Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 117 - strong

Although Gao Hexuan didn’t report on time in the morning, for the sake of staying in the classroom obediently and not running around, the administrator only warned him and did not immediately disqualify him from continuing to participate in community corrections.

After all, Gao Hexuan looked like a taciturn poor little fellow. The staff suspected that there might be something wrong with his mental state, and they were too harsh on him.

The actual situation is that Gao Hexuan didn’t know that he was trapped by the background setting of the mission world until he was educated by the administrator.

After reporting in, Gao Hexuan was more cautious and used the daytime to explore the surrounding environment. The focus of his investigation was Internet cafes, and the Internet was the main battlefield he was best at.

Gao Hexuan finally found cafes and Internet cafes with Internet access, and then the biggest problem in front of him became: he had no money in his pocket.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as an invincible way, so Gao Hexuan met Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian in a shopping mall that he casually strolled around before returning to the community center.

It was now close to seven o’clock in the evening. The Wisteria Block where Gao Hexuan was located was right next to the Sunflower Block. The three of them dispersed and ran back, asking the guards to check in for them.

“How was your day?”

Administrator Robert took the marker to mark the positioning rings of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian in turn, and asked casually.

Xia Ruize replied with a smile:

“We went out to look for work today, we all found work, and we will go out to work every day after that.”

Robert looked at the daily necessities they were carrying, and nodded with satisfaction. These two new little guys found jobs and bought a lot of daily necessities. They seemed to be positive and optimistic people who wanted to return to social life. Two well-disciplined ones.

Satisfied in his heart, Robert didn’t say much about the behavior of the two who came back close to the access control time, and waved the two of them back to the room to rest.

On the other side, Gao Hexuan held the hard bread that Cheng Huaiqian borrowed from him, and successfully clocked in and returned to his room.

There was also a roommate in his room. Gao Hexuan saw that the other party, like himself, had only started community corrections today, and his body was full of contradictions that he had no money to rely on, and suspected that the other party was also a tester.

The other party was obviously wary of Gao Hexuan and basically didn’t talk to Gao Hexuan. Gao Hexuan happened to be happy and relaxed. He was not good at socializing with people, and being alone in a corner made him feel more relaxed.

The Wisteria Block and the Sunflower Block are not far apart, which is the range that Xia Ruize Xinwang can cover.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian chatted with Gao Hexuan while packing up their humble residence to learn more about Gao Hexuan’s abilities, and improved the mission plan according to his abilities.

Gao Hexuan could feel that the two bosses were planning to do something, but he wasn’t curious at all, and he didn’t take the initiative to ask about the specific content. He would do whatever task the two bosses gave him.

After all, in the world where the three met last time, the two bosses not only saved him but also took him to fly. Although they didn’t get along for a long time, they had encountered too many pitfalls. Gao Hexuan was very convinced of the abilities of the two reliable bosses.

The three discussed it in the middle of the night before going to bed separately.

The next day, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian got up early to start their day’s work.

When Xia Ruize arrived at the cleaning company, Rodney, the experienced cleaner who was in charge of teaching him, hadn’t arrived yet, but today’s optional cleaning tasks have been listed. Xia Ruize picks and chooses to choose the service target he wants to go to

As soon as Rodney arrived, Xia Ruize directly informed him of the cleaning task he had chosen and asked Rodney to pick up the task.

Rodney is a short and thin middle-aged man with an honest personality. Because he is more serious and patient in his work, the supervisor always throws newcomers to him to teach him.

He has worked in this cleaning company for six years and has his own preferences for selecting tasks. The tasks Xia Ruize chose did not meet his preferences.

But Xia Ruize, who was a head taller than him, stood in front of him, blocking his path, and looked at him expressionlessly. Due to Xia Ruize’s strength, Rodney could only choose to back down and agree to the cleaning task that Xia Ruize chose.

Rodney was worried that this new young man didn’t look like a good friend.

Although the newly arrived young man is silent and honest most of the time, once Xia Ruize decides what to do or not to do, Rodney can’t make him change it.

Rodney didn’t dare to speak harshly to Xia Ruize, because yesterday he saw Xia Ruize’s impatient vacuum cleaner with his own eyes broken.

That’s iron!

The harsh voice and the twisted iron rod scared Rodney enough, and he was more cautious when dealing with Xia Ruize, for fear of angering Xia Ruize and being beaten, he heard that the newcomer is a criminal who is serving a sentence!

Even if Rodney was dissatisfied, he only dared to complain in his heart that the supervisor was greedy for money and had no bottom line. He dared to recruit anyone. In the end, it was his new partner who suffered, but let him give orders to Xia Ruize. If so, he wouldn’t dare.

