Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 153 - dawn

Xia Ruize stood at the front of the team and led the team towards the administration building.

Although he is in charge of opening the way, Xia Ruize’s state is the most relaxed, because his [Eye of Wisdom] skill has a powerful restraint effect on the spiritual body. He glanced over, and Bai Xu, who was in front of him, was swallowed up by the golden flames.

Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan followed Xia Ruize side by side, and they only needed to deal with the phantom rushing over from the side.

After the bald boy and the burly man were in charge of the break, the young woman walked in the middle of the team. Interestingly, the young woman’s means of attack was the black cat in her arms.

Whenever a phantom wants to approach a young woman, the always vigilant black cat will show its sharp cat claws and send a set of combined meow fists to the intruding enemy. After the phantom has learned this lesson, the figure will suddenly be half smaller.

So in the process of moving fast, the young woman still maintained an elegant posture.

Before the blood deficiency was surrounded on a large scale, the group broke through the obstacles and finally rushed to the door of the administrative building. The administrative building that could not be approached during the day can now easily open the door. Inside the door is a spacious and high hall. Opposite is the stairs upstairs and the second floor corridor, and the first floor corridor is on both sides of the stairs.

Finally, the burly man who ran in forcefully closed the glass door of the administrative building, and a large phantom was locked outside the door, unable to penetrate the glass door.

A part of the phantom that was crowded and blocked outside the door drifted back to the garden because it lost its target, and the phantom that was left began to keep hitting the glass door, trying to enter the administrative building.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian moved the reception desk in the lobby on the first floor of the administrative building to the door and blocked the glass door.

“This is not a long-term solution. We must hurry up to find clues.” Cheng Huaiqian looked at the crumbling glass door and spoke quickly, “We will work together, the three of you will check the corridor on the right, and the three of us will check the corridor on the left.” Following Xia Ruize, he ran to the back.

The three burly men have no objection. They are human and will be tired, but the phantoms seem to be endless, and the beheading for a long time will not decrease but only increase. If this goes on, even if they kill dozens of phantoms, But in the end, it will be overwhelmed by massive phantoms.

The six people who reached an agreement immediately ran towards the hall. Before they took two steps, they saw Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize who were running at the forefront suddenly stop.

There is no other reason. There are phantoms in the corridors on both sides of the first floor and the stairs connecting the first floor to the second floor, not just a few, but a few piles!

The phantoms that were crowded together and even overlapped with each other made people’s scalp numb. They seemed to sense the existence of the intruder at the same time, and forced them over to humans.

Compared with the density of phantoms in the administrative building, the phantoms in the garden are almost sparse, and the inpatient building can only be considered sporadic. What’s especially bad is that half of the phantoms in the administration building are red. of.

From a light red to a red that is so strong that it seems to drip blood, everything!

Xia Ruize’s expression is also very ugly. His space retrospective has been turned on. There were not so many phantoms in the administrative building before. Where did they come from?


Just as the six people were discussing countermeasures with ugly faces, the glass door in front of the administrative building finally couldn’t hold back and was smashed, and the phantoms crowded outside the door swarmed in.

“We can’t divide our troops, let’s stick to one room.”

Cheng Huaiqian immediately changed his original plan and dragged Xia Ruize into a room next to the stairs.

The current situation is that there are too many enemies, and their cooperation may not be able to resist for a long time. Dividing troops will only die faster, and they are unable to detect the situation in the administrative building.

Except for Gao Hexuan, the other three were aware of the current situation and rushed into the room.

This is an archive room. There are several rows of filing cabinets in a small room, filled with various documents and archives.

The door of the archive room is very small, which limits the number of phantoms crowded at the door at the same time, which relieves the fighting pressure of the six people to a certain extent.

Six experienced testers quickly formed the most favorable formation, and cooperated to guard the small door of the archives to ensure that the phantom could not really rush in.

In order to ensure that the fighting lasted, they even arranged to take turns to rest.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian stood on the farthest sides of the formation, because when their skills were activated, the movement was minimal and the space required was small.

After all, the already cramped room needed enough space for the bald boy who used the broadsword and the burly burly man.

But Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were under a lot of pressure. Among the six, the two of them solved the phantom the fastest, and the others needed a certain amount of time to fight. This means that the two people need to quickly adjust the attack strength according to the number of phantoms rushing over, and reasonably distribute the pressure that the other people need to bear.

Both Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian felt exhausted from the continuous high-intensity battle, mainly because this mission world was special, and most of their attack methods and weapons were limited, and they could only repeatedly use a few effective methods against the spirit body, which would inevitably consume a lot of energy. .

Gradually, Xia Ruize felt dizzy, his eyes started to hurt, and the mental attack from the phantom that could have been easily resisted could not be resisted.

