Infernal Hero

Chapter 403 Get into Bed and Be Silent, Heavenly Armament Leader

Chapter 403 Get into Bed and Be Silent, Heavenly Armament Leader

As a result of the interference bomb, the submarine suffered slight damage due to the close proximity of the explosion. In the dim cabin, everyone stayed where they were, trying to relax as much as possible and not do any unnecessary activities. The main circulating pump is damaged and the chief engineer is rushing to repair it. At present, the main circulating pump can only rely on the natural circulation to supply oxygen. It could be imagined how uncomfortable it felt to leave enough oxygen in this steel muffled tank.

Gu Tianyou and Long Jianmei sat side by side in the cabin. With their martial dao realms, it was not a problem for them to control their dissolved oxygen levels to the Turtle Breath realm. Surviving in an environment with almost zero oxygen content for ten or eight days is probably not a problem. Even so, it does not mean that they will not be affected by environmental change. The stinky feet in the watertight cabin smelled of sweat, and the air was extremely dirty. These boys looked at each other nervously.

This was the first time that everyone had experienced a war, a real battle, from Ohio, where they had sunk each other, to being ambushed by the other's sea wolves, and they were still being chased by bites on their tails. This situation was almost certain to die in submarine warfare. In Kun Peng's words, the probability of escaping is not more than 30%, unless our new captain can create another miracle. Otherwise, no one would want to take back the suicide note they had written before they left.

Is Sun Jingfei dead again? He closed his five senses and six senses. Apart from his heart still beating slightly, his five hearts were sitting there facing the sky. He was like a dead person. Was this son of a bitch really his move enviable?

The watertight cabin door was opened and the Kun Peng brought in three oxygen candles. This is a chemical oxygen source that can be used to save oneself in an anoxic environment. Ignited by the impact cap, it burns continuously and releases high purity oxygen. The rate of oxygen evolution is fast and the total heat release is small. An oxygen candle can hold about a hundred people for an hour.

"I just threw out a buoy transmitter and received a signal from my hometown. The war between India and Pakistan has broken out!" The moment the Kun Peng walked in, shocking news broke out.

The CIA's South Asia Storm Project has succeeded!

Gu Tianyou's brows knitted together. Long Jianmei hatefully said, "Fight, fight. First liberate another 1.4 billion, then liberate the entire human race!"

Tigress was worthy of being Lord Long's great-granddaughter, a war maniac. As long as there was a war, she would dare to lead her troops to attack Hua Shengdun.

Gu Tianyou asked, "What are the plans of the Dun He ?"

Kun Peng said, "In three hours, we will quickly descend into the bed. After that, all of us will enter a state of complete silence for 24 hours. The natural circulation of the dissolved oxygen pump will also be shut down. These three oxygen candles are used to cope with this time."

The survival of the Chinese nation with dignity depends to a large extent on the uninterrupted combat duty of strategic nuclear missile submarines. Oxygen candle was a new thing to Gu Tianyou, but in the eyes of these Guardian Gods, it was nothing more than an ordinary thing.

Long Jianmei said: "Immersion silence evasion is a high-risk action rarely used in submarine warfare. Normally, it is necessary to break through the limit of diving depth and rely on absolute silence to evade the detection of the opponent." The creator of this ultra-deep-sea escape tracking method was a former Soviet commander of a Kilo-class submarine that sank a United States Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine with a conventional-powered submarine during the Cold War.

If their equipment was inferior, they could only rely on their will to fight and combat intelligence to make up for it. Chinese servicemen have this kind of unafraid of death and the wisdom to put their lives on the line for later generations.

Long Jianmei explained to Eighth Uncle the details of her tactics. This girl was indeed worthy of being the king of heavenly weapons. She was a complete war encyclopedia. As long as it was related to war, regardless of whether it was flying in the sky or swimming in the sea, everything was clear.