So, Xia Ruize said that he would take any task. After arriving at the service location, Xia Ruize said that he was only willing to clean the corridor, not the bathroom. Seeing that he was about to break a new vacuum cleaner pole, Rodney hurriedly accepted it. Go clean the bathroom by yourself, and let Xia Ruize clean the corridor and office.

Rodney’s heart is bitter, which newcomer is not obediently doing dirty work? Why is he so unlucky, always meeting difficult newcomers?

Rodney grumbled as he completed two-thirds of the cleaning.

Two hours later, the two switched to another service target to continue cleaning.

Over the course of the day, Rodney was forced to complete the cleaning of four service targets in succession, which was far beyond his daily workload.

He usually runs three service goals a day. Four cleaning tasks will make people very tired, three are just right, and they can earn the most money without being too tired. But Rodney still only dared to complain in his heart, and did not dare to give Xia Ruizee his opinion in person.

Poor Rodney found sadly that he and the newcomer Xia Ruize had completely swapped positions. Which task to take, how long to do it, whether to rest…why are all the newcomers having the final say?

He assures the merciful God that the nasty boy did it on purpose!

Every time poor Rodney showed a little bit of unwillingness, the other party would make a threatening gesture.

The skinny Rodney compared himself with the other’s body size, and in the end he could only agree pitifully.

Rodney worked hard all day with a bitter face, until when he got off work to change clothes, Xia Ruize put 70 of the 150 Singapore dollars in wages received into Rodney’s pocket.

This extra income immediately made Rodney, who had been complaining in his heart for a whole day, happy again, and even smiled at Xia Ruize, feeling that the newcomer is actually a great guy!

Xia Ruize said nothing, turned his head and left the cleaning company.

Compared with Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian is more domineering.

He arrived at the courier company early, and then spent a long time picking and picking only the courier he wanted to deliver.

This made other people very dissatisfied, but everyone was busy and didn’t have time to argue with him. They just laughed at him for wasting time on choosing couriers, and the delivery time would be less, and the earnings would be less.

The team leader in charge of managing him couldn’t stand it, so he said a few more words, and was directly dragged to the corner by Cheng Huaiqian to threaten him. Since then, no one has been meddling.

At 5:30 in the evening, Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan met for dinner at the Oriental Restaurant that had been arranged in advance. From the outsiders’ point of view, the three of them did not sit at the same table, and they were silent and did not communicate during the whole process. Zhong has already checked the actions of the whole day in detail, checked the gaps and filled the gaps, and did not dare to be sloppy.

The time for the three of them to eat was when the city news was broadcast. The shootout that took place in the mall the night before had already made the news. The news that the escaped gangster was shot and killed made the public put down their worries, but the 16 people who died during the battle and the injured Fourteen people are worrying.

Just as the diners in the restaurant shook their heads and sighed yesterday, when the public security bureau suffered a lot of casualties, they suddenly heard the announcer on the TV saying that a new news would be inserted, and many people subconsciously raised their hearts, after all, it is not important news Temporary episodes are needed, and yesterday’s episode of gangsters robbing banks is really not good news.

“Urgently insert a piece of news. Today, seven villas in the Osgang Villa District in the East District of our city were stolen. According to the traces on the scene, two thieves participated in this serial crime. According to statistics, they stole a total of 30,000 cash.

The incident is currently under further investigation, and citizens with clues are requested to report to the Public Security Bureau in time. The follow-up situation will continue to be followed up. “

This news caused another uproar. The Osgang villa area is the most famous gathering area of ​​the rich in Shengma City, and seven villas were stolen in a series on the same day? ! What kind of thief is so powerful?

“Hey, very good, we know again, jewelry or antiques are not the ‘money’ required by the mission, we can only honestly play the idea of ​​’money’ or ‘golden bricks’.”

Cheng Huaiqian also saw the news, and immediately thought of the testers, he couldn’t help laughing out loud, two thieves stole seven villas in a row, and only stole 30,000 Singapore dollars? !

This is not the behavior of normal thieves, unless the two thieves are trial people, and found that jewelry and other items did not meet the requirements of the task when stealing, so they only stole the money and did not touch other things.

After Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian got their first salary, they found that a progress bar appeared in their task prompt, such as “60/300000”. When they spent their salary, the number in the first half of the progress bar would decrease accordingly.

According to their speculation, it is likely that the thieves picked up the gem antique and found that the progress bar did not move at all. They realized that these bells and whistles were not counted in the task, so they simply abandoned it and did not steal it.

“It seems that people in this city have the habit of saving, and they basically don’t put any money at home.”

