In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


This is more than I expected. My belly was bloated. Bigger than when I have the chaos mammoth. Fortunately I am starting to give birth already. No need to stay still doing nothing for a long time. I grunt as I start pushing out. When it was done, I checked and saw that I had given birth to twelve children. All of them are minotaurs and have their own mutations. One of them only had one eye. Did I give birth to another Cygor? Then I checked the others if there is another one. There are none. But many have interesting mutations. One minotaur has two heads conjoined with an additional eye in the middle. The others have an additional arm or two, then misplaced eyes and mouths. The mutations indeed go rampant. But now I can access additional body parts mutations without spending Attribute Points which is good. Question now is should I fix them? Looks like a tremendous amount of effort especially if this happens to the entire herd. Could be done if I have more beastmen with magic capability. My lesser daemons will be overwhelmed with the task and so far Mal is the only shaman with blood concept bestowed. Then a notification sounds.


Population 5000 reached

Ascending to Greater Daemon


What? Didn’t I only have 3500 at most yesterday? But knowing the sudden increase of fertility from those immune from Necrosis Pox, if every female beastmen give birth at least 5 then the number will reach 5000. My body starts to grow taller again. Another set of horns grows on my head. Now I have 4 sets of horns, a total of 8 horns, the sacred number of Khorne and Chaos in general. Still growing, my head is now touching the tent and still growing. Finally stopping as I doubled in size. The tent uplifted and I pushed it away. The herd roars in cheer at my ascension. Now my size is comparable to Greater Daemons, at least 4 meters tall I think as I don’t know my exact height. Then I check my stats.




Daemon Race Bonus: Increase player stats by 300% (rounded up)

Original Race

Unaligned Daemon

Current Race

High Elf (Daemonhost)


Base Attribute

Current Attribute






















Attribute Points 

52 Attribute points

Current Souls

37 souls

Can buy powerful random mutations from each Chaos Gods through offering souls


Divinity level up 

Level 3 -> Level 5

- can now grant wishes at a cost

- can choose a certain symbol or effigy as a conduit for Divine power and prayer

- can convert Souls to Attribute points and vice versa with the ratio of 2:1


Blood level up, now can evolve

Level 8 -> Level 10


Facsimile level up

Level 5 -> Level 7


Additional concept slot

Additional mutations available


Even the stat is now upped to 4 times too. Not to mention the many new options. What about the new ascension?




Minor Chaos God

Requirement: Divinity level 8 and all basic concepts evolves

All stats go up for additional 100%, and can perform miracles, bestow blessings, and curses. This ascension does not compatible with Land God ascension


Land God

Requirement: Have total control of the land through your divinity

All stats are doubled when inside domain and halved when outside. Can perform miracles, bestow blessings, and curses. This ascension does not compatible with Minor Chaos God ascension


Prime Soul

Requirement: Base Willpower of 100

All base stats converted to Willpower. Then all stats = Willpower

This ascension is not exclusive and can stack with other ascensions

It is clear that my aim is for the Prime Soul. My other attributes are covered with the additional 100% increase so I can invest purely on Willpower. Secondly it is clear that Minor Chaos God is the better ascension than the Land God. At least for now. If Land God ascension leads to another ascension to become a God of material world then perhaps it’s worth it as it might limit my connection to the warp and the Chaos Gods. Might. I don’t know for sure what it will lead to. While Minor Chaos God ascension seems to be the safest one, it will also raise me to the Chaos Gods attention even more than ever before. Continuing on, let’s see what my Blood Concept can level up into.


Blood Concept evolution:


Can bestow various degrees of Immortality relative to concept level. Once Immortality is bestowed, the recipient will gain immunity to all manner of mutations and resistance to Chaos Gods influence. Further tampering even with evolved Blood concepts will be severely limited. Instead, the Immortality will further perfect what is already present to an unimaginable level and continue to rise in power as they age relative to concept level. Immortality bestowed can be set to be revocable by the bestower anytime.



Further tampering of life is possible, from bestowing magical potential, creating specialized caste, to creating an entirely new species. Result depends on the compatibility and resilience of the genehost. Creating mutations is now possible. On a higher level, empowering mutations with Divinity, creating a hive-minded species, gene overloading to make overpowered creatures at the expense of lifespan are possible.

Now this one is much harder to choose. Both have their own benefits and limitations. The lazy choice is definitely Immortality and Bloodlines have more utility. What is certain is that my choice will make a huge impact on my herd as a whole. For now I am leaning on the Bloodlines concept as my original aim is to get more sorcerers. I think I can ask my childrens on their opinion as this will drastically impact them too.


Finally I checked my new Divinity perks. Apparently I can now grant wishes of mortals in exchange they must sacrifice something. Be it part of their harvest or material wealth in general, lifespan, and even souls on the requirement that they personally own those things or give live sacrifices. As for choosing a symbol for the conduit of my divine power, is a ram head with 4 sets of horns enough? The color definitely is gold. As for the effigy, if a statue or craft is dedicated towards me, I can choose them as my effigy. Symbols are severely limited in terms of conduit power but they can be easily made and carried while Effigy’s power depends on the size and quality of the statue or craft. Finally the converting of Souls and Attribute Points. The conversion is vice versa and the conversion rates are both 2:1. So I need to sacrifice 2 Souls for Attribute Points and the same rate of 2 Attribute Points for 1 Souls. Using this method is a certain net loss so unless I have an overabundance of one and lack the other I will not use this. Hopefully on the higher Divinity level, I can convert them in 1 to 1 ratio.


But before I can move on to check what new Concept I can pick and the new mutations available, I sense two presence on the border of my domain. Two Gods. I know who they are. About time we meet again. I wonder if they have contemplated my proposal. And I hope they are not here for conflict.

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