"Your captain is an amazing commander, Implantation has long been banned by the navies of various countries because of its high risk, "I can't even see it in the new subject textbooks. Only in the pile of old papers do I have a record of scaling. In the era of all nuclear energy, all of them are heavy submarines. Not to mention being able to turn this tactical action around, even commanders who dare to say that they have experienced this action are rare."

Kun Peng said, "You are also amazing. I have only heard a little about the tactical movements that were rarely used in actual combat forty years ago. I don't even know the exact origins of these tactical movements. As a dry duck, you know them like the back of your hand. It's truly inconceivable."

Long Jianmei smiled softly and said, "If I had told you that if your captain wasn't too outstanding, I would have planned to take over the command of the submarine with privilege. Do you think I was bragging to you?"

Kun Peng was stunned for a moment, then nodded honestly and said, "I'll think you're crazy again."

Long Jianmei pulled Gu Tianyou to his feet and said, "Let's go and see what Captain Dun He can do."

… … … …

Four hundred and fifty meters, five hundred meters, five hundred and fifty meters, six hundred meters, six hundred and fifty meters. As the depth of the dive continued to increase, the entire submarine began to emit frightening creaking sounds, just like the sound made by Ohio, which had been sunk earlier. The young officers and soldiers were ignorant and fearless, so it was better. Veterans like the sonar captain and the engine captain had already changed color, and their heads were covered in sweat from nervousness.

Long Jianmei's small hand gave off a cold feeling and whispered in her ear in a very small voice, "Deep-sea implantation training and shallow-sea implantation training are not the same concept at all." Under the action of water pressure, the submarine's submergence angle, propelling force application, and other related factors need to be controlled with extreme precision. The slightest mistake in the buffer stop would cause damage and even the destruction of the boat. This was the real game of death.

Seven hundred and ten meters away, the creaking sounds of the hull of the boat became more and more intense. Dun He's tone was firm as he gave the order to maintain the angle and continue to descend!

Bang! The radar showed that the submarine had already landed and was diving at a depth of 740 meters. Because the speed and angle were controlled almost perfectly, only the toughest and thickest part of the bow was able to withstand a relatively minor impact, followed by the hull and the stern that had been previously impacted. Finally, the entire submarine was able to safely land on the bed!

This was truly amazing! Long Jianmei suppressed her praise. All the officers and soldiers let out a long sigh, and their faces were filled with joy.

"From now on, everyone will enter absolute silence. Within twenty-four hours, there will be no need to eat. Drinking water must be done with a straw, and urination must be done on the spot. Any movement must be stopped completely!" The Dun He River was still as cold as an iceberg in the face of the fervent gaze of the entire ship's officers and soldiers.

Gu Tianyou quietly instructed Long Jianmei, "Go knock Perrin unconscious and make sure he won't wake up or talk in his sleep within 24 hours."

The terrifying silence began. Gu Tianyou didn't want to experience this feeling again in his life.

In the deathly silence, the atmosphere inside the submarine was so heavy that it was as if it was solid. After turning off the air circulation pump, the entire submarine was a high-temperature muffler. Apart from a green light bead that emitted a faint light, the surroundings were completely dark. This was unbearable darkness. Apart from the sound of people breathing, the surroundings were completely silent, even the smallest sound in the world. Silence in the darkness. Silence in the darkness can destroy the nerves of any normal person.

Moreover, the threat of death was added to this relatively narrow space. No matter where the hull was, even if it was only the size of a needle, it would not be able to withstand the water pressure of 500 kilograms per square centimeter. In an instant, the tragedy of the ship being destroyed and people dying would occur.

There's already a third wave of sonar sweeping through. At this moment, the Swordfish was displayed on the opponent's radar as a reef on the seabed. The sea wolf's maximum diving depth was 700 meters. The opponent's commander was also a bold fellow. He had already dived to this depth to search, and he had scanned every piece of seabed reef in this area many times. Apparently, he was skeptical of the swordfish's evasive actions.

Dun He sat opposite Gu Tianyou and drew on the table with his fingers. "My throat is very uncomfortable. If I can't suppress it, please help me and grab my neck."

