In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


I saw my choices and now genuinely torn. I only have one free concept slot as of right now. Space offers much more versatility, especially its advanced form. But it is clear that if I want to compete with the Chaos Gods, I have to pick Emotion and evolve it into Psyche for that global benefit. The former offers versatility while the latter offers straight power up. There is also a concern that if I take Psyche, I will immediately become part of the Chaos Gods great game. The safest option will be to take Emotion, level it up but don’t evolve it to Psyche until I think I am powerful or ready enough. I will be more tempted to take the Space concept if the Time concept is also available. As for why Time is not available now, I guess because Time generally doesn't really exist in the Warp, Daemons cannot grasp the concept or there must be some hidden prerequisite that I haven’t fulfilled yet. I think I will hold off taking another concept for a while as at this point, every choice will make drastic changes.

I can pick the evolution for Blood concept first. As it seems like the concepts I can pick do not really synergize with Blood, I pick Bloodline/Genetic advance concept.

Concept Evolve

Blood -> Bloodlines/Genetics

Magical affinity genes can now be bestowed

Slight improvement on attributes can now be upgraded into permanent genetic specialization focusing on one aspect like Intelligence, Strength, Dexterity, etc.

Permanent general genetic improvement is also possible

Can bestow genetic stabilization or instability to control random mutation chance

Genetic chimerism unlocked

Nice. Now I can add more wizards amongst my ranks. Though there will be an increased chance of magical mishaps too. Ideas sprung up in my mind on what kind of specialized castes I can make. Perhaps I can make my chaos mammoths into their own beastmen too. Then as I remember about my children, I remember that I forgot to ask their opinion on this. Unconsciously I know they will approve of anything I choose then I forgot that I would decide after getting their opinions. Then again, I still cannot grasp my herd and childrens as what they really are. My nature as a Daemon made me can’t form proper attachments with them, like they are just means to an end. Then I also know I must not do this but also cannot properly grasp on it too.

Multiple effigies are made and dedicated to you.

Bless them?

A new screen broke through my musings. Then I look down at the halflings that have finished making three effigies. All of them look satisfied with their work and I know they are content with their lives. A small warmth of emotion flickers and fades. Not even long enough for me to grasp what it was. I wonder… will it be better if I take the Emotion concept? Will I make a meaningful attachment, or will I regret ever taking it, remembering what kind of world I was in and knowing what is to come? Or even taking it won’t even change anything about me?

“Sorry, Miss Goddess, um, uh…” One of the halfling spoke

“Valariel.” I told him my name

“Miss Goddess Valariel, the effigies are finished. I’m sorry if I interrupt seeing you thinking about something.”

“It’s alright.”

“Then, will you bless them?” he said as hold the effigies aloft. From all three effigies, the one he made is the one most well made. So he is chosen as the one that spoke to me.

“Of course.” I bless each effigy with my divinity. They are now practically a makeshift altar. They can sacrifice to it and I can answer prayers and grant wishes through it.

“Now you can pray to me through these. If you want to make an offering with your harvest then go on. I might bless you in return.”

“Thank you.” The halflings bowed before leaving to put the effigies somewhere. I waved back as they left, waving their hands. With nothing else to do, I fly back to my domain.

It is in the night that I returned. A new bigger tent has been raised to accommodate my new size with one giant tree trunk in the middle. Already Druig is waiting by the side of my tent. Quite unlike him to not join the nightly breeding orgy like the others around the Herdstone. I don’t think we can properly fuck as my size is now more than his double unless I manage to evolve Facsimile too. So he is here for something else.

“You need something?” I starts as I enter the giant tent and beckons Druig inside. Whatever it is, is important enough for him to not join the breeding outside.

“Mother, Wolfe is alive.” I immediately turn back and look at his face. He looks both certain but also confused.


“Noon, after you left. A rotting abomination approached the camp. No one recognizes him so we attack.” He recounts slowly as if trying to make sense of what happens too.

“Where is he now?”

“Gone. Kal chases but Wolfe manages to run away.”

“How do you know this?”

“The eyes. I saw Wolfe then not him anymore.” He tries to explain the best he can. It is easy to know what happens. Wolfe is dead. And now Nurgle resurrected him. Druig saw Wolfe then not anymore based on the eyes. It could mean Wolfe is still conscious then Nurgle takes control.

I frowned as I summoned my soulforge.

“Your greataxe is broken right? Any of it remains?” I ask as Druig brings out the only remaining shaft. Broken beyond repair. Then I saw a pair of horns tied to his belt. One is obviously his and the other must be Taurox’s.

“Those horns, give it to me.” I threw the shaft and the two horns into the Soulforge fire as soon as he gave them. Then I began my work. Another battle is looming overhead.

Back in the Sanctuary

The real Valariel felt the Sanctuary shaking. In fear she looks for cracks or invading daemons. Then she begins to worry as she wonders if the Daemon is alright. But what she saw was a small hole. Through it, she saw gentle rolling hills, farmlands stretched out, and the sound of a river flowing. Does the Daemon let her see the outside? Or is this trickery by others? Regardless, being cooped up in an empty space for a long time, Valariel longs for the outside. Warily she approaches. Then after a long time nothing really happens, Valariel touches the viewing hole.

Back in the Moot, one of the effigies suddenly jolts and moves. Valariel finally back in the material world. The moving effigy stumbles around on the box as the shift from the Sanctuary to outside is very jarring. She knocks another effigy down from the box into the river Aver. The sound of it falling took the attention of the nearby halflings. Valariel, realizing that she is in a some kind of effigy, she stops moving.

“No! Valariel’s effigy!”

“What you waiting for? Go get it!”

“I can’t swim. Can you?”


The effigy is already gone, taken by the river currents.

“We can just make a new one right?”

“We really shouldn’t have stopped to get lunch.”

The halflings grab the effigy possessed by Valariel and the last remaining one to be put elsewhere.

The fallen effigy is carried by the river currents. Some wooden parts allow it to float on the surface of the river. And the River Aver took it somewhere. To a place much, much worse than Sylvania.



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