Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 294 - Infatuated with bones

Yang Jiran chuckled and patted Qin Zhan’s shoulder, and said, “If you are really my brother, I might still save your life. But you are not, you are a strip, a child, an undercover man. Do you think I can spare you? “

“What?” Qin Zhan’s face sank. “Big boss, have you misunderstood some rumors, how could I be undercover? My loyalty to the big boss can be seen from the moon and the moon, and I just obeyed your order and killed Jin Ruoyu , I’ve been here for so many years, don’t you know my NPC boss? “

“Yeah, you have been by my side for so many years, and you have been sitting in the position of the number two. You are really not ordinary.” Yang Jiran taunted, “I have never been patient and do not like to treat undercover Extorting a confession by torture, but if I find that I am undercover, there is only one way to go, that is the dead end! “

Qin Zhan insisted not to admit that he was undercover: “Big boss, I was wronged, there must be someone behind the ghost, he wants to hurt me, big boss, you can’t be fooled by such a villain, what kind of relative For the vengeful, please believe me and give me another chance to prove that I am innocent. “

“No need. I know your origins very well, isn’t your original name Du Yucheng? It’s a good job to keep secrets, and it took me a long time to find out, but now that I know everything, I won’t do it again. Believe in any rhetoric. “

It was supposed to fight again with wisdom and wisdom because Qin Zhan was so tired that he could not perform any more. He just wanted to end the torture earlier.

So, he took out his pistol and pointed it at Yang Jiran. Then, holding a wheelchair, he slowly got up and stepped back. He said, “It turned out that you already suspected me long ago, so what did you say? Trust me, in fact, it’s all for me to kill Jin Ruoyu, I’ve hit your trap! “

‘Brush brush! ’

The moment Qin Zhan raised his pistol, the bodyguards around him immediately took out the gun and aimed at Qin Zhan. As soon as Yang Jiran ordered, he would be sieved immediately.

However, faster than anyone else’s gun, Qin Zhan must be better than them, and he will definitely give Yang Jiran a shot before he falls down.

However, Yang Jiran was not afraid at all. Not only did she choose not to evade, but she also let her men put down their guns.

“Don’t be excited, I have Mr. Ye to protect me.” Yang Jiran turned his head and looked at Lu Zhanke with a smile, “Right?”

Land War Ke was cold, his face was ashamed, as if he hadn’t heard Yang Jiran.

Seeing Yang Jiran approaching Lu Zhanke, Qin Zhan secretly screamed badly, thinking that this woman was really insidious, and Lu Zhanke blocked in front of her, how could he shoot?

Between the flashes of calcium carbide, he suddenly understood another thing, shouldn’t this be Yang Jiran’s temptation to Lu Zhanke?

She didn’t believe in Ai Changhuan, nor did she believe in herself. It was even impossible to believe him because Lu Zhanke and Chen Handong had similar temperament. Maybe this was also testing Lu Zhanke to see if he was with him.

If he had ‘collusioned’ with Lu Zhan Ke, then he would definitely not shoot at Lu Zong Ke easily. Similarly, Lu Zhan Ke would not be able to help her to block bullets, and his relationship with Lu Zhan Ke would be clear at a glance.

Thinking that they almost caught Yang Jiran’s trap, Qin Zhan could not help feeling a chill behind him.

At the same time, he also understood why she only put two bullets in the gun as long as she killed Ai Changhuan.

Qin Zhan was holding a pistol in his hand, and he quickly made several gestures, in order to tell Lu Zhanke that after receiving his instructions, two people fired at the same time, he moved quickly, and because it was a secret word, so from the perspective of others, He just made a few moves at will because of confusion.

In fact, he intends to fire a second slower than the Marine Luke, so that after he is shot, the body will lean back inertially, and his arms will be raised, so that shot will be fired against the sky, so they can go smoothly. Lied Yang Jiran.

Qin Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, exasperated: “Yang Jiran, what you have done can’t escape the legal sanctions, just grab it!”

“Stop it?” Yang Jiran seemed to have heard some funny joke, and couldn’t help laughing. “It’s up to you? You can’t guarantee it yourself, but let me get it?”

Qin Zhanyang said with a hand and said, “Even if I end up with you, I will kill the people!”

“Bang! Bang!” Two shots followed by a bang, and the sea surfaced a huge wave, and Qin Zhan’s figure disappeared immediately.

Lu Zhanke rushed over in disbelief. He lay on the railing and looked, but Qin Zhan’s figure was no longer visible.

He didn’t understand why Qin Zhan lied to him and said that he fired at the same time, but the result was one second slower than him. Why?

He lost his lover in the first second, and lost his brother in the next second. He was left alone in the whole ship. Can he still bear the pain in his heart?

Yang Jiran was naturally very satisfied with the performance of the Marine War Ke. She was like a happy cuckoo, and she was so happy to announce to the world: “I knew you would protect me, I knew …”

Talking and dancing, he rushed forward, and hugged Lu Zhanke from behind.

