Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 137 - hazy

After arriving at the scientific research base, Gao Hexuan was the happiest person. Because he felt the Internet, he couldn’t help trying to invade on the spot.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian took the lead in getting into the tent to rest just to cover for Gao Hexuan so that Gao Hexuan could concentrate on invading the network. In one afternoon, the harvest was quite large.

Gao Hexuan found a lot of interesting information from the research base’s intranet.

Before the cataclysm, the person in charge of this scientific research base was not Dr. Mu. After the cataclysm, the base was chaotic for a while. The old doctor who was in charge of him turned into a living corpse, and Dr. Mu took over.

Under the leadership of Dr. Mu, the scientific research force of the entire base went deeper into the direction of biological and chemical weapons.

According to the research data in the base, he gave up other projects and devoted himself to studying biological and chemical weapons because Dr. Mu suspected that the disaster two years ago was not a natural disaster but a man-made one, and it was a human catastrophe caused by the leakage of biological and chemical weapons.

If you want to solve the crisis, you must first thoroughly study the virus. For this reason, the scientific research base focuses on research and stays away from the world for two years.

Before they sent a distress signal, the surrounding survivor bases didn’t even know that such a scientific research base existed.

The reason why they sent out the distress signal was not that they couldn’t hold on, but that they encountered a problem and led such a complex rescue operation. In fact, it was a screening to select reliable candidates to help them solve the problem.

Xia Ruize and the three rushed to the small city outside the mountain while analyzing the information and even chat records that Gao Hexuan had scraped from the intranet of the scientific research base.

The chat log clearly shows that all those entering the cave are under the surveillance of the scientific research base, and a group of scientific researchers observes their movements and points at them.

After learning about the actual situation and knowing what to do, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian turned their attention back to the battle, and the little abacus in Xia Ruize’s heart pounded.

This mission world can stay for 30 days. As a mission world with the longest stay so far, and there is life energy to improve physical fitness that can be found everywhere, Xia Ruize must make full use of every day.

Now he can afford to drink nine cups of life energy, that is, each attribute can be improved by 0.9 in one day. If the 30 days are fully utilized, the individual physical fitness can be improved by 27!

This is really a numerical value that makes people feel excited just thinking about it!

Xia Ruize really wanted to laugh just thinking about it.

The three of them are very proficient in finding a good location to attract monsters, kill and save life energy. The only difficulty is how to return to the scientific research base in the cave.

Gao Hexuan had already invaded the internal network, but the gate of the scientific research base was manually opened and closed by manpower, and there was no way to control it with a button. The three had to set up a tent outside the gate to rest for the night.

Fortunately, another convoy arrived the next morning. Taking advantage of the opening of the gate, the three of them sneaked back into the cave under the illusion, got into their tent, and pretended that nothing happened.

The newly arrived convoy is not from another base, it is the convoy of the future base that takes a different route. Before departure, for the sake of safety, the future base dispatched three teams of teams, each with more than 60 people, before choosing three different paths. Come to the research base.

There are nearly 200 people in the three-way convoy, and now the two rescue convoys have arrived, but there are fewer than 100 people.

Because the condition of the team that just arrived was not very good, like the rescue team that arrived last night, they also encountered super aliens, and the battle process was difficult and tragic.

To make matters worse, after the battle, disagreements arose within the convoy. Some team members claimed that they were unwilling to continue risking their lives to participate in the rescue, and even left halfway with some personnel and weapons.

“Why are there so many super monsters…”

Hearing what happened to the newly arrived team, there was a murmur from the crowd.

When other people heard it, it seemed that this was the case. Four of the five rescue teams that had arrived had encountered Super Alien Species, which was a really high probability.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other, knowing that this situation was not entirely accidental.

It is not unreasonable for the scientific research base to select powerful warriors and use means to attract super alien species to approach the rescue team to judge the strength of the rescue team.

The team leader of Xia Ruize’s team went to comfort him out of comradeship.

At noon, the last base team that sent a message saying that they would send a rescue team finally arrived, the gate of the cave opened again, and the sun shone in from the outside, making the crowd accustomed to the darkness dizzy.

“Everyone is here! What are you going to do? What’s the charter? It’s time to tell us?”

Rubbing his eyes that were shaken to tears by the sun, the captain of the Guangming Base couldn’t hold back at first, and shouted at the top of the cave.

“Don’t worry, there are still two rescue teams on the way. When everyone is fully assembled, we will announce it together.”

There was a real answer from above.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and vaguely saw a figure on the platform high in the cave.

“Damn! Wait!” The captain of the Guangming Base scolded and kicked the tire of his own truck, and then raised his head and shouted: “Then open the door and let me let the wind out and breathe fresh air!”

This time, there was no immediate answer from above. After the people who heard the movement watched patiently for a few minutes, the tall and thick metal door slowly opened.

