Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 174 - return

Liu Wennian reported the news of the team’s return to the camp, and the leader of the camp who stayed behind quickly issued a new order, asking them to rescue the camp at full speed according to the coordinates and directions provided.

When the restless people were still two kilometers away from the camp, the soldiers standing on a small sandy **** finally saw what the camp was facing. Nearly a thousand khaki giant bugs were besieging the temporary human camp.

All the spaceships that had landed in the surrounding area had disappeared, leaving only a solitary metal building in the center of the camp. Fortunately, this building released a huge belt-like protective cover to wrap the camp.

It’s just that the protective cover is constantly shaking under the desperate impact of many insects, and it looks precarious, as if it will be broken at any time.

The soldiers inside the protective cover are fighting back hard, but there are too many enemies surrounding the camp, and inside the protective cover there are only the No. 100 soldiers who stayed at the camp and the two teams who returned to help, even with the logistics that were barely able to fight. There are only more than 200 people.

The enemy is outnumbered, and the counterattack is very difficult, mainly relying on the protective cover to resist the siege of the insect swarm.

The coordinate directions provided by the brigade were barely surrounded by bugs, and they could still enter and leave the camp. However, the current situation of the camp made people retreat. Do you really want to take the initiative to rush into the encirclement of insects?

“Team Xia, Team Liu, do we really want to go back?” A soldier asked in a hesitant voice, “Why do I feel that the gap was left on purpose by those bugs?”

The team is currently standing at a higher position, and the situation below can be seen more clearly, and the bug seems to understand the three ques.

“My suggestion is to go back. As long as there is enough energy support, the camp’s life-proof shield can last for a long time, and the headquarters is in the camp. In case, we have to rely on the headquarters to contact the outside world to call the spacecraft. to leave this planet.”

Knowing that Xia Ruize was inexperienced in combat, Liu Wennian immediately explained his reasons in detail, but after he finished speaking, he also looked at Xia Ruize and waited for Xia Ruize’s decision. mean.

“Then let’s go back.”

Xia Ruize made a final decision, and the soldiers of the squad no longer hesitated, and followed Liu Wennian, who was the leader, and rushed towards the encircled camp with all their strength.

The camp also saw the returning team, and quickly helped to clean up the bugs in the corresponding direction. With the joint efforts of the two sides, Xia Ruize and others successfully approached the protective cover.

Then they saw that there was a vacancy in the protective cover in front of them. After everyone put it in, the protective cover was immediately filled to stop the bugs that wanted to rush in from behind.

“Quick, quick! The defense in the southwest direction is left to your team. You don’t need to think about saving energy. Get rid of the bugs that besiege the base as soon as possible. The weak point of those bugs is the connection between the head and the body, which is relatively fragile. Once broken, there is no way to do it. survived for a long time.”

The officer who came to meet them brought the team of soldiers to the corresponding defense area, explained, and hurriedly took the wounded they brought back and left.

With one more team back to help, the defensive pressure on the camp can be relieved, and those logistics personnel who are forced to stand on the front line can withdraw to continue the construction of the unfinished planetary resource station.

Liu Wennian quickly arranged a new formation, and the soldiers staggered in two rows to attack the bugs outside the shield.

“As soon as the forbidden protective cover is opened, creatures cannot pass through, and our attacks can be launched. At the same time, we must also be careful about the non-biological attack methods of the enemies outside.”

After explaining, Liu Wennian raised the high-energy electromagnetic vibration gun first, and shot the insects outside the protective cover that were hitting the protective cover with their bodies.

I have to say that in the protection of the camp shield, everyone is still a lot easier. At least they don’t need to defend all directions around them, and they don’t need to worry about running out of energy they carry with them. They only need to focus on attacking the enemy in front of them.

Naturally, there are soldiers who are responsible for logistics and move boxes of energy blocks to the rear of the squad’s position.

The only thing to worry about is whether the energy stored in the camp will fall together with the camp after the energy in the camp is exhausted.

Putting aside the foresight, after constant running-in, the soldiers found that a group of four soldiers cross-attacking could break down a huge insect into pieces of limbs relatively quickly.

Because the khaki giant bugs are very aware of their own weaknesses, the small heads and key joints are always hidden behind sharp forelimbs or in hard shells, and it is difficult for humans to directly attack their heads.

Soldiers can only use the electromagnetic beams of electromagnetic guns to first decompose the limbs of the insects, and even completely decompose the huge insects into broken limbs to solve a bug.

Of course, this type of attack is a waste of time and energy, and elite warriors with higher fighting skills still try to attack the bug’s weak spot.

After many attempts, Xia Ruize gave up the electromagnetic gun on the arm of the mecha and turned to open the forbidden bow.

Because although the electromagnetic gun is called “gun”, it is very different from Bluestar’s “gun”. It shoots electromagnetic beams instead of bullets.

This means that as long as the user keeps holding the trigger and does not let go, the electromagnetic beam of light emitted from the muzzle will continue to extend along a straight line, and the light beam will reach the attack range along the way. Before the user lets go, the beam of light will also will always exist.

The advantage of such a high-energy electromagnetic shock gun is that it has a strong attack power, but the disadvantage is that the attack is very inflexible, the attack distance is long, and the attack time is long, which will consume a lot of energy.

Xia Ruize felt that the electromagnetic gun was not very easy to use. After pulling the more convenient ban bow, he did not wait for the opportunity for the bug to reveal the weak spot, and shot directly at the bug’s head. The flexible trajectory of the ban arrow would bypass the bug to cover the head. The forelimbs directly attacked the insect’s head, causing the insect’s movements to stop completely.

