Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 177 - support

Most of the mechas took advantage of the opportunity of the collapse of the insect wall to pass through the insect wall, but a small number of mechas did not seize the key opportunity and were blocked by the new insect wall again.

This location is not within the coverage of the star network of the camp, and there is a delay in the transmission of information from the camp. Before the arrival of new fire support, I wonder if those mechas can hold on?

Xia Ruize opened the forbidden bow while running, and more than ten forbidden arrows shot at the insect wall at the same time. In three consecutive rounds, more than 40 forbidden arrows smashed a small vacancy in the insect wall.

But almost as soon as the vacancy appeared, the vacancy was blocked by other bugs, and Xia Ruize’s attack did not work at all against the huge bug wall.

In the face of the brutal race war, Xia Ruize finally realized that there is an upper limit to manpower, and his heart was filled with a strong sense of powerlessness.

Xia Ruize unknowingly slowed down his running speed because of the attack. Cheng Huaiqian, who stayed by his side the whole time, also slowed down. At the same time, he waved his mecha arm to signal others to continue to return.

Realizing that he was powerless to change, Xia Ruize turned his head and stopped looking, and chased his comrades to the camp with Cheng Huaiqian who was with him.

Finally, the mecha warriors who escaped from the insect wall entered the coverage area of ​​the star network of the camp. At this point, the camp can provide them with real-time fire support and cover their retreat, and the warriors can finally let go of half of their hearts.

When the soldiers cleared the oasis, the logisticians who stayed behind the camp did not sit still, but laid a connected piece of metal floor on the sandy ground around the camp.

These metal floors are sturdy and thick, so the bugs can’t burrow out of the metal floor-covered areas in the future.

The mecha stepped on the metal floor with a loud “bang, bang, bang” sound, and finally jumped into the camp.

When they finally returned to a safe place, the mecha door opened, and the soldiers who jumped out of the cockpit were exhausted.

The logistics personnel held water pipes and sprayed clean water to cool down the mecha parked in the center of the camp. The headquarters transferred the pictures recorded by the mecha, quickly analyzed the battle situation, and counted the number of casualties.

Cheng Huaiqian gently pulled Xia Ruize back to the rest area to take a good shower, put on the new combat uniform in the closet, and sat on the seat in front of the rest area with a bag of energy-rich but tasteless nutrient solution. up, and together look southeast of the camp.

Knowing that the people who are left behind are more fortunate than others, Xia Ruize still hopes to see someone return.

Half an hour later, a large number of drones withdrew to the camp, but not a single mecha appeared in their sight.

All the soldiers who returned to the camp were called to the conference room, which was even more empty. Because more than one hundred soldiers were sacrificed in the previous battle, only four hundred and fifty soldiers were left in the conference room.

The atmosphere in the conference room, which was not half full, was deadly, and the faces of the surviving warriors did not show the joy of the rest of their lives, only numbness.

Ten hours after landing on Erdogan, more than half of the human casualties were lost, and only a small number of the injured were dead.

If this trend continues, even if they are still alive now, it will not be certain in a few hours.

The large screen in the conference room is playing a drone-recorded image of the soldiers passing through the insect wall.

The mechas that were blocked by the new insect wall could not wait for the next round of support from the camp. The green giant insects that had never left the oasis range before all dispatched, and the khaki giant insects on the sand were outflanking front and back, and the insects piled up quickly. He kept squeezing the living space of the human mecha warriors, and finally, countless “flying insects” threw all the mechas in midair to the ground.

The drone is still recording, under the sharp forelimbs of the bugs, the mecha is divided into countless fragments, with those fragments, the khaki bugs quickly disappeared to the ground, and the green bugs returned to the oasis again.

It only took less than two minutes to go from a mountain of insects to a sea of ​​insects.

The new round of artillery fire from the human camp only blew huge potholes out of the messy ground, but caused very few bug casualties.

Seeing the follow-up results with their own eyes made some soldiers red-eyed.

In the silent conference room, a new picture appeared on the big screen.

The camp sent small robots that were good at burrowing into the ground with the khaki bugs, trying to track down the khaki bug’s lair.

According to the pictures returned by the robot, humans found that there are huge passages extending in all directions at a depth of more than ten meters underground.

After ten minutes of screen time, the robot was crushed by passing bugs, and the screen disappeared.

But in these ten minutes, mankind has been shown a huge underground bug empire, countless passages, and countless bugs…

On the other side, the drone that followed the green bug back to the jungle has a more important discovery.

The last picture before the drone was destroyed was the depths of the oasis, where huge tree roots were connected, and countless vines crisscrossed, building a huge insect nest together. Countless large and small green giant insects traveled back and forth in the nest.

