In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


With the giant white wolf attacking the Lord of Change. I get some time to breathe and observe. The wolf doesn’t seem inclined to attack me as of right now and the Lord of Change is clearly outmatched by the wolf’s speed. It would be very easy for me, now that I have some room, to restrain the Lord of Change with my spell. Cloud of snow storm gathers from the north overhead and rapidly goes south, carried by the wind and I know what I have to do. With a decision in mind, I channel magic which comes easily from the realm tear above.

“Divine chain” I cast a spell that imitates what Malagor uses to restrain me. Eight sets of golden chains manifested and restrained the Lord of Change and his bloodthirster greataxe. The chains are noticeably weaker than the chains that bind me. But it doesn’t matter. As the white wolf finally has a clear way to the Lord of Change’s neck. Then like a flash it pounces, golden warp fire on its fangs as it bites off the Tzeentchian daemon neck.

Snow, Storm and thunder, and a giant white wolf. I can make sense of which God sent the wolf. Last I checked he hates daemons and Chaos Gods which made me a bit hesitant on helping as I am counted as one of those. But that golden warp fire. Ulric did not have that as far as I know. And the only faction that has those are mine after the battle with Taurox. The wolf’s eyes met with mine. And I blinked. Startled as it suddenly pounces me to the ground. But no bite on my neck. As it starts licking my face enthusiastically.

I grabbed the wolf’s head to push it back a bit. Looking at the wolf and the silly face it made with its tongue out.

“Wolfe? Is that you?” Wolfe’s head immediately zoomed back to furiously lick my face again.

“Stop it. Stop it.” I tried to push back and he finally relented.

“We are not done yet.” I stand back. Feeling a noticeable relief within even through my numbed emotions.

“We can do this later. Go help your brothers in the east.”  I commanded and Wolfe’s woofs befores whooshing away faster than ever. It would be a nice surprise to Druig and Kal. Particularly Druig as he blamed himself back then. I will ascertain how Ulric resurrected Wolfe later. For now though, I have something to test. I approach the decapitated Lord of Change that is slowly disintegrating to return to the warp.


It can be done with Tzeentchian Screamer and the Bloodthirster that want to join. So by technicality I can try to force this Lord of Change to join me. With my magic I bind its form from disintegrating, forbidding it to return to the Warp.. Then with my Divinity, I force it to submit and obey.


The Lord of Change screeches again in my mind as it rebels through my effort.


Divinity concept level is equal

Target’s Willpower is slightly lower than player’s

Reading that, I double down on my effort but it is clear that this will take some time if it comes to a battle of wills. And time I did not have. Not yet as I have yet to find any use of my Time concept. Trying to use it to make a time bubble to accelerate time in conjunction with forcing the Lord of Change to submit will divide my focus in half.

Seems like I need to do this the old fashioned way.

“Come on. I’m sure we can make an agreement on things.” I start to persuade


He answers in a petulant tone. But I didn’t get a never like previous answer.

“Really? Surely there’s something I can offer in the material world.” No answer this time. Whether he is thinking or not listening doesn’t matter. He’s stuck with me.

“Why didn't you cast a spell during our fight?” I tried to poke as persuading seems ineffective.

I don’t need one to kill you

He’s right. But that did not answer my question.

“Why do you need that Bloodthirster’s greataxe anyway? Did Khorne manage to corrupt you? Or you can’t cast any spell?” Unintelligent screeching fills my head as the Lord of Change’s headless body begins flailing around in tantrums. Guess I hit a sore spot. Must be hard being the Greater Daemon of a Chaos God of magic but can’t cast spells.

“I see. You fell out of favor.”

I demand a regular offering of spell scrolls or books or magician’s head

He is now asking for demands. Good. It would seem staying with me is preferable to returning empty handed to Tzeentch and that he is asking these specifically means that this is his only way to obtain the knowledge of said spell. This might be interesting.

“And some mundane knowledge too.” I add an offer


He grumbled, puzzled by my offer.

“In return you must teach me and my herd about the knowledge you eat.” I state my price. His puzzled grumble turned to anger. A very long long grumble as he thinks.


He relents and I immediately shove him to Sanctuary


Two Greater Daemons get. This might double my problem. But I am willing to bet on it. Let’s hope my confidence in the Bloodthirster that is willingly joining me holds true. Because I need to rely on him to work out the kinks in my agreement with the Lord of Change. Then a series of two notifications appears.


Stru’Kas the Eater of Knowledge (Lord of Change) have joined


Stru’Kas have Concept Eater level 9 (Knowledge)

On Higher level, the Concept Eater can decide if knowledge eaten will be gone from the memory of all individual within a region

At max level, knowledge eaten by the Concept Eater will be gone from the world

Attainment of max level is being forbidden by Tzeentch and the new agreement with Valariel


I blink reading the warning. This is some Garm eating the fifth season and the making of Gleipnir which made it gone from the world level shit. Thank God my new agreement with him is added to the restriction which adds an additional safety net in case Tzeentch wants to pull something.

Putting this kind of trouble for tomorrow, I refocus on the present as I fly west and help Lak. She might have the same problem as me as she is primarily a spellcaster like me.

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