Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 186 - new

The phantom is a spiritual body. The process of evolving towards Wang Xu is also a process of gradually generating wisdom. Xiaobai, who follows humans, is gradually learning how humans communicate, and now he can communicate with Xia Ruize simply.

When Xiaobai informed Xia Ruize that the white jade worm was dragged into the **** world, Xia Ruize’s eyes brightened and he became interested. He helped Xiaobai to design a scene of a human army breaking through the underground lair, and also observed the Zerg’s reaction and trump card by the way.

Of course, under the bombardment of countless “weapon bombs”, he finally succeeded in making the white jade bug, who was trapped in the **** world, think he was “dead”.

The white jade worm, who “died” once in the **** world, has no memory of his sleep after waking up. Except for a slight discomfort in his mental state, he doesn’t know what kind of trap the insidious and cunning humans have set for it.

On the other hand, humans temporarily huddled in the camp shield without much movement, quietly waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

The three days passed quickly. During the period, only the virtual shadow was really busy. All creatures that could be dragged into the Scarlet World were forced to visit the Scarlet World many times.

When a creature dies in a blood-colored world, apart from feeling slightly unwell after waking up, it truly loses its vitality. Those vitality are all turned into the nutrients of the phantom, making the phantom grow stronger.

The most terrifying part of the phantom is that it kills people silently. If those target creatures continue to be dragged into the blood-colored world by the phantom, they will never wake up after a certain number of times.

Three days later, the support troops sent by the Human General Headquarters finally landed on Erdogan. The difference is that this time it was not a petty fight with the pioneering team. Dozens of spaceships landed one after another, leaving 10,000 soldiers behind. and countless supplies.

Fortunately, the logistics staff of the camp have done a good job in expanding the camp in advance. Now the scope of the human camp has been expanded by five times, which is enough to accommodate the skyrocketing soldiers.

There were also higher-level commanders who landed in the camp with the support force. The commander sent by the general headquarters directly replaced the command authority of the previous brigade captain and was responsible for managing the entire camp.

The first order issued by the commander was to send someone to control the more than 70 surviving soldiers who had previously returned to the camp for isolation and interrogation.

The surviving soldiers with bewildered faces were escorted by guards with guns and live ammunition, and they were sent to temporary interrogation rooms, where they were repeatedly asked by professional interrogators about the details of the day’s task.

The soldiers with ghosts on their backs only felt that the peaceful life of the previous few days seemed to be fake, and they answered various questions cautiously and cautiously, with layers of sweat coming out of their backs.

But the personnel in charge of the interrogation are professionals transferred from the Internal Suppression Force. Their daily work is to toss the people inside the military department, and they have very rich experience and methods.

Not long after some unfortunate soldiers were separated for interrogation, errors and loopholes appeared in their rhetoric under the panic, and under the coercion and intimidation of the interrogators, their emotions collapsed and they were completely exposed.

At this time, the interrogators in turn began to inquire about the internal situation of the Zerg. Unfortunately, most of the people who opened their mouths to answer were unable to say a complete sentence, and their body fell softly and completely lost their breath.

After being surprised, the interrogators immediately reported and confirmed that these warriors had the means of Zerg detection and control.

The door of a dark interrogation room was opened, and a dazzling light came in. Someone appeared at the door, covered with a black outline by the light.

Cheng Huaiqian put his head on his hands, stared calmly at the pen in the interrogator’s hand in a daze, and did not give any unnecessary reaction to the changes at the door.

A group of people walked into the interrogation room. The former pioneer team leader respectfully followed behind a young man, his sturdy waist bent in a humble arc, and even the folds of his uniform were pleasing. The new commander said:

“That’s it, I first said that I had seen the Black Flame Stone.”

There was absolutely nothing between his words and actions that he once patted the surviving soldiers on the shoulder and promised them that they would receive merit and promotion.

The young commander sat in the position that the interrogator wisely gave up, with a cruel smile and cold eyes, looked at Cheng Huaiqian who was in a daze with interest, and said slowly:

“The number of people who came back has changed from the original 75 to 58. Hey, it’s strange. They stayed in the room well, why did they suddenly die? I heard that you are a warrior who returned from fighting. What do you think? say?”

Cheng Huaiqian raised his eyes to look at the other party, and asked in a calm tone, “For example?”

“For example, what interests did those inferior bugs use to impress you and make you turn back as their lackeys?”

The commander’s tone was mocking and his eyes were contemptuous.

What he despised were these weak-minded soldiers, and what he despised even more was that the Zerg used such crude methods.

“Is life enough?”

Cheng Huaiqian was not surprised, he just asked a question casually, as if he was casually talking about today’s weather with a stranger on the coast on vacation.

The current situation is also in the possible situation that Cheng Huaiqian speculates. Knowing that the mecha has the recording function, he is not very confident that the fake battle scene can be fooled.

The performance of the new commander just proves that the high-level human beings know very well that the enemy they face is an intelligent race, so they suspect that the so-called “surviving soldiers” who returned to the camp are fake.

In fact, they are indeed fake, and naturally they cannot withstand strict scrutiny. Cheng Huaiqian speculates that the soldiers who died in the commander’s mouth are all exposed, but they don’t know where they died, human beings? Or Zerg?

“Hahaha, the young man is very courageous. Don’t worry, I will not embarrass you. As long as you tell the truth about the Black Flame Stone you have seen, I will not embarrass you.”

The commander laughed recklessly, looking at Cheng Huaiqian as if he was looking at a little bug that couldn’t struggle and was about to be pinched to death.

Cheng Huaiqian just looked at him with a calm expression, his mouth didn’t move, and he didn’t say a word, showing his uncooperative attitude.

The commander sneered and threatened:

“Do you think you can escape without speaking? I think you want to try the latest interrogation methods of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!”

Cheng Huaiqian, whose hands and feet are locked by metal chains, has so far only been tortured mentally, and the interrogators have not yet started to perform physical torture.

What interrupted the commander’s threat was the latest news reported by his soldiers: countless bugs surrounded the camp.

Taking a deep look at Cheng Huaiqian, whose mouth was tightly closed, the young commander got up and led someone out of the interrogation room. Compared with entanglement with these traitors who would not be around for a long time, it was more important to personally command the battle and meet the bugs for a while.

Baiyu Bugs learned from Little White Bugs that humans had sent reinforcements, and also knew that humans had discovered the soldiers they rebelled against. Realizing that the plan they laid out had failed, Baiyu Bugs was not disappointed, and sent an army of bugs to prepare real swords and real guns. To test the strength of the human reinforcement team.

On the human side, the warriors who had just landed on the planet immediately went into battle in a tense and orderly manner.

The lessons learned by the soldiers of the frontier brigade in exchange for blood have been conveyed to the newly deployed support soldiers, so that they can adapt to the battle with the Zerg at the fastest speed, and the number of human soldiers has increased greatly, although the insects besieging the camp this time. Too many to see the edge, but the human warriors are still full of confidence.

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