Infernal Hero

Chapter 406 Drawing the Sword Without Regret, Stained with Blood Without Returning

Chapter 406 Drawing the Sword Without Regret, Stained with Blood Without Returning

Some people can clearly hear the voice of their hearts and live according to it. Such people are either crazy or become legends.

In the Mangalore Peninsula, the deepest part of the sea was 800 meters.

The red light began to flicker, and a silent battle alarm sounded. Long Jianmei and Gu Tianyou walked into the command center side by side.

"First five, slow down. Control your speed." He patted the helmsman's shoulder and nodded at Long Jianmei. "I just confirmed the target's identity. It's the aircraft carrier Villat," he said.

Long Jianmei grunted and asked, "This is the first time that we've secretly tracked you here. Are you planning to make a move?"

Dun He said, "Yes, this is the coffin of death I prepared for them."

"Azimuth 315, Range 35, Target heading 105, Speed 24." "Captain, we've caught a big fish," the sonar captain said excitedly.

"Very good!" Dun He nodded and said, "Are you sure about the location of the Vikram?"

"We only found the Villat," said the Kun Peng. "In addition, there is a large amount of noise in the direction of 345. The distance is more than 60 kilometers. It is impossible to identify the Villat." He hesitated for a moment, not quite sure: "It could be the combat group of the aircraft carrier Vicramadia."

Dun He nodded and signaled the sonar director to display the information on the large screen of the fire control computer.

Because the submarine was in a combat state and could encounter an Indian carrier battle group at any time, Swordfish withdrew its towed sonar before arriving in the ambush area and used only its shell sonar and bow spherical sonar to search for targets. In this case, the passive detection capability of Swordfish is greatly reduced.

Dense dots of light appeared on the large LCD screen on the firepower console. Slowly moving green dots were battleships while fast moving yellow dots were anti-submarine aircraft. There were no red dots representing submarines. The noise source in the 345-degree direction is represented by a large green dot, indicating that the number and nature of the noise source cannot be accurately measured. Long Jianmei leaned against Gu Tianyou's ear and explained the current situation.

"The Villat carrier battle group is a loose anti-submarine formation with 12 anti-submarine aircraft in the air." The Kun Peng couldn't suppress his excitement, "We are in the best position to attack. Now that we have fired the fishing mines, our chances of escaping are more than 80%." His voice was very low, but the commanding center was only so large that the surrounding officers could hear it.

Dun He glanced at Long Jianmei. This shot was very likely an irreversible war. The other party had a nuclear power.

Long Jianmei said resolutely, "As long as you decide that the opportunity is right, you can attack at any time. I will bear all the consequences."

Dun He's gaze fell on the big screen. The Swordfish was 35 kilometers west of Villatelle. He muttered to himself in a low voice, "The shortest range of 533 mm heavy fish buds is 45 kilometers. Two fish buds can seriously injure the Villatelle, and three fish buds can sink the Villatelle." Thirty-five kilometers was enough for the Swordfish to escape?

"Number one, two, three, enter the fire control data. Prepare …"

"Captain, there's contact." The sonar chief suddenly reported, "The anti-submarine patrol aircraft, bearing 305, distance 7, is moving ahead of me at high speed."

A high-speed moving red dot of light appeared on the screen. The computer analysis result was: the P-8I anti-submarine patrol aircraft.

"Very substandard supporting anti-submarine tactics. The anti-submarine patrol aircraft patrol only 35 kilometers in front of the carrier battle group." Long Jianmei said with a relaxed expression, "According to the standard tactics, the anti-submarine patrol aircraft should expand its search range to more than 150 kilometers to prevent submarines from attacking aircraft carrier battle groups with anti-ship missiles."

"This cannot be blamed on the Indian Navy. After all, there are only a few P-8Is." "Indian Navy equipment is old and not uniform," Dun He said. "Because they are heavily dependent on imports, they invented a meditation training method to watch Hollywood blockbusters and imagine what might happen in war in order to reduce daily wear and tear and reduce maintenance risks."

In less than five minutes, the P-8I flew about eight kilometers northeast of the Swordfish. Perhaps too many sonar buoys had been wasted in the Bay of Bengal, or perhaps they had just come to pretend. The anti-submarine patrol aircraft did not strictly follow the tactical specifications and dropped one sonar buoy every 20 kilometers at most.

As the red dots of light disappeared from the lower right corner of the screen, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. The young Kun Peng also secretly wiped the sweat off his forehead. Gu Tianyou was completely ignorant and fearless. He didn't know that the thing flying over his head was the bane of the submarine.