After becoming more proficient, Xia Ruize will cooperate with his comrades and shoot several forbidden arrows at the same time to distract the hard and strong forelimbs of several worms, and other comrades will take the opportunity to attack the vulnerable joints exposed by the worms.

After all, the IQ of insects is still inferior to that of humans. After Xia Ruize and others mastered their weaknesses, the speed of eradicating insects has been greatly improved.

In the rear, after those logisticians who were good at building camps instead of fighting retreated from the front line, after a race against time, the exploration function of the resource station was finally installed and turned on smoothly.

Dozens of drones were released from the camp, some of which followed the mission directions of each squad to try to find people and recall the soldiers to the camp, while some circled over the camp and sent the situation around the camp to the mechas of all the soldiers.

Not long after, a mobilization message was sent to Xia Ruize’s mecha, and the team leader asked him to immediately go to the newly built observation deck in the camp, stand on a high place, and be responsible for supporting more directions.

“Every shot of a high-energy electromagnetic shock gun is energy. The longer the shooting distance, the greater the energy consumption, so it can only be regarded as a short-range high-power weapon. But the forbidden bow is different, the smaller the energy consumption, the longer the shooting distance, the more powerful The bigger it is, it’s a real medium and long-range weapon.”

Liu Wennian explained to Xia Ruize: “The headquarters must have found that you have a high level of control of the forbidden bow, so they have assigned you as a mobile team member.”

While explaining, Liu Wennian sighed in his heart that some people’s talents can’t help but make people envious and jealous!

The forbidden bow is actually a relatively tasteless weapon in the army. Its power is amazing, but it is too difficult to control. “Banning” means banning cell movement to destroy cell vitality, and no living thing can resist weapons with such effects.

But compared to the application in actual combat, this weapon is destined to be regarded as the private collection of researchers. After all, it is very laborious to let soldiers draw bows and shoot arrows at a slow speed. In the ever-changing battle situation, where would anyone shoot arrows slowly?

But now Liu Wennian has seen a person with his own eyes. The speed of drawing a bow and shooting arrows is astonishingly fast. What is even more amazing is that he can shoot several arrows at the same time, and several arrows are aimed at multiple targets without affecting each other? !

Except for envy, jealousy and hatred, Liu Wennian couldn’t say anything.

Liu Wennian helped Xia Ruize to point out the location of the observation deck. Not far behind them, there was a simple stand that was temporarily built.

After the logistics staff freed their hands, watchtowers were set up in all four directions of the camp, so that soldiers who were good at long-range combat could more easily attack the bugs outside the shield.

Xia Ruize approached the observatory according to the order, and controlled the mecha and jumped onto the temporary metal platform. After three jumps, he was standing higher than the height of the protective cover. At a glance, he could see the whole battlefield outside the camp. Seeing that the sand in the distance kept churning, a giant khaki bug jumped out of the hole.

The metal mecha pulled a huge bow with both arms. As the bow got bigger and bigger, three energy arrows were formed on the bow, and they were quickly pushed out by the huge force. The three giant khaki bugs that jumped out were broken by the neck.

The bodies of the three bugs that fell before they could fully jump blocked the hole in the ground, and the bugs after the impact were not able to rush out immediately.

The corners of Xia Ruize’s mouth twitched happily, and she stared at the hole in the ground. The moment those worms jumped out of the hole, their bodies stretched, unable to hide their short and fragile necks, it was a good time to attack.

Several waves of giant khaki bugs all died the moment they jumped out of the burrow. The worms were forced to dig new burrows elsewhere. The commanding Xia Ruize had an excellent view. Where were the burrows of the worms? Just follow where.

The commanders in the camp quickly noticed Xia Ruize’s excellent performance, and quickly arranged for logistics personnel to continue to raise the temporary metal bracket under Xia Ruize, and handed over the command authority of the two drones to Xia Ruize for him to find a suitable one. perspective.

With the cooperation of logistics, Xia Ruize forced the South he was in charge to not add a new bug within ten minutes, and his superb archery skills made the soldiers in the battle involuntarily cast some attention.

Cheng Huaiqian and Yourongyan, if it weren’t for an emergency, he would definitely have to show off his lover.

Without a steady stream of bugs emerging, the soldiers realized that the enemies outside the protective cover were finally not endless, and it seemed that no matter how much they could kill them, they couldn’t finish killing them.

The reduction in the number of bugs surrounding the camp made people feel joy and hope. At this moment, a mecha squad appeared in the distance. What made the people in the camp nervous was that the number of mechas was obviously unusually small and large. Most of the mechas are in poor condition, and some broken lines are exposed.

This is the fourth exploration team that has returned to the camp. Standing at a high place, Xia Ruize can see at a glance that there were forty-five soldiers in the team when they went out, but only thirty-five returned, and every mecha was damaged. , is in urgent need of maintenance.

Xia Ruize shot four rounds of forty arrows in the direction of the team’s return to help them clear the passage back to the camp. After seeing them being picked up by the logistics soldiers and entering the camp, he stopped paying attention and continued to stare at the new Come to the hole to clean up.

With the return of this team, their encounters were quickly known to everyone, whether they encountered a swamp, or a swamp that looked completely indistinguishable from sand, and what was even more terrifying was that there were bugs in the swamp.

The return of this squad also opened the prelude to the concentrated return of the exploration squads. Next, at a frequency of five to ten minutes, several squads continued to return to the camp. What shocked the soldiers in the camp was that the longer the return time was. Later, the state of the squad gets worse.

Half an hour later, the last returning team was reduced to ten people.

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