Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 164 - live streaming

“you are……?”

The dazed and swollen head made the vice president completely confused. If it weren’t for the familiar hospital scenery around him, he might have thought he had been kidnapped.

Under the influence of the ice water, he became more and more sober, and after carefully and carefully observing the questioner, the vice president suddenly exclaimed, “You are Mr. Brut Aardman!”

At this time, Xia Ruize, who obediently pretended to be a comatose patient, was also carried into the garden by the mercenaries and watched the scene up close.

As a patient in an inpatient building, he was given preferential treatment, at least he was put on the lawn instead of being thrown away.

Hearing the title from the deputy dean, Xia Ruize and the three of them were still unclear. The person who came was from the Aardman family.

“You said, would it be more interesting if everything that happened here was broadcast live to people all over the world?”

Cheng Huaiqian remembered that Gao Hexuan had previously mentioned that he was already connected to the public network in this world, but the three of them had been busy fighting and had not had time to get to know each other well. Isn’t this a good opportunity, Cheng Huaiqian’s mouth evoked a malicious angle.

Xia Ruize knows that his lover’s character is not too serious to watch the fun. The difference is that he has also been “broken” now, and he is looking forward to seeing the scene in his lover’s mouth, so he moved his finger slightly, and several cameras were popped up and stuck to it. On the surrounding walls, trees, and even on wheelchairs and clothes.

Seeing that the two teammates had reached an agreement, Gao Hexuan immediately activated his abilities. Immediately, starting from Aardman Hospital, all the networks of the surrounding countries, wherever there was a screen, began to broadcast Aardman Hospital. scene screen.

The speed of the network transmission is so fast that the vice president over there has not recovered from the shock, and the live broadcast has spread all over the world.

The reason for the vice dean’s shock is very simple. At the traditional festival half a year ago, he was invited to the party held by the Aardman family because of his outstanding work. At the dinner, he had personally met the contemporary head of the Aardman family, Mr. Brut Aardman.

At that time, Mr. Brut Aardman, who was said to be 103 years old, was still standing in the center of the crowd to receive guests and speak on the stage, which is simply a living sign of the medical level of the Aardman family.

But now, in less than half a year, Mr. Brut Aardman, who appeared in front of him, has grown old, like a candle in the wind, pale eyes, terrible age spots, and a weak body. Going up can lead to death at any time.

It would be even more shocking if the vice president knew that these changes did not happen in half a year, but only in one morning.

Then, the vice president, who couldn’t keep calm, was poured another bucket of ice water, and he kept shivering and sobered up.

“Tell me, what the **** is going on here!!!”

Brut Aardman was hysterical when asked again.

This morning, he saw more and more frightened expressions on the faces of the old friends who were chatting, and when he also felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, the first thing he thought of was the secret hidden in the heart of the Aardman family. Secret – Devil Dove under Aardman Hospital.

Subsequently, the news of the family elder’s accident came back, and he completely locked the suspect target on Aardman Hospital and Duowei.

But when he tried to contact his son David, who currently manages Aardman Hospital, he found that no one could be reached at all. Not only that, but other people who contacted Aardman Hospital could not get a response, and even the security department was all disconnected. .

Brut Aardman clearly realized that something big had happened, and he took the time to mobilize the armed forces to the greatest extent possible and rushed directly to Aardman Hospital in person. He is dead, and he will die after he finds out the situation.

As a result, Brut Aardman and other members of the Aardman family heard a series of bad news from the Vice-President’s mouth. The Dean’s office was stolen, the Dean himself disappeared, and everyone in the hospital fell into a coma…

During this period, Brut Aardman, who was not accustomed to being a real 103-year-old man, passed out because he was too emotional, and only woke up after emergency rescue.

And the process of him accepting the rescue is the process of the world’s netizens from being stunned to shocked.

In the beginning, when everyone who was watching TV, computer, mobile phone, etc. screens found that the screen suddenly started to play abnormal pictures, they thought they had clicked on some tricky program, until they found that they could not exit the screen no matter what, at most After zooming out the screen, gradually began to panic.

After the netizens found out that the situation of the people around them was the same, everyone’s emotions calmed down. After all, no matter what happened, it seemed that there were many people around, and things didn’t seem so bad.

What’s more, as long as the screen is zoomed out, you can continue to browse the web and chat, the situation seems to be acceptable.

The calmed audience began to carefully watch the plot in the picture, and then discovered some amazing things. For a time, related topics exploded on various social software.

There is always someone who knows something, so information such as the Aardman Hospital, the “Devil’s Hospital” for terminally ill patients, and the Aardman family with unusually powerful longevity genes was quickly put in the most conspicuous position.