Xia Ruize couldn’t help laughing, thinking that the two thieves were also very confused. After a busy day, they only stole one-tenth of the mission requirements.

Gao Hexuan scratched his head, showing a shy smile, and told about his findings.

He was embarrassed to laugh at other testers. If he hadn’t met the two bosses, he would have to worry about how to complete the task.

Today, Gao Hexuan finally got access to the computer in this mission world with the internet fees funded by the two bigwigs, trying to hack into other people’s accounts and transfer other people’s money to the vacant account he specially found.

But no matter how he tossed back and forth, the “progress bar” in the quest prompt did not appear at all, indicating that his operation was not approved by the quest review rules.

Gao Hexuan also didn’t know if the mistake was that the money had to be transferred to the account under his name, or that only the physical money was recognized by the mission rules.

After Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian inquired about the process in detail, they suspected the latter.

“It seems that everyone else has figured it out. It’s impossible to collect a lot of money in a short period of time by taking the usual path, and they all took the risk.”

Cheng Huaiqian was eager to try.

What does it mean to make small troubles? If you want to do it, you must do something big.

They acted together until nearly seven o’clock in the evening, when Gao Hexuan separated from the two and went back to the community center to report to each other.

The sky is getting dark, the night is falling, and the dark night does not know how much darkness it covers.

Robert took over a pack of cigarettes that Xia Ruize specially bought for him, which was quite novel. The people who came here to be remodeled also had relatives and friends, and he could receive some small gifts from time to time.

But these two new little guys are penniless orphans. They just got a job and bought him a pack of cigarettes. Robert thinks that the two little guys are very diligent, motivated and polite. Two points of satisfaction.

Back in their respective rooms, the three of them connected with Xinwang to perfect their plans until late at night.

When Gao Hexuan was about to fall asleep, he heard some strange noises, his eyes secretly opened a slit, and he saw his roommate rolled out the window and disappeared into the night.

Gao Hexuan fiddled with his positioning ring twice, not minding his own business.

The sky lit up again, and on the third day after the tester entered the mission world, everything seemed to be business as usual.

Xia Ruize is still cleaning offices and corridors in different service units, Cheng Huaiqian rides a car to deliver couriers all over the city, and Gao Hexuan takes the money funded by the two bosses and tinkers with cafes and Internet cafes all over the city.

The three have a clear division of labor and cooperate with each other.

During dinner in the evening, the three of them heard the performance of other testers from the news as usual. The thieves who stole seven villas one after another the day before were caught by the security guards today when they were preparing to steal the tenth villa.

However, the two thieves were unwilling to be arrested and fought back brazenly. In the end, the seven security guards who went to arrest them died, and the two thieves escaped smoothly. The TV showed high-definition images of the two thieves and a high bounty, encouraging citizens to report suspicious clues to the police in a timely manner.

The diners in the restaurant were stunned. No one thought that the follow-up development of the news the day before was so amazing. When did the thieves become so arrogant?

Just as the diners were chatting, another piece of news was broadcast on TV.

The news mentioned that a robbery gangster was arrested while threatening the owner of the house to go to the bank to withdraw money in person. Before that, he had robbed four houses in the same way, and received a total of 270,000 yuan. money.

All three of Xia Ruize looked at the TV. According to the news, every time the gangster robbed the room, he would not only take away the loose money in the room, but also force the owner of the room to go to the bank to withdraw money in person and save the money. The money is also given to him.

After he got the money, he let people go, and didn’t kill people.

The four previously robbed families reported to the Public Security Bureau after they were out of danger, so the Public Security Bureau arranged for people to increase the monitoring of the bank.

The bank staff also received a reminder from the Public Security Bureau and increased their vigilance at work. A bank staff found that the same person accompanied different people to the bank to withdraw large amounts of money for the past two consecutive days, and secretly reported it during business transactions. The Public Security Bureau, only then exposed the robbers who robbed the house.

The news that followed made everyone feel a little numb. When the security guards arrested the robber, a violent conflict broke out between the two sides, and finally caught the other party at the cost of five deaths and nine injuries.

“I feel that the security has been very poor recently, and the security personnel have suffered a lot of casualties!”

“Yeah, I don’t even dare to count the latest casualty figures. What’s going on here? Oh, forget it, hurry up to eat. After eating, let’s go home as soon as possible. It’s too dangerous outside.”

“The house doesn’t seem to be that safe… Those damned people only know how to spend our taxpayers’ money, and when it’s their turn to contribute, it’s really disappointing…”

The continuous occurrence of criminal cases with bad nature and heavy casualties has made ordinary people feel flustered. If you calculate casually, the casualties of security guards have reached nearly 100 in recent days. Thinking about it makes people tremble.

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