Even in the most tense battle, Cheng Huaiqian would always pay attention to Xia Ruize’s state. He was the first to notice the difference in his lover’s state, so he quickly changed his defensive position, stood beside Xia Ruize, stretched his arms around his lover’s waist and asked Xia Ruize to put the weight of his body. Press it.

“It doesn’t make sense to persist any longer, why don’t we just rush out alone?”

Cheng Huaiqian was a little anxious, eager to find an effective way to fight the enemy.

Xia Ruize nodded resolutely, staying in the archives for a long time would be useless, it would be better for the two of them to take a gamble and rush out to see if they could find a way to completely solve the phantom.

Gao Hexuan had been fighting hard with expressionless faces, and he had no idea when he heard the words, but the pale faces of the other three suddenly became more ugly. They knew that Cheng Huaiqian’s proposal was justified, but they were unwilling to let the two leave.

It may really be possible that the two of them leave to find a solution, but it is more likely that the people who stayed before they found a solution have all been wiped out.

The opinions of the people were divided. A red phantom that suddenly appeared without paying attention completely shrouded the bald boy, and killed the bald boy who was at the end of the fight when everyone failed to react. juvenile.

At this moment, Xia Ruize’s eyes darkened and he fainted.

Xia Ruize, who opened his eyes again, jumped up from the hospital bed. He didn’t expect Cheng Huaiqian on the opposite side to move faster.

The two pairs of eyes that looked into each other’s eyes were full of surprise. They looked around and saw that they were in the ward of the previous day. The bright sunlight was shining in from the window, and there was no bed curtain blocking, and the room was full of warmth. of sunlight.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were harmless and pain-free, and they didn’t even feel the discomfort of exhausting their mental energy. They were lying on the hospital bed on top of each other. On the opposite side were Gao Hexuan, who sat up with a stunned face, and a frowning man who seemed to be sleeping unsteadily. of Lehi.

The full of phantoms and difficult battles seem to be fantasy and do not exist at all, but the spoils of war in the space tell them that it is not.

“Are we having a nightmare?”

Gao Hexuan stared blankly at his fingers. He remembered that because of the tense and continuous fighting, his fingers when typing codes cramped, but now his hands are still flexible and natural, as if he had not experienced a high-intensity battle at all.

“Dreams can never be shared.”

Cheng Huaiqian denied Gao Hexuan’s guess, and gently touched Xia Ruize’s face with his hands. He still remembered that his lover’s face was terrifyingly pale last night, but he didn’t have time to comfort him.

“I remember our first coma last night was at eight o’clock, the time we woke up was nine o’clock, and the time we fell into a coma again was ten o’clock, and a full hour passed in between.”

Xia Ruize took the initiative to rub Cheng Huaiqian’s hand with his face, feeling the warm palm, only feeling comfortable and at ease.

He was actually the last one to faint last night. Before he was completely unconscious, not only did he know that the other five were in a coma, but he also paid attention to the time subconsciously. It was exactly ten o’clock in the evening.

At this moment, the nurse suddenly pushed open the door and walked in. Seeing Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian lying on the bed, she was stunned for a while. Finally, she immediately cleared her face, and continued to push the cart and walked in to deliver a tray to the four patients. of pills.

The nurse can keep calm, but Li Hai can’t. Li Hai, who was woken up by the nurse, rubbed his eyes, stretched, and then saw the picture on the opposite side, his expression suddenly cracked, and his old waist flashed. He couldn’t help stammering and asked:

“You, you, how…”

Cheng Huaiqian turned his face and raised his eyebrows and asked, “Did you sleep well last night?”

Li Hai was distracted by his question, shook his head subconsciously, frowned and said in distress, “Alas, I didn’t sleep very well, as if I had some nightmare.”

Xia Ruize and the three of them were really surprised now. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other and suddenly realized something. Cheng Huaiqian jumped up from the hospital bed, rushed out of the ward when the nurse didn’t respond, and rushed into the ward diagonally opposite. .

There is also a nurse in this ward who is distributing medicines to four patients. Cheng Huaiqian directly asked the bald boy on the No. 2 hospital bed by the window:

“Did you sleep well last night?”

After asking, he stared at the bald boy’s expression and observed his reaction.

“Hey, which ward are you from, why did you suddenly run out? Go back quickly, you can’t just run around!”

The nurse who was dispensing the medicine was startled and angry, and yelled at Cheng Huaiqian.

Cheng Huaiqian ignored it, still staring at the bald boy’s expression.

The bald-headed boy glared at the inexplicable Cheng Huaiqian coldly, ignoring the neuropathy that ran out of nowhere and suddenly rushed in front of him and asked him how he was sleeping.

Cheng Huaiqian suddenly understood, he took a step to the side to easily avoid the shoving of the angry rushing nurse, turned and left the ward of the bald boy, ignoring the murderous look of the nurse in his ward, and leisurely returned to Xia Ruize, and shared with a smile:

“Interesting, Li Hai doesn’t remember what happened last night, and neither does the bald little guy.”

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