Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 311 - Design their divorce

Jin Bo said: “There is indeed one way, because the will of the army Zhan Li stated that his property was left to his wife Ai Changhuan, but there are two cases now. The first is that the army must be alive now, so the will and Did not take effect, the second is that if Ai Changhuan is not the wife of Lu Zhanke, then she does not have the right to inherit the inheritance of Lu Zike, so now, if you want to take back the property, there is only one way, that is, while Lu Zhan Ke has not returned, let The two of them divorced, and I believe you must have a way to do that, right? “

“This …” Hearing Jin Bo’s method, Mrs. Lu hesitated first, because she just wanted to get back the property, but did not want to divorce Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanke, because Ai Changhuan had no place in the heart of Lu Zhanke She can be compared with others. She was afraid that after returning from the battle, she would force Ai Changhuan to divorce, and she would definitely be upset. Maybe she would break up with them. She did not dare to take such a risk, so she said, “This matter We still have to think long and hard, and we must not make Zhan Ke upset. “

“I also thought about it, so I have to tell you one more thing, that is now Lu Zhan Ke is not here. Accompanying Ai Changhuan is a young man named Qin Zhan. This man claims to be a comrade in Lu Zhan Ke, but the actual He is the first love of Ai Changhuan, so I also doubt whether the two of them want to rebuild the old one, and then cheated the property of Lu Zhanke to fly and live together. “

“Are there such a thing?” Madame Lu was startled, her brows frowning deeply.

“I saw it with my own eyes,” said Jin Bosha. “The two of them are in the hospital with no one’s ambiguity. Everyone sees it. Those who don’t know think they are the couple.” , Qin Zhan was meticulous in loving and caring for Ai Changhuan, Lu Zhanke was not around, Ai Changhuan was still so young, maybe the two of them would rekindle when they did. Before they did anything ugly, hurry up It is better to resolve this matter. If something really happens, the reputation of the Lu family will be lost. “

Mrs. Lu didn’t speak with a calm face. She didn’t think she could listen to Jin Bo. Although she didn’t like Ai Changhuan, she didn’t believe she would do such a thing.

Jin Bo glanced at Mrs. Lu’s face and smiled softly, and said, “Of course, these are all my guesses, believe it or not. But since I can think of this, others must also think of it Then, the three of them will become tigers. Maybe when rumors will start, you still have to plan ahead. “

“You still know what’s happening between them, though to listen to it.” There was no smile on Mrs. Lu’s face. Obviously, Jin Bo’s words still shaken her, because there was a saying well, It’s better to be credible than to be credible, in case it is true? Isn’t that Lu Zhanke wearing a green hat, and the reputation of their Lu family is not to be ruined once, she must not let this happen, saying that she is worried about the sky, anyway, she must prevent it beforehand.

Jin Bo said vaguely: “I don’t know the specifics between the two of them, but I heard that they had a good relationship before and wanted to elope before marriage. Later, because of this man’s delay, Ai Changhuan didn’t come. I had no choice but to marry Lu Zhanke. Now the man comes back to want to be reunited with Ai Changhuan. After all, it is his first love. The relationship is definitely not ordinary. It is inevitable that Ai Changhuan will be shaken. It’s all up to personal will. “

Speaking requires skill. Ambiguous things are naturally the more vague the more people can’t guess the better, because people’s imagination is unlimited. I am afraid that these simple words of Jin Bo are enough for Mrs. Lu’s brain to make up. Tens of thousands of words.

Mrs. Lu wanted to get more and more angry. Lu Zhanke is now alive and dead, but Ai Changhuan is here to meet with the old lover privately. The two kissed me in front of the court and made some misleading actions, clearly nothing at all. Considering Lu Zhanke’s face, what kind of woman is going to use it, Fei Lu Zhanke is all about this woman, and she always considers her first.

No, Lu Zhanke doesn’t care if she is a mother!

Mrs. Lu said coldly: “Okay, I know. I will send someone to find out exactly what happened. I will talk about it after the divorce. I will notify you when there is news. I will not leave you for dinner. If nothing is wrong, go back first. “

Jin Bo smiled slightly and said, “I’ll go back and wait for your news.”

Mrs. Lu waved his hands impatiently, letting the servant send Jinbo out.

When Jin Bo was gone, Mrs. Lu immediately called and asked someone to check the relationship between Ai Changhuan and Qin Zhan. She did not fully believe Jin Bo’s words, so she decided to check it herself before making a decision.

