In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Finally manage to post sorry no update last week. Got an interview last week so I prepare for that. The interview then also demand that I immediately move to another city if they notify me that I am accepted in a few days so I prepare for that also.

Didn't get the job tho. So that sucks.


After the flash, absolute chaos descends on the battlefield.  With the barrier gone and most if not all of the Eonir armies blinded and slowly dying, they scatter blindly around. Most immediately fall prey on the arriving daemons and Slaaneshi daemonettes that immediately target them. The golden herd manages to weather the worst of the Blinding Death, only those at the very front that stand directly before the barrier are afflicted with most covered by the veil. Though now they have the unenviable position of dealing with a full blown daemonic incursion.


Hordes of daemons, from each of the Chaos Gods streams into the material world. Their incursion is only delayed by the massive battle with each other from beyond the veil of reality as they struggle and push each other for the access of the realm tear. Slaaneshi daemons with their beasts chases after the weakened Eonir and harvest souls from the soul gems scattered around the city. Nurgle daemons immediately spread their corruption for the heart of the forest and all elven souls that it protects. Tzeentch daemons pour unopposed through the smaller realm tear, though only a token of their forces joins the chaos. Most follows unknown instruction and dispersed through the forest and beyond

Khornate fights everyone else except the weakened Eonir as there are plenty of more worthy kills around. Significantly slows down the aim of Slaanesh and Nurgle within reality


Then come the Greater Daemons. The first to arrive is Khorne’s Bloodthirster. The earth cracks and molten from the heat of his arrival. Burning any Eonirs unlucky enough to be nearby as he lands. 16 meters tall he stood straight. Eight horns adorn his humanoid skull, a grin from ear to ear decorate his face. Wingless and carry no weapons. But four is his arms and with each hands are jagged brass gauntlets ever burning with the wrath of Khorne and the joy of fighting.


“Fight!?” he bellows in disappointment looking at the sorry sight of the Eonirs.  Though his disappointment did not last long as he sensed a second greater daemon coming through the realm tear. Putrid and bloated hand of the Great Unclean One as it forces himself into reality

“Fight!” He bellows again with more excitement. He smashed a barrier protecting a small tower, the scream of the Eonir soul within the soul gem that protected it matters little and the helpless Eonirs protected within matter even less. The second punch destroyed half of the tower foundation Then with the other two arms, he caught and hefted the tower. As the Great Unclean One emerges through the tear, with his four arm he grips the tower and swatts the Great Unclean One before it could land in the middle of the city. Destroying what’s left of the tower and sending the Great Unclean One flying east of the city. Denying Nurgle the quick corruption of the Heart of the Forest. But before he after the Great Unclean One, he glimpse a golden radiance south and a Cygor comparable to his stature

“FIGHT!” He shouts again and charges south. Already distracted by another prospective fight


Slaanesh’s Keeper of Secret and Tzeentch’s Lord of Change arrive soon after. The former laugh in ecstasy of the gathered suffering from the unexpected pain from the supposed impenetrable barrier. Her only envy is that she is not the one that caused this suffering. Her entire visage covered with a cloak and veil. Only those she deemed worthy will gaze upon her perfection.


The latter come from the smaller tear. Stru’Kas the Eater of Knowledge finally returns to the material world. A Bloodthrister greataxe replaced the staff he once wielded. But whatever task his god gives is immediately cast aside as he glanced at the golden herd. His eyes scans the battlefield, seeking revenge for his denied victory back within the Tower of Hoeth. He saw a familiar figure, blinded and healing in the sky and immediately after his revenge


In the south, Dorn stood still in guard and awaited his command. Even with his elevated intelligence, he is confused as there is no new command for him. Through the divine artifact between his horns, he could see that the elves are all suffering and dying all around his warband, the twin faint glow of magic, and moving chunks of magic beyond the range of the artifact. Though he did not make any command to do anything about them in any way to help or kill them.


The daemons that dare to enter his mother’s divine presence are severely weakened and banished easily by the beastmen. This however makes the area surrounding him the safest for the Eonirs to be as magic from the forest land below them flows and tries to save as many of them as possible. Those that managed to heal just in time now see their city falling to ruins and an uncharacteristically orderly golden beastmen that stood guard at the other side.


That is until he saw a massive and bright chunk of magic charging straight towards him from outside the range of the artifact. The beastmen under his command shook in fear and almost took a step back. Dorn snorts at their cowardice. Though he did not blame them too much. Even from a distance, he knows that whatever is coming is powerful. Dorn step forward, followed by the three other cygors.


Back in the sky. My eyes healed just in time to call a shield from my Sanctuary to catch a huge brass greataxe. The Lord of Change wielding it doubles down and pushes me down with the greataxe.

“YOOUUUU! I will make you pay for what you’ve done to MEEEee!” The Lord of Change screams, splattering its saliva everywhere.

“Who are you again?” I said as I pushed him away. But what I said seemed to anger him even more as he screamed unintelligibly even more erratically as he hone to me at breakneck speed. Looks like this won’t be a magic fight.

Summoning a sword from Sanctuary, I dive to meet the Lord of Change


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