Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 131 - annoyed

Aboriginal power users have powerful power attacks and are easier to use than guns at critical moments, but the endurance of the power users is not very strong.

Not only did they mainly use guns and weapons to attack, but they only used their abilities when the monsters were surrounded by them, and they had to rest as soon as they were used. During the short lunch break, a few ability users simply fell asleep.

The sleeping place is the truck compartment, the hammock hanging from the top of the compartment, the door of the compartment is closed, it is dark and quiet.

As for the ordinary members of the non-powerful team, they were arranged to take turns to be vigilant on the roof of the car, and the rest of the idle people sat together, dozing off with their heads supported, or lying on the ground for a while.

Gao Hexuan was still working hard to control more satellites. Xia Ruize released two ghost bats to investigate the situation around him, while he was leaning against Cheng Huai’s arms.

His elf bloodline has been upgraded, and the skills of charming creatures have also been upgraded. He can communicate more smoothly with the pet, can issue complex commands, and can share the information collected by the pet’s vision and hearing more clearly.

Soon, the fast-flying Da Hei detected a living corpse. When passing over the living corpse’s head, sharp claws grabbed the living corpse’s head into a pile of minced meat.

The living corpse that was squatting on the ground digging the voles suddenly lost energy and fell to the ground in a daze. The voles, who were burrowing wildly and fleeing, didn’t know that they had escaped.

After smashing three live corpses in succession, Da Hei finally found an xenomorph, and immediately rushed over excitedly, relying on his ability to become invisible, and cut back and forth around the xenomorph’s neck.

The alien being attacked inexplicably waved his arms blankly and tried to counterattack, but it couldn’t find the attacker at all, just felt that there were two more cracks on the neck… and then its head fell.

The big head of the alien species rolled twice on the ground, and it opened its mouth vigorously to bite the attacker who didn’t know where to hide.

Compared with the xenomorphs, the poor **** is too small. It is not as big as a finger of the xenomorphs. You don’t need to think about killing it with one blow. It can only change in quantity and accumulate into qualitative changes. Separating the large head disrupts the inner grey matter area.

The ghost bat, who had solved the alien species, continued to fly out. Xia Ruize, who was sitting on the spot, felt a familiar energy fluctuation, and then there was more life energy in the life bottle in his chest.

“Does this and the life energy of the world also have an automatic navigation function? Know that you have flown into my bottle?”

Xia Ruize shared his latest discovery with Cheng Huaiqian in surprise. He was just trying the ghost bat’s strength. He didn’t expect that the kill would be counted on him, and the life energy actually flew over three kilometers into his arms. This situation was a little strange and a little funny. .

Da Hei and Xiao Hei were very happy after learning about it. They flipped a few somersaults while idling, and continued to work hard to find living corpses and xenomorphs to earn life energy for their masters.

Cheng Huaiqian also has pets, but their bodies are too weird. It’s not easy to let them out in broad daylight. He can only caress Xia Ruize’s back, thinking about kicking the three little guys out at night when everyone is asleep. live.

After a two-hour break, at two o’clock in the afternoon, the team set off again.

The surrounding environment is getting more and more desolate. From time to time, you can see abandoned vehicles crowded on the side of the road. Most of them have been abandoned for two years. The vehicles are old and broken, not only full of dust, but also growing weeds. Covered with weeds because no one is caring for it.

The surviving humans have already built bases and hid in the bases. At most, they are active around the bases. Outside the bases are large expanses of wilderness. And xenomorphs, and also, advanced xenomorphs.

When the first high-level alien species appeared in sight, Xia Ruize was stunned, because it was a behemoth with a height of more than four meters and a width of more than two meters. The big foot made a thump on the ground, and the appearance of running towards the team was called a mighty one.

“Hold on and be careful! All attack the advanced aliens!”

Qin Feng also discovered the intruding enemy at the first time. His voice was anxious and angry, and he was obviously very vigilant about the behemoth that appeared in his sight.

Xia Ruize quickly knew what Qin Feng meant by “hold steady and be careful”, because the truck under his feet made a sharp turn, and the driving direction made a 90-degree turn.

Originally, they were walking in the opposite direction of the high-level alien species. In order to avoid the high-level alien species, they turned off the road and rushed into the wilderness.

The person on the roof was thrown to the fixed storage box around the roof by inertia, and he didn’t care to rub the hurt waist, and immediately started to attack after stabilizing his body.

All of a sudden, the gunshots of “pupupu” were loud, and forty of the sixty people were shooting the advanced aliens who were rushing to chase, and the soldiers from the rest of the official team of No. 20 put down their steps. BU gun, pick up the bazooka and aim at the advanced alien species.

The actions of the advanced aliens seem to be more intelligent, they can dodge, defend, and they will grab a big rock beside their feet and smash them at the truck. After running for a while, it even grabbed a passing corpse and smashed it at the convoy.

The flying corpse was approaching, and was blocked by a large piece of soil created out of thin air by the soil-type ability user on the first car, so that it did not fall directly into the crowd on the roof of the car.

