Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 192 - enjoy

Because of this, the coalition forces two hundred years ago only dared to drive the invading insects to Erdogan planet. Before the female insect felt a fatal threat, they blocked the entire planet with an air ban, trapping the invading Zerg and cutting off the female insect. The possibility of split larvae continuing the race.

There is no problem with this strategy. If there is no accident, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the invaders will always go to extinction after exhausting the resources of the entire planet.

The only thing that the predecessors did not expect was that the Federation that had signed the agreement actually violated the agreement and invaded Planet Erdogan again. What is even worse is that there are trialists from the endless world among the soldiers who were put on the planet, making the original situation a foregone conclusion. things happen again.

Of course, the General Headquarters floating in outer space was immersed in the excitement of harvesting the Black Flame Stone, and was unaware of the changes that were taking place on the planet below, and thus missed the last chance to prevent the accident from happening.

After a two-day break, the warriors of the human camp received new orders from the new ruler.

At this time, the anger of the soldiers has calmed down a lot, and they are determined to focus on cooperating to complete the new task. The only problem is that the task they received is too strange to let them act with the bugs? ? ?

The enemy who was still beating to death two days ago suddenly let go of the contradictions and became a group of actors who needed to cooperate with each other. It really made the soldiers feel uncomfortable from the mood to the body.

Fortunately, the worm does not communicate and share embarrassment with humans, and will only obey the mother worm’s order to silently arrive at a suitable venue to cooperate with a plot of repeated defeats and heavy casualties. It can be regarded as a serious and responsible actor without complaint.

The performance of the human side is naturally a plot of victory over the Zerg and singing triumphant songs.

No one would have imagined that the wonderful plot that the two parties will unite will be sent to the general headquarters in outer space for the top officials of the Federation to watch.

The officers gave strong affirmation and encouragement to the results achieved by the ground troops, and even praised the commander’s own commanding ability and his working attitude with a smile on his face every time he reported his work.

Probably because of the long distance and the distortion of the communication signal, they could not see the bitterness in the commander’s eyes.

In addition to not caring about their subordinates, it turns out that the officers have serious bug blindness, and they cannot distinguish different bugs by their appearance, so that they have not found that many bugs in the video are actually familiar actors.

This is because those who can cooperate with the performance are the advanced bugs in the Zerg who can understand the complex commands of the mother bug. As for the common fighting bugs, which account for the absolute number of the Zerg, they are lining up to return to their old nests.

In the deepest part of the Zerg lair, there is a special pool of fire slurry. The insects that died in the previous battle will be dragged into the fire slurry by their companions, melted into the purest energy, and then transformed into new fighting insects.

This pool of fire slurry is actually the innate ability to invade the female insects. The ultra-high temperature fire slurry can melt various resources, and the pure energy extracted can be transformed into countless insects at any time.

This process is partially reversible.

Now the bugs are lining up to actively enter the fire slurry, and the fire slurry will also melt them, and the pure energy extracted will be stored by the white jade insects. When the white jade insects find the right place and timing, these energy will be converted into massive Zerg at any time. .

Xia Ruize stood at the height of the fire slurry, looking at the worms lining up to die below, and his heart was a little shocked.

No wonder the occupying Zerg can run rampant in the universe for a long time, because the group has only one brain to issue orders from top to bottom, all actions are to serve the survival and continuation of the group, coupled with the natural fighting talent, it is indeed a powerful race. .

Xia Ruize looked at the chubby white jade worm beside him that was swaying and commanded by its tentacles. When he thought of taking it away, he was actually taking a group away. Xia Ruize was really a little stressed, and he had already started to think about the appropriate way to place Xiaoyu in his mind.

In addition to queuing up to return to the mother worm, the worms also undertake an important job, that is, mining the black flame stone.

When Xiaoyu informed Xia Ruize that the bugs had mined all the black flame stones contained in the entire planet and stacked them together, Xia Ruize specially invited Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan, and the three walked into the underground hall together, only to see that half of the underground hall was full. The space is occupied by large and small black stones that glow with light.

Xiaoyu’s tentacles swayed slightly, pointing to the black flame stones that were roughly divided into three piles, and introduced:

“Black flame stones are divided into high and low quality. The pile with the least quantity is the best quality black flame stone, the pile with a little more quantity is of slightly lower quality, and the pile with the largest number of black flame stones is of the worst quality, which is stimulating to living things. The least effective.”

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai sneaked to the black flame stone with the best quality, and found that the number of this pile was really small, the large and small pieces were only about 5 cubic meters.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that this pile of black flame stones is of the best quality, each stone is black and shiny, and there are really colorful lines spinning and dancing inside, which can make people fascinated.

“We keep the best ones for our own use.”

Xia Ruize divided the small pile of black flame stones into four parts, each of the three members of the team and the white jade bug.