Ai Changhuan and Qin Zhan only knew about themselves and Ji Xingfan when they were in college. At that time, Ji Xingfan did not even see Qin Zhan’s appearance, let alone others, so no one sent by Mrs. Lu Find out how Ai Changhuan was with Qin Zhan, but they found out another thing is that Qin Zhan was injured because he left the bulletproof vest to Ai Changhuan, and during the time of his amnesia I only remember Ai Changhuan, and ran to Ai Changhuan’s bed to sleep with her, and Ai Changhuan also woke up from a coma because he was here. After the illness of Master Ai Changhua, Qin Zhan accompanied Ai Changhuan. It can be seen that they really have a deep relationship with each other, and maybe still love each other so far.

Then they took a group of photos and came back. Coincidentally, Qin Zhan was also seriously injured, and he was busy all day long. Therefore, as an iron man, he finally couldn’t hold himself down. Ai Changhuan Taking care of Qin Zhan out of guilt, Qin Zhan took the opportunity to take Ai Changhuan’s advantage.

When he asked him to eat, he said he had no energy and asked Ai Changhuan to feed him.

Ai Changhuan had no choice but to feed him awkwardly. When he ate, he kept staring at Ai Changhuan with a silly smile on the corner of his mouth.

After finally having dinner, he grabbed Ai Changhuan’s wrist again.

Ai Changhuan was startled, and wanted to withdraw his hand, but he caught him more firmly, so he had to ask him what he wanted to do.

As a result, he looked at Ai Changhuan, but his eyes gradually became wet. He asked Ai Changhuan, “Are you really not mine anymore? I always think this is a dream. The dream wakes up. The two of us Still looking at the moon on the roof of your school library, I said I would be nice to you forever, and you said you would stay with me forever. “

The past is always easy to make people sad, so when Qin Zhan mentioned the details of those things, she couldn’t help but stumble into the memories, staring at Qin Zhan, so she forgot to draw back hand.

Originally, it was just a normal look, but in the eyes of people who don’t know the situation, it is clearly a look of affection, and there is no easier picture than this.

So Madam Lu was angry, because in her opinion, this was the evidence that Ai Changhuan betrayed Lu Zhanke. She was backing Lu Zhanke and cheating with other men, and immediately she called Jin Bo and asked him to draft a divorce. The agreement, she will go to the hospital tomorrow morning to find Ai Changhuan for her to sign, I believe that with this evidence, Ai Changhuan can no longer resist.

Lu Zhanke is so excellent, there are so many giants rushing to marry him. Why is Ai Changhuan contented and not cherished? Isn’t Lu Zhanke good enough for her? Why did she do such a degrading thing? The more she thought about it, the more she felt worthless for her son. She really rushed to the hospital to force Ai Changhuan to sign the signature, but it was anxious. After Ai Changhuan signed, she had to get a divorce certificate. It was really a divorce. She was able to get Ai Changhuan to get the marriage certificate with Lu Zhanke when she was not present. Naturally, she could get the divorce certificate in the absence of Lu Zheke.

In itself, Ai Changhuan was derailed first. Even if Lu Zhanke came back later and knew about it, she couldn’t blame her. She was just to maintain the reputation of the Lu family.

After answering Mrs. Lu’s phone call, Jin Bo’s mouth slowly evoked a smile of evil, very good, the plan is about to be realized soon, and he, their Jin family will never have to look at the Meng family Ke family Lu family again His face has passed, and from now on, their Jin family will also become a real rich man, and no one dares to look down upon them.

At a glance, the picture on the bedside table was a group photo of the four of them in college. At that time, everyone laughed and was very happy, but no one noticed his eyes, the look of helpless fate.

Although the four of them are like brothers, they are still divided into high and low. Lu ranks first, followed by Meng Jia Ke. His family ranks last, and they are almost as close as the three of them. No, they are rich and powerful with a golden spoon, and he is just the son of a flat-headed ordinary man who works hard by his own. In their eyes, he is no different from the countryman. They are the masters, and he is the only one. The slaves of Mrs. Lu, they also despise them very much. They always feel that they are poor paupers who can’t even eat enough food. The kind of compassion he has seen for decades has been enough, and he vowed that this time he absolutely Let the Jin family fight a beautiful turnaround.

Therefore, even though Lu Zhanke is his best brother, he can only be sorry for him. People do not die for their own sake. I believe that Lu Zhanke will forgive him after knowing all this.

“Ha ha ha ha … ha ha ha ha … ha ha ha ha ha …” The more she wanted to get happier, Jin Bo couldn’t help but laughed wildly, then put the photo down with a wave of her hand, and the four enthusiastic smiles Immediately disappeared.

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