The living corpse rolled to the ground, but the middle-aged man of the earth system was also rushed to the ground by the recoil force. Fortunately, he was caught in time by the teammates who had been prepared and did not drop the fast-moving truck.

The large target living corpse with its own lethality was blocked, but the small target stones that flew in succession were not so easy to block. If one didn’t pay attention, two people were knocked unconscious by the stone.

Stones do not have the lethality of bullets, but the impact is sufficient.

Advanced alien species can withstand bullets, but it is not equal to human beings can withstand the impact of stones.

The original lead car, now running at the bottom, the team leader Qin Feng was a little anxious. When he was arranging an attack, he even shouted at Xia Ruize in his eagerness: “Aren’t you good at long distance battles? Come on!”

Xia Ruize, who was yelled at, didn’t feel embarrassed. He just realized that his background in the aborigines was good at long-distance combat.

Xia Ruize looked at the high-level aliens who were holding a large stone in front of his head, and rushing toward him under the hail of bullets. Brother Zhe’s fire arrows are quasi-powerful and powerful, but after being partially offset by the stone, it only makes the advanced aliens sway.

With a light sigh, Xia Ruize flipped off the roof and entered the compartment, took out his [Light Arrow] from the space, and then flipped on the roof again.

The truck driving fast in the wilderness was bumpy, and many people needed to hold the boxes next to them to fix their bodies. Xia Ruize turned up and down as steady as the ground.

[Light Arrow] It is actually a bow, a silver-quality bow with its own supplementary arrows. Xia Ruize drew the bow and arrows at the advanced alien species, and drew five arrows at the same time. There is a faint light flowing below.

After leaving the bowstring, the five arrows landed in front of the high-level alien species, easily piercing the stone that the high-level alien species held up to block their heads, and then passed through the large head of the high-level power species’ table. At the same time, the light wrapped around the arrows It exploded, and the head of the advanced alien species was blown into a blank.

The high-level alien species that fell to the ground smashed a large piece of dust, and its head was completely flattened by the stone in its hand.

The convoy that was caught off guard rushed forward for a long distance before realizing that the monster chasing them had been solved, and the four fast-parallel trucks finally slowed down.

The distance was too far, and everyone didn’t see the specific situation. They only knew that the high-level alien species was besieged to death. Although they wondered why this high-level alien species was so unstoppable, the smooth resolution of the biggest crisis since the departure still relieved everyone. in one breath.

The relaxed Qin Feng quickly looked around at the team members on the roof of the car. Although some were in a coma and some were paralyzed, they were all still alive and did not fall. Then he noticed the bow and arrow in Xia Ruize’s hand, Qin Feng’s face was dazed, What is the operation of not firing a gun and taking out a bow and arrow at the time of the war?

Xia Ruize calmly carried the bow and arrow behind his back. Now that he has taken it out, it is not easy to put it back into the space again and again.

From the conversations with the team members, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian have roughly figured out the personnel structure of the team. The seventeen-person team actually contained four groups of people.

The seven soldiers headed by Qin Feng are from the official team of the future base. Qin Feng is the team leader, four soldiers are responsible for fighting, and two soldiers are responsible for logistics such as driving, cooking, and maintenance.

The other ten team members came from three different folk hunting teams. The fire-type girl led three, the earth-type middle-aged man led two, and Xia Ruize three.

The team was formed by temporary recruitment. Qin Feng didn’t know much about his temporary subordinates. He could understand that the two abilities would be officially recruited, but with the three Xia Ruize, Qin Feng only knew that the captain Xia Ruize was good at long-range combat, and Cheng Huaiqian was good at it. In melee combat, as for Gao Hexuan, looking at his performance today, is he good at… daze?

In the morning’s battle, both the fire element girl and the earth element middle-aged man showed their strength, but Xia Ruize and the other three were no different from other ordinary warriors.

Qin Feng thought that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were suspected of being clumsy, and Gao Hexuan was suspected of being a hindrance. Naturally, he was not very happy, so when he was anxious before, Qin Feng couldn’t help shouting at Xia Ruize.

But he really can’t figure it out, what kind of response is Xia Ruize taking out a bow?

Compared with Qin Feng, the two testers in the last car had some guesses.

There is nothing to say about the bow and arrow of the natives of the mission world. The ancient weapons should be thrown into the grave and displayed in the display cabinet, but if the tester holds the bow and arrow in his hand, the meaning is completely different.

All testers know that hot weapons are stronger than cold weapons in terms of ease of use and power. In this case, those who still insist on the path of cold weapons are either fools or relying on them.

Most of the fools were eliminated in the white paper area, and the two testers tended to the latter in their opinion of Xia Ruize.

Now that there is no threat, the team does not need to continue bumping in the wilderness, turning around and turning back to the road to continue the original itinerary.

Qin Feng threw away his doubts and hurriedly counted losses and rescued the wounded. He had no time to continue entanglement. Xia Ruize was so happy to observe his life bottle with ease, and the liquid inside suddenly increased by 30 drops.

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