The three humans waved their hands and put their own portion into the space. The white jade worm looked curious and shook its tentacles. In the end, instead of swallowing the small pile of black flame stones allocated to it, I asked Xia Ruize to put it in the spiritual pet. space.

After all, staying next to the black flame stones in their original state is better and longer than swallowing them.

After dividing up the best quality black flame stones, it is the turn of the medium quality black flame stones. The volume of this pile of black flame stones is obviously much larger. In addition to other mining, it is estimated that there are hundreds of cubic meters.

Needless to say, three people and one worm also divided up the pile.

However, the three of them kept filling their storage spaces and couldn’t finish them.

The rest was distributed to Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu waved her tentacles, and immediately there were worms lining up to pour the pile of black flame stones into the fire slurry. Although the black flame stones could not be taken away, they could take away the energy after melting.

As for the last pile of black flame stones with the largest volume and the worst quality, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian planned and designed them themselves, and then the worms constructed them to “manually” build a mine that looked full of black flame stones.

The scene has been set up, and when the actors are in place, the area where the human warriors and the bugs are playing begins to move underground.

Everything is in order, the commander took the initiative to contact the general headquarters and announced that the war between humans and insects has achieved a substantial victory. The soldiers have entered the Zerg lair and found the Black Flame Stone mining area. The final battle begins.

The commander declared firmly in his tone that he had the confidence to command his subordinates to fight a beautiful victory and get the final ownership of the Black Flame Stone Mine!

For more than ten consecutive days, I heard good news that humans had the upper hand and made a sudden advance in victory. The headquarters’ judgment on the Erdogan Star War situation was already completely inclined to the positive side.

Being misled by the video shot according to the script and the words of the commander, the top federal executives had long ago had the illusion that the entire Erdogan star was already in their pockets, and naturally accepted without any doubt that the final victory was coming. information.

Even, the officers not only have no doubts, but also think that the ground soldiers can move more quickly. Although the soldiers suffered no small casualties, Erdogan has no night, and the soldiers should take advantage of the good times to work around the clock. Fight hard for an early harvest!

Finally, three days later, the commander excitedly reported that they had won the final victory in the race between humans and the Zerg. After eliminating a large number of Zerg’s living forces, the remaining small number of Zerg had hid deep underground, and the entire black flame stone mine All fall into human hands.

Following the Commander’s report, the video sent back by the front line showed a large black and bright black flame stone. The unique brilliance cannot be faked, making the high-level officers of the headquarters dazzled and fascinated. Put your eyes on the screen and watch carefully.

Of course, I can’t wait to hope that the spacecraft will bring back the black flame stone that I can really touch!

Under such circumstances, the commander took advantage of the situation and proposed to invite all the officers to land on Erdogan in person, go to the Black Flame Stone Mine full of special magnetic fields to experience it for himself, and even take the Black Flame Stone to leave Erdogan in person. Invitation, it doesn’t seem abrupt at all.

The officers were obviously a little touched when they heard the words, but they were also apprehensive. After all, Erdogan’s air ban is still very worrying.

However, two days later, after seeing with their own eyes that the physical fitness of the soldiers who were digging and mining the Black Flame Stone Mine on the front line had improved significantly, the top federations in outer space could not sit still.

Seeing is believing, the effect of the black flame stone mine is obviously much better than that of a single black flame stone block, and the opportunity to come into contact with the black flame stone mining area is really rare.

In addition, the mined black flame stones are piled there carelessly, and it is bound to need a spaceship to be transported away from Erdogan star. In this case, why not take this opportunity to experience the black flame stone mine in Erdogan star in person. What about some time?

When the commander received the order to raise the security level, his voice in response to the order was high, but his expression was sad.

He knew that his climbers finally fell into the big devil’s trap as he wished, and when they really landed on Erdogan, I’m afraid they won’t have the chance to leave.

It’s just that the commander has already boarded the pirate ship, so he can’t stand back.

Soon, a spaceship landed on Erdogan, and while putting down some of the top federal officials, it took away a small pile of black flame stones that had just been mined.

It’s not that the spaceship can only carry so many black flame stones, but that the camp has only mined a basket of black flame stones.

The reason given by the commander is that the soldiers under his command have just started to learn to mine the black flame stone ore. In order to avoid destroying the black flame stone, they are very careful, and the mining speed is relatively slow.

This reason is quite reasonable, and more importantly, the officers were escorted to the Black Flame Stone Mine as soon as they landed, and immediately they felt very comfortable from the inside out, full of energy and comfort, and they were just enjoying themselves. , where can I care what the commander is saying.

The top officials of the Federation who stepped into the trap step by step did not know that the black flame stone’s beneficial effect on humans was not so fast and obvious. What really made them feel comfortable and amazed was the ability of the phantom. Yan Shi, it really lives up to its name.

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