Infinite Journey

Chapter 53 - exterminate

Next to Tie Qiong’s pitch-black corpse, there were only Tie Ba, Tie Shiqiang, and two youths. They looked at the surrounding students with anger.

Tieba glared at them: “You traitors, it’s because my father taught you martial arts so hard, so you just repay him like this.”

For Tieba’s scolding and roaring, everyone around them bowed their heads, feeling a little ashamed.

When Tieba was about to say something, a woman’s voice sounded in the martial arts hall: “Baer, ​​don’t say anything, everyone has their own aspirations, lift your father’s body, let’s go.”

A middle-aged woman walked out of the lobby of the martial arts hall. She looked in her forties and had an ordinary face, but she had an extraordinary bookish demeanor, and she seemed to be from a big family.

As soon as she appeared, she attracted everyone’s attention. There was pain in her eyes, but her face was very calm.

Tang San already knew who this woman was from his tone, Tie Qiong’s wife, Tie Ba’s mother.

Tie Ba looked at his pale mother, who was still speaking calmly, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes: “But, mother, did my father just die like this?”

Hearing the words, the woman shuddered all over, took a deep breath, and looked at Tie Ba Dao: “I would like to admit defeat, my Tie family can afford to gamble, and we can afford to lose, let’s go.”

After speaking, the woman crouched down beside Tie Qiong’s corpse, stretched out her hand and closed his eyes, looked at Tang San and said, “Sir, my Tie family is willing to accept the bet, from today onwards, this Tie Quan martial arts hall and its banner Your property is yours.”

Saying that, he took out a wooden box, opened it and put it on the ground, looking at Tang San and said, “This is the title deed certificate for the Tekken Martial Arts Academy and its properties, sir, keep it.”

Hearing this, Tang San looked at the various documents in the wooden box, then gave the woman a deep look and said, “Okay, let’s go.”

Under the toughness of the woman, Tie Ba, Tie Shiqi, and two other youths carried Tie Qiong’s body out of the gate with unwillingness, where a carriage was ready.

The five people and a corpse got into the carriage, and the people on the outside of the door automatically moved out of the way, watching the Tie Family and his party disappear on the road.

And at this time, Tang San had already walked over to the wooden box to pick him up, took out the document and looked at it carefully, then put it away, turned to Director Zhang and said, “Director Zhang, thank you for hosting the life-or-death contest today. The day is scheduled to be a banquet, and let’s talk about our hearts.”

Director Zhang looked at Tang San, and said with a laugh, “Brother Tang, I have received your wishes, I’ll be waiting.”

After speaking, Director Zhang left the Tekken Martial Arts Academy under the **** of two policemen.

After Director Zhang left, Tang San said to a group of students in the martial arts hall, “Go, two people closed the door, and everyone else came to the lobby to gather.”

Soon the students of the Tekken Martial Arts Hall followed Tang San into the Martial Arts Hall lobby, where the meeting was held in the Martial Arts Hall.

Tang Sanma Golden Sabre sat at the top, looked at the students and said, “All of you were recruited by the Tekken Martial Arts Academy in the past, and you are the residents of this barren city. Although I took the Tekken Martial Arts Academy, everything was in harmony with It’s the same as before, it won’t change, everyone can do whatever they need to do every day.”

Hearing Tang San say this, everyone nodded their heads. After all, they came here to pay their tuition fees. If they were just so nasty, they would be in pain.

Tang San said to the only person over forty in the field, “What position are you in the Tekken Martial Arts Academy?”

Hearing the words, the man came to Tang San and said, “The next one is one of the three major trainers of the Iron Fist Academy, Wang Lun.”

Looking at Wang Lun, who is about forty years old, Tang San said, “You are the instructor of the Tekken Martial Arts Academy, why did you choose to stay?”

Wang Lun said: “Good birds choose wood to live in. I’m just an instructor at the Iron Fist Martial Arts Academy. I work the same under whoever works. As long as they pay me the same amount, I’m naturally willing to stay, which is different from Tie Shiqi.”

Tang San nodded, looked at Wang Lun and said, “What’s the difference.”

Wang Lun said: “Tie Shiqi is a family member of Tie Qiong, and he went out with Tie Qiong. Naturally, he gave up. I’m just an outsider, and I can’t work for them.”

Tang San said: “Okay, it’s good to keep track of the current affairs. Now you continue to teach in the martial arts hall. You are responsible for managing everyone here. Also, do you know who manages the industries under the Tekken martial arts hall?”

Wang Lun said: “The industries under the Tekken Martial Arts Hall are managed by Tie Qiong personally. On the first day of every month, the shopkeepers of various industries will come to report and hand in the accounts and income of the previous month.”

Tang San said: “Then do you know where the financials of the past years are kept?”

Wang Lundao: “Those financials are no longer here, because basically 90% of the income is taken away by Iron Fistmen, and the rest are put into the operation of the martial arts hall.”

Hearing Wang Lun say this, Tang San frowned. Originally he came for the wealth accumulated in the martial arts hall, but now he doesn’t, he couldn’t help but secretly said: “It seems that I need to summon those shopkeepers once, I’m at the peak of bone transformation now, The next step can already be carried out, and the consumption required for the fusion of tendons can be even more terrifying.”

A detailed plan slowly flowed through Tang San’s heart, looking up at everyone and saying, “Everyone is tired today, let’s go home each, tomorrow will be business as usual.”

When all the students heard the words, they all bowed to Tang San and said, “Yes, the owner of the museum.”

Looking at the students who filed out, UU Reading www.uukanshu.comTang San said to Wang Lun: “Wang Lun, now there is only one teacher in the martial arts hall, and the burden is left to you.”

Wang Lun smiled slightly and said, “Thank you for your trust, I will not disappoint you.”

At this time, Wang Lun said again: “By the way, the owner of the Tekken Martial Arts Academy, there is still a tutor, but I went to the Rising Sun River Forest, and I haven’t come back for more than a month. I don’t know if it will come back suddenly.”

Tang San heard the words, a memory flashed in his mind, thinking of Zhang Yan who was killed by him, smiled slightly: “You don’t have to worry about this, he is already dead.”

Wang Lun was startled when he heard this, looked at Tang San in shock, his heart trembled: “He had a plan, did he weaken the Tekken Martial Arts Hall a month ago?”

Tang San said again: “By the way, Wang Lun, I’ll give you another task, I don’t know if you’re willing to accept it or not.”

Wang Lun’s eyes flickered and said, “Of course I will, please ask the owner of the museum to instruct.”

Tang San’s face sank slightly and said, “Go and find out. The whereabouts of Tieba and his family, where and when they left, must be investigated in detail, and then come back and report.”

Hearing Tang San’s words, Wang Lun’s heart was startled, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, looking at Tang San and said, “Sir, isn’t this a bit too much?”

Tang San looked at him coldly and said, “I don’t want the Tekken Sect to have any excuses to intervene in the Tekken Martial Arts Hall, at least temporarily.”

Hearing this, Wang Lun sighed in his heart, and couldn’t help but hold a moment of silence for Tie Qiong’s family, seeing Tang San’s posture, he wanted to kill them all, leaving no room.

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