In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Sorry for the delayed post. Went into the rabbit hole that is Tropico 6. Advance chapter 49 and 50 already in Patreon. This including those two chapters should conclude this arc nicely.


Druig woke up with the rending pain in his stomach, his sight muddled as blood flowed from his head and broken horn. The overwhelming pain and headache then immediately numbed as he remembered that he was defeated. The rage and shame from this outcome drove him slowly back to his feet. The mighty Brass Bull still standing just beside him still gripping his broken horn. Fate made it so that his greataxe slid from down the hill near him. But he knows even with it, it won’t still be enough as he is wounded and exhausted. Then he saw Wolfe, sprawled a few meters away, still clinging to life in his maddened state, and he knew what to do.


With grim determination Druig shot up, picked his greataxe, and approached Wolfe in a speed that belied his wounds and exhaustion. There lies Wolfe, his broken jaw, his destroyed torso, the blood red eyes that still didn’t recognize who’s in front of him. Druig knows there is no saving Wolfe from this. He lifted his greataxe and he felt something in what he decided to do. It is regret, though he did not know what it is as of now. Something unthinkable to the normal beastmen, where they are made to kill and despoil according to the Dark Gods whim. Then he brings down his greataxe, his body healed and rejuvenated from the greataxe enchantment as he killed his brother. But that is not all, some of Khornes twisted blessing also flows into his greataxe and into his hand. His rage, his shame, his regret, all swelled into its extreme, fused into one desire as it subsumed into his body that roared for vengeance for his brother!


Taurox was already upon him, the brass bull’s rune axe swinging. Druig swings back. The Brass met the Gold for the third time. Taurox’s rune axe breaks apart from the strike, so does Druig’s battle axe. The Golden Bull evades a punch to the side, flips the metal handle and drives the broken shaft to the side of Taurox’s knee. Driving the Brass Bull to its knees, Druig let go of the handle, and with his flaming fists delivered a flurry of wrathful blows to the Brass Bull’s side. Taurox swiftly brings his elbow to the side, but Druig catches it, pushing Taurox even further into the ground, then with all his might he pulls the forearm to the back. Loud metallic crack sounds as Druig broke Taurox’s arm. The Brass Bull bellows in rage but the Golden Bull continues in silent wrath, gripping one of Taurox’s horns, and in the same manner he broke his horn, Druig brings down his other fist with all the strength he has. The horn broke, and with Taurox’s horn in his hand, Druig wrestle his own broken horn from Taurox's other hand. Druig overpowers Taurox and finally drives both broken horn into Taurox’s exposed neck. Blood like molten blood flows freely, showering Druig’s form like a blessing from Khorne himself. The fight between three champions finally ends.

Drenched in molten blood, daemonic flames covering his hands, and two broken horns in his grip, Druig rejoin the battle. The Slaughterhorn tribe are now the ones slaughtered.

Then a blinding light like thousand suns covered the battlefield


The light finally fades. The sound of the wind and the rustling leaves at night nervously resumed. I blink rapidly to refocus my eyes. Even when I closed my eyes when I threw the lightning, the flash pierced through my eyelid and blinded me. When my sight finally returned I saw the effect of my magic combined with my divinity. A long molten crater started a few meters from my hand extending hundreds of meters beyond. I didn’t let down my guard, looking around just in case Malagor manages to somehow escape.


Magic duel is finished

Magic duel boogaloo effect is lifted

Good job kiddo.

Spell power 10/10

Spell subtlety 0/10

Spell complexity 3/10

Here’s something for you: 

10 souls, Tzeentch alignment +3, Khorne and Slaanesh alignment -1.5%


I start laughing seeing the notification. I won. Some of my anxiety and fear lifted. Then I stopped, refocusing myself as my childrens are still fighting with Slaughterhorn and the ones back in Herdstone are still fighting too. Flying up, the battle looks almost finished here, the Slaughterhorn are slowly outnumbered and finished off. The green patches on their bodies and the werewolves still berserking are a little concerning.


“Sleep.” I cast my magic to the werewolves and focus on them until all of them stop rampaging and unconscious. The green patches on their bodies must be Nurgle’s work and I don’t think I can cast any spell to help as the magic duel multiplier effects are gone. With nothing more for me to do here, I fly back to my Herdstone. The infinite magic in addition with Lak, Mal, and the rest of my lesser daemons should be able to cure whatever Nurgle did.


Flying back as fast as I can, I am immediately reinvigorated as the Herdstone magic flows into me. From the looks of it, the battle here is finished. The beastmen that attacked us are chopped up and processed as usual. Though I frowned at the new addition. I land beside Lak.
“What happened here?” I ask at Lak while looking at the three Cygors. Last I know, Cygors are maddened giant minotaurs with one eye that could only see winds of magic and wizards, but they seem calm here.

“Mother, these three suddenly come in the middle of the battle. They did help us but Mal didn’t trust them.” Lak explained. This also explained why they decided to not help the other battle as they can’t just leave three Cygors unsupervised. Though I also could see she is curious about something else.

“The battle there is finishing soon, gather Mal and my lesser daemons. Prepare yourself to try and cure them of some disease.” I answered her curiosity and give my instructions. She then immediately left, fully believing in me to handle the three Cygors.


As soon as I approached them, they put down the boulders they carried to the ground. Shuffling awkwardly as they tried to kneel or something.


The three Cygors wants to join your herd

Cygors have extreme hunger that can only be sated by eating souls, particularly wizards

Accepting them will have an upkeep of 1 soul each week for each Cygors


So three souls each week if I accept them. I already have chaos mammoths. Adding Cygors will undoubtedly increase my military power considerably and I have souls to spare.

“Very well. Serve me and serve me well.” I accept them into my herd. Immediately three souls flow out from my Herdstone. One to each Cygors and they devour them with delight. Looks like they want to join me for a secure supply of food. As long as they pull their weight in battle which I don’t doubt they will, then it’s good.


Then I turn, helping Lak and Mal in preparation for the return and care for my wounded children.


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