Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 120 - dig deep

The security guards who were busy all night had not found any valuable clues, and the news of the new threatening letter had already been reported.

This time, it was Shengma subway station who received the threatening letter.

As the first subway station built in Shengma City, the Shengma subway station named after the city has a history of more than 40 years. The dilapidated platform and inconvenient traffic will not change it. It is an important subway in Shengma City. One of the facts of the station.

At nine o’clock this morning, all the staff in Shengma subway station received a threatening text message at the same time. The content of the text message was simple and horrifying:

【Dear Shengma subway station staff:

Hope you will like our gift.

At ten o’clock in the morning, we will detonate the bomb buried in Shengma subway station.

the city fell,

It’s an amazing picture.

Enthusiastic Katsuma City Citizens]

A staff member shared this text message as a joke with colleagues, but the youngest son at the station of the deputy chief of the subway station was a student of Shengma Middle School. Thinking of the school that suddenly exploded in the mouth of the youngest son who had come home early the day before, a horrifying thought appeared. In the mind of the deputy stationmaster, he immediately suggested that the stationmaster report to the Public Security Bureau.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, if you receive such a threatening letter, you always have to apply for the Public Security Bureau to intervene. The webmaster did not hesitate to report the information.

Unexpectedly, the public security bureau’s response was much more intense than the station master expected, and he even asked the station master of Shengma Station to immediately evacuate all passengers in the subway station, and began to arrange the suspension of the subway on the relevant lines.

“It’s impossible, Mr. Sheriff!”

After being stunned for two seconds, the stationmaster angrily rejected Sheriff Anderson’s suggestion, “Closing the station and shutting down the subway requires the approval of the superior. It is impossible to make such a major decision just because of your random words.”

“This is not a prank, this is a real explosion!”

The lack of rest caused the grumpy Anderson to roar back angrily:

“We will report it immediately, and the superior will definitely approve my suggestion, but now you only have one hour! It will be too late to evacuate the crowd after receiving the approval! In case of huge casualties, can you bear the responsibility?!”

The stationmaster was stunned by the roar of Sheriff Anderson. What do you mean, the threatening letter is real? Is the explosion real? Are you kidding him?

The stationmaster only felt that his legs were weakening, his hands were shaking, and he couldn’t hold the phone. God, let the poor old man go!

Anderson didn’t have time to waste at all, and continued pressing until the station master promised to start evacuating passengers immediately.

Anderson, who put down the phone, reported the situation and counted his subordinates to get to Shengma subway station. He pinched his frown wearily, his heart heavy.

Compared with Shengma Station, Shengma Middle School and Shengma Library, which were bombed the day before, involved far fewer people and were more organized, making evacuation relatively easy.

But Shengma Station is completely different. It is the morning rush hour. As a station with a large passenger flow, Anderson can’t imagine how many citizens will be affected by this. Thinking about it, his scalp is numb.

The security guards rode motorcycles in the morning rush hour. In ten minutes, more than 50 security guards arrived at Shengma Station from all over the place.

At this time, Shengma Station was in a state of chaos.

Even though the station broadcast kept repeating the news that Shengma Station was about to be shut down due to insufficient power supply, and even though the subway station staff were struggling to organize the evacuation of passengers from the subway station, the passengers were under the influence of disbelief, anxiety, anger and other emotions. Not willing to obey the order and leave obediently, but stay in place to check more news or try to bargain with the staff.

After all, the suspension of the subway line cannot be decided by one station at Shengma Station. There are three subway lines passing through Shengma Station. When seeing the subways entering Shengma Station constantly, of course passengers are not willing to leave immediately, it is always a fluke. I can take the last train by myself.

After rushing over to see the crowded Shengma Station, Sheriff Anderson almost fainted, but there was nothing important to evacuate the crowd, so he quickly arranged for a security officer to help the station staff forcibly evacuate the passengers.

Fortunately, the news that Shengma Station, which carries more than 100,000 passengers a day, was threatened by terrorists quickly alerted senior officials of the state government, and even the governor personally called to care about the specific situation.

Under the efficient operation of the official, first of all, the three subway lines were immediately suspended, and only short-distance round-trip transportation of passengers was carried out in the area three stations away from Shengma Station.

The second is the forced evacuation of passengers in Shengma Station. Within a quarter of an hour, only security guards and subway station staff were left in Shengma Station, and even the road above the subway station was blocked.

The news of #morning peak shengma station suspension# spread rapidly, and the passengers who witnessed the scene were full of doubts.