The anti-submarine focus of the Indian carrier battle group is on the periphery, not on the inside of the formation. If it could enter the formation, not only could the Swordfish launch an unexpected attack, it could also avoid the enemy's anti-submarine forces. The premise is that the swordfish must sneak in without being discovered.

"Bottom five, bottom five, depth 540, heading 45, speed 6." Dun He did not hesitate any longer. He smiled sinisterly and said, "I want to learn from grandmonkey and go to White Bone Essence's belly to have a good toss."

"Entering the inner layer of the battle group?" Long Jianmei did not quite understand this tactic, and the Kun Peng was also confused.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place." Dun He knocked on the panel of the LCD screen. "The Indian carrier battle group uses the usual anti-submarine formation. Six escorts are scattered in front of the aircraft carrier and on the left and right sides. The twelve anti-submarine helicopters are all concentrated in the 45-degree sector right in front of the route. We cannot monitor the other directions. We will sneak in from the side and attack the Villat at the nearest distance," he said firmly.

The Kun Peng was the first to question, "Then it was besieged by six escort warships."

Dun He shook his head with a cold expression, "Your biggest problem is that you are too familiar with the textbook. After being attacked, the ASW warship and the ASW helicopter will first search the nearby sea area of ten to twenty five kilometers. The ASW net that was originally riddled with loopholes will become even more loose."

The Kun Peng didn't take the captain's words seriously. He pondered for a moment before his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "After successfully attacking, hide under the Villat?"

Long Jianmei also understood. She clapped her hands and praised, "The idea of a genius is what makes an expert brave. You are going to take that aircraft carrier with you!"

The Kun Peng no longer questioned anything. Instead, he personally stood in the lead position.

After reaching a depth of 540 meters, the Swordfish increased its speed to six knots. As long as the Villat did not suddenly turn or change speed, the distance between the Swordfish and the Villat would be shortened to about ten kilometers in fifty-four minutes, and it would be located directly southwest of the Villat. A distance of ten kilometers was definitely a distance of absolute death.

Forty minutes later, Dun He ordered the chief ordnance officer to pour seawater into the four bud launchers. Attacking an aircraft carrier was different from attacking a submarine. A heavy fishing bud could sink a submarine. To sink a medium-sized aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 40,000 tons, at least three heavy fishing buds were needed.

Because of the use of high-pressure pumps to fire mines, the maximum shooting depth of the Swordfish was 240 meters, so it was not possible to use the shoots at full voyage depths.

"Deep 240." After saying that, the Kun Peng looked towards the Dun He .

"Fishing buds 1 and 2 are set to wake homing attack mode. Fishing mine 3 is set to line homing attack mode." When Dun He gave the order, his tone was very calm. But it wasn't hard to see the excitement and excitement in his heart from the tense muscles and muscles of his neck. The sinking of an enemy aircraft carrier was the dream of many generations of soldiers in the Republic's submarine corps. As a submarine commander, there was no regret in his life that he would have such a moment in his life.

The other officers and soldiers were even more excited than the Dun He .

"Attack parameters set."

"Open the outer cover of the fish bud launcher. Launch fish bud number one and two!"

"Bang! Bang!" Two fish buds rushed out of the fish buds launcher.

"Launch fishing buds number three."

With a "bang", the third fish bud also shot out.

Everyone's gaze fell on the screen of the fire control computer. After the last battle in the deep sea, Gu Tianyou now knew how to look at the information displayed on the big screen.

Fishing buds No.1 and No.2 used self-guided attack mode and did not occupy the fire control passageway of the submarine. Fishing bud number three used a wire-guided attack mode, occupying a fire control channel. The other fire control channel was reserved for Fishbud 4, who stayed in the Fishbud Launch Tube.

After leaving the submarine, the two homing fishermen would first search at a low speed under the control of the inertial guidance system.

The principle of wake guidance is not complicated. When any ship sails, it will form a unique wake field, which is like a human fingerprint and is several kilometers to tens of kilometers long. It is composed of force field, electromagnetic field and other physical fields. Relying on the relevant detection equipment and automatic control equipment, the fish bud can chase the ship along the wake field. Because the wake field left behind by the surface ship is more obvious, the wake guidance fish bud is usually used to attack the surface ship.

