Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 19 - Retrofit

“I have a suggestion, it’s late at night, you can’t go even if you want to go now, I have more than ten horses here, as long as you help me with some work, I can give them to you, and when the sky is bright, you can rely on the horses Pull the car and run faster.”

Waiting patiently for the townspeople below to quiet down, Cheng Huaiqian made a loud suggestion.

On the west side of the barbarian camp, there was an area dedicated to fifteen war horses. Now that the barbarians have fallen, these war horses should naturally change their owners. Cheng Huaiqian unceremoniously assigned them to his team’s property.

Cheng Huaiqian’s suggestion made the citizens of Bianlu City lose their words, and they all stared desperately to see the two people on the tower.

War horses are very precious resources. Barbarian war horses are even more valuable high-end war horses. If they are sold in Daxia, one can sell for tens to hundreds of taels of gold. More than ten war horses are thousands of taels of gold, so precious war horses. , what did the strong man on the tower say? to send them? Are their ears broken?

In the stunned silence, three people walked out of the crowd. The leader was an old man who was over fifty years old, next to a tall middle-aged man and a short and fat middle-aged man.

When the other city residents saw them coming forward, they subconsciously stepped back and gave way. It was obvious that these three people in Bianlu City belonged to the leaders with higher reputation and more right to speak.

The tall middle-aged man went straight to the front, raised his hand and saluted Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize with fists, and asked the question they were most concerned about on behalf of the other city residents:

“The strong man really wants to give me the war horse to wait?”

This question is so unbelievable that the middle-aged man obviously lacks confidence when he asks it.

Everyone stared at Cheng Huaiqian closely, because the night was too dark, and only the area illuminated by the torches of the barbarian camp was bright. Some people couldn’t help but take two steps forward, trying to see the expressions of the two on the city wall.

Cheng Huai nodded solemnly in the eyes of the city residents in Bianlu City and promised:

“Yes, my companions and I will continue to stay in Bianlu City to stop the barbarians. We only need two war horses, and the other war horses will be given to you.

However, my gift is conditional. Before dawn, all of you must work for me according to my requirements. The work you do makes me satisfied. These war horses are my reward to you. “

Although Cheng Huaiqian has made it clear that his gift is conditional and that the citizens of Bianlu City have to work for him, the citizens of Bianlu City still can’t believe it. The sum is not enough to buy an ordinary war horse, but can get more than ten high-end war horses as a reward? Are they still awake?

At this time, the middle-aged cook brought his son back, and was immediately surrounded by circles, so he personally told several prestigious leaders and other city residents about the facts he had seen.

After hearing the two people on the city wall face each other and kill dozens of barbarians, everyone gasped, their scalps tingling with fear, and the three leaders looked at each other, and suddenly realized clearly that this work , they have to do it, they have to do it.

Otherwise, no one is sure whether the two strong men on the tower will “convince” them and let them experience the power of the big sword for themselves.

So, the three leaders came to the front of the city wall together, and with Cheng Huaiqian’s permission, they bit the bullet and stepped on the barbarians all over the ground to climb the steps and walked to the city tower.

Then, several people formed a circle and listened respectfully and seriously to Cheng Huaiqian’s specific requirements.

Cheng Huaiqian didn’t care what the city residents of Bianlu City were thinking at all, he just wanted to borrow their labor to realize his plan to deal with the enemy.

This plan was an action plan made by Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize after they had counted all their belongings before the city residents of Bianlu City gathered.

They want to mobilize all the labor force of Bianlu City, and within a few hours, transform the entire Bianlu City into a huge trap. After that, when the citizens of Bianlu City are evacuated, they will use the entire city as a battlefield to fight the intruders. A barbarian battle.

Cheng Huaiqian has learned the trap technique, which is like a tiger with wings. As long as the traps are made by himself or under the direction of his own command, they will feedback the power and success rate of the traps after the traps are completed.

Even if it is the same trap, the power and success rate made by Xia Ruize are not comparable to those made by Cheng Huaiqian.

Next, Cheng Huaiqian, as the chief commander, and Xia Ruize, as the chief engineer, directed the more than 700 surviving citizens of Bianlu City to act, and a vigorous urban transformation came.

Countless torches illuminated the main road of Bianlu City like daylight. The city was full of busy city residents, and everyone was arranged clearly. It was obviously an early spring night, but many people were sweating profusely.

No way, Xia Ruize recorded all the city residents who participated in the labor, and gave them points according to the results of their labor.

According to the requirements of the two strong men, the more than ten war horses that were given to the citizens of Bianlu City, how to divide the money in the end, the reference is the score recorded in their names today.

