Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 170 - Refuse

Gao Hexuan then prepared for himself a [Lightning Gun] that was powerful enough and fast enough to attack, to ensure that he would not be instantly killed by his opponent before his bloodline attack was stimulated.

After purchasing their favorite exercises and weapons, the three of them bought a lot of practice time as usual to quickly familiarize themselves with the new abilities.

Because they often went to various small restaurants in Yinye District to forage for food, the three of them got to know a lot of testers, and more importantly, they met testers from different countries.

There is no language barrier in the endless world. In just five days, the three of them have seen no less than three scenes of passionate scolding between testers from different forces. It will quickly spread to the surrounding area, involving all the testers of the same force and different forces around.

Fortunately, the trialists in Silver Page City were artificially divided into five areas. If their daily activities were all within the corresponding power areas, they would at least have the upper hand when confronted with scolding.

But when someone wants to eat, there are all kinds of curses floating in their ears!

So after three melee fights, Xia Ruize and the three of them stayed in the team space to practice and cooperate on their own, except to use the auxiliary function for practice and need to go to the main temple, and the three meals were solved by “takeaway”.

They found that they could order separately in their private spaces, and the food would be automatically delivered to their respective spaces.

After 15 days of hard work, after returning to the real world, I found that there was still a month of vacation, and I felt relieved.

Previously, I had a task once a month, which was more punctual than my uncle. Now I am better, once every two months, and my mind has relaxed a lot.

So much so that when Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other when they received the notification that the mission was about to start a month later, the thoughts in their minds were “Finally here…”


There was a humming sound of “buzzing” in his ears. Before opening his eyes, Xia Ruize couldn’t help frowning slightly because of the noise in his ears.

Mental force fed back the surrounding situation to the brain one step ahead of his eyes, so when Xia Ruize opened his eyes, there was no unexpected expression on his face.

He was sitting on a seat on the edge of the cabin of a spaceship, and when he turned his head, he could see through the porthole of the spaceship that the spaceship was flying fast around a khaki planet.

The distance between the seats in the cabin is very large, so although the cabin is huge, there are only 200 people sitting in it, and the 200 people wearing uniforms are silent.

Xia Ruize’s clothes were the same as everyone else’s. They were made of unknown materials. They were wrapped in clothes from the neck to the soles of the feet. There was a big hat behind the neck. hold your face.

There is a mechanical voice in the cabin broadcasting the announcement:

“Heroic warriors, on the left of the AD-9047 spaceship is the target of our exploration, Erdogan planet!

This is a resource star that was discovered by the alliance just three months ago. According to preliminary data, this planet contains a large amount of energy and resources. Complete control of Erdogan planet is an important part of the alliance for the next five years. Work, and you, will be the first lucky ones to board this virgin actress!

The alliance has high hopes for you. As long as you successfully complete the one-month exploration mission, you will receive an astonishing 100,000 alliance currency reward, and you will also have the opportunity to be promoted first! In addition, various valuable discoveries will be rewarded accordingly!

To this end, the alliance has prepared adequate logistical support for you.

During your exploration, you will receive round-the-clock support from planetary resource stations, equipped with HS-6 multi-purpose mechas, high-energy electromagnetic shock guns, and sufficient energy supply.

Are the hot-blooded warriors eager to complete their mission?

The command is looking forward to your good news! “

The radio played the encouragement of mechanical sounds in a loop, but the soldiers in the cabin were not encouraged. Most of them remained calm and indifferent. Only sporadic whispered complaints provided Xia Ruize with more clues.

“It’s nice to say, only mentioning rewards, never mentioning what dangers will be encountered, and it will kill people. Oh, it’s really bad luck, how did I get drawn to pioneer?”

“Don’t talk about cheating, and lie to us. I know some inside information. We are not the first batch to be sent here. The first batch of explorers who entered Erdogan planet have all lost contact. The military sent people to pioneer the frontier.”

“Unfortunately, the whole army draws lots at random. Only the thousand of us are the most unlucky. We don’t know what danger we will encounter when we go. If we don’t go, we will go to a military court? What a way to force people to a dead end!”

Xia Ruize listened and understood, why the soldiers in the entire cabin did not have a warm-blooded atmosphere at all, and some were just lifeless and silent, because they did not volunteer to participate in the dangerous pioneering.

Xia Ruize also captured a key piece of information. This time, there are a thousand soldiers who came to Pioneer, which made him feel a little more at ease. There were no figures of Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan in the cabin of the spaceship he was in, and they were most likely on other spaceships.

Xia Ruize, who kept activating the [Xinwang] skill, was the first to connect to Gao Hexuan, and he heard Gao Hexuan sigh with emotion: “These equipments look so high-tech, but there is a problem, they won’t work at all!”

The range of [Space Backtracking] is far less than that of [Xinwang], so Xia Ruize’s mental power was not able to lock Gao Hexuan’s position, but Xinwang has already connected people, and being able to communicate with each other reassured him a little.

