In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Sorry no chapter last week.
Got called for a test for a job twice and both only notify me at night before the test day which ruins my entire schedule

Rivandil and Marrisith stand at the edge of our encampment. A dragon beside the Dragon Knight and twelve royal guards beside the Queen of Laurelorn. While beside me are Kal and Lak. I specifically choose both so that they might learn how to meet and negotiate with other races. Something I will need to prepare as my domain expands, I will not be able to be at two places at once and I am bound to delegate some authority. I have considered Druig. But he seems to have no interest in these kinds of things. While Dorn will certainly intimidate almost any mortal out there.

“I thought you would need more time to decide.” I said as regard both

There’s no chair and table here as beastmen don't make those. And I don’t think any of them would enjoy what the beastmen call ‘refreshment’.

“So, what would it be?” I finally ask as both don't respond to my initial greetings. Not out of scorn apparently but because of Marrisith. Judging by how Rivandil subtly glanced at her.


“We have decided,” Marrisith starts “I along with most of the Forestborn will stay. While those few who decide to leave will follow Lord Rivandil back to Ulthuan.” She surprises me with the decision. I thought the last night display of debauchery would deter most of the elves. But there might be some other reason for their stay.

“I am.. Surprised to say the least.” I start and look at the ruined city of Tor Lithanel behind them “May I ask the reason for so many of you staying?”

To my question, Marrisith looked at me in disbelief. As if it is something I should have known. She is however clearly reluctant to breach the subject. Again not out of secrecy but of guilt.


“It was.. An ancient pact my ancestors made with the forest when they settled in Laurelorn. That we will protect and tend the forest while the forest safekeep the spirit of our dead from the Prince of Pleasure.” She finally explains

I immediately use my magic and divinity to sense into the forest. But what I see is a flow of magic within the earth of the forest. Like a reservoir of magical power but it is purer than those from the warp. And less than it should be as it is still slowly absorbed by Nurgle’s corruption that is still clinging to the forest. This is the source of guilt. However, these reservoirs of magical power are not souls. At least not anymore as it has lost the shape and identity of the souls and has now melded into the forest. No wonder I did not notice it previously, with all the magic concentrated in the air because my Waystones diverting the flow back north. This means that the key ingredient to make a magical forest are elven souls and I can safely assume Athel Loren works the same way.


“I see. I missed this detail.” I said as I looked back at Marrisith and understood the Eonir a little more.

They can leave, the pact of protecting and tending the forest can be abandoned and the forest will still protect the souls that have now become part of it. But they are staying because of sentimental reasons and in a sense, the Eonir are staying because here is also their afterlife. Actually, I even think this is a better approach to afterlife than the High Elves, as even though they bound their souls much more perfectly into the Waystones like the Eldar with their Spirit Stones in 40k, the High Elven method preserves much of their identity and therefore can still be an interest to Slaanesh. I doubt Slaanesh will take the same interest in elven souls that have lost their shape and identity and melded into a forest.


“The only thing we ask in return, daemon, is that you will not destroy this forest.” Marrisith then states her people’s only condition.

A small thing not to do actually and should I extend my divinity here, I can accelerate the growth enough to harvest huge quantities of magical wood without much deforestation.

“Very well, I accept the terms.” then a notification sounds as soon as I say that.


You have claimed the Magical Forest of Laurelorn

This forest is filled with elven souls, extend your Divinity into the entire forest to accelerate its growth and protect it, in return the forest will give souls back in return

Or destroy it and claim the vast quantity of souls instantly

Laurelorn forest is almost sentient


Now this is a welcome addition. A property that can be taxed. As for how this forest can generate souls, I think I can speculate. But the most interesting part is that the forest is almost sentient. Wonder if I can move the entire forest by telling it to uproot and walk somewhere else. The vast quantity of souls is tempting and I might get enough to blitz through my progress into evolving into a proper God. But I still need the chance to make allies, challenging the the Chaos Gods alone is a folly like a certain Greater Daemon that try.


“I can say nothing in this matter, daemon. But know that the High Elves will return.” Rivandil finally spoke

A warning that they will judge me on how I treat the Eonir and if I keep my words. Or a threat that they will come and attack. Either way I will be ready by then or that I won’t need to bother.

“As for me, I shall stay and keep watch of you daemon. But remember that you have no command over me.” My eyes went wide in surprise when the dragon beside Rivandil speak

They can speak!? Since when? Wait no, that is wrong. The eastern dragons all can speak so the dragons here should be able to speak too. It's just that they don’t bother speaking much. I must have missed this just like I miss the lore about wood elven forest. But it doesn’t matter, what matters is that I got a dragon. All that is left is how to seduce it so I can have my own dragon.


“Very well. I will keep my word and those who want to leave can leave.” I finished this meeting

Both Rivandill and Marrisith turn and leave

“And Rivandil,” I call out and he pauses, “The High Elves should look west and be ready.” That is all my warning before returning to my tent.


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