That is to say, the harder you work now, the more work you do, the better, and the more money you will get at that time.

Even the young children know what they can do to help, and the townspeople are even more aware that the more points are divided, the more involved is not a small amount of money, but a large amount of money calculated in gold.

No one will not try their best to make money for themselves and their family at this time.

Under the hard work of hundreds of people, the whole city is changing rapidly, gradually showing its hideous side.

At seven o’clock in the morning, the sky was slightly bright, and the old and weak women and children were allowed to go home to pack their luggage, while the young and strong laborers completed the trap arrangement work under the command of Cheng Huaiqian.

After the sky was completely bright, the thirteen war horses in the trolleys were ready to go. A lot of food and luggage were stacked on the trolleys, and there were some old and weak women and children sitting on the edge of the trolleys.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize stood side by side at the city gate in the south of the city to see off the city residents. The three worked together for a whole night. The leaders who already knew their temperament came to say goodbye on behalf of the city residents.

“Two strong men, we are about to set off, take care of you!”

“Hurry up and go. Go as far as you can. When you get to the right place to sell these war horses, you will have money to resettle them.”

Xia Ruize handed over the account book he kept overnight to the leading old man. This account book is a “credit book” written down by Xia Ruize on an individual or family basis according to the city’s own requirements. He told the leading old man to follow the The amount of credit on the credit book is used to share the money for selling the war horse.

This account book is open to the public. In the morning, whoever wants to see Xia Ruize will not refuse, so many city residents already know how much credit they have, and they are eagerly staring at this account book, full of anticipation .

The city residents of Bianlu City have been harassed by barbarians all the year round, and it is not that they do not want to leave.

But it’s different now. These more than ten war horses are their biggest guarantee and trump card. After they move to a suitable city, as long as they sell the war horses, they will have the money to be naturalized in the new place, buy a few acres of land, and be happy. live on.

This is a major event that concerns everyone’s vital interests. The old man solemnly took the account book and kept it properly.

After saying goodbye to each other, the long migration team officially set off. The woman who had been rescued by Xia Ruize before suddenly ran over from the team, shoved the two baskets in her hand to Xia Ruize, and ran away in a hurry.

Xia Ruize opened it and saw that under a clean blue cloth, various foods were covered, including dry food, bacon, clean water and melons and fruits. He was afraid that the two of them would stay in the empty Bianlu City and have nothing to eat, so he simply prepared them for them. All right?

A woman took the lead, and several women rushed over and put the basket at their feet. Xia Ruize quickly said that they had enough left, and they didn’t need it, so take it back.

The tall middle-aged man at the back of the hall stopped Xia Ruize and explained:

“This is a little thought from our city people. The two strong men will accept it. I wish the two strong men a safe victory!”

After speaking, the middle-aged man did not give the two a chance to refuse, and left with the team.

The citizens of Bianlu City are very grateful to Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize. In addition to giving them war horses, the two warriors also gave them a lot of weapons collected from the barbarians, so that they can also protect themselves during the migration.

The townspeople couldn’t give any precious gifts, and they could only send some food carefully prepared by each household. This was their greatest wish.

The migrating team went farther and farther, toward the south, toward the safe hinterland of Daxia.

There was too much food left. Fortunately, the system space was enlarged by the blessing of the space stone, and it was finally able to fit.

After sending off the citizens of Bianlu City, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian returned to the tower on the north wall of the city.

The hall of the tower has been cleaned up, there is no barbarian, and there is no blood. There are several wooden beds on both sides of the hall. On the wooden bed on the right, Luo Jinger is still in a coma.

Luo Jinger’s body has been cleaned by the women, her wounds have been smeared with medicine, and she has been put on a sackcloth, but she has not woken up and has been left here.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian stood on the city tower and looked towards the north of Bianlu City for a while. The barbarians did not arrive at Bianlu City before twelve noon indicated by the mission, so they still had time to rest.

So, the two returned to the wooden bed placed on the left side of the hall, ready to lie down and rest.

In order to verify the guess in his heart, Cheng Huaiqian deliberately pushed the two plank beds that had been placed separately, merged them into one big one, and then lay beside Xia Ruize, facing Xia Ruize with an inexplicable face, Cheng Huaiqian explained righteously:

“Being together has more space, and there is something to feel the movement of another person.”

Xia Ruize reluctantly accepted his explanation without caring much. After working hard all night, he fell asleep not long after laying down.

Lying beside Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian’s drowsiness quickly came up, and it didn’t take long for both of them to breathe calmly.

The whole city was completely silent until Luo Jinger’s screams ripped apart the space.

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