“Well …” Lu Zhanke was hit by her, his teeth loosened, and he spit out blood.

The blood had already flowed up when he heard the first shot of Ai Changhuan. He had been biting his teeth and straining his cheeks, so he could not see anything from the outside.

It was just because of Qin Zhan that he was surprised, his expression loosened, and he was hit by Yang Jiran, so he couldn’t bear it anymore and spit blood all over the place.

Looking at the blood he vomited, Yang Jiran shouted in surprise: “Blood … blood … blood …”

She was panicking, thinking that she was not so strong. How could she spit someone out?

How would she know that this blood was shed by another man who was deeply affectionate in his bones? That woman ’s pain is equal to his pain, and that woman ’s death is equal to his death. Such deep feelings she will never understand .

Lu Zhanke looked at the blood, smiled slightly, and then completely fainted.

If he can, he wants to die like this, at least to catch up with Ai Changhuan, lest she be too lonely, she is most afraid of darkness, how can he not be with her …

“Get ready for a ventilator, defibrillator …”

“How much heartbeat …”

“What’s the blood pressure …”

“How about breathing?”

“The patient is breathing weakly!”

“Get on the ventilator …”

The ears were very noisy, as if someone kept coming and going, someone was shouting, someone was shouting, but she couldn’t hear a word.

She just feels so tired. She walks alone on a dark and dark road. She doesn’t know where she is or where the road leads. She just feels that there is a voice not far from the front. Shouting to let her go forward, she went on subconsciously.

She walked for a long, long, long time, and she felt very weird. Why wasn’t anyone seeing on the road, or was it too dark, she couldn’t see other people …

She could not feel whether she was dead or alive. At that time, there was only one word in her mind, which was walking, whether she was alive or dead. She had no concept, and she would not consider it.

After walking for a long time, when she felt that both legs were too tired to lift, she finally reached a strange place. The reason why this place was weird was that she saw a door with the plaque on the door With three strange characters, like Lishu and Cursive, she saw only the middle one for a long time, and it seemed to be a door character.

There was another voice behind the door, letting her open the door and go in. She moved and suddenly felt too tired. She didn’t want to go any further. She was so tired that she wanted to sit on the floor and cry, so she really sat. She was crying on the ground, but she knew that she didn’t cry because she was tired, but because of something else.

It seems that something else makes her sad, and it seems that it is because of a person, but the name and appearance of that person, she doesn’t remember it, she just remembers the feeling, and it feels painful when you think about it, heart Pain was also pumping.

The more she hurt, the more fierce she cried. It seemed that she accidentally lost that person. No, she could not lose it. She had to go and get that person back.

Thinking of this, she got another grunt and got up and ran back quickly. There was a shout from behind to let her push the door in. She covered her ears and didn’t listen to the sound, and ran back desperately.

I don’t know how long she ran, and she suddenly heard a bang, as if something had hit the ground, and then a female voice sounded, a woman scolded: “You won’t be careful, don’t you know the patient is resting?”

“I didn’t …” a weak voice justified.

“You still don’t admit it, isn’t it you? Is it me? What kind of service attitude do you want me to tell your head nurse?” The woman’s voice became more and more arrogant.

Ai Changhuan could not help frowning.

“No, no, no, sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose.” The voice was weaker before, but there was a hint of unwillingness in the words, and it seemed she was forced to admit it.

“You look at your virtues, can you end up admitting it wrong? You must be honest if you scold you, you just owe it!”

Fuck, I heard Ai Changhuan almost yelled at you. Do n’t be ignorant of others. When you talk about others ’virtues, why do n’t you look at your own virtues? Talents have to meet once and fight once.

Ai Changhuan was furious. She wanted to open her eyes to see who this so arrogant woman was, but her eyelids seemed to be hung with two jacks. It was so heavy that she couldn’t open her eyes, and her eyes were still dark.

She couldn’t help but be anxious. When she wanted to call someone, she heard an old voice saying, “Cuihua, forget it, she didn’t mean it, let her go.”

The sound …

Ai Changhuan froze a bit. How could this sound be so similar to her grandfather’s voice, but it was much older than the grandfather’s voice in her memory. The grandfather’s voice in her memory had always been as penetrating as Hong Zhong. How could this be so? old?

There is also the name Cuihua. Why does she feel special dislike when she hears it?

“Walk around, hurry away.” Cuihua kicked the man out of dissatisfaction, and then said softly to Father Lu, “Hey, I’m not afraid that she might get too noisy with Chang Huan. The doctor said, The patient should rest more, and ca n’t be disturbed casually, otherwise it will affect the recovery of the patient ’s body. I ’m doing this for Chang Huan, I ’m afraid that when we are not here, these little girls are slow and do n’t take care of her How can you do this? “

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