Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 181 - flip

The flying parts of the Type 6 mecha have a lift-off capability of only about ten meters, and there is a premise to function, that is, there is ground to rely on below. Now that there is no ground, the flying parts of the Type 6 mecha have become decorations.

Although the Type 9 mecha has a stronger flight ability, the Type 9 mecha itself is too heavy and it is the first to fall. Above the Type 9 mecha, there are Type 6 mechas and countless bugs smashing down. It was so smashed that there was no chance for the Type 9 mech to lift off.

Moreover, the area where the ground collapsed was too large, and there were no surrounding walls that could be leveraged. A pile of overweight mechas made of metal could only fall down.

At the time of crisis, Xia Ruize only had time to meet Cheng Huaiqian. The two giant mecha hands clasped tightly together, and then threw a rope to bind Gao Hexuan’s mecha. .

The precious energy saved is used to adjust the falling direction at the critical moment, so as to avoid crashing into the stone wall and crashing.

The underground potholes seemed to have no end. In the process of falling, in order to avoid various obstacles, the soldiers’ mechas gradually dispersed.

After falling straight down, there may be a distance of thousands of meters. The debris that the three people kept knocking down finally heard the echo of hitting the ground. The three of them quickly spread the wings of the Type 9 mecha and turned on the engines on the wings. Maximum power, the upward thrust recoils against the falling gravity, decelerates continuously, and finally “landing” safely.

The trio’s mechas landed on the level ground smoothly. The biggest good news is that no one was killed in the process of falling. The bad news is that they got into real trouble.

After they stood firm, they turned on the headlights on the mecha and looked around, and what they saw were the passages dug by countless bugs, large and small, and the bugs that were crowded with the passages watching them quietly together.

This scene is like a nightmare.

Gao Hexuan stared at the screen in the cockpit of the mecha, frightened by the number of insects around him, and only had five words in his mind: “God is going to kill us!”

Xia Ruize’s first reaction was to look up, and he couldn’t see a trace of the sky, only the lights scattered in the endless darkness.

Obviously, in the face of the big killer type 9 mechas sacrificed by humans, the swarm has also sacrificed a big killer. They are afraid that they have not dug through the entire planet long ago to be able to dig out such a deep one in such a short period of time. In the pit, nearly five hundred human mecha warriors were buried.

“Tsk, it’s really unpredictable…”

Cheng Huaiqian sighed with emotion.

If it wasn’t them who fell into desperation, they would definitely sigh at the feat of the bugs, but unfortunately, it was themselves who fell into the pile of bugs now, and they should think about how to escape.

“You said, mecha plus aircraft, do we have a chance to fly up?”

Xia Ruize looked around at the bugs in the surrounding wall passages, and couldn’t help but lower his voice to ask.

The aircraft was a skateboard-style high-tech equipment that they obtained in a previous mission world, and could rely on energy crystals to achieve flight. There was no limit to the height. It was the first equipment that Xia Ruize thought of in the current state.

Thinking of the long time it took to fall, Xia Ruize had doubts about climbing up manually.

During the discussion, except for the headlights, the three did not control the mecha to perform any actions, for fear that their rash actions would stimulate the surrounding bugs and attract the siege of the bugs.

“I’m afraid it won’t work.” Cheng Huaiqian shook his head, “The flying ability of this broken mecha is too unreliable. If you rely on an iron-clad aircraft, you are afraid that it will be thrown down by ‘flying insects’.”

Having said this, Cheng Huaiqian paused for a while, and suddenly asked Xia Ruize, “By the way, how are you feeling now?”

Xia Ruize was stunned by this question, tilted his head to feel it carefully, and replied hesitantly after a long time:

“Actually, I don’t feel very bad now. It seems that the current state is not dangerous before it falls… Maybe it is because this is a long-term task, and it will never put us in a situation of death on the first day?”

Xia Ruize’s voice carried a hesitation that he couldn’t believe. If Xia Ruize knew what was going on on the ground now, he would probably know why he felt this way.

Previously, the ground suddenly collapsed, causing more than 400 Type 6 mechas and more than 60 Type 9 mechas that were being cleaned at the edge of the oasis to fall into the pit. During the fall, if the mecha was not controlled in time to avoid the middle The obstacles, hit the wall, hit the stone, all are the end of the machine crash.

At the same time, countless khaki bugs suddenly appeared along the metal plate road on the ground. Against the attacks of the weapons on the metal plate road and the firepower supported by the human camp, the thick metal plates were forcibly cut and split into countless pieces. , brought back underground.

The camp headquarters, stunned by seeing all the soldiers fall into the pit, soon lost its real-time grasp of the front line again, and could only dispatch drones urgently, wondering what happened on the front line?

The situation on the front line was completely turned upside down.

All the mechas on the edge of the oasis fell into huge pits, and the Type 9 mechas controlled by the sixty special soldiers who went deep into the oasis also encountered an unprecedented crisis.