“The gate will open again in an hour or three hours. Remember to clean up the tail when you come back!”

The guard shouted at the top of his voice, which at least suppressed the noise below, so that everyone could hear it clearly.

“Damn it! Why did Lao Tzu come to jail?”

The leader of the rescue team at Guangming Base walked out of the cave with his subordinates swearing, and the teams from other bases quickly took action.

Qin Feng conveyed the team leader’s instructions to his team members. If anyone in the team wants to go out and get some air, they can go out together, and remember to come back on time.

“Captain Qin, can we save the situation now? Don’t you think something is wrong?”

After listening to Qin Feng’s words, Xia Ruize didn’t say if he wanted to go out, but asked Qin Feng in a low voice.

Qin Feng’s expression was a bit bitter, he suppressed it or lowered his voice and replied:

“I also find it strange, but the captain said he knows what to do, let’s wait patiently for new orders.”

“It seems that the captain has long known the situation here…”

Cheng Huaiqian said thoughtfully.

Qin Feng hesitated and didn’t speak. He didn’t affirm, but he didn’t deny. He turned around to inform the other team members.

“Oh, it seems to be true, no matter what kind of Bright Base or the future base, the top management of the base should know the real situation here. Even so, a large number of rescue teams have been dispatched, and they must be rescued. I just don’t know what benefits the scientific research base has promised.”

Cheng Huaiqian reached out and took Xia Ruize’s hand, and walked out of the cave. It is rare to be able to open up the air, of course not to be missed.

Qin Feng’s silence shows some facts. The grassroots team members don’t know, Qin Feng doesn’t know, but the team leader is afraid that he knows something, so he seems to be very cooperative.

The rescue team from the Guangming Base that arrived first had been locked up in this dark cave for more than two days, so they just made a request to let the wind out, and they were too obedient.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to let the wind out, the three of them went out of the mountain to look for prey by another way, and they saved enough life energy for today.

But I have to say that the experience of being surrounded by a large group of living corpses at close range during the day is a bit uncomfortable. It is far less than the previous days when you only need to pay attention to the general body shape when fighting in the dark.

The moonlight blocked the line of sight, but it also covered the terrifying living corpse with a veil. In comparison, it was better to be in a state of not being able to see clearly.

I rushed back to the surrounding of the cave, but found that the cave was really lively, the cave door was always open and not closed, and the vehicles of various teams drove in and out.

When they got close to the cave, Xia Ruize and the three got the news. The last two rescue teams finally arrived. At this point, all eight rescue teams from the five bases that were promised to come to the rescue arrived. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles they encountered on the road, at least most of them had arrived The person successfully arrived at the scientific research base.

As a result, the scientific research base, which had been silent and pretending to be dead, finally stood up to preside over the situation. The first step was to arrange positions for each rescue team.

Under the command of the guards, the rescue team that arrived first put away the tents and sundries that were spread all over the ground, drove the cars that were parked in disorder, and drove into the cave one by one, lining up neatly.

After all, the eight rescue teams add up to 40 super-large trucks, and it really takes a good planning and arrangement to park all of them in the cave.

After the vehicles are all arranged, it is finally the arranger’s turn:

“Please lead the team from the captains of the bases, put down your weapons and enter through the small door on the right. Again, please put down all your weapons.”

The sound of the loudspeaker in the cave caused everyone to be in an uproar, and they wanted to unload their weapons?

“What do you mean by this ghost place? You want us to unload our weapons, why don’t you just say let us die?”

“I won’t do it! No one can separate me from my weapons!”

“What’s the worst place, what kind of **** is this? Didn’t you say let’s come to the rescue?”

For warriors in the apocalypse, weapons are very sensitive keys. Some people have to put their weapons next to their pillows when they sleep in order to feel safe enough to fall asleep.

Now some people want them to leave their weapons with a single word. It sounds malicious, and the crowd explodes immediately. The leaders of the rescue teams can’t appease them. Of course, they don’t really want to appease, and they have to give Scientific research base to see their attitude.

The scientific research base was unexpectedly tough. Facing the chaotic crowd, he only replied: “Those who don’t want to enter can not enter, and those who want to enter can put their weapons in place.” Then they repeated the previous notification in a loop, but why? It sounds like the speaker is playing on auto-repeat.

The final result was that the captains of the various rescue teams left the team members who were unwilling to unload their weapons to watch the car, and led other team members who were willing to obey the order to put the weapons in the truck and walked into the side door that was opened in the corner of the parking lot.

The passages in the cave are all wrapped with metal and cement, and there is an echo if there is a slight sound. Hundreds of people walk in the cave, and the footsteps combine into a huge echo.

At the beginning, the passage was still very dim, and the more we walked, the brighter it became, because there were more lights on.

Following the passage with the door open, the group walked all the way to the… restaurant of the scientific research base?

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