with him. Taal’s stare immediately turned into a glare as he senses that Kostner is doubting him again. Kostner meanwhile closes his eyes, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. Was entrusting Taal to deal with the one within the Graf’s repose a good idea? But it seems like he had no other choice. He has no magical ability to detect magical items or corruption. With a sigh and a prayer to Sigmar that he did not make a mistake, he started to discuss the plan on what to do.


Thank you for the support yesterday.

Also, I will be slowing down on writing this as I already mentioned that I will be preparing for Patreon exclusive content yesterday. At the very least, I will continue writing and posting this story once a week.

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