Infinite Journey

Chapter 63 - human nature

Turning around and entering the martial arts hall, it was already evening. The apprentices in the martial arts hall were almost gone. Only a few servants were still cleaning. When they saw Tang San returning, they immediately stopped their work and said hello to Tang San. , getting a stable job is not easy.

Tang San didn’t pay too much attention to these servants, and let them prepare enough food to send to his room.

An hour later, Tang San finished eating ten people’s food before replenishing his stamina.

After eating and drinking, he sat cross-legged on the bed, and his consciousness entered the infinite relic.

In the endless relic, feeling his own body, his consciousness instantly entered into the mysterious realm of both microscopic and macroscopic.

During this period of constant exploration, Tang San has been able to control his consciousness and enter that mysterious realm on his own.

Through the power given to him by the incessant relic, he saw the changes in each of his cells. A layer of light yellow mysterious substance was attached between his cells, and even these substances derived a thread of silk, stretching out. Once inside the cells, mysterious spatial structures are formed, and the epidermal cells are strung together from the inside to the outside.

These pale yellow substances have replaced the cell membrane and become the skeleton of the epidermal cells, and each cell has become the flesh or filler in the skeleton.

These mysterious substances Tang San had never seen in any medical books, completely beyond his previous medical scope.

In addition to the microscopic findings, Tang San also noticed the macroscopic changes. The skin tissue in his body that was originally a cover has been completely assimilated and no longer exists.

From a macro perspective, a piece of copper-yellow cells is wrapped around the muscles and bones, completely isolating him from the outside world.

This change shocked him: “It’s terrifying, to actually make the human body undergo such a degree of mutation, how exquisite the human body is, modern medicine has understood the limit of the human body, and even the genetic material has begun to be analyzed, but it still can’t be found in the human body. Any foreign substance without immune conflict is perfectly implanted in the cell, but this world has achieved it, and through the mysterious thing of martial arts, it has achieved something that modern medicine cannot do.”

It is conceivable to imagine the final result of implanting tiny particles down to the cellular level in the skin of the human body.

That is the attack of immune cells. The attack of countless immune cells will cause these implants to be destroyed and devoured, but now these yellow substances do not cause rejection, but coexist perfectly with the cells in the body.

If Tang San appeared in front of any medical scientist now, his only end would be to be sliced ​​for research, because once the mystery was resolved, mankind would completely solve the problem of immune rejection, and the benefits were endless.

Tang San himself was also very surprised about the mystery, but what was important to him right now was not this, but why his skin would become complete in an instant.

Tang San slowly recalled the scene where he came into contact with the **** butcher, recalling that feeling, and then recalling the power flowing from the endless relics.

A hazy radiance appeared in front of Tang San’s eyes, a drop of crystal clear liquid emerged from the void of the endless relic, floating quietly in front of him.

Looking at the colorful liquid floating in front of him, Tang San’s eyes lit up: “Could this be the mysterious power that makes my skin perfect.”

Gently stretched out his arm, Tang San touched this drop of crystal clear liquid, he felt a chill, and when his mind moved, this drop of crystal clear liquid flowed into his virtual body along his fingertips.

His consciousness saw the changes of this drop of crystal liquid in the body from the macroscopic and microscopic perspectives.

After it rushed into the body, it quickly turned into countless light spots, rushing towards the bones of Tang San’s fingers.

After every bone cell in the finger is integrated with these light spots, the dharma body undergoes a strange change.

The light merged into some peculiar substances that had been formed in the skeletal cells, and quickly completed the final structure of these substances, forming a peculiar structure, a completely complex three-dimensional structure.

These structures gradually spread out from the cells, quickly establishing connection points between the skeletal cells, and then Tang San’s skeletal cells turned dark silver, covered with strange-colored patterns, which were integrated into the bones. The previous life alloy.

This strange change attracted Tang San’s attention, this kind of power is so mysterious, it can actually speed up the construction of mysterious substances in bone cells, making bones rapidly increase in strength.

Tang San knew that those precipitated substances were formed after he swallowed a large amount of animal bone soup and ginseng wine, and formed a layer of mysterious is also one of the sources of iron bones.

Through observation and deduction, Tang San used his mind to conduct an in-depth deduction of martial arts.

“First of all, the martial arts in this world are very strange. From the information I have obtained so far, the use of drugs has reached an unimaginable level. It is almost difficult for me to imagine that people in this world could discover the mysteries of these drugs in ancient times. .”

“But if such a person really exists, it means that such a person will not be a mortal person, and must have power beyond common sense. Only such a person can see the effects of these drugs. It may be said that there are people named alchemists, and Lin Zhixuan’s last words also revealed this name, although I am not sure whether they exist or not.”

“Secondly, the fundamental role of these drugs is to promote the accumulation and precipitation of certain mysterious substances in the cells, and finally form a mysterious structure that allows the body to reach an inhuman state, or restore it to its original form. Humans should form.”

“Everything has its own cause and effect, and new things will not be born inexplicably. According to my observations, these mysterious substances should exist in the human body, but the content in ordinary human cells is very small, and it can even be said that there is no such thing. That’s why the physique is so weak.”

“Secondly, it is the role of the martial arts itself. If my inference is correct, the martial arts itself will promote the activation of cells to a certain extent, activate a certain instinct in the cells, and then the cells will slowly accumulate these substances, and finally The special structure of the mysterious substance is constructed, and according to the scientific explanation, that is, certain functions in the human body’s genetic information are activated.”

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