When the screen playback ended, the captain knocked on the table and said loudly:

“Cheer up, little guys, I know you are a little frustrated, but you must know that the opponent you are facing is a terrifying enemy that can be ranked at the forefront in the history of the Alliance’s pioneering record.

We already know that those **** bugs are organized and orderly, and they even change their attack methods based on our performance. In addition, there are means of communication between different types of bugs and temporary cooperation. possible.

This series of performances made the headquarters suspect that among the bugs, there are bugs with ‘wisdom’ hidden.

Oh, how horrible, how **** it!

Smart enemies will make it infinitely harder for us to explore this planet! “

The captain cursed a few words in an unpleasant tone. Seeing that the conference room was still in a dead atmosphere, the soldiers had no interest in what he said, so they had to change the subject and encouraged:

“Little guys, the good news is here, the headquarters has promised to release a large number of special soldiers within ten hours to support our pioneering, and within five hours to release the HS-9 heavy-fire all-terrain mecha to ensure you security.

Of course, the premise is that you have to control the Type 9 mecha for more than an hour in the simulation cabin in the training area.

Take it easy, your task will be simple. After five hours, cooperate with the logistics staff to lay more metal plates and expand the camp.

Trust me, this is really an easy and safe task.

Well, now you have five hours of rest time, remember to go to the simulation cabin in the training area to try your fit rate with the Type 9 mecha, I believe you will fall in love with the most advanced HS-9 type mecha in the Federation. the power of. “

Only the “support” part of the good news from the brigade commander made the soldiers a little interested. Hearing other content, there was no change, even when he heard the brigade commander announce the end of the meeting, he got up and left the conference room listlessly.

Liu Wennian did not leave the conference room in a hurry, but turned to look at Xia Ruize, carefully observed his expression, and finally whispered:

“Although I know you are in a bad mood, I still suggest that we should go to the simulation cabin in the training area to try it out. If the compatibility rate with the HS-9 mecha is not enough, go back to rest. Enough, it’s better to sacrifice the rest time and practice the control of the new mecha.”

Liu Wennian’s voice was solemn:

“The command did not lie on this point. The HS-9 heavy-fire all-terrain mecha is the most advanced of the standard mechas currently equipped by the military. I have never controlled it, but I heard that its control There is a big change in the way, and the requirements for the driver are extremely high.”

“Do you think that the previous burial objects are not valuable enough to equip these half-baked recruits with a new mecha that the veterans have never touched?” Cheng Huaiqian sneered.

According to the information they received when they first came to this mission world, the 1,000 soldiers of this pioneering team were randomly selected by the whole army by lottery, and their strengths were uneven.

Well now, after two rounds of battles, all those with insufficient strength were eliminated, and then they were offered to change their equipment?

Liu Wennian hesitated for a moment, then turned his head to look left and right. Those who stayed near them were all comrades who had fought side by side for a whole day and supported each other several times. He lowered his voice and said:

“The headquarters has a lot of information that has not been disclosed to us. Among these information, there must be some that make the headquarters and the top officials of the federation excited. Only for this reason will the high-level officials decide to release special fighters and replace them. Powerful equipment.

This is the point. As the first people to come into contact with bugs, we are valuable in the eyes of the people above. They will not let us idle, but will definitely let us continue to go to the battlefield and use our combat experience to give follow-up experience. people to provide references and reduce their casualties.

There is no way we can refuse the task, all we can do is try to improve our survival. “

After Liu Wennian finished speaking, the surrounding soldiers nodded in agreement.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other, Cheng Huaiqian asked tentatively, “Why can’t you refuse?”

He was really puzzled. The casualties of the pioneering team had exceeded half, and the remaining soldiers were only in low spirits, but no one had proposed to refuse the mission of the command. Are these soldiers not afraid of death?

The people around looked at Cheng Huaiqian in surprise, seeming to wonder why Cheng Huaiqian would ask such a question.

With a helpless expression on Liu Wennian’s face, he first explained to the people around him: “Recruit, recruit, understand.”

Then he explained to Cheng Huaiqian: “We died on the battlefield, and our families far behind can be well taken care of by the Federation, but if we deserted, we would go to a military court!

At that time, not only will our life be worse than death, but our families in the rear will be implicated, our jobs will be lost, we will not be able to enjoy citizen benefits, and we will be looked down upon by everyone! Do you want your child to be bullied by other children from an early age and not dare to fight back and always be inferior to others? “

Well, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize understand, the punishment here is to sit in a row, so even if these warriors know that the extremely difficult task will kill them, they can only act according to their orders.

A group of more than 30 people left the conference room and turned to the training area. Taking advantage of the few people around, Liu Wennian lowered his voice and instructed Cheng Huaiqian: “Don’t say anything like that, you are already standing here, there are ways to make you even No court-martial can stay here forever and give you the title of deserter.”

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