In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Early Chapter. Felt a bit weird uploading weekly on Tuesday, so I decided to weekly upload at Monday. Also an excuse so that I don't need to do anything on Monday other than updating

Advance chapters are already up to 52 on Patreon. Smut content finally returns at chapter 52 because most plots are resolved and currently cooking new ones. I checked when is the last smut content and it was apparently chapter 26. I did cram up a whole lot of things but in return chapters are easier to write as most of the hard work have been done earlier.


The lightning Valariel cast vanished and dissipated into winds of magic again. Meanwhile her herdstone continues to generate magic that flows into the world. Karl Franz and Valten immediately woke up. Even when the deafening sound of the lightning does not reach them. Due to their current nature, both did not know what just happened and what prompted them to wake up from their sleep. But nevertheless they take it as an omen. Something big is happening even when they don’t know what it is yet. 


In the far and barren chaos wastes, dragon ogres start waking up. The ogre upper body dusts themselves from the mounting dirt on their bodies and with their draconic lower body they climb up from the grounds. Even the Shaggoths, their gigantic bodies split the earth, the hills, and the grounds that have formed on top of them as they slept through the ages. they look up, expecting to see lightning or storm but not even dark clouds can be seen. No drums of war. No wretches of Chaos in sight. No sounds of battle from their surroundings. This is unprecedented. They shamble through the Chaos Wastes to their sacred ground. They are awake and others if not all dragon ogres are waking up too. They must gather and decide what comes after their sudden awakening.


In Ulthuan, in the mountains of Caledor, dragons in the dozens start waking up. The fire of the dragon peaks rekindled and with a rapturous roar the tallest volcano erupts. Imrik, the Lord of Dragons, riding Minaithnir, one of the last dragons, flies to the tallest peak and circles around the erupting volcano. Dragons by the dozens flew out from their caves, waking from ages long sleep. They dance as they fly across the peaks and skies of Caledor. The very air quakes with every beat of their powerful wings. The citizens of Caledor erupt in jubilation, for they will finally uphold their names as dragon princes. But a shadow lingers in Imrik’s heart, Minaithnir’s grim prophecy echoes as the dragons wake.


In the Tower of Hoeth, Teclis shudders. He felt it. The sudden rise of the world’s magic. Anxious as he is woefully underprepared. The rebuilding of the Tower and the cleansing from Chaos corruption has just finished. Even the time to grieve for his newfound and quickly lost niece is woefully short. He still hasn't told Tyrion yet, for he did not know what to say. It is easy to say he has failed to save her, it is another to say that his brother has another child he did not know of that is conceived under the dark gods machination. His headache has yet to subside and his temper has grown short because of it. There is too much to do and too much to prepare, for he absolutely knows the Witch King senses what he had sensed.

Even in Lustria, the Slanns felt the geomantic web suddenly surge in power. The Slann Mage-Priests immediately commune through the magical flow of the geomantic web. Some of the Slanns pushed through the idea of reclaiming and reinforcing the north part of Lustria that has been devastated by the raids of dark elves, pirates, and the newly arrived explorer from the human empire. Their temple cities are now worth even more to reclaim now that the geomantic web surges in power. Few of the more conservative Slanns now even start to contemplate the idea. But most still look up to Lord Mazdamundi. The future is muddled. The shadow of a great war, winds of rebellion and betrayal, will follow the once sign of good omen. Mazdamundi opens his eyes, with his foresight muddled, he can only gamble. He gives his blessing to the other Slaans, to reclaim any temple cities wherever possible. The Great Plan must not fail!


In the far east, the Dragon Emperor Xen Yang wakes up more fresh than ever before. He did not remember when he felt this much alive. His wife, the Moon Empress Quai Yin also felt the same. Immediately the Emperor prepares to leave to check if any other dragons that are suspended in endless hibernation have woken up. The Empress questions the consequence of their sudden leave but relent when the Emperor assures her that their children will manage properly. After all, their children have ruled their respective provinces with much independence and autonomy. A short excursion will not be a problem. Just like the last two times of their absence.


In the realm of chaos, Tzeentch in particular, Stru’Kas the Eater of Knowledge desperately defending himself against the unending tide of Khornate daemons. All his knowledge of spells is gone when he dies in the material world. He can’t even throw pink flames like the lesser horrors of Tzeentch all around him. He is now a mockery, a living monument of humiliation as the only daemon of Tzeentch that cannot cast any spell. So he is forced to fight Khornate daemons the same way they do, in brutal and chaotic melee. On his two left hands are his staff and a greataxe he took from a defeated Bloodthirster, a Greater Daemon of Khorne. While his enlarged right arm with a gaping maw bites any Bloodletter that draws near. He did not forget how his imminent victory against Teclis was ruined. If only he could eat Teclis and subsequently all his magical knowledge, he might stand equal with Kairos Fateweaver. Another spell from another Lord of Change hit his back again in ‘accident’. And again the greataxe in his left hand roars to his mind to strike back against the backstabber. Stru’Kas found the greataxe roars even more compelling with each kill he did and each accidental spell struck him.


Defend Herstone Completed

20 souls and 20 attribute points get

The notification just came up. Druig and Kal should have finished the battle by now. The preparation of healing the herd also goes smoothly. Lak and Mal along with the beastmen craftsmen constantly skinning the dead beastmen skins, drying them with magic, then turning them to facemasks. Don’t know if it could work or not and if you can breathe through a leather mask, but it is better than nothing. 


I have pushed the magic from my herdstone along with my divinity to the land. Letting plants grow visibly much faster. One of my lesser daemon asks for it as apparently the halfling cook Robadel taught them a few things about medicinal herbs. Maybe I will pick up a few halflings back after I give my Horn Artifact to Valeria. Let’s see if our halfling cook has an extended family I can borrow. She and the expedition herd should be somewhere between Stirland and Averland to the southwest.


I fly and land to one of the Cygors that is facing east. I have told them to protect my Herdstone and they have stood still like sentinels ever since. He doesn’t seem to mind with me on his shoulder. I sensed some magic on the boulder he had on his other shoulder.


Pieces of destroyed Waystone.

Still held powerful magic.

Best quality material for making Soulforged Artifacts.

All artifacts made from this material will be much heavier but with increased durability and power.


My eyes went wide seeing the screen. I know that Cygors could only see winds of magic and magical things. So it made sense that the boulders they have to throw have some magic, but not this. And they use this as a throwing rock!?

“Cygor.” His one eye now looks at me. “Can you find more of that stone?” I ask and point at the boulder he held. Cygors can understand what I said right?

A deep rumbling humm from his throat before he nods. Good. Maybe I could tell them to find more when all the herd has been healed. Things are going a bit too smoothly that I am still worried something will happen.


Before you comment on how about the Skavens and other non-Chaos Gods, I am still thinking on how properly depict them. The former problem is that the Skavens are used as GW's boogaloo op antagonist for end times. While the latter, I found that it is better to depict the non-Chaos Gods separately in latter chapters as there are quite plenty of them.


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