People eager to get to work turned to other modes of transportation, only to find that nearby roads were also blocked, and they had to walk away from the nearby area before trying to find a way.

Some passengers who were not in a hurry did not leave in a hurry, and stayed to watch what was going on at Shengma Station.

The chief of the public security bureau, who came to the scene to direct the work, arranged for blasting experts to race against time to find the buried bomb.

But their work wasn’t going well, bad news kept coming back, and the poor sheriff’s head was about to lose his baldness.

It stands to reason that if you want to blow up a subway station, you need not a small number of bombs, and the bombs are not dust. where?

All kinds of detection instruments did not respond. Which country’s new technology was used in the bomb? Could it be a new type of bomb specially developed by the Xinhua Kingdom on the other side of the ocean to deal with them?

Thinking of the bomb that turned the library building into powder the day before, the blasting experts did not dare to relax in the slightest.

As time went by, even though the vigilantes tried their best, they still could not find a single bomb.

In fact, it can’t be blamed on them. After all, the bombs with obvious positions are protected by the illusion under Xia Ruize’s cloth, which is really not something that ordinary humans can see through.

On the other hand, the security guards who checked the surveillance actually gained something, and the surveillance in the subway station was not destroyed!

However, when they transferred all the surveillance videos that had been kept in the surveillance equipment for a week, they discovered that the real despair was not that the surveillance was destroyed, but the dense figures in the surveillance that had not been destroyed.

In a week, more than 700,000 people came and went in and out of Shengma Station. It was even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack to find suspected dangerous elements from so many people.

The security guards, who looked at each other in dismay, even suspected that the culprits behind the scenes deliberately left the surveillance video in the subway station with a clear purpose, just to mock them.

So, except for a look of ridicule, the security guard and the demolition expert got nothing…

Time does not depend on human will. Soon, there are only ten minutes left until ten o’clock. No matter how helpless, the security guards have to withdraw from the subway station.

I was worried that the ground would subside after the subway station exploded, and a large area was cleared out on the ground. Everyone evacuated to a location outside the clearing area, looking at the empty subway station entrance with complicated expressions.

In the crowd of insiders, at ten o’clock, the roar came on time, and the mountains shook for a while, and there was a burst of smoke from the entrances of the subway station.

After the explosion subsided, someone tried to enter the subway station, but found that the entrance was blocked by falling stones from above.

The only good news is that the ground only sank slightly, not completely cracked.

The security guards were able to see the moment of the explosion with the help of camera equipment they had previously placed in the subway station.

“Blasting technology is really good.”

The young blasting expert couldn’t help but sighed, noticing the strange eyes of the people around him, he quickly shut up, but he couldn’t stop him from continuing to think so.

The person who placed the bomb must have a detailed and accurate understanding of the effect of his bomb after it exploded. spread to others.

It is precisely because of his professionalism that young blasting experts know more about how superb blasting technology is needed to achieve such a precise blasting effect, and can’t help but secretly whisper “cool!”

Of course, on the face of it, he would like to join his old senior in angrily and angrily to scold the madman behind the scenes.

If Xia Ruize knew the thoughts of the young blasting expert, he would be very happy, which proves that the survival point that he has invested heavily in practicing auxiliary functions of the Lord God is not in vain.

Xia Ruize, who has designed and hosted thousands of explosions in the practice auxiliary function, has lived up to the bloodline name of [Dr. Bomb] and played the explosion.

Compared with Xia Ruize, the Shengma state government is going to go completely crazy, saying that it will bomb Shengma Middle School, Shengma Middle School will collapse, saying that it will blow up Shengma City Library, the library will be broken, saying that it will bomb Shengma Metro Station, Shengma The horse station was buried… Where the **** are these terrorists coming from? ! What exactly do they want to do? ! !

After submitting urgent applications one after another, Shengma City urgently needs a large number of professionals to rescue them, and they can’t hold it anymore!

The federal government was also frightened by the rapid and serious development of the situation. After deliberation, it promised to immediately send the elite of the FBI to help the Shengma state government.

Here, the Public Security Bureau temporarily put aside other matters from top to bottom, and focused on the surveillance video that was transferred from Shengma Station, trying to find suspicious people, but unfortunately, they were blinded and still found nothing.