The quick-responding netizens even called up the comparison of the recently exposed photos of the Aardman family members and the live photos that appeared in the picture. The common point is that people are getting old.

In addition, the relatives of the terminally ill patients who were cured and discharged from Aardman Hospital and the relatives of the 400 patients who were being treated in the hospital were all closely following the videos on the Internet for the first time.

“Wow, does three months really make people age to this extent? Are these two comparison photos really the same person?”

“My God, I know Aardman Hospital! My grandfather was treated in this hospital, and my grandfather said that the medical staff in the hospital are very friendly, the treatment methods are very advanced, and my grandfather’s terminal illness has been cured. I am forever grateful to Ader Mann Hospital, no matter what happened to them, I hope everything goes well!”

“My father is being treated at Aardman Hospital and the hospital forbids family members from contacting the patient, saying they promise to take good care of the patient, but what’s going on now? God, why are those people in hospital gowns not moving? , where’s my father? How is my father? No, I’m going to see it now!”

Gradually, the onlookers noticed that the situation was a bit strange.

Because the gun-wielding mercenary in the picture began pouring buckets of ice water at the comatose staff according to the employer’s request. When the ice water was not enough, they would even add fists and kicks. Soon, all the staff were woken up. .

They wake up to the same question: What the **** happened before the hospital?

No one could explain the reason, because they really didn’t know anything, but what everyone saw and heard in their answers were very similar. Around ten o’clock in the morning, everyone suddenly felt dizzy and powerless, and the degree became more and more serious. After a few minutes, he was completely unconscious, and he didn’t know what to do.

Different people said the same rhetoric, which made Brut Aardman extremely dissatisfied, and also made the hearts of netizens who watched the scene chill.

Seeing that there was really nothing to ask from the staff, Brut Aardman turned his attention to the patients all over the floor. Although the patients knew less information, Brut Aardman still ordered people to be sent to the hospital. All the patients woke up, and regardless of the patient’s frail body, buckets of ice water poured down one after another.

After all, the number of patients is large, and he can’t wait for the long wake-up process. Brut Aardman ordered his juniors to push him, followed by other core family members, personally escorted by loyal security personnel trained by the family, and the group entered the cafeteria.

The temporarily invited mercenaries had no chance to follow and watch the secrets of the Aardman family, but netizens in front of the Internet followed the camera all the way through the cafeteria and into the warehouse. At the end of the warehouse, they saw David Ade who fell unconscious. Man.

Brut Aardman excitedly asked the accompanying doctor to check, and got the news that David was still alive, but in a coma due to excessive blood loss.

Brut Aardman had a tough attitude and ordered the doctors to find a way to forcibly wake people up, and he did not forget to order the use of David’s blood to open the hidden elevator at the end of the warehouse.

Next, the accompanying doctors and security personnel were left in place, and only the core members of the Aardman family were allowed to enter the elevator in order. Of course, the cameras glued to the wheelchairs and clothes of several elderly people also followed. elevator.

The elevator continued to descend under the onlookers of netizens all over the world. When the car door opened again, the scene and the people in front of the screen let out an unbelievable exclamation.

The audience in front of the screen did not expect that there is an underground castle hidden tens of meters below the famous Aardman Hospital.

The Aardman family did not expect to see half of the castle belonging to Duowei collapsed, and half of the gate disappeared.

“God! Lord Duowei! Lord! How are you?”

Brut Aardman was about to jump up from the wheelchair excitedly, but due to his physical condition, he finally bowed slightly and fell back to his original position. His hoarse and horrified voice echoed back and forth in the empty dungeon.


The other half of the gate of the castle slammed to the ground with a bang, and countless dust swayed, which seemed to be a silent response.

The expressions of the core members of the Aardman family were all frozen. After a while, Brut Aardman moved his fingers and designated the three younger generations behind him, signaling them to approach the castle to check it out in person.

The three grandchildren Aardman, who are now in their 50s and 60s, know the inside story and hesitate to come forward.

Among the core members of the family, they all refer to Duowei as “Devil”. They are afraid of him, and they are easily reluctant to approach them. “.

But seeing the fierce eyes of the family patriarch, the three of them had to dawdle closer to the castle.

What the Aardman family members who entered the dungeon did not know was that the mercenaries who stayed on the ground at this time received information one after another. There was no other reason. Among the patients they had to forcefully wake up, there were relatives of their former employers. After hitting them, the picture here was broadcast live around the world.

Immediately, the mercenaries did not dare to attack the remaining patients with gentleness.

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