About six minutes later, the two fish buds detected the wake of the Villat and automatically switched to high-speed attack mode. The sonar on the Villat immediately picked up the noise from the fish buds after the two wakes accelerated. At this time, the third fish bud was also approaching the Villat under the control of the submarine.

"Within such a short distance, it is impossible for an aircraft carrier to dodge Yu Lei's attack." Long Jianmei clenched her fists and waved her hand, "Well done! From this moment on, let those who look down on our Republic Navy know what the Blue Water Navy is."

"Fishbud number three switches to acoustic homing mode. Cut off the guidance line, turn right, speed 12, calculate the hit time of the fish bud." Dun He's facial expression was still as calm as an ancient well. He focused all his attention on the big screen and did not rely on the fire control computer. He calculated the best evasive route with his brain power: "Speed 18, two-thirds right-hand."

"Captain, the opponent is accelerating. The hit time is prolonged by ten seconds." Kun Peng's forehead was covered in sweat.

"Maintain speed, full right rudder." Dun He nodded as he calculated while regularly knocking on the counter of the fire control panel. Turning his head, he said, "Verify the location of the other carrier group immediately."

We need to get close to the Villat. If the Villat does not sink immediately, the Swordfish can hide beneath the carrier's belly. If the Villat sank quickly, the Indian battleship would first rescue the fallen officers and men on the surface of the sea and would not immediately search the waters near the Villat sinking point.

Suddenly, a few violent explosions sounded. Without the sonar captain reporting, the officers and men on board could hear them. Everyone's colors changed. Long Jianmei glanced at Dun He. Only he and the sonar chief were calm. This was the quality of a veteran who had been tested in actual combat. "It's no big deal," he said in a low voice. "They're desperate to jump over a wall and actually want to use a depth charge to intercept Fishbud."

The increasing intensity of the explosions showed that the officers and men on the Indian battleship were already in a state of chaos. Everyone's confidence grew. They only felt that this actual battle was the same as acting. Panic could not change the situation at any time. Only calm was the only emotion that was most suitable for making accurate judgments.

A dull explosion sounded, followed by another. After a while, a third violent explosion sounded. Not long after, the explosion of the depth charge dissipated. Above his head came the sound of the hull breaking and the keel breaking.

"Captain, Yu Lei has hit the Villat consecutively. Now we have already drilled into the belly of this big fellow."

"The Villat is doomed," said Long Jianmei. "Being hit by three heavy fishing buds in a row, not to mention a medium-sized Indian Navy aircraft carrier, even a United States Navy supercarrier would not be able to withstand it."

The blazing fire on the Villat lit up the southern night sky, and the noise on the communication channel was very noisy.

Under the cover of the cracking sound of the Villat's hull, the Fisherman reloaded the three shooting tubes and poured seawater into them. However, the sound emitted by the Villat also interfered with the sonar on the Swordfish.

"I can only confirm that there are a few targets in the north." The sonar chief became a key figure on the submarine, circling a few bright spots on the screen with a watercolor pen. "These two ships are approaching us, most likely Bangalore-class destroyers, and the southern ones are targeting the escorts of the USS Villat combat group, searching the periphery," he said. The less obvious targets to the north must be the warships in the Vicramadia Carrier Battle Group. Before the Villat was hit, sonar detected the Vicramadia Carrier and was interfered with and lost its target. "

"Can you locate the enemy submarine?" Dun He asked.

The sonar chief shook his head. "The performance of those Indian submarines is at that level. If they were near us, they would definitely be able to discover them. However, it is not ruled out that there are United States submarines nearby." He added: "There was a suspicious encounter before. I think if it was a United States citizen, they would have noticed it as well as us, but they couldn't identify us. Now, with the noise from the Villat, it's basically impossible for them to discover us."

Dun He nodded. What he wanted to ask was whether he had discovered any submarines of the United States. The chance to expand the results of the battle was right in front of him, but the danger was getting greater and greater. More than fifty percent of the previous suspicious contacts were from the United States. They were definitely searching for the Swordfish with all their might now. If they attacked the Vicramadia at this time, they would definitely be discovered by the other party. If it was the previous Sea Wolf, there was no chance that the Swordfish would escape again.

Do you want to fight or not? Dun He looked at Long Jianmei.

Long Jianmei said the first thing she needed to do was to determine the exact location of the Vikram. After that, she sat in the sonar position. For Dun He and the others, whether to fight or not was a problem. For her, how to fight was the most important question. She turned her head and said, "Not only will I have to fight, I will also have this dung beetle buckled onto the head of the United States Navy!"

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