In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Sorry a bit late. Been playing No Man's Sky nonstop in the past week.
Also wanting to make this chapter longer but can't as in no way does the Greater Daemon to last when everyone arrived.

The snowstorm roars overhead. Lightning and thunder raged ceaselessly. The blizzard smothers the diseased air. The snow freezes the blighted mud. And the Wolf howls.


The battle took a halt as visibility suddenly dropped. Even the daemons are hindered by the blizzard. Its magical nature obfuscates their senses. Then the golden beastmen’s enhanced eyes finally adapt to the dark. With a roar they continue the battle. Their hooves finally unhindered as the deep mud freezes into a solid footing. The cold and the snow hindered them less and took away Nurgle daemon’s only advantage over them.


Tables turned as the golden beastmen now began to push back. Coordinating purely by their enhanced senses to determine friend and foe. The approaching golden light from southwest gives them a semblance of direction. The streak of red from Kal’s spear and the fire of Druig’s greataxe ahead show them where they should march. And another silvery figure, zooming across the battlefield with lightning speed. Obliterating any daemons in its wake.


The glee finally fades from the Great Unclean One. Sensing another interloper arrives. Disease from his retching cough no longer reaches others. The rotting pus from his mouths and wounds no longer corrupt as it freezes before reaching the ground. Anger builds within him as the blessings of Grandfather Nurgle are being hindered and he begins to bore playing with the two beastmen. Only now did he realize that lesser daemons stop spawning from the realm tear above.


Up above, the storm turned into a vortex around the realm tear. Lightning and thunder that has been raging ceaselessly are striking the realm tear and any daemons that pass through. Forcing it to close while the chaos gods pour more and more magic through to keep it open while the magic poured are then immediately fed to the growing storm. There are two ways to close a realm tear. One is to cast an equally powerful spell to close it

Another is to completely use all magic on one side of the tear that the realm tear is unable to maintain itself. The latter only works as a realm tear lacks a proper anchor like the polar gates on the north and south pole of this world. This is also how the great vortex at Ulthuan practically works. All that is left is for the storm to grow until the realm tear cannot sustain it anymore.


Anger turns to wrath as the Great Unclean One now locked-in to the interloper. He will not allow Grandfather’s work to fail. Deciding that playtime is over, he reaches into the mouth on his gut. Pulling out a wretched giant sword as well as his intestines. Sickly green is the sword, riddled with the diseased flesh and fused bodies of Nurgle worshippers, and the screaming elven souls on the sword’s guard. With a speed that belies his size, the daemon slash forward. Creating a streak of sickly green magic forward aiming at the interloper

Dividing the blizzard and cutting everything in between.


From the gap revealed a giant white wolf. Golden warp flame blazes on its fangs and claws. Then the blizzard closes and obscures its form again. But a loud roar erupts from the golden beastmen. Particularly from Kal and Druig for their brother have returned. The Greater Daemon ignores the raucous roars and gives chase to the white wolf. Only for once again he falls forward. This time, Druig succeeded in cutting his right feet. Already seething in anger, the daemon wildly swings his giant sword at the smaller bull. Another blinding red flashed as Kal’s spear struck the Great Unclean One’s eyes. Then Wolfe immediately pounces at the daemon's neck from behind though he bites its shoulder instead due to how bloated the daemon’s body is. But the warp fire burns unsmothered. Much stronger than Druig’s own as Wolfe is empowered by another god.


The already wild swings turn berserk. Wildly swinging and bashing like a giant toddler throwing a tantrum. Wolfe dislodges his teeth from the daemon’s shoulder as it rampages. The slower and much nearer Druig however is unable to dodge as a foot twice bigger than him smashes him to the ground and kicks him away. The daemon continues its tantrum until his eye “healed” and can see again. Crawling back up and standing on one stump, he tried to look for the wolf again. Only to feel something hot behind him. The daemon turns back and see a sun nestled in between the horns of a cygor equal to his size.


Dorn swings his giant greatsword down with all his might. The Great Unclean One raises his own to defend. Two swords met with a deafening clang. Then the ear splitting sound of thousands souls set free as the Great Unclean One’s sword broke. Dorn’s greatsword cleaved through the Greater Daemon’s shoulder but still it didn't kill the Greater Daemon. Dorn heaves his greatsword up, dislodging it from the daemon’s shoulder and swings it down again. Then again before he finally split the Great Unclean One in half.


The blizzard immediately eases soon after. With the banishment of Nurgle’s Greater Daemon, the battle is over. Khornate’s lesser daemons began fading first. Followed by Tzeentch’s and Slaanesh’. While Nurgle’s daemons still linger because of how deep their corruption have rooted and spread. As the Chaos Gods attention wanes, the flow of magic streaming from the realm tear weakens. While the snowstorm keeps siphoning magic from the environment until finally the snowstorm and the realm tear collapse into a magic void zone. Closing the realm tears and the weather returns to normal like nothing ever happens.


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