Everyone was extremely anxious. Time passed by every minute and second, and it was getting closer and closer to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Yesterday at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the second bombing target received a threatening letter. What about today? Will there still be…

To make matters worse, during this period, the thieves who targeted the rich man’s villa were dispatched again. In addition, many elderly people came to the police station to report the case, saying that they had been defrauded and their pension savings had been swept away; they were finally caught. The prisoner of the robbery refused to explain anything, but took the opportunity to attack the security guard and almost succeeded in escaping…

Fortunately, after three successive security guards fainted in their posts due to exhaustion, the elite of the FBI finally arrived in Shengma City.

Investigator Brooke took over the security work as soon as he arrived in Shengma City with eight elite investigators. Compared with the tired and dejected security officers of the Shengma City Public Security Bureau, the nine elite federal investigators had a completely different aura. Show all the arrogance and domineering in control.

The case of thieves and fraudsters just hit them. In order to show his skills, Brooke sent three investigators to arrest the two fraud suspects. He personally directed the investigators and security officers, and even applied for the support of the National Guard to round up the suspects. Two exposed thieves.

The ground was surrounded by hundreds of heavily armed National Guards and security guards, and there were still three helicopters in the sky staring at the attack.

As testers in the Bamboo and Silk District, their strength is several times that of ordinary humans. In addition to the bonus of martial arts blood equipment, they not only escape the pursuit of security guards repeatedly, but also give security to the security guards who go to besiege them every time. inflicted considerable casualties.

If they hid safely, they wouldn’t be so hateful, but their main quest has not been completed, and they have not collected enough 300,000 Singapore dollars, so they can only continue to steal.

In fact, after stealing several villas in succession, the two thieves discovered that most of the residents of this mission world will deposit their money in the bank and use credit cards for daily consumption. Even in the villas of the rich, there will not be too much scattered money at home. , By stealing, it is difficult to save up to 300,000 in a few shots.

But they have already been targeted by the security bureau. Besides stealing, other means, such as robbery, will only be more risky.

The person who robbed the bank was shot to death on the spot, and the person who robbed the house was quickly caught. On the contrary, the thieves received less attention and were able to escape one after another, so the two did not even dare to change careers.

At the same time, the experience of escaping and crushing security guards many times made them despise the power of the state’s violent organs, and their vigilance decreased.

At noon on the fifth day of the mission world, they were surrounded by the National Guard and blocked all escape routes. When all kinds of attacks and life-saving props were used up, the two thieves had to surrender.

Although the security guard wanted the two thieves to die, the difference they exposed during the counterattack had caught the attention of the investigator, Brooke, so Brooke took over the two thieves and handed them over to the National Guard to take care of them. Ask them where the secret lies.

As for the two thieves trying to be tough?

Brooke’s smile was cold, it would depend on whether they could withstand the torture of the Bureau of Investigation.

At this time, the news of the other road also came, and the two hateful thieves who had been bouncing around for several days were finally caught, but the two new scammers escaped.

The only good news is that during the escape, one of the two black leather bags with money in their hands fell, and the money in it can be used to refund part of the deposit of the deceived old man.

Fraudsters who are still lucky to have escaped do not know that their successful escape is not necessarily a good thing, because they have attracted the interest of Investigator Brooke.

Fortunately, after catching the two thieves, Brook focused all his attention on the case of the Blast Maniac, and temporarily let the two little liars go.

With the intervention of Investigator Brooke, the investigation of the bomber quickly found key clues.

Instead of looking for the differences between the three victims, Brooke digs deep into the common ground of Shengma Middle School, Shengma City Library and Shengma Subway Station.

Then I found that Shengma Middle School and Shengma City Library have at least two things in common. One is that they purchase cleaning services from the same cleaning company, and the other is that they both receive courier services from the same courier company.

Continue to dig deeper. In the past month, there are eight cleaners in the cleaning company who have cleaned Shengma Middle School and Shengma City Library at the same time.

The information of these eight people was quickly displayed in front of everyone.

Brook stared at Xia Ruize for the first time.

Touching his chin, Brook stared at the smiling Xia Ruize in the photo with sullen eyes, and the corners of his mouth evoked an unintelligible smile.

He found a very interesting coincidence. The two bank robbers who were killed earlier, the one who was caught for burglary, and the two burglars who were just caught were the same group of prisoners who were allowed to participate in community corrections.

Coincidentally, so did Xia Ruize.

Following this line of thought, Brook quickly set his sights on Cheng Huaiqian from the vast number of couriers, and checked his recent delivery records. Sure enough, Shengma Middle School and Shengma City Library were involved.

Brooke tapped his chin with his finger, then tapped the photo of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian on the screen, and said with a grin, “Now! Immediately! Catch them for me!”

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