A cough was a matter of life and death for dozens of people. Gu Tianyou nodded and suddenly pressed his hand on his vagus nerve. This time, his luck was extremely clever. It just blocked his nerve conduction but didn't make him unconscious. Dun He rolled his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief. He looked at Gu Tianyou in surprise and wrote the word "magic" on the table.

Gu Tianyou replied with a smile. I studied Chinese medicine for a few days.

Dun He wrote, I'm not interested. Bureau Sun said everything about you is confidential. I beg you not to harm me.

Gu Tianyou wrote, "Become friends with me. I've cheated countless people in my life, but I've never cheated a friend."

Dun He wrote, it turns out that you didn't treat me as a friend before, but to me, as long as I get on the boat, I will be my comrades-in-arms with one heart and one mind.

Gu Tianyou painted a smiling face. I have very few friends.

Dun He wrote. I'm honored. Gu Tianyou wrote to each other.

Twenty-four hours later, Dun He ordered that silence be lifted, superconducting motors activated, normal oxygen supply resumed, sonar detection activated, and after confirming that there was no enemy situation, the submarine rose to periscope altitude. We can go back!

Where would it be appropriate to return to the Republic? The United States had lost an Ohio-class submarine and would never let it go. Even if they could not declare war, they would at least use their powerful navy to prevent the murderer from returning safely. Under such circumstances, no waterway was safe.

"Trans-Indian Ocean is undoubtedly the nearest route, but it is also the most dangerous." Dun He pointed at the chart and showed it to Gu Tianyou. He then said, "Traversing the Atlantic Ocean, circling the Arctic Ocean, impersonating a Russian conventional submarine, crossing the Bering Strait, crossing the Sea of Japan and returning to the East China Sea. Although the journey is long, it is relatively unexpected. It is much safer. With the strength of those Japanese tidal AIP conventional submarines, it is not a threat at all."

After such a fierce battle and such a brilliant evasive performance, Dun He had established absolute authority on the ship. Just as Gu Tianyou was about to express his agreement, someone suddenly said, "No!" Long Jianmei placed her small hand on the chart. At the same time, she displayed a certificate and handed it to Dun He. She said, "I want to exercise my special rights in special situations and special times. Please forgive me. After reading it, you have to report to the General Staff. Once my identity is leaked, you will be the focus of the examination."

Dun He was stunned and looked at Gu Tianyou. Long Jianmei also looked over and explained, "Eighth Granduncle, you must believe me. The war between India and Pakistan has broken out. I made my decision based on the military strength and strategic needs of the enemy and me. Master Qiao is dead, and I am the head of the Heavenly Armament. I have the right to do so in the face of a war that concerns the survival of the nation."

Gu Tianyou picked up the small notebook. He had read it before, but now he realized that her notebook had been changed at some unknown time. Putting aside unimportant information such as names, let's look directly at the following important contents: the Military Commission authorizes the General Staff to directly subordinate to the General Staff, the secret members of the Front Committee during wartime, and the authority label: In wartime, the General Staff can directly exercise command over all the armed forces of the Republic on behalf of the General Staff in connection with the requirements of war. Special note: No authority to use nuclear weapons.

Closing the book, he turned to Dun He and said, "Stop reading this book so as not to interfere with your future. Listen to her. You have no choice. Otherwise, you and I will have to go to court-martial."

Dun He looked around and looked at the notebook in Gu Tianyou's hand. Finally, he nodded and said, "Alright, I believe you." He turned around and saluted Long Jianmei, who had already changed into a military uniform. "The submarine commander of the Beihai Squadron's submarine unit No. XXX, code-named Dun He, is leading the entire swordfish squadron on an ocean rescue mission. Please give us a new order," he said.

Long Jianmei saluted solemnly, then pointed at the chart and said resolutely, "If you discover the Indian Navy's aircraft carrier formation along the way, take the initiative to attack by landing in Karachi via the Indian Ocean!"

Gu Tianyou stuck out his tongue. This girl was going crazy.

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