Soon Cheng Huaiqian’s voice also appeared in the heart network: “The spaceship I am in has prompted to enter Erdogan planet. It seems that I am on the spaceship in front.”

Hearing the voice of his lover, Xia Ruize was completely relieved and saw that the floor under his feet suddenly turned over to reveal a big hole, and then a huge human-shaped metal mecha rose up from the big hole. The metal hand of the mecha stretched forward and stretched out in front of Xia Ruize. There is a watch-shaped controller on the open palm.

The warrior beside him had already picked up the controller and put it on his wrist. Xia Ruize quickly learned the movements of the indigenous warrior next to him, put on the controller, opened the hatch at the chest of the mecha, and got in.

After the hatch was closed, the screens in front of him lighted up one by one, and the mecha instruction manual began to play.

Xia Ruize, who was watching the surrounding mechas at the same time, immediately discovered that they were not the only three who could not use mechas. Maybe because the pioneers were selected by lottery from the whole army, it was inevitable that some recruits, civilian soldiers and even logisticians would be selected. These people control the aircraft. Armor and weapons do not seem to be very skilled, of course, it is not ruled out that there are trial people among those who are in a hurry.

When Xia Ruize followed the instructions in the manual and learned from the people around him to successfully fix himself to the sensor cabin inside the mecha, he received a task prompt in his mind at the same time:

[The Erdogan star located on the edge of the star map is a beautiful and splendid planet. People passing by will be confused by its beauty and sleep here forever.

Main Quest: Survive Thirty Days

Mission Completion: 2,000 Survival Points awarded

Mission failure: deduct 1,000 survival points

Special Note: This mission can be rejected, please confirm within 30 seconds whether to reject this mission…Yes/No? 】

“Yo, it’s quite human, first enter the task world to understand the basic situation and then decide whether to refuse the task, what do you think?”

Cheng Huaiqian’s voice resounded in his heart with a smile.

“I’ll listen to you.” Gao Hexuan, the little tail, immediately stated.

Xia Ruize thought about it and decided decisively: “Try it.”

Although there is an opportunity to refuse a mission once a year after entering the Silver Pages area, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian reached an agreement after consultation that the right to refuse will not be used unless there are special circumstances. For them, each mission is both a challenge and an opportunity.

All three chose “No”, and in the next second, as a reward, the basic methods of using the mecha and weapons were directly engraved into their memory, and immediately, the three people in the mecha moved smoothly.

“The spaceship I’m in is going to enter the planet, see you on land.”

Cheng Huaiqian said hello, and then his voice disappeared from the heart net. It seemed that the spaceship he was in suddenly accelerated and was out of the coverage of Xia Ruize’s heart net.

Xia Ruize paused, then started again, fixing himself more firmly in the sensor cabin. The mech control method in this mission world is to amplify the actions of the driver in the mecha. In theory, if the driver walks, the mecha will walk. If the driver makes an attacking action, the mecha will also make corresponding attacking actions.

Therefore, the control level of the mecha will be largely limited by the actual combat level of the driver, but on the other hand, as long as the balance of the mecha is skillfully maintained, the actions that the driver can make can also be performed by the mecha.

At this time, the floor in front of the mecha turned up again, and a machine gun that was over one meter long and half a meter wide appeared in front of Xia Ruize. Below the machine gun was an energy box full of energy blocks.

Xia Ruize picked up the gun with the huge metal hand of the mecha, fixed it on the metal arm, grabbed the energy box with the other hand, lifted it lightly, and fixed it on the back of the mecha with the backhand.

After packing up, Xia Ruize did not stop, but tried to walk slowly, feeling the heavy pressure from the sensor cabin. Following his movements, the mecha also stepped forward and walked towards the rear of the cabin. .

At the back of the cabin, some weapons are prepared for the soldiers to choose freely. Xia Ruize picked up a huge mechanical bow more than two meters long in his left hand, and lifted a box of energy blocks with his right hand and fixed it behind his back.

The soldier who chose a big sword next to him reminded: “Brother, carrying too many energy blocks will affect your mecha speed, which is not worth the loss.”

The voice came from the loudspeaker of the opponent’s mecha, with an electronic sound of “Zizzi”, Xia Ruize nodded to express his thanks for the reminder, but instead of putting down the energy box, he turned and walked to the spaceship cabin and let the mechanical arm stick out from the cabin. Fixed the huge body of his mecha.

Five minutes later, all the fighters controlled the mecha to fix themselves on the bulkhead of the ship. Even if some fighters were very unskilled, they had undergone basic training when they joined the army, and they could still keep up with the rhythm.

After the No. 200 soldiers were all in place, the broadcast in the spacecraft cabin was changed to the broadcast in the mecha, and the internal communication channel between the mecha was opened at the same time, the number of each person was determined, and ten people were divided into groups. The leader of each group, and the leader who manages ten groups.

Xia Ruize was included in the 4708 group, and the group leader was named “Liu Wennian”. This name made Xia Ruize’s heart move, and he couldn’t help turning his head to look at the group leader not far away, trying to see the other side’s appearance through the window of the mecha.

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