The brave special fighters directly lined up to go deep into the oasis. After 20 minutes, they finally saw the huge insect nest they had seen in the video data before.

The only difference is that the insect nest in front of them is empty, and it seems that there are not a few green giant insects in sight.

The three squads are separated by a certain distance from each other, and they are guaranteed to communicate with each other, and approach the worm nest together.

After the three squads were all in place, at almost the same time, countless shells were fired from the muzzles of the Type 9 mecha. The target was the huge worm nest connected by vines and trees not far away.

After several rounds of shells smashed the worm nest in front of it, the huge Type 9 mecha rushed towards the middle of the worm nest with the momentum of the ground shaking.

Under the superb control level of the special fighters, the huge HS-9 mecha is extremely flexible in action, running, jumping, and climbing are all a problem.

The weapon still held in the mecha’s hand is surrounded by super-high temperature flames. Wherever the weapon goes, the flame quickly spreads along the vines.

But after really rushing to the center of the worm’s nest, the special soldiers confirmed that it was not an illusion before, and the number of worms within the line of sight was extremely small.

The leading squad leaders frowned, intuitively realizing that something was not right.

The video data they watched when they were in the camp clearly showed that the insect nest was full of large and small green bugs, but now they have really invaded the insect nest, only to find out, what about the insects?

The bewildered warriors began to search separately, and while searching, they ignited all the surrounding vines with their weapons, seemingly preparing to burn the entire worm nest to the ground.

When the tall trees fell to the ground, countless dust was thrown, and in the depths of the jungle, an apocalyptic scene.

Soon, a soldier was keenly aware that the sound of trees falling to the ground seemed to be too much.

After his reminder, the other soldiers finally found out after careful observation that there were a lot of green bugs hidden on the edge of the nest, and they were also trying to cut down the trees around the nest.

“Ha, are those little things trying to cut down trees and surround us? It’s pathetic.”

The special fighters laughed mercilessly at their opponents. Since they had been discovered, how could the worm’s plan succeed?

I saw the squad leader wave his hand, and the soldiers scattered and rushed to the bugs that were doing damage in their own nests. The fighting spirit was burning, and they were about to destroy all the bugs in sight. Let the command take a good look at their special soldiers. A huge gap between ordinary weak chickens.

The special soldiers in the depths of the oasis do not know that the compatriots outside the oasis have fallen into the endless pits. If they knew, they would definitely pay more attention to the ground under their feet.

I saw that the previously flat and firm ground suddenly had countless potholes. These potholes were huge in size. Even if the Type 9 mecha stepped into it, it would fall due to unstable balance.

Almost at the same time, more than a dozen Type 9 mechas that stepped into the pothole with one foot fell heavily to the ground, swaying countless dust. Even if the other mechas could barely stabilize their center of gravity, they were about to pull out the metal legs that had fallen into the pothole, only to find that the bugs hidden at the top of the trees overhead and the bugs around the nest were all rushing over.

Fortunately, the special fighters with rich combat experience are not anxious about the small mistakes at the moment. The frontal confrontation of the enemy will only make them excited, and immediately activate the terrorist weapons on the Type 9 mecha, so that most of the bugs are close to the aircraft. A has been turned into a stump before.

The human mecha fell into the pothole like a switch, and countless green bugs that had not been seen before suddenly appeared in the jungle. Their shapes and the surrounding environment were perfectly integrated, so that when they did not move, it was difficult for humans to Found their traces, but now that they are moving, the sight of human beings has become a shade of green.

It is difficult for human mechas to stand. As long as they walk on the ground, they will step on a pit. The deep and shallow pits will test the energy and control level of the soldiers, but if the mecha rises in the air, insects will keep falling from the top of the head. , fell directly to the mecha.

The bugs are not afraid of death, and use their lives to consume the energy of the special soldier mecha and the weapons and ammunition reserves.

After the stalemate battle lasted for half an hour, the leading captains realized that it would not be good for them to continue the fight.

Anyway, their purpose of going deep into the oasis this time is to test the true strength of the swarm’s lair. At present, they have collected enough data to retreat.

After reaching an agreement, the three teams began to move towards the outside of the oasis.

Seemingly realizing that the human beings were about to evacuate, the attack of the insects suddenly became sharper, and the dense entanglement of the insects that were not afraid of death finally made the special soldiers who participated in the war feel psychologically uncomfortable. The aborigines of this planet were unexpectedly tough and good at fighting.

The special fighters who moved out of the jungle with difficulty step by step experienced firsthand how easy it was when they came in and how hard it was when they went out.

Finally, human casualties occurred.

Because there is a kind of deep pit on the ground that is no problem just standing up, but the attacking insects stumble on the footsteps and stand for a few seconds before suddenly falling down, making the human warriors hard to guard against, and will fall more than ten meters at once, the mecha’s The bottom half falls completely into the pit.

What’s even worse is that the mecha was completely thrown over by the insects that rushed over when it fell. Once the mecha fell, even with the support of teammates, it was very likely that